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  1. Beau
    but i did though ?? you guys said that one of the reasons you suspected and eventually lynched him was because when you called him out and asked him to explain himself and w/e that he never replied and such but i said that he was possibly busy ??? [ which btw he later revealed that he was out with friends or something around those lines ] so does that not count as me trying to defend him or ??[DOUBLEPOST=1398209609][/DOUBLEPOST]lol where is everyone
    Post by: Beau, Apr 22, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  2. Beau
    regardless could you explain it to me then ?? what happened at least so i'm not in the dark lol i'm too lazy to try and look for it.
    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Beau
    no like i'm honestly not even kidding i have no idea haha
    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  4. Beau
    ...what ??? what exactly happened lol i don't remember reading this like i'm not saying it didn't happen bc it probs did but like i don't remember what happened at all. did you like do something to senpai or ??

    [ in case you can't tell i haven't really been paying much attention at all lol ]
    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Beau
    yes i was suspicious and even made a public assumption of you and but i don't understand what the 'post senpai' means ?? what does senpai's death have to do with my assuming you for mafia ?
    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  6. Beau
    uuugh my gut was right!! i'm so sad to have seen tail wind die without being able to defend himself!

    indeed, the days are drawing closer and closer to a possible mafia overrun so maybe now might be a good time to start voting lol

    or not idk
    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Beau
    Profile Post Comment

    lol yeah not toooooooo far away

    lol yeah not toooooooo far away
    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Apr 21, 2014
  8. Beau
    easter fam pic goooooooo

    Post by: Beau, Apr 21, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  9. Beau


    S U P E R x H I G H x S C H O O L x L E V E L . . . E N T E R T A I N E R

    mood { worried }
    allies { n/a } health { a-okay }


    The piercing laugh shocked the high schooler awake. She was... resting on a desk? Was she in school? Groggy memories flooded her head; she was walking up to Hope's Peak, a cheerful skip in her step. She was so excited! When she received her letter from the prestigious school, her heart practically skipped a beat. She'd been on television before, as a teli show personality and such, but she didn't expect that she'd get a letter! Walking into the school property through the huge metal gates, the girl immediately felt at home. She took a few more steps before she began to feel a little lightheaded. Everything soon went black.

    Victoria held her head as she lifted herself off the desk with weak arms, feeling disoriented. What happened? She looked around the classroom, blinking a few times. There were steel plates on the walls...? Uuuh, something was off here. She looked back to the worn-looking desk, realizing that she forgot something very important: her scepter! She couldn't believe she almost forgot about it! It was one of the most important things in her life, truly. Grabbing the scepter and gripping it tightly, she turned her attention to the loudspeakers that were blaring out that annoyingly cartoony voice again.

    "Helloooooooooooo students! I am Monokuma, or Monobear, or Mono-senpai. I'm BEAR-y pleased to meet you all! We'll be having a meet & greet with yours truly in the cafeteria. Once you get there, I'll explain everything. Upupu, I can BEAR-ly contain my excitement. See you kids there!"


    What was going on here? An uneasy feeling nestled itself deep in the girl's stomach as she wearily opened the classroom door and stepped outside. She gripped the scepter tighter. Scanning the hallway quickly, she didn't notice anyone else. Surely she wasn't in this giant school by herself. With no other options, Victoria attempted to blindly find the cafeteria. Hopefully luck would be on her side.

    Fortunately, her classroom was relatively close to the cafeteria. It'd only taken about five or so minutes to locate the facility. Cautiously, she walked into the giant room; still she didn't see anyone. She must be the first person to show up, then. Deeper into the room, she spotted something small on the stage. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was a stuffed bear animal. How cute!
    Post by: Beau, Apr 20, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Beau
    @Jay lol

    @below but do you really think that's good reasoning??? maybe he has other priorities hm? like all this inactivity and viewing the thread but not saying anything reasoning is total bs imo but it's not like it mattrrs bc the hard lynch is a thing now so i hope that y'all feel bad when you kill a felloe townie bc my gut is telling me he's not actually mafia despite my precious suspicions
    Post by: Beau, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  11. Beau
    but yeah it's alllll just a hunch alllllllll of this is a big as s hunch essentially
    Post by: Beau, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  12. Beau
    tbh i kinda think you and below are lil mafia buddies also still a little suspicious of cstar but i want you to keep in mind that these are all hunches

    i think that is what this whole game is the power players the most prominent people have these hunches and find these insignificant details about certain people and cause others to blindly bandwagon them bc they're the ones talking the loudest so to speak

    like for tale did you ever consider that maybe he's busy and is just keeping the tab open and checking in every once and a while ??? like people still have lives a sh it to do yk
    Post by: Beau, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Beau
    guys i honestly don't think tale is mafia i think y'all are making a big mistake i may be a lil suspicious of him but i still don't think he's mafia
    Post by: Beau, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  14. Beau
    guys i feel bad maybe we should let tale defend himself ???
    Post by: Beau, Apr 19, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Beau
    lol jay is being really critical of other people i'm not trying to say anything about him but like i think it's kinda suspicious that he's pointing out everyone else's flaws yk?? like he might be trying to get certain people to vote for other certain people which is normal i guess but i mean it's still kind of suspicious that he's calling out so many people like it sounds kinda something a mafia person would do to turn people on each other's backs for no reason lol
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. Beau
    i think he means the fact that it's size one and doesn't really use proper grammar / syntax rules lol
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. Beau
    yooooo my text is the bomb boy what u on about
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. Beau
    wait but isn't the point of the game to make sure the townies win and the mafia loses ??? what is all of this about 'me' and such ?
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. Beau
    @princess ♥ oh okay i get ya now and true i could die soon as well so like if i do then at least i'll die with no blood on my hands right ???

    lol this all sounds so dramatic
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. Beau
    @princess ♥ i don't see how remaining neutral or being a "floater" can hurt tho like if i don't do any harm then why would people want to hurt me?
    Post by: Beau, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground