yeah me too ehuehuheue
i feel you lol try to keep it in the past
yeah in like 2011 i was going through old vms and i saw things lol
lol apparently we used to date???
✿ T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S ✿ ✿ location: blazing victory ✿ mood: (」゜ロ゜)」 ✿ theme: sunshine ✿ ✿ ooc: short post bc panicking over post limit ehuehue gomen ✿ Daphne sat in the bar and was all like 'wtf is going on these people are crazy'. She wondered about Mimi and decided to go looking for her friend, who she obviously ended up finding bc the bar wasn't even that big. When she found her, she was like 'babe let's get out of here bc you can get hurt' and ofc her boo agreed. Then the kawaii duo went outside and thought about where they should go together.
finally a thread made for me
hes a tool tbh
no no lol it's from the miniskirt mv... the group is aoa
「 unzip my miniskirt」
kawaii pics ahoy motherfuckers Spoiler: bby pls
♋ T H E x A V A R I C E x D A E M O N ♋ ♋ location: shore near hall of games ♋ mood: (`へ´*)ノ ♋ theme: give it to me ♋ ♋ ooc: n / a ♋ God, these people were so fucking annoying. All of them, conceited assholes who needed to be knocked down a peg or two. If Valens weren't... you know, immortal, he would gladly do away with all of them, keeping their possessions of course. He'd rest happily in his land of Epithymía [ επιθυμία ] knowing that he had everything to himself; no one to interrupt or disrupt him, just him and his belongings. Truly, he felt deep feelings of disgust and hate towards each and every last one of them, flaunting their powers and "brilliant" ideas. It made him sick. Behind their backs, the daemon would shoot them looks of detest and pure revulsion. Sometimes, if he felt bold enough, he would even express his distaste outwardly towards them. He hoped that they would relish in the fact that he even paid half a mind to them publicly. Alas, the other immortals were too full of themselves to see the excellence that was Arius. But regardless, the Valen still had to act amicable towards them. He never knew when he'd need an ally. Not that he wouldn't back stab them afterwards, but still... The whole ordeal with Marina's shitty gameboard introduction and the mysterious bell was irritating. However, he would admit, that the bell's imprinted TIME IS UP was quite unsettling. Arius was well aware of the millennium time limit God sent for them, but he didn't realize it had come so quickly. He didn't seem to mind as much as the others though; it was finally the time for him to claim Godhood for himself. The very thought made him smirk devilishly. That was in the past though, he had to focus on the now: getting out of this goddamn dungeon. It was murky, dirty, and... there was even a bed on fire. Absolutely disgusting. He loathed having to even walk on decaying floor. But unfortunately the situation he was in was less than favorable. Why did he even follow these two fools in the first place? Fucking dumbass Darren and his shitty ideas. Arius couldn't help but feel upset with himself as well, for allowing himself to get into such an uncomfortable and filthy circumstance. "Can anyone break those?" The Valen's violent eyes peered at Crestatia distastefully. No shit, genius. He grunted as Darren approached the bars and produced a pathetically insignificant sonic boom, if it could even be called that. He couldn't help but chuckle to himself before replacing Darren the bars and summoned... a hammer?! "Are you fucking kidding me?!" He sighed, slightly embarrassed, as Crestatia flashed him a look, then proceeded to snatch the hammer from him. "Boost me, please." This was a fucking joke, right? This bitch couldn't be serious. Unfortunately for him, she obviously was when she practically forced Arius to cup his hands. Her grimy heels dug into his palms; he knew that she was enjoying it. He groaned as the female Valen, after a moment of sightseeing[ ? ], shifted her weight back onto their hands and returned to the dungeon floor. She proceeded to remove a metal skirt looking thing from under her dress [ that's what kept it so poofy? ], causing the once voluminous dress to deflate and conform to her body. "Up again." Once more, her grubby heels into their palms as she lifted herself out of the room and out the window. Darren followed, taking the plunge as Crestatia previously had. At long last, it was Arius' turn. He finally got to leave this fucking disgusting hovel and this fucked up castle all together. Gripping the exposed window's rim tightly, the Valen climbed out of the dungeon and began to free fall. It caught him by surprise most definitely, as did the icy-looking water below. Quickly, he summoned a plush-seated, luxury motorboat that appeared below him instantly. He fell onto it, cushioning his fall while also sparing him from getting soaked. He was half-tempted though, to cleanse himself of all the filth he experienced just moments prior. In the far distance, he could barely make out what seemed like a shore. Eagerly, he flicked on the motor and began to boat to his destination. Upon arrival, Arius could make out two figures. Oh great, those two were still around. Granted, there was nowhere else to really go, but he still did not enjoy their company in the slightest. Sluggishly he approached the two, condescendingly asking aloud, "Quite the adventure, huh?"
✿ T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S ✿ ✿ location: hall of games ✿ mood: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✿ theme: sunshine ✿ ✿ ooc: n / a ✿ Daphne obidiently sat as Crestatia had commanded. She introduced the new Valen, Marina and soon took her own seat. The girl couldn't help but admire the demoness' appearance. She always managed to look so... elegant, regal almodt, and fashionable, yet still gave off her infamous intimidating aura. Her purple hair had just the right amount of curl, and her matching eyes seemed to sparkle even when she was upset. It was truly extraordinary. As much as Daphne found Crestatia to be unpleasant and, to put it bluntly, frightening, she still envied her in more ways than one. As Marina began to speak, the Valen's fixated gaze on Crestatia broke and she turned her attention to the speaker. She ran her fingers through her hair and began to twirl the ends around her finger, yawning. Marina was a very good public speaker and she explained her board very well, but unfortunately, even Daphne found it a bit boring and drab. Granted, she'd never done anything like this before so she respected her for that. When Marina announced that everyone had to draw cards for their pawns, shortly after Daphne recieved a copy of the guidelines and passed it along to Mimi who was sitting right next to her, the young Valen felt her heart flutter slightly. This was interactive? Oooh, how delightful! Eagerly, she reached out and grabbed one card for herself: clubs. For a moment, she wondered what Mimi and Luceia got. Returning from her thought, She noticed Arius take two cards immediately after her, shooting Daphne a look before peering at his cards and groaning obnoxiously. Sneakily, she shifted her head and her eyes wandered over to his suits: hearts and clubs. Oooh, their pawns would be on the same team... very interesting! A jolt shook her body as a piercing ringing sound echoed throughout the castle as she jumped slightly. There was a loud ringing in her ears that muffled what the other Valens were saying, but she could get the gist regardless. A bell like this had never rung before and, to be honest, it made the girl worry. Her golden eyes darted from person to person before finally settling on Crestatia and the crew that was accompaning her. She was tempted to tag along, but decided to wait it out with the others. As the bell finally began to quiet down, the ringing in that reverberated within her mind subdued as well. She overheard Sangria mentioning something about scouting the small group out, and she decided she'd join them on their search party expedition. It appeared that the group was stranded in the rooftop garden, at least until Garret opened the gate and held it ajar for them. There was some discussion among some of the Valens that Daphne thought it would be best to stay out of. She saw Gale attempt to part the thick clouds that surrounded the castle, causing Ambrose to subsequently jump off the roof and soar beneath the now dense fog. A few moments passed and he hadn't returned; it worried her greatly. She silently wished for his safety before Rosaline decided to start up the bell again. Ooooooooow...! With all the roof efforts exhausted, everyone headed back into the castle, despite previously watching a southern tower just collapse. She gulped anxiously and fiddled with her hair and dress as they descended back into the main hall. Once there, a few spoke up and claimed that they should split up into search parties and scour the castle for anything that could help them. Daphne followed Mimi, who decided to stick around with Darren and Marina; she disn't really have any objections. Their first stop together was the library. The girl searched franctically, but didn't discover anything useful. Darren seemed to though, so their voyage there wasn't in vain at least. Afterwards, it was decided that they should split up again so they could cover even more areas. Daphne reluctantly agreed, not feeling very confident parting from Mimi. Despite her initial objections, Daphne followed the order and decided to search one of the towers. Even though one had fallen not too long ago, it'd be better to check it before something could happen to it, right? Her heels clacked against the hard flooring as she searched for the entrance to the tower. A large and extremely noticeable door caught her attention, and she decided her best bet was to go through there. Luckily her guess was correct and, after traversing more flights of steps that seemed unnecessarily long, she reached the door to the tower. She knocked first and then waited for a reponse [ which never came ] before turning the knob gently and pushing the door in just a bit. She peered through the crack, but didn't spot anything troubling immediately. Thank goodness. The door swung open as Daphne stepped inside and began to investigate. She immediately noticed that the sole bed's blankets were pulled back, and that the window was wide open. Cautiously, she approached the bed and placed her hand on it. It was warm. Someone had been here... recently. She didn't want to stick around and find out. Hurriedly she exited the bedroom, slamming the door behind her as she sprinted down the stairs and out the other door. She took a deep breath, hands on her knees, trying to collect herself. She patted down her dress and searched around some more. Daphne, after wandering around for a while, figured it would be best to call it quits now and try to locate her group. After even more wandering, she stumbled across them and reported her findigs--well, not really. "I checked one of the towers and found that the bed was warm and the window was open, so I think someone was in there recently..." Her voice trailed off, before quickly adding, "I'm sorry I couldn't find anything of value! At least she tried though, right?
i get what you mean it's good that you're trying to improve though! it's v great! v u v
aw thank you that's very sweet! and yes they are quite the hotties * 333 * it's funny because for the longest time i thought you were... not very...
thx 4 da folo
✿ T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S ✿ ✿ location: hall of games ✿ mood: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✿ theme: sunshine ✿ ✿ ooc: n / a ✿ "Mimi-mistress shares the gladness that emanates through your body very well, and as her most trusted and loyal, nearly-perfectly crafted doll, I, Gotterdammerung, also share in the happiness and warmth that the presence of Daphne gives both my mistress and I... Mimi-mistress has made some careful observations, I have observed, and she reiterates the reason why she enjoys the company of the Benevolent Sorceress. -- Excuse me for a second." "Thank you for your time, Benevolent Sorceress. Mimi-mistress cares about you deeply because she considers you unique and dear to her heart. My mistress is happy that an immortal such as yourself is able to keep her sweetness and kind nature among all that goes around in the world that I, Gotterdammerung, find myself in, among all of you. She is happy that someone such as yourself exists in this world, and has the ability to continue to exist among the world." Daphne almost shed a tear at the beautiful sentiment. She sniffled, looking away for a second to collect herself before turning back to Mimi and her bear. Her smiled seemed to widen even more, if that was even possible by that point, and she was left utterly speechless. She stood there, a blank stare on her face, How could anyone possibly think of something to say that would come even remotely close to what was just expressed. The young Valen figured it to be near impossible... but she could try, at least. "Mimi... thank you so much, that was so sweet! I can't believe you think so kindly of me because I feel the way about you and I-" The girl cut herself off, eyes widened, as the sweet Valen personally approached her and placed one of her... candies into her palm, squeezing tightly. This... was big. . . . Really big. "...Try. Eat!" Daphne could only nod, the rest of her body frozen in place with sheer shock and unimaginable bliss. Slowly the girl obidiently followed her request, placing the sweet gently on her tongue. She allowed the flavors to infuse throughout her mouth; it not only tasted of peach and cherry... but also of their pure and innocent friendship. No amount of cute dolls could amount to the gift Daphne just recieved. "Mimi... I..." "My mistress asks for the help of her dear friend. I, Gotterdammerung, request that you may follow her in the interim." Her eyes followed the girl's finger to the body of Magnus. The Valen nodded her head vigorously. "Yes... yes of course! I'm right behind you!" She eagerly followed the pair closely in the interium, worried about the hyper-muscular Valen's condition. Upon reaching the collapsed body, Daphne approached it carefully and observed. He squirmed on the ground and held his head, his groans of pain piercing her ears. She looked to Mimi and smiled at her, then got down on her knees and shuffled towards the body. "Magnus... this is going to sting a little, okay? But it'll be over quick I promise." Daphne inhaled deeply, slowly exhaling as she levitated her palms over the injured Valen's head. A pale pink aura slowly began to appear around her hands as she edged closer to the wound. She left her hands there for a moment, allowing the medicinal properties of her magic to take effect. As the aura faded and the girl gingerly rested her hands on her lap, the injury began to heal itself, patching together the broken skin and slightly damaged bone. "Count to twenty, then slowly stand up, and you shouls be okay. You might feel a little woozy though, so remember to take it slow and be careful." Knowing Magnus' personality, he was bound to completely ignore her advice, but at least he knew regardless. Daphne rose gracefully, swiping the dirt from the floor off her dress. She turned to Mimi and Gutterdammerung and beamed at them. Mmm... this candy is really good.
aaaaaah gomen gomen babu
it can be seen as implied though.
so you think that being [ pretending or not ] a homosexual is unfortunate and others should pity them???