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  1. Beau
    Profile Post Comment

    luv u 4eva we gon gt marid xoxo

    luv u 4eva we gon gt marid xoxo
    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Dec 23, 2013
  2. Beau
    Profile Post Comment

    teh only scrb i luv is u bb

    teh only scrb i luv is u bb
    Profile Post Comment by Beau, Dec 23, 2013
  3. Beau
    Profile Post

    u scrb

    u scrb
    Profile Post by Beau for Saxima, Dec 23, 2013
  4. Beau
    aaaaah thank you that actually worked!!
    Post by: Beau, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  5. Beau
    um the keyboard has nothing to do with this. it's the post box itself that has the save changes button, which is bring blocked by the back to top banner like i said. whether or not the keyboard is open is irrelevant.

    that's why when i tried your suggestion it didn't work but thanks anyway
    Post by: Beau, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  6. Beau
    uh yeah i'll just make this quick so basically when i tried to edit one of my posts i couldn't save the changes because the back to the top banner is blocking it so i just thought y'all should know.
    Thread by: Beau, Dec 22, 2013, 6 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  7. Beau
    Title: The Benevolent Sorceress, D A P H N E!
    Defining Trait: Generous // Compassionate
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: Losing her loved ones and friends. Becoming a sinister and evil Valen. Aether falling into the hands of someone wicked. Negative words.
    Personality: An avid animal and nature lover, Daphne attempts to see the purity and goodness inside even the most vial Valens. She is very positive and optimistic, which fuels her need to try harder and reach further. However, Daphne is extremely sensitive and if another speaks anything negative [ about her ] to her, she will be emotionally damaged and physically vulnerable until she recovers. For those which she can't see the light inside of, she vows that she will either reform them or, if various attempts prove unsuccessful, end their suffering.
    Magic / Powers:

    Healing Palms - The ability to heal oneself and others through touch.
    Sonic Scream - The ability to generate high-pitched vocals that can inhabilitate another.
    Soothing Voice - The ability to quell another's rage or frustration through speech.
    Animal Translation - The ability to understand and speak with animals.
    Favorite Color: #C6E2FF
    Goal: To ensure no one iniquitous claims the Aether and, subsequently, Godhood.
    Availability: 2 / 7
    Other: Daphne bet on Brian during 100 Days and obviously lost, meaning that she has significantly less land than the other Valens [ though she doesn't really mind ].
    Post by: Beau, Dec 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Beau
    Title: The Avarice Daemon, A R I U S!
    Defining Trait: Jealously // Envy
    Valen Appearance:
    Weaknesses/Fears: The desire to have everything. Losing everything. Others having more than him.
    Personality: Arius believes that no one deserves anything, except for him. He becomes extremely hostile, cold, and distant to those who flaunt their possessions around and absolutely loathes anyone who considers themselves better than him by base of merit. His intense jealousy can sometimes cause his rationality and judgement to vanish, the consequences unknown. Despite this, however, Arius can still be amicable and friendly to those who keep themselves and their possessions in check. He is especially talkative with those who admit to him that they are less equal to him [ in terms of possessions ], though this type of "friendship" is quite rare since most of the other Valens are as full of themselves as he is. In addition, because of his Material Teleportation ability, he is a very keen observer and has a strong memory.
    Magic / Powers:

    Desire Manipulation - The ability to see the true desires of others and alter them.
    Material Teleportation - The ability to teleport any possessions [ be it his or another's ] to him instantly; however, he must know where the possession is before casting.
    Memory Manipulation - The ability to have another forget that they had a connection with a certain possession or person.
    Favorite Color: #E0B0FF
    Goal: To achieve Godhood for himself and to ensure no one else claims it.
    Availability: 2 / 7
    Other: N / A
    Post by: Beau, Dec 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home