Well I am tring but yeah, also I am feeling dizzy and I need to sleep but I am having issues getting to sleep so my mind isn't all to... Well yeah...
Yes I have =/ My deepest sorry, though it sounds familiar to me... Were we in a guild together in WoW? [best way I can recall sometimes]
Neat AxelRed, I feel like I am going to collapse to how tired I am. ><; heh
No I don't, I have bad memory =/ though, the fact you seem to be a WoW person. I may have known you at some time... May I question whom you are?
thank you ^^;
Absol heard the loud cry and rolled his eyes. 'Do I have to stalk him to ensure him to stop having flashbacks?' he wondered. He then began to run back to where the scream add seemly came from so that he could try to snap him out of the effect.