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  1. Beau
    ayyyy turn up y'all let's kill this [ get it because we'll be killing each other ahaha ]
    Post by: Beau, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Beau
    idk if anyone is really suspicious ??? like i said before no one really like sticks out yk but i do feel like soon people will start acting more suspiciously and so it'll be easier to pin them down at that point ??

    unfortunately to get to that point people are most likely going to die but i mean as long as all the mafia die then it'll be okay ???

    idk i'm kinda new to this whole mafia thing tbh haha
    Post by: Beau, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Beau
    Profile Post Comment

    fufufu how lovely

    fufufu how lovely
    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Apr 3, 2014
  4. Beau
    aaaaaah omg everybody is dropping like flies this is no bueno y'all :cc
    Post by: Beau, Apr 3, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Beau
    Profile Post

    what a qt

    what a qt
    Profile Post by Beau for Laurence_Fox, Apr 3, 2014
  6. Beau
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Apr 3, 2014
  7. Beau
    i'd like to sign up again thank you c:
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Beau
    aaaaah like this at this ugh cry
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Beau
    tbh i wish i could wear skirts but i feel that people would judge me too much so n o p e
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Beau
    i think it should be okay now gomen v u v
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Beau

    Name: Victoria Pynckni
    Age: Seventeen
    SHSL Title: Super High School Level Entertainer
    Personality: Manipulative, friendly, likable, arrogant, talkative, sensitive, clingy
    Other: She always carries a cute scepter with her.
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Beau
    [ x ] isabella

    [ i was torn between her and robin but yeah ]
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Beau

    oppa i am literally in love w you bb <333333333
    oppa YESSS seriously i want to watch more shows about him he is so cute and seems like such a good person aaaaaaaah i love him
    oppa i DO idk why but i just get this feel that it's... meant to be yk and also i think they're the hottest so that helps kuku
    oppa it is def time's up by nine muses i am o b s e s s e d seriously lol but before that it was mr chu by apink
    oppa i'm bewitched!~
    oppa before i was also kinda intimidated by you lol bc i don't really know you and only knew you through makaze kind of and he scared me so you scared me lol but now I SEE THE LIGHT and i realize that you are literally perf and we have so much in common and ily bc you're a really sweet and talented person who i can talk with and just aaaaaaaaah you're gr8 [ see what i did there ahahahhahhahah ]
    oppa i'm torn between don't forget me and something... and i honestly can't decide so i'm gonna say both lol [ though i feel like i like don't forget just a / little / bit more ??? ]
    oppa hyeri is a babe idk what you're on [ but yes she's a like ***** and i love her anyway fufufuf ]
    oppa your post has made me so happy and given me lifeeeeeeeeeeeee thanks <333
    Post by: Beau, Apr 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Beau
  15. Beau

    1. at first i thought you were a pretty cool guy who was v friendly and helpful
    2. now i think that you are pretty much the same tbh lol
    3. nice try
    4. uuuuuh probs french iii haha
    5. i used to but not so much anymore eheh
    6. i'm not falling for it bub
    7. any form of pale / pastel purple and pink aaaaaaaand uh idk sixteen ???
    8. fave staff is def jayn and non staff is probs sumi or sax or hyuge ehe
    9. i don't feel comfortable meeting people from online sry
    10. stab


    hmmmmmmmmm this is a v good q!!! tbh i think my fave is either my purple argyle sweater or my pale green one!!!

    @skull joke

    idk why i love it so much... i think i just like the korean language in general and i find that the usual kpop music i just find more catchy ??? i honestly don't even know lol
    besides kpop i like regular american pop haha and sometimes french pop if i'm feeling it OH OH and also sometimes i listen to vocaloid for old times' sake v u v
    no lol
    uuuuuuh basically my impressions of you before and now are the same... i think you're a funny guy but you're also kinda blunt and i think a lil bit rude sometimes :ccc but i don't like hate you or anything haha

    @. : tale_wind

    1. i haven't really seen you around much so idrk ??? but from what i've seen you seem like a really sweet guy!!!
    2. uuuuuuuuuum idrk haha like i don't know how to answer haha so i'm just gonna say that if i could pick i'd be an eevee or a vulpix
    3. cali hellz yaaaaaaaaa
    4. uuuh whenever one of beyonce's songs came on the radio i was like THIS IS MY JAM like drunk in love and partition
    5. tbh i don't know a single keyblade bc i've never really played a kh game before but after some researching i think i like stroke of midnight, diamond dust, mysterious abyss, and pixie petal the best [ in that order ]
    6. never played so
    7. one ??
    8. uuuuh as long as it takes ?
    9. i'm not really that cool haha but i'm glad i give off that aura thank you ^ u ^


    at first i was / very / intimidated by you haha i thought you were like this twenty something year old who didn't like anyone and was rude to them BUT now i realize that you're actually really cool and i respect you a lot and i think we should talk more often as well!!
    i did yes!!! it was so good thank you so much for suggesting it!!! c:
    hmmm my fave hero is def black canary but for villain is ofc poison ivy kuku
    um tbh i don't really think i have any unique or special traits so this is gonna sound p generic haha but i think i'm kind of a nice guy ?? i like being kind to others and helping and joking around with friends hehe... OH and also i like how talkative i am bc i feel like it keeps my friends entertained ahaha
    hmmm well i don't think my obsession with kpop is weird but i feel others do... very much so to the point that sometimes i don't comfortable talking about hehe but this is rare so

    thank you so much for your q's guys!!!! xoxo
    Post by: Beau, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Beau




    { all screencaps taken from here }
    Thread by: Beau, Apr 1, 2014, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Beau
  18. Beau
    aw i like being pink! C:
    Post by: Beau, Apr 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Beau
  20. Beau

    kills { n/a }
    allies { n/a } enemies { n/a }

    Brady's body violently jolted as the collar around his neck shocked him. He has previously been dozing off as his nerves were attempting to relax. He shot up and let out a wail as he wrapped his hands around his throat. Fucking hell, what the fuck was that? Relocating one hand to his eyes to rub them awake, he caught the last bit of their kidnappers' announcement.

    "--dset from out of the box and start walking. Now."

    The high schooler's body trembled violently as he felt every inch of skin crawl. He looked around to see the others all staring at him, varied expressions on their faces. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, forcing himself up on legs that suddenly felt weak. His eyes fixated on the box as he slowly approached it, his whole body visibly shaking. He reached in and picked out a headset, placing it on his head. He opened the door and, before heading out, turned around to his fellow group members and solemnly said.

    "Please, be safe. Good luck guys...!" He gave them a weak smile.

    Brady wasn't sincere about many things, but he truly wished them all the best. Odds are he would die soon, so at least he could wish them well. The thought overcame him as he fought to hold back tears. He left the room, the door slamming loudly behind him, causing him to jump slightly. He stood there, in the pitch black darkness for a moment, just... frozen. His muscles seized up, leaving him paralyzed for a moment.

    Get it together.

    The white noise in his ear crackled as the sound of someone approaching a microphone became clearer. "Now, you must find the room where the girl was murdered. You will find in the room a flashlight that will help direct you to your next objective." Hearing one of his kidnapper's voice ringing in his ears gave Brady a chill as his body suddenly felt colder.

    With the guidance of the kidnapper, finding the room was easy enough, even in the dark. As he peered into the room, he immediately spotted the body of Sancia sprawled across the floor. She was in a pool of blood that almost made the boy throw up. He waved his hand in front of his face as he regained his composure, coughing slightly. Trying his best to keep the body out of his line of sight, Brady located the aforementioned box.


    "It appears that someone has taken both flashlights. No matter, now you must relocate the girl's body. It might prove more difficult in the dark." He heard his captor chuckle slightly.

    "Good luck."

    After a few attempts at picking up the girl's limp body, he at last gained enough strength to lift her. He felt absolutely disgusting, to the point of throwing up in his mouth a little. The foul smell of the corpse was almost too much to bare.

    Thankfully, finding the room wasn't as hard as he thought. After exiting the main room, he continued straight before making a left and walked down a small corridor, where he made another left into the destination room. The static in his ear picked up again, the voice mockingly congratluating him and telling him he'd be on his own with finding his way back.

    Brady dragged the body to what he felt was the middle of the room and gently rested it on the ground. He mumbled something softly to her, around the lines of 'rest in peace' and such. Now what? He totally forgot his way back to his group's room. Maybe it was for the best though; less people means less drama and besides, he could finally get the solitude he wanted.

    It felt odd for the highschooler to admit he wished for loneliness, since he'd always gone out of his way to be the center of attention within a crowd. But ever since he got here, he felt... different. Regardless, Brady decided to stay put in the pitch black room, finding his way to the wall where the exit was and leaning against it.

    At last he could relax for a little.

    ...Even if there was a dead body in there with him.
    Post by: Beau, Mar 30, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home