Hello there, I would like to request a signature please. Image: click here Size: 300x500 Text: "Merry Chrisumasu!" in white or black letters (whichever is more visible, preferably white) Colors: Red and Green Border: White Rounded(?): No thanks Special: Have fun with the colors a bit! =)
meri^ · kurisumasu !
Just letting you know that the Silver Lights map is now up so you can see your starting point! Here is the...
Silver Lights map officially up people! See your Starting Points and the world this rp takes place in here! I''m gonna start this rp once some more people sign up.
Dammit. Sorry 'bout that. I'll fix it!
Ash Takahashi - Day 5[COLOR=#217bd5][COLOR=#217bd5]What she is wearing today[/COLOR][/COLOR][URL='http://the-blackangels.tumblr.com/post/36507655358/you-know-who-you-are'][COLOR=#217bd5]Latest Tumblr Post[/COLOR][/URL] (OOC: Sorry for the delay, I had school today) "Mom, come quick! My stomach hurts and I feel like I'm gonna- bleargghhhh!" Of course, the faux vomit worked like a charm! Ash's mother was convinced that she had a stomach virus and she should stay home from school. "Just rest until I get home Ashie, I should be back from classes by 4:30." Her mother told her as she walked through the door. The next few hours for Ash were uneventful, just working on her music and browsing the internet for her. Then she checked her watch: 12:15. Then she remembered what Madeline said. "Holy crap! I'm late!" Ash shouted, then she grabbed a coat and gloves and burst out the door. When she made it to Laceys, she found Madeline and the rest of the group easily and walked over to them. "Sorry I'm late people, I got carried away with some stuff and lost track of time. So what happened while I was gone?"
Thanks. =)
I had school today, so I kinda missed a lot of the Laceys thing.... lol. Is it OK I make Ash show up late for the thing....?
Finished Insurgent (Second book in the Divergent Trilogy) a few days ago. Divergent (if you don't know) is about a girl that lives in a city split into 5 Factions, and is only days away from her Choosing (a Faction) Ceremony. The day before, however, she learns that she is Divergent, or can fit into mulitple factions. Divergent is about her adventures in the Faction she picks.
Anime: Hetalia. Manga: Alice in the Country of Hearts
Silver LightsWelcome to the world where anything is possible(CLICK HERE TO GO TO OOC THREAD)Introduction: WELCOME PLAYERS OF THE GAME, WELCOME TO A WORLD WHERE ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE! I AM THE GAME MASTER, AND I RUN THE GAME THAT YOU ALL ARE SOON ABOUT TO PLAY. TO EXPLAIN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ALL, ALL BUT SOME OF YOUR MEMORY HAS BEEN WIPED AND IN MY CLUTCHES. HERE ARE THE ONLY THINGS YOU REMEMBER: 1. YOUR FULL NAMES 2. YOUR AGES 3. YOUR PERSONALITY 4. YOUR MOST TREASURED MEMORY THE RULES OF THE GAME ARE SIMPLE: YOU MUST LIVE IN THIS WORLD FOR 10 WEEKS. SOUNDS SO SHORT? WELL... THINK AGAIN! IF YOU SURVIVE 10 WEEKS HERE, I WILL RETURN YOU BACK HOME WITH ALL OF YOUR MEMORY RESTORED. IF YOU DON'T SURVIVE... WELL, THAT MEAN'S YOU DIED PLAYINGHERE. ANYWAY, THERE DOESN'T SEEM TO BE ANYTHING ELSE TO EXPLAIN HERE, I'LL SEND YOU ALL TO YOUR STARTING PLACES WHILE I GO START MY ROLE IN THE GAME. GOOD LUCK PLAYERS OF THE GAME! Rules 1. You must obey the Game Master 2. NO GODMODDING! 3. This is a 3-strike roleplay. Strike 1- Warning from me, Strike 2- The Game Master will paralyze you for 2 Game Days, Strike 3- The Game Master will kill you off without any warning, 4. Keep everything PG-13 rated! 5. PLEAAAASE don't be a b-tch if your character is killed off. 6. During the RP, I may PM you. READ THESE PMS. These will be memories that the Game Master has decided to return to you. 7. Don't do overly-dramatic or just flat-out stupid stuff (not that I will stop you). If you do, the Game Master will rewind time to fix it. 8. You may add plot twists (hooray for co-op writing rp!) Skeleton Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: Most treasured Memory: (Please do not sign up in this thread, please do it in the OOC Thread) Accepted Flowergothic: Name: Winter McElroy Age: 17 Appearance: here Personality: Like bittersweet candy: Friendly, but cold; sweet, but sour; etc. Most treasured Memory: What seems like a date with a boy who's face or name she can't remember Hyuge: Name: Delilah [Lila] Evans Age: 19 Appearance: Link Personality: witty and bright. She's smart but doesn't flaunt it. Lila always wears a smile, even when it's seemingly impossible and likes to make people just as happy as she is. Most treasured memory: it's blurred and distorted, but of a small girl. Most of her features have faded away with the fog that clouds their minds, but she appears to be smiling. Is that batter on her nose? A dirty apron around her waist? She can't remember, but the girl seems happy--giggling even. Sisters? MoK: Name: Alex Rhodes Age: 18 Appearance: Click Personality: He's courageous, kind-hearted and easy to get along with Most treasured Memory: It's all fuzzy, but it seems to be him and a girl at dinner. They seemed of be enjoying themselves, maybe a first date.
Same here
Ash Takahashi - Day 4[COLOR=#217bd5]What she is wearing today[/COLOR]Latest Tumblr Post[COLOR=#ff0000]!!![/COLOR] Ash looked at Chase with confusion while he ran off. Of cours, they both acted romantic toward each other before, but they never really crushed on each other. "Chase...." Ash started, but she was too late, Chase was too far from her, "Now what?" she asked. Then she decided to return home. ********** Ash was the only one that was home, her mom left a note that said: Ash- I'm at the Community Center taking lessons. I should be home to make dinner by 4. -Mom Ash went to her bedroom and pulled out her phone. She proceeded to text her bandmates: Lisa, Piper, Ginger, Sophie- The practice sessions for today and tomorrow have been cancelled because of personal reasons. Practice will resume on Wednesday. -Ash
Two phrases: "YES!" and "I still like the two iPsycho episodes, espicially the 2nd one!" At least my 6-year-old brother won't be screaming at me about how much he likes iCarly anymore....
Ash Takahashi - Day 4What she is wearing todayLatest Tumblr Post (OOC: Sorry for being late, my folks decided to do Christmas Cards today) "Deity Witch, Deity Witch, Deity Witch....." Ash thought about what Crestatia said in the audiotorium. And it was very clear, two of the people who listened to her were going to die. Tomorrow. "Madeline, John, Brian, Tyler, Quinn, Abby, Aileen Altair, Xavier, Elizabeth, Cherna, Temperance, Chase, and me...." Ash mumbled to herself, "Any combination of two on the list will lose their lives in less than 24 hours. Which means.... I could die tomorrow." Then she saw Chase, curled near a locker, looking very uncomfortable. Ash walked up to him slowly (so she wouldn't scare him), "Chase..." she stuttered, "Are you.... okay?"
Hey, s'up?
Accepted. =)
Accepted. Thank you! =)
Ash Takahashi - Day 4What she is wearing todayLatest Tumblr Post Scared and confused, those were the two emotions Ash was feeling right now. What predecessor? Why was it that this predecessor couldn't say her name? Somewhat determined to find the answer, Ash stuttered: "Wha... Waht.... What predecessor?"