Spoder Man sucked Spoder Man 2 sucked Spoder Man 3 was hilariously bad New Spoder Man was pretty good Haven't seen New Spoder Man 2 yet
If you're dating someone that doesn't like Star Wars, you're looking for love in Alderaan places
friends wolf
i never really liked lion king
I'm glad someone gets it
>_> Frozen <_<
movies are amazing at 60fps that is all
Helga MVP
I make people ship us
it's okay, i'll take it. for you <3
That joke was terrible though
You're taking it up with the wrong person
No need to get so defensive, bro.
Because you've made multiple topics about Nova?
What's wrong with being gay?
Trigger confirmed confirmer?
it's kind of sickening
Why isn't every game downloadable? Because they aren't. GG.