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  1. Beau
    okay here you go

    Post by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  2. Beau

    Post by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  3. Beau
    alright here you go!

    Post by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  4. Beau
    here you go enjoy! if you have any concerns please let me know! thank you!

    Post by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Beau
    Post by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Beau
    note: this avi dump will be updated continuously so please be aware and check back often if interested

    last update: mar 3rd 2014

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    all snapshots taken from mv
    Thread by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Beau






    Thread by: Beau, Mar 3, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Beau

    Thread by: Beau, Mar 2, 2014, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Beau
    your request is done! since the original image was less than 500x500 i couldn't make it that size i'm sorry ; -; but i hope you enjoy!

    thank you! oh and if you have any concerns please let me know!

    Post by: Beau, Mar 2, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  10. Beau
    hi thank you for asking for my help! but i'm a little confused tho like do you want me to use both images in one pic or just pick one or ??
    Post by: Beau, Feb 25, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  11. Beau
    remember me i'm in dadadadanger pinocchio remember me
    Post by: Beau, Feb 23, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Beau


    it's a shame purple isn't it's such a nice color ; - ; esp the one they chose for that graph
    Post by: Beau, Feb 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Beau


    Post by: Beau, Feb 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Beau

    T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S

    location: blazing victory mood: (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ theme: sunshine
    ooc: n/a

    "Thank you for helping me, I'm glad that someone was able to notice me. So...Daphne... how are you today?"

    Daphne opened her mouth to speak, before being interrupted by the bartender, who was calling her over to the bar. The Valen looked back to Sienna and smiled at her, mouthing 'sorry' and waving goodbye. She walked back to the bar after helping the drunken Valen onto her feet. It felt nice helping her because, despite her self-inflicted intoxication, she was still helpless and needed it. Crossing her legs as she plopped back onto the bar stool, she whistled cheerfully for the bartender, who seemed to have been patiently awaiting her return. They exchanged pleasantries and he handed her the glass of Shirley Temple. Mmm, this looked so yummy! Eagerly, she took a sip of her drink. She licked the excess from her bottom lip and giggled.

    "Thank you very much! This is so so good!!"

    The bartender turned to her and flashed her another smile as he nodded and began cleaning a few glasses. She found it odd that he really didn't seem... affected by the bar happenings. Shouldn't he, like, clean up the broken glasses and the tables and such? Taking another sip, she pondered what exactly he thought was more important than the safety of his customers? Granted they were in Fairwyn, where nobody seemed to really care about each other unless they were attractive. She sighed and casually shrugged her shoulders, taking yet another sip happily.

    The Valen soon began to scan the bar, quickly spotting her target, Sangria, easily because of her vibrant pink hair. She didn't get the chance to talk to her before, besides asking her 'how are you?' [ which she never even got an answer to ]. Without Mimi, she was feeling rather lonely and wanted to chat with someone. She cleared her throat softly before calling out.

    "Sangria! Can you come here please? I'd like to talk."
    Post by: Beau, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Beau

    New colors

    lol tbh i always get white and black mixed up in terms of which one is absent of all colors yk yk
    Post by: Beau, Feb 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Beau

    New colors

    well i mean white is an absence of all colors right so like ????
    Post by: Beau, Jan 31, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Beau

    T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S

    location: blazing victory mood: (」゜ロ゜)」 theme: sunshine
    ooc: n/a

    Daphne waved goodbye to Mimi as she departed with the group bound for the library, leaving the Valen alone outside the chaotic bar. He sighed, and balanced between her heels and the balls of her feet, her blonde hair rustling slightly. She didn't feel like going back into the bar, but with Mimi gone, she had nothing to do out there anymore. She grumbled to herself softly as she walked back into the bar, a regal appearance in every step. Her eyes peered around the bar, no one really catching her interest. Instead of sitting in solitude, her best bet would be to travel to the bar where, most notably, Sangria was.

    Casually she walked over to the drunken Valen and took a seat on one of the bar stools. She smiled at both her and Asterion. She stretched and signaled for the bartender to come over. Daphne nodded at him as he approached her, asking what she'd like. She cheerfully replied, "Can I have a Shirley Temple please?" The bartender acknowledged her order, and soon began to prepare her drink. Meanwhile, she turned to the two Valens and asked both of them, "How are you guys doing? The stuff that happened earlier was really silly, right? I'm glad everyone is okay though."

    ...Pardoning, of course, those unlucky Valens that were chosen as Magnus' playthings.

    "Hey.... why are all of you ignoring me?! I might not be so popular around here, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't interact with me!!!!!"

    Daphne turned towards the outcry, the source being Sienna, who seemed to have a little too much to drink. She was about to speak up, before noticing another person begin to chat with her. Well... more like be shouted at, but whatever. Moments later, a cry for help pierced the Valen's ears. She sighed and shook her head slightly; Daphne didn't particularly enjoy being around those under the influence, with the exception of Sangria because she could actually manage herself.

    "Pardon me."

    Hopping off the bar stool, her high heels clacking against the hard floor upon landing, Daphne hurriedly walked over to the fallen Valen and offered a hand of assistance. "Are you okay?" The question was redundant, but it was a nice formality no less.
    Post by: Beau, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Beau
    aw thx bb xoxo
    Post by: Beau, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Beau
    you can't tell me what to do chras fight my irl
    Post by: Beau, Jan 26, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Beau
    aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahhaha i'm so bad at lol but sometimes i still play it bc yolo but yeah i play as ahri or karma mostly, but sometimes i play as leblanc and syndra too

    also name is tabeauu in case any of you butts wanna add me xoxo
    Post by: Beau, Jan 25, 2014 in forum: Gaming