I've been doing research on a weapon called a rail gun from the MGS series and i cam across this; It mightn't be an exact replica to the ones in MGS but it does use the same tech as the ones in MGS. What people don't realise is that there are some things in MGS that are far from fictional.The Stealth Camo that they mention in thoses games, the military have been experimenting with that since 2002.The Conspiritory organisation known as the patriots aren't real but the Illuminaty are real.The scenario of PMC's and a War economy could happen if the stock market collapses and with the way oil is going thats a possibility.People think that MGS is all fictional well think again.
There are alot of hair babies on craggy island and i think your the hairy baby maker!!!
The name is pretty self-explanitory.things that have changed about me is the fact that me fashion sense has vastly improved,i'm alot more confident and i have way more friends.
Forget it.
Just so people know...~Amber completely rulez!!!!!!(sorry for the bad grammar) I just want everyone who might've forgotten that fact to know. P.S:Thanks for the Linkin Park Avvy and siggies.
What do you all think of the Linkin Park upgrade!! I'm still getting over my change.
5 years after the operation codenamed "Guns of the Patriots" it is 2019 and the world is a very different place.The bloodline of the man named John has died out as of 3 and 1/2 years ago when solid Snake died of old age.While the Patriots and SOP are gone they still left a Scar in the form of SOPS (Sons Of the Patriots Syndrome) where the people who used to have all there Physical and Emotional health in check until the SOP system collapsed which ment everything came back and they went into Withdrawal.All the PMC's along with alot of the Military Companies seemed to vanish slowly but a very Noted Military company called AT security(or Arms Tech) just dissappeared off the face of the earth. The Metal Gear Projects are still continuing and alot of military operations are being introduced.The governments still haven't learned that it is this stuff that is the source to what is happening to the world or....it isn't the government calling the shots.Akiba(Johnny) and Meryl along with Johnathan and Ed are still Apart of the Elite Fox unit while Otacon has gone back to Philantropy to stop the development of metal gear any further.Raiden becomes apart of the FOX unit with Akiba,Meryl,Johnathan and Ed.Their unit is known as the Snake unit.Raiden is living Happily with Rose and Little John.Colonel Cambell gains control of the FOX unit in 2015. Off the shores of Alaska a Unit of FOX members take over the vessel which was hidden as part of Shadow Moses Island after it sank due to ocean currents, which was known as outer haven which was still equiped with a giant Pay load of Gekkos,Dwarf Gekkos,rays and Rex's Rail Gun.the unit bought out the PMC known as Raven Sword and have about an army of 10,000 men on board the vessel.The lead Conspiritors are a guy named Jack who is the ability to control Liquid Mercury and weilds a patriot who's bullets are coated with Mercury,Helen who is able to Stop bullets and turn them around to hit the person shooting and weilds Two hand Held Rail guns,Niglov who is able to control electricity and weilds throwing Knives and Tiger who has unparellel Hunting and Scouting Abilities and weilds an SVD sniper rifle. Hours after the unit took over the Outer Haven they sent a giant shot at the JD satilite knocking it down and sent a message via the T.V.,Internet and Radio "We are the Liberators unit and we will take the Military by force" and with some sadistic laughing it cut off.The unit then stayed in there positions to wait for the government and by that time the Outer Haven was as big as a small country.The snake Unit is being sent in to eliminate the threats.The FOX Main frame hack the outer haven but to no success but obtained a mapped layout of the giant ship.They have no support team but have codec systems to communicate. The Snake Unit have to HALO jump into the ship and the Adventure Begins. Rules 1.)No God Modding 2.)The bad guys will be killed at a certain point in the story 3.)The snakes(or snake unit members) are fitted with what weapons they want(Max. 7 weapons) 4.)Stay Active 5.)there is some form of story plot to this 6.)If your Playing as a Liberator unit Member i will let you in on the parts of the storyline you need to know. 7.)At some Piont in the storyline one of you will break away after the liberators turn one of the Snakes into a Cyborg ninja.It's no one in particular which leaves the different characters open. Characters Snake Unit Raiden: Daxma Meryl: Akiba: Fayt Harkwind Johnathan: Ed: Liberator Unit Jack: Daxma Helen: Niglov(He's a Guy): Tiger(Girl): Sorry but no OC's in this RP but if you want an OC in the next installment,if we reach one then when we get to the end of this one give me the details and i can tie them into the storyline of it
Since there is no posting i've decided to Post a hilarious guy playing Trampoline Basket ball and it goes wrong.He gets seriously injured and i am sorry for that and we shouldn't really be laughing at him but it is so funny and if he was doing stuff like that he deserves it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnRlSLi1IHc Please Comment.It will give you something to do.
How much do you like Kitty McKechnie??? I like her so much i'd buy out McDonolds for her!!!!
Who Are Your Top 5 favourite Members??? Mine are: 1st-Catch The Rain tied with Cupcake 2nd-Cherry 3rd-Kitty 4th-K.H.Nuts13 5th-cocohints
Mine is a topical news show here in Ireland hosted by Comedians called the Panel: http://www.rte.ie/tv/thepanel/av_20071119.html?2310492,null,228 It does mention sex and stuff but it is so Funny!!! Whats your favourite non-animated TV Program???
Ed Byrne is a native Irish comedian.He's so F*cking funny.Have a look at this.He's slagging Alanis Morrisate and talks about how he burned a High Wickham Women who tried to make a fool of him for slagging Alanis Morrisate but she was burned in the end: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT1TVSTkAXg
Just to Let People Know...cocohint is Great!!!!!!!
Who else other than me and My goddess of Bueaty and Fairness,Catch the Rain are Linkin Park Junkies???
The Most Cherished thing i own is the Good luck charm around my Neck.It protects me everywhere.It protects me in my dreams and it protects me in real life.It's the reason i never get in trouble during business class when i don't do my work and i'm doodling the Linkin Park Symbol all over my Books(Especially my school Journal for all my homework which is completely devoid of the school crest because the linkin Park symbol along with linkin Park songs are all over them).My good luck charm helps me in my social life aswell.
It mightn't have all the great moments but its a start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8v2mEg9Cpvs
Since the spamzones slowing down i've decided to come up with something Hilarious. How men screw up romance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_-jcF2wC9k I loled at this so hard!!!
I'm setting up an ~Amber~ fanclub because she is an important part of KH Vids and her Graphic shop is very relyable. Members me Mexony
This is We Made it be Linkin Park and Busta feat Rhymes; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAMbCmK0iHg&feature=related It's one of there best.If you listen closely enough you can hear the same guitar work from Papercut.
I've found the new official video for leave out all the rest. It has a bueatiful sadness that is just captivating and i'm sure i'm not the only one that sees it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRCY...http://i.ytimg.com/vi/QRCYdB2w67Q/default.jpg