CODED: THEIR TORMENT HAS BEEN LESSENED The new scans featured numerous shots of Coded in action, from 3D to 2D play sequences. Unfortunately it did not contain more screens of the trailer played at the DKΣ3713 event. The trailer ends with this scene. What could this mysterious message mean? It no doubt has a connection to the other mysterious message found in the journal, "We must return to free them from their torment." The King, Jiminy, Goofy, and Donald peer into the journal. "Their torment has been lessened", is written in the journal
This is all from KHInsider: 358/2 DAYS: A LOOK AT THE MYSTERIOUS 14TH MEMBER This a very dramatic scene from the 358/2 Days trailer. Riku and the 14th member confront one another outside the Beast's Castle. It appears they have just battle, and that the 14th has lost. The 14th collapses in pain, she is holding the Kingdom Key. Riku closes in on her and lifts her hood, she resists. He lifts one eye of the blindfold to see her face. Riku's expression changes to that of surprise. Riku: "Who are you? Why do you have the keyblade?" 14th: "Why are you dressed like a member of the Organization?" Their conversation continues in these screens. So many mysteries surround the 14th member. Riku walks away from her, towards the castle. Riku: "So no one interferes with Sora's sleep." Her keyblade is sticking out of the ground. Riku picks it up and hurls it toward her. Riku: "What you have... That keyblade must be a fake." 14th: "Don't tell me that! You're deceiving too!" Riku: "Indeed, maybe I'm the one who doesn't exist." The 14th member is also shown fighting with Axel. It seems though Xemnas may have welcomed her warmly, she is having trouble in the Organization. In front of the Twilight Town mansion. Axel: "You're gotta be kidding! Don't make a fool out of me." The 14th member turns to yell at Axel. Appearing in his hands are his chakrams covered in fire. Axel and the 14th are confronting one another. Axel: "I've decided. No matter how many times you escape, I will bring you back." The first screen shows another image of Namine talking to DiZ about Sora's memories. Namine: "Regardless of how I assemble the memories, they begin to flow out... If another memory is connected, it can't return to it's original source. In the second screen, Namine awaits the 14th's arrival inside the white room of Twilight Town mansion. It is the last scene in the trailer. It cuts off with the 14th member removing her hood, so her face is not seen. The 14th comes to Namine's side. Namine: "I wanted to meet you, Xion."
This is all from KHInsider: BIRTH BY SLEEP: A first look at the three heroes of Birth by Sleep together! This scene appears to take place in the opening of the Birth by Sleep trailer played at DKΣ3713. Here's the excerpt from the trailer: In a castle courtyard. Aqua is dancing about with a keyblade, Ven and Terra are watching. Ven looks toward a staircase, someone comes from the entrance, and the three gather. The second image offers a closer look at Aqua herself. This is from when Aqua pleas with Ven about Terra. Ven: "It's a lie..." Aqua: "Don't be fooled, Ven!" Aqua runs toward Ven. Aqua: "Terra isn't like that, you know that!" In this scene, Terra and Aqua discuss Master Xehanort's whereabouts. Look's like they're in Cinderella's castle. Aqua: "Is there a clue of Master Xehanort?" Terra: "He is interested in hearts of pure light." Aqua: "A heart of pure light..." Terra: "We'll chase the light too." Terra: "Master Xehanort should appear if we do so." In the second shot Terra has approached Snow White and is thinking to himself about her. Terra: (I can feel the pure light...) Terra: (After all, does this girl have a heart of pure light?) In this dramatic scene, Aqua confronts Maleficent outside her castle. After their talk, Maleficent transforms into a dragon and attacks Aqua. It's the ending of the Birth by Sleep trailer played at the event. Aqua: "I'll ask again." Aqua: "Was what you said to Ven a lie?" Maleficent: "It was all true." Maleficent: "Terra succumbs to darkness in order to gain power." Aqua: "Get out of here!"
This a giant theory that is presented to you all by the kingdomologists.This giant theory was slowly developed by three of us;Daxma(me),DemoN:||D@ys and DaedHeart.It explains bits about 358/2 days and possibly KH3 along with BBS.Special thanks to trizzle13: EDIT:Concerning the Aqua's nobody thing i'm completely wrong.I think that Xion is the result of kiari's heart transfering into her own body again.When her heart went out of her body Namine was created and when soras heart went out of his body roxas was created but when kiari's heart returned to kiari another nobody was created,Xion.I noticed during the events when she goes up against riku in the screenshots riku says her keyblade is fake and she says "You trying to decieve me too" in rough translation which means she had been told it before but what i think it is, is a keyblade but the reason it's the shape of the keyblade is the fact that Xion has the same memories as sora which means that since their memories are the same and the keychain is said to be memory that is why she holds the kingdom key and the reason that she can use the keyblade is because she is soras nobody she can use a keyblade the same as sora and roxas.The reason that Xion is a she is because she created by kiari's her. We didn't set out to make this giant theory.It just managed to string itself together as we did them.
This thread is different from the others because it has different scans and these are curtesy of KHInsider: I can't wait until the SE event at the weekend.
This is different from the other threads.It has different scans and they're still curtesy of KHInsider: I can't wait until the SE event at the weekend.
These images are curtesy of KHInsider: I can't wait until we get more info at the weekend at the SE event.
What are your top ten MGS characters,why do you like them and if possible mentioin your favourite quote; 1)Revolver Ocolot.He comes just above Grey fox because he is not good or evil just....him.His motives and side were never clear,he was always ahead,He had was never,at any point a person he was a brave man.He chose to die on his own terms.He betrayed everyone he loved for what he believed in.He was known as;Et al,Shalashaska,ocolot,revolver ocolot. 2)Grey Fox.He has always been the pawn but at the same timehe was a powerful pawn.He was always manipualted from his early years to the end.He was known as many names:null,frank hunter,frank gaeger and grey fox.My favourite quote by him would have to be when he is up against rex and is pinned to the wall and Liquid explains about what he used to do in the middle east and as He blasts the radom he says "A cornered fox is more dangerous then a jackel!!!". 3)The Boss.She was a very complicated person but at the same time it was like she was omniscent,kind and had a form of bueaty about her.She fought and died for what she believed in, just like her son, Ocolot.My favourite quote by her would have to be when she was about to be killed by Naked Snake(Big Boss) after he tells him to finish her she says "it isn't about trying to change the world but to try our best to keep it the same". 4)Big Boss.He was an over whelmingly 3D person.He was the kind of person who cast a large shadow and yet in his earliest stages of power he seemed to misunderstand,he misunderstood the beliefs of the boss and ended up wanting to create complete freedom without rules which in one respect was what the boss wanted but at the same time it contradicted the country she fought to protect.My favourite quote by the boss was at the end of MGS4 when he lays against the boss' tombstone,with the Patriot in his hand and he says "Boss you were wrong.The world is better off without a snake......" to contradict The Boss' statement of "The world needs only one snake". 5)The End.Even though, he is in a cromatos state most of the time but he is a great marksmen and he always seemed to make himself invisible.He was able to talk to the spirits of the forest which made him omniscent.My favourite quote by him is"Please, spirits of the forest,give me the energy to take one last prey". I need to go offline but i'll edit in my other 8 at another time.Please post yours along with,why and your favourite quotes by them.
These are the top 10 Metal Gear Solid moments.I think they should've put in when Solidus takes on the Metal Gear Rays. Warning:Number 6 is gruesome and slightly cruel so if you don't like that stuff do not go near it; I'm not surprised what number one is.......
OMFG soveriegn is back online!!!!!!
As everyone knows, every religion and or myth is based on some form of common facts but when it comes to the greek/roman religions however no one knows where the appearances of gods came out of,the is no real founder to their believes.What is this ancient and dead religion based on???
What got on one of the queens of Pwndage,the Xiyamae banned???
How many of you have Bebo accounts???
Yes someone remembered.... Happy birthday ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe!!!!!!!!!! Everyone wish her a happy birthday!!!!!
Has anyone else noticed that Darkwatch's Avvy has turned around to show his other side without the 4 ????
This came up on PSN just today: It shows how America is Taken over by the Chimera.There seems to be new breeds of Chimera.
This is a bit like the which song are you listening to Thread but it's a little more complex.You post songs that mimic the way you are feeling.Give links to listen to the songs so people understand how you are feeling.I feel like these songs all at the once: Yes my head is full of differnt emotions all at the same time.
KH-Vids has officially reached it's 28,220th member. This is a cause for celebration!!!! Let's take over a oil platform off the coast of Manhattan...wait a second...Thats MGS2...
It's Cins 100th.Lets go wild to mark the golden age he's achieved!!! To live to 100 must be KH-Vids record.The disadvantage is guys go sterile by that age.
Kitty i know your there.I have this feeling that you are there.Am I right perhaps???