i am andrew lol and yes my internet activity has been cut short as of late bc of school and such so i'm glad naomi brought up that point along with lux. if i'm honest, i didn't even realize that my inactivity would be the possible death of me [ even though i read jiku's math note things ] so i'm actually really glad y'all came out and said that. i can't even defend myself apparently lol but to actual important things, i'm a little indecisive. i haven't voted for anyone as of yet bc i'm kinda scared to be responsible for the death of a townie like look at where that's gotten cat and cstar and such [ to name a few, not calling y'all out ] like it makes you look suspicious lol imo i'd rather just be neutral throughout most until the numbers start to get sorta small [ like at the ten range maybe idrk ] bc i don't want the deaths of innocents hanging over my head and yes i do realize that not voting also helps the mafia which sucks but i mean think about it like there's so many more of us townies than the mafia so like we'd probs end up killing more innocents yk ?? like i know all y'all point fingers as the slightest shred of evidence and isn't that what gets the townies killed ?? i'm not saying that no one should vote ever [ bc then nothing would ever get accomplished ] but i'm trying to say that perhaps remaining inactive and indecisive isn't always a bad thing. with aaaaaaaaall of that said i'm growing more and more suspicious of tale and cstar but it's still not enough to make me want to vote for them besides all everyone's been saying is just speculation it doesn't even sound that solid to me lol
is that because you're near the top of the list ??? lol
wait what people can be saved ?? aaaaaaah that's so handy omg whoever was going to get killed you got hella lucky omg wait what if it was me who was supposed to be killed??? this game is hella man thank you though if you saved me ehhe
no problem! i hope you have lots of fun!!
hello!! welcome to khv ehe
✖ kills { n/a } ✖ ✖ allies { n/a } ✖ enemies { n/a } ✖ "What are you doing here?" . . . "Hey, if I may ask... just what exactly were you doing here and what were you doing with that body? Also, where is your group?" . . . Brady hesitated, unsure if he were allowed to answer their questions. He stood there for a moment, in an awkward silence, waiting for his kidnappers to say something--for the familiar static in his ear to pick up again. Nothing. He cleared his throat, looking to the two male highschoolers. "I, uh... I-" The boy stopped and quickly glanced at the body, a shiver running through him. He hadn't purposely looked at the corpse, hoping he would never have to see it again. He still felt utterly disgusted with himself. Jenn decided to lead the group to... wherever he was going. Anywhere was better than here. Though, despite not knowing where to go, he still seemed confident, which added a feeling of safety. That, coupled with being in the group itself, made Brady feel very secure. It was a... nice feeling, maybe, exploring the dark halls with other people. Nobody spoke a word though, but it was with good reason, he reckoned. Finally, they reached a room filled with supplies. Brady was honestly surprised that Jenn had been able to lead them somewhere, let alone a place with a surplus of food and weapons. Even though the weapons made him uneasy, he still managed to smile as he looked at the food before him. After eating what Jenn passed to him, Brady felt a little better. He was definitely in a more stable condition than prior, and even felt relaxed enough to answer the questions raised by Kaied and Aeron. He looked to them. "To answer your questions from before, they told me to leave my group behind and go to the challenge room to move Sancia's... body. I had no flashlight, so I had to find the room that you guys found me in in the dark. I was scared that once I brought her to the room, they were going to kill me. But then you guys showed up, so if they were planning on it, they missed their chance thankfully." Brady released a shaky breath. "Oh... and they also told me to..." Brady stopped mid-sentence as his body jolted violently and he fell to the floor, the electric pulses traveling through his body. He released a short shriek as he fell that echoed in the room. The static rung in his ear. "You've said enough." Tears welling in his eyes, he looked to the rest of his new group and shook his head no at them. "That's all... that's all that happened..."
aaaaaah salut ehehe ( my french is going to be hella bad to excuse me lol ) eeeh premiére j'ai pensé que tu etais trés aimable et adorable... maintenant que nous nous connaissons mieux, je pense que tu es drôle et utlie aussi et j'aimerais nous parlions plus uh bon s'il te plaît hmmm alors, maintenant je veux devenir un psychologue et aprés je serai un prof de psychologie dans université peut-être um je pense que jay est le mieux beau et sumi est le mieux belle mdr non je ne vais jamais en vacances ma famille est trés pauvre ;-;
swag money is real money
y it's plump but it's not 4 u boi
aw yis
bbycakes what is it
stop this omg
✖ kills { n/a } ✖ ✖ allies { n/a } ✖ enemies { n/a } ✖ "Hey faggot, what are you doin' all the way out here by yourself? If you wanted to see some pussy, you should really ask a living bitch. Playing with the dead is creepy as fuck." Brady looked up as the aggressive teenager kicked his foot with a face of disgust. He sighed, of course it'd be him of all people. He never liked Dominic, he was always such an asshhole to everyone. Ever since Brady came out two years ago, Dominic had always been a dick to him about it. He absolutely loathed him. He remained silent, not giving Dominic the satisfaction of getting to him. He learned this about a year ago, after the rude high schooler had continuously bullied him. Brady had never been bullied before, but it wasn't as bad as everyone made it out to be. Though his bully's words pierced him, it wasn't to an extent that he'd consider suicide or something like that. Some people were just natural born asshholes. A new voice startled Brady as it echoed through the room. "Hey man. You all right? It's okay, we're not going to hurt you." Brady, without even having to look up, smiled slightly. He appreciated his kindness greatly. Plus, he made Dominic back off, which was always nice. He quietly thanked his savior, rising to his feet slowly as he continued to smile weakly.
yes bb ofc you don't have to say anything more... v u v i love you <3
for some reason i'm growing more and more suspicious of the people actively participating... like i know participation is good lol but all these theories and such they all seem... planned, almost like all of the active people are actually the mafia people and this is all just a ploy?? idk it just seems fishy to me
Spoiler: yeah whale noises
lol i honestly read this as fatal furry and i was like what is this
@Laurence_Fox at first i was very intimidated by you to the point that i didn't even want to post in a thread that you posted in haha but now i feel like you're really chill and the few times we've talked i've really enjoyed it and wish we could do it more often!! vanilla without a doubt yummmm uuuh going to california with my family is probs my happiest moment thus far i'm only sixteen though so i feel like more will come soon!! i really like plain white shirts bc they always look good under my sweaters no matter what haha i'm really into soup like if i could have different kinds of soup for the rest of my life i could die happy v u v there are two haha one is like a regular feather pillow and that one is behind a temperpedic pillow which isn't as comfy as most people make it out to be haha i think i may switch them soon bc the temperpedic isn't squishy enough for me ehuehue uuuh i think amaury already asked this but it's french iii fufufu