Post the name of an old and lovably inactive member that will be remembered by you forever.Mine Are: Nymph of Destiny Sara Sovereign
The name shawn isn't supposed to be spelled like Shawn it's supposed to be spelled séan.It's the way it orginated and it's the way it's supposed to be...I just wanted to post something in the spamzone.
Who are your ultra extreme bestest best friends on KHV? Mine are Cherry (musical note) and Catch the Rain.
That new members keep on getting banned over pornography(as far as i know). I can guarantee you that all those accounts are belong to the one person trying to spam this place with porn.I know this because i've had to report the same pornography twice from two different acounts.These guys are just getting annoying now.
The year is 2020.It is Cold War II.Russia are denied access to a significant number of troops in Canada after they tried to destroy american cities with IRBM's.This was in retaliation to the fact that America "accidentally" launched a satilite Rail gun attack on the main city,Moscow after a supposed malfunction in the satilite when it was commissioned by the american general. A fissure is created between America and Russia and The War of the superpowers Begins.The Eastern Countries support Russia and the europian countries support America.All global communicationand society has collapsed and its a struggle to win the war. OC Skeleton; Played by: Name: Age: Gender: Nationality: Appearance: Weapons: History: OC's Played by: Daxma Name: Jack Age: 17 Gender:Male Nationality: Irish Apearance:Black trench coat,black Cargo and black boots.A good luck charm around his neck with a black t-shirt under his trench coat.Has Blond side-cut Hair and has five o' clock shadow. Weapons: A special body armor that has two rail guns that are adjustable with this body armor.These can be changed into a pair of giant wings.He also weilds a buster sword and two P9O submachine guns. History: Started becoming a vigilanty since he was 13.He stole an experimental body armor with rail guns attachment.Once the war broke out he helped the american armies when called.
Holy inferiority Complex batman!!!!
Turk: Hands in...Chocolate bear!!! J.D: Vanilla Bear!!! Ricky: Caramel bear!!!
...become a forum helper.I was just looking at the forum leaders thread where it said forum helper.What and an how do you become a forum helper???
How many of you feel like just turning the surround sound up to the last with your favourite angry sound and just destroy everything around because i feel like i could just do it any moment.This isn't a joke.Anyone else feel like this?
Yes, you know it, it's that evil,lovable,twisted,popular guy we know as the joker's birthday.
This, i got off off KHInsider.It refers to all the titles; How is the development status of each of the KH titles? Nomura: About the mobile game, Kingdom Hearts Coded, it's development is progressing steadily. It's being tuned for operations suitable for the mobile phone, it's easily held in one hand and invigorating to play. As for the scenarios, what kind of development is going on? Nomura: Of the 3 titles, it is the only story taking place after Kingdom Hearts II, so in that way it becomes the most enigmatic of them. Will it feel close to Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories in that sense? Those who are familiar with the story will have a deeper understanding of the world of Kingdom Hearts. In conjunction with Coded, Kingdom Hearts Mobile will begin this fall shortly. Content for it will be added on a regular basis. The portal site is intended to be something Kingdom Hearts fans won't want to miss. How is Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days coming along? Nomura: On the DS title, we wanted the multiplayer mode to be enjoyable for many people, not to become simply omake*, therefore it's become something everyone can play together. Even the opinion of the people who played the demo at the events was that the multiplayer mode was popular. The keyword of this story is "I can't remember, something important." It's not mentioned very much, but the memory is very important to the members of Organization XIII since they don't have hearts, this story draws on that part since it's similar to the heart. What about the stories of the three main characters prepared for the PSP title, Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep? Nomura: As for them, their stories begin at the same point on the time axis, but they take separate actions. The worlds they go to are generally the same places, but how they relate with the worlds is what really differs. For example, after Terra has visited a world that no one has been to yet, afterwards when Ven comes to it, there is a trace of Terra having been there...... That's the feeling of it. The circumstance and information gained for each character is different. *Omake means extra or bonus in Japanese, it refers to a free gift or feature that sometimes is more desired than the actual product it comes with.
These images i got off of Gamekyo.Roxas is fighting with the XIV member:
This thread is for the Recovery one and reconstruction series' of Red vs Blue, the greatest Machinima in existance at the moment.In these series' it's a good 14 months after the end of season 5 where tex takes herself,Yomings helmet,Andy the bomb and tuckers child into orbit and possibly blew up.You mainly see the series' through the eye's of a free lancer named Washington (nicknamed "Wash").Wash has tofind something thats killing off free lancers take there AI's and Take there specified gear (e.g. tex's invisability unit). The series is very serious and alot more deep and intricate with alot more climactic scenes with amazing music that would put a chill down your spin and the special effects are brilliant.It is of course funny but funny outside of climactic moments.Here you guys go in order: Recovery one Reconstructions I'll be updating this every week because they make a new chapter nearly every 5 days. I'd be grateful if you would sticky this thread.Red vs Blue set the Bar for Machinima and now they've bumped it up with These series'.
What scenario would happenwith person of a certain occupation(carpenter,house mom,etc.) and a ho-bo/homeless person on the side of the street. Here's what an insurance broker would say: *Grab attention of Ho-Bo* Broker:Sir,you seem like the person who has a family. *Ho-Bo looks puzzled* Broker:If you die your family won't have a place to live because your the one who's the bread bringer in the family, an i right??? *Ho-Bo noddes* Broker:Well then you need a premium a life insurance plan.You need it because if you die your wife will lose your Box!!! Ho-Bo: Noooo!!! Broker:OK then sign this paper that says that we will own you sou...i mean...will leave money to your family after you've gone as long as you pay us in monthly installments. *Ho-Bo signs and Broker Leaves* *Ho-Bo turns to talk to the other Ho-Bo's* Other Ho-Bo: What were you doing there Ho-Bo:A broker said i looked like a guy with a family,so apparently i have a family,even though i've never had a family and now i pay money to this guy for this family....
Everything in it's truest form is an Illusion for, everything is not what it seems.This form of the illusion is based on perspective and Perspective controls order because most of the laws and rules of anything are based on what should and should not be allowed which is based on peoples morality which is formed by the way they see the world and how they were taught to see the world and those who taught them to see the world was the same as what they do to others.All people have been taught from some basis of Illusion and this Illusion sustains people grip on there surroundings and the reality in which they live in.If you look at it,for some people to lose this illusion,is to lose their sanity and their grip on the present.Once they've lost there grip on the present they want this illusion and attachment to stuff they once knew back but instead of getting the illusion back they create another illusion of their own to compensate in which they create their own Reality where no matter what they do it isn't wrong.This is how the insane are born.Everything that surrounds people is as much an illusion as a mirror duplication trick.Those that see everything as is, it really are able to see the everything in multiple dimensions,ways,perspectives and views. I want to know what you think about this philosophy and if you can comprehend it because none of people who i know are even capable of understanding this.
100 years before Sora,Riku,Kiari and the gang destroyed Organisation XIII and 90 years before Terra,Aqua and Ven took on Master Xeahnort and his Apprentice there was a keyblade war between a group of Old,powerful keybladers with a mastery of powerful magic called "The Wisemen" who concisted of six people Master Xeahnort,Ienzo,Briag,Evens,Dilan and Elaeus and there army of dark keybladers and The Keyblader Group called "The keyblade Angels".The Keyblade Angels were few because alot of them switched to the dark side ever since the greatest of the keybladers, Yen Cid dissappeared after a giant battle against Master Xeahnort.The Keyblade Angels have an unusual power to unlock great power from heir keyblades at their time of need and this is a power no one on the dark side could unlock.The Keyblade Angels Headquarters was a giant flying castle on a dark world with skyscrapers and buildings surrounding it. The Keyblade Angels travelled the worlds to fight the Wise Mens army in hopes of peace. The Wise Mens HQ is unknown to the Keyblade Angels and cannot be found.Now it is time to Begin the Journey of the Past... The Wise Men Number one,Master Xeahnort: Daxma Number two,Ienzo: Number three,Briag: Number Four,Evens: Number five,Dilan: Number Six,Elaeus: OOC's Played by: Daxma: Name: Daxma Side: The Keyblade Angels Gender: Male Age: 18 Apearance: A black Jacket,Black boots and Black cargo Pants with all the pockets of the metal plated.Has Spiky Blonde hair and has dark blue eye's.Has armour all down the left side of his body except on the face,chest and stomach. Keyblade(s) descriptions:Two Omega Oblivions.A mix between Terra's Keyblade and the oblivion keyblade. Power:Has control over lightning. History: Lived on a world called Radient Garden and lied a peacful life.His parents were very old and died of old age.He learned to weild his two keyblades from an early age and had a bond with his keyblades.Once The Wise Men came to his world he took action and took on as many as he could but they annilated him and he woke up on a dark world where he met a man named yen cid and took him into the Keyblade Angels. Personality:He is extremely complex and see's bueaty in things no one can.There seems to be a form of mystic about him because when he fights he seems to be seperating through lightning and it begins to rain when he fights.
I need six more Metal Gear Online players so that we can enter the MGO tournement. That way if we get to the finals we actually get into next years TGS all expenses paid!!!
My Favourite Videogame Advertisement was the one for Assassins Creed:"Red+VS+Blue"+ The music feels distant and mysterious.
You someone remembered. Everyone wish K I A R I happy birthday!!!
Church:I guess now you've only got one ho Tucker:I wish i had just one.... Church:Oh shut the F*ck up tucker! Sarge:I'll kick in his cringle, I'll punch him in his hollybush, I'll rip off his partrige and kick him in the pear trees!!!