I had bronchitis last week; lozenges just hurt my throat even more. I just slept a lot, drank a lot of Vitamin C, didn't eat. I also had the flu earlier, which contributed symptoms very similar to strep; from what I've heard, many people are suffering from the same strain, so it's very likely you just have symptoms of influenza. Do you have like, a slight sort of rash or anything? A fever is another obvious symptom. But seriously, I doubt it's anything to be concerned about. Everyone is getting sick.
Don't want no more of the crying game, eh?
Some areas need to be sharper and some areas need more depth/contrast, but it's pretty tight overall. I like.
Yeah, I actually just added in some more colorful tones to liven it up. It's much more saturated.
http://master-me.deviantart.com/art/Road-Studio-Design-77893536 Spent most of yesterday kicking this off, going to make some more edits today. It kind of sucks right now.
mostly tweaked lighting, added some c4ds (for lighting lol), and worked a lot on color first it was looking good, then it was looking pretty bad, then it was looking REALLY REALLY GOOD, then it came out like this and while it's decent, you guys have to understand that where I was going with this had major potential. anyway, needs more depth, needs to be sharper, but here's where I'm at. I just like the colors, kind of.
Wait, is there a psd in there too? Because like, I know GIMP can save psds. So if you could save a psd, that would be hot. EDIT: Yeah, I need a psd, too lazy to install GIMP on this mac.
Needs better flow. Normally this wouldn't bug me so much, but since there's not a lot going on, it's really a problem.
I'm going to work on it, at some point, but I'm really sick right now. (bronchitis, it's pretty rough)
WHERE'S THE DEPTH? It's got a good start but you ALWAYS stop working on your tags like halfway through. Work work work until it's cooler than I am.
top one is great, I would consider dropping a dark blue solid fill set to exclusion and a color overlay on top just to a bit of a vintage look. that is, after all, my solution to everything. it probably won't look good, but if it does, then it would look VERY good. the second one is nice too, but it's way too oversaturated. granted, the colors match well.
amazing. like, seriously. go with a border, but don't make it so thick. keep the same color and angle, but just don't make it so thick. go for something like 6~9 pixels from the left and 3~4 from the bottom.
I can't believe the Patriots lost. I am, quite literally, on the verge of tears.
Probably could use a bit more going on, but it's definitely got some nice color.
This is the most absurd story I've ever read; it's like a horrible adaptation of a bad Shakespeare play. Out of curiosity, where did you read this article?
This is pretty much the coolest thing ever. I made it like, a year ago. Oh and this was in CS2. It probably works in 5.0 and up. Don't know about GIMP. This thing is the thing that you use. You need to use it. Save it to your desktop and then open it photoshop; don't just copy and paste or it won't be transparent. This is the tutorial -- you follow the steps and it helps you make cool stuff. D:
I came like... THIS close to beating expert. And then I was like, "dude, this game is TERRIBLE."
Nice, I would add another color overlay on top with magenta, blue, and cyan shadows topped with green, red, and yellow highlights. Vice versa might look good too.
thanks, and I'm probably not going to add eyes depending on how I do the lighting.
Yeah, the face needs work. I need to change the skin tone is all.