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  1. Beau
    tbh guys everyone seems to be acting kinda fine ??? but like if i had to pin someone as most suspicious it would be either sj or talewind... but i'm not voting for anyone tonight
    Post by: Beau, Mar 29, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Beau

    T H E x B E N E V O L E N T x S O R C E R E S S

    location: blazing victory mood: (」゜ロ゜)」 theme: sunshine
    ooc: n/a

    "Say, dear, would you care to drop this party and ... join me for something deliciously enlightening instead?"

    Daphne turned her head to Sangria just as she was taking a sip of her drink. The young Valen followed suit, taking a long sip of her Shirley Temple. She released an over exaggeratedly long sigh of relief as she placed the glass gently back on the counter and crossed her legs. She smiled brightly at her and nodded her head playfully. "Sure~ This bar has been all kinds of crazy today, I don't know if I want to be in here anymore..." She snuck a peek at the bartender behind them, who seemed to be eavesdropping ever so nonchalantly. She giggled slightly, and added, "You know, because of all the ruckus before."

    Daphne had always liked Sangria, but sometimes she found her a bit overbearing and a little manipulative, to be honest. Her control over the will of others via alcohol made the girl slightly more cautious when she was around her, but overall she enjoyed her company. She always knew where the party was at, and if there weren't one, she'd create one that would be simply splendid!

    But where was the matured Valen going to take her? Daphne knew better than to expect something horrible, but it still left an uneasy feeling in her tummy. True, she didn't really want to be in the bar anymore, but she wasn't entirely sure she'd just go with Sangria... especially without Mimi.

    Oh well, she already accepted the invitation. She couldn't just reject it now; that would be immensely rude. Gosh, she should have really thought this through before answering! She sighed, making eye contact with the perpetually drunk Valen. Daphne had to ask, at the very least to rest her fragile, little heart.

    "Uuuuum... where are we going exactly?"
    Post by: Beau, Mar 26, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Beau
    ofc i did but it kept coming up as some snes game lol
    Post by: Beau, Mar 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Beau
    my friend won't tell me what mmo(rpg) she played with our friend and it's killing me

    the only thing she told me was that her fave person to play is named drakkhen ???

    do any of you guys know what game she might be talking about? lists of possibilities would be most wanted, if there are many thank you
    Thread by: Beau, Mar 25, 2014, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Beau

    kills { n/a }
    allies { n/a } enemies { n/a }

    Brady felt his heart skip a beat as Sancia volunteered to be their group's representative. He released a heavy sigh as the pressure in his heart alleviated. The tension, that hung palpable in the air moments prior, was now dissipating as his pulse began to normalize and he noticed the expressions of relief on the faces of others. He had mixed feelings about Sancia; he was relieved, of course, but he also felt bad for the girl, and yet he found her bravery... inspirational, almost. She was a fool in his eyes, a fool who had no idea what she was getting herself into.

    The heavy door swung with a loud smash as she exited the room. He looked around to the others, the features on their silent faces suddenly becoming more prominent. He blinked hard for a second, glancing to his shoes as he swished them left and right. Brady found it relaxing, the metronome-like motion soothing him. He sure as hell needed it right now, with all that happened.

    As the time dragged on, the high schooler began to feel anxious. Why wasn't Sancia back yet? Surely the challenge couldn't take that long, yeah? His chest tightened as his imagination ran rampant in his mind, envisioning gruesome and spine chilling scenes. His leg began to bounce up and down quickly as he ran his fingers through his hair worriedly. Brady cleared his throat as it began feeling more and more dry, coughing slightly.






    A wavered breath escaped his lips. This couldn't be good.
    Post by: Beau, Mar 24, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Beau
    Profile Post

    ur trash xoxo

    ur trash xoxo
    Profile Post by Beau for Roxas-Ventus, Mar 24, 2014
  7. Beau




    { all images are screencaps taken from here }
    Thread by: Beau, Mar 23, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Beau

    kills { n/a }
    allies { n/a } enemies { n/a }

    The faint lights that dimly lit the factory barely helped Brady guide himself through the darkness as he stumbled over the metallic automobile scraps. From what he could make out, they looked rusted to hell; this place had been long abandoned. He hoped he didn't accidently cut himself as he continued to wearily navigate to wherever they were headed. He kept his eyes locked onto the dirty, concrete floor, afraid of even catching a glimpse of his captors. He'd seen more than enough of them on the bus, after they shot... Oh God. He inhaled deeply, his exhaled breath short and dry. His cheeks were wet with silent tears and his vision was hazy, which only made his staggering worse. Hopefully no one noticed.

    This all was too real. He'd seen reports of kidnappings quite frequently on the nightly news, of course, but never had he thought it could happen to him. There was this pit--this knot--deep in his stomach that weighed him down and made him feel sick. His dockers scraped against the hardened cement as he sluggishly shuffled. His legs felt weakened as his will to follow the crowd of high school students exponentially decreased. Picking his head up for a brief second, he immediately noticed that the group size had shrunk. When did they get separated from everyone else? Regardless, it didn't even really matter. There were bigger issues at hand. He peered at one of the threatening men worriedly.

    He wanted to run, run far away from these fucked men as fast as he could carry himself. But no, he restrained himself; he watched plenty of crime shows to know that that was probably one of the worst options. Instead, he continued to shamble across the factory.

    Brady lifted his head once again as he heard the sound of the door and floor harshly rubbing together. He and the others were gestured to walk into the room. He hesitated slightly, as uneasy feeling overtaking him. He stepped into the room, taking a moment to look around. Feeling his hands become unbound, he turned his head to see one of the men with a large knife. He gulped and quickly turned his back to the man, feeling his wrists as he spun. He stretched out his arms, arched his back, and released a soft, high-pitched moan as his muscles relaxed. Resting against one of the plain walls, he slid down to the floor and extended his legs, crossing one over the other in the process.

    A piece of him wanted to speak with someone, to see how they were holding up, but quite frankly he was disinterested in the others at the moment. He chose to ignore Sancia as her question was quite... redundant. What the fuck could they do? Brady sighed. He'd speak to these people when he needed them--right now, he just wanted to unwind.
    Post by: Beau, Mar 19, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Beau

    Post by: Beau, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Beau


    aaaaaaah positive attention ty ty i love you all

    but seriously thanks ehuehue i really appreciate it!!
    Post by: Beau, Mar 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Beau


    i worked hella hard on this so like if y'all could check it out and compliment me that'd be great
    [DOUBLEPOST=1395118609][/DOUBLEPOST]no one is complimenting me yet
    Thread by: Beau, Mar 18, 2014, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Beau
    Profile Post

    「 i'm bewitched! 」

    「 i'm bewitched! 」
    Status Update by Beau, Mar 16, 2014
  13. Beau
    coughs violently
    Post by: Beau, Mar 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Beau
    ummmmmmmmmm yes ????
    Post by: Beau, Mar 12, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Beau
    Name: Brady Santis
    Age: Seventeen
    Appearance: (^∇^)
    Special Skill: Gymnast, charasmatic, trilingual [ English, French, Korean ], actor
    Biggest Fear: Feeling unloved // loneliness
    Personality: Manipulative, friendly, likeable, decietful, talkative, sensitive, attentive, clingy
    Post by: Beau, Mar 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Beau
    baeeeeeeee xoxo
    Post by: Beau, Mar 7, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Beau
    Post by: Beau, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Beau
    oh these are edits haha i was too lazy to list the sources but if you'd like any i can supply!
    Post by: Beau, Mar 4, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Beau
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Mar 4, 2014
  20. Beau