Chris follows Nulix to the Gummi Ship and see's Vexneah asleep then he sits down."Nulix what were you doing in the other side?"
7 we are close
18984 not if i do........ *gets up dances with you*
4 dont give up
OOC:How many classes are there and what is there............I need a another student to help me. Ken gets a paper to see what are his classes. This isnt it lets see.........
2 say happy to the last person........
Chris waits..........."Lets go to the Castle.........wait what about the Others Xengreny where is he?" Something is strange about Tera Roth if we dont do somethng now......well I dont know what happens but I fell something bad is going to happen.
9 yes the number
18982 cool! yay!
7 ingore the people.......
18980 yay i got it * celebrates*
4 they did cool!
OOC:Where do I start? Being "new" to school I think I should start at a office.Principal's............
1 great just people are messing it up leave us alone.....people to Count ot 1,000,000 got it easy
Vexen reads," So Larxene your going there to beat people up or take out your anger?"
18978 cool number..........not really.....