Wearing : Tumblr: OOC- Yes this is a short post. =/ : Music As Alyssa walked closer to Alex, she couldn't help but to speak with him, but she didn't want to look like a creep. But if only, if only she could speak to him. If only, If o- BUMP! Alyssa realized that she accidentally bumped into Alex. "Oh, I'm really sorry I bumped into you," she said, "You OK?"
Yes, why?
Merry Christmas from Flowergothic! ツ
Wearing : Tumblr: OOC- Yes this is a short post. =/ : Music "Alyssa, can you run to the supermarket to grab some milk and bread? We're out of both." "Sure Mom." Alyssa grabbed her purse and walked out the door. While walking, she noticed someone familiar: Alex, she believed? But she didn't know for sure. But she couldn't help wondering as she walked closer to him.
Wearing : Tumblr!!! : OOC : Music Alyssa woke when the sunlight of her window reflected on her eyes. "Ugggh." She grumbled while getting up. Then she remembered: Today was the 15th. Two Days: the day of the Youth Music Contest. She walked downstairs to get some breakfast when she saw Lisa at the piano. "Morning Lisa," Alyssa smiled, "Practicing for the contest in two days?" "Yeah." Lisa replied. "When do you have to be at the rec. Center?" (The original location for the contest was Sealand Park, but they moved it to Glendale Recreation Center due to the flood.) "The contest doesn't start 'til 6, but they want all of the bands competing to be there at 2:30." "Did you get a second guitarist?" Lisa paused for a second before answering, "Yes, her name is Renee Kim." "Ok." Then Alyssa got herself a bowl of cereal to eat.
Well, this is really the first time I made a character having a condition like that, and I don't know any people who ever had the condition. I...
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC- are we on day14 yet? I set this post at night just in case : Music 3 Am: Twisting, turning, twisting, turning. Then Crestatia's email popped into Alyssa's mind: Hello. Do you remember me? "No, I don't." Alyssa replied in her head. "Whether or not you create or possess the gameboard has little to do with your ability to control it." "This gameboard, this game, this haunting game, this haunting game with a ruthless demon under the name of Crestatia." Regardless..... Welcome to the last 100 days of your life! Don't look so disappointed! It's important to live like you're dying, right? Right? I wonder how you will spend these next 100 days? Wisely, I hope. "We all are dying, we are all preparing to die since our first day alive. But not each day can be spent wisely, there must be some action in these days, which is where I guess you get the idea of entertainment." Your deaths will be short and painless, so long as you follow these very important rules: - Do not tell anyone about me. "With the exception of anyone else who got your email." -Do not attempt to take your life before Day 101. "That's what you possibly made the deaths of Madeline and Temperence look like, but I guess I know better, since those two were on the list." - Do not make a deal with anyone but myself. "What do you mean by 'deals'? I can tell this isn't like those 'Help me with this and I'll help you with your homework' kind of deals." -Absolutely NO Romance "I can tell this rule has been broken before, because of Thomas." - infoehfjdsnvkjenvjkfev "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" After that, Alyssa couldn't think about much stuff anymore, and eventually drifted back to sleep.
#6. It was really well-done and a lovely song.
Wearing!!! : Tumblr : OOC : Music Before going to bed, Alyssa decided to listen to some music. She started off with the stuff on her Tumblr's music player, then went on to Soundcloud to find some more stuff. At first she didn't find much, then she listened to this, and got amazed by the beauty of it. The strings, the rhythm, the pitch, the beauty. Then she remembered the lyrics of the song: She's buying the stairway to hea-ven. The song made Alyssa remember Crestatia's email, about that she only had 100 days left to live (well, more like 87 days now) "And she's buy-ying, the sta-air-way, to..... heaven." Alyssa whispered as she drifted off to sleep.
Here's my latest song (well, more like a dub, but still)! =)
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC : Music When Alyssa got home, the first thing she did was go into Lisa's bedroom to see how she was doing. Lisa did look a lot better than before, her eyes were less red from crying, and she ate a bit more (unlike the days before). "I'm back Lisa," Alyssa started, "How are you doing?" "I'm doing better." Lisa replied, "Oh, and I heard about the homicide at the resort, yikes." "Yeah, it was horrible." "So, how was the trip?" "Great. The springs were very relaxing." "Yeah, I just told Janice and dad that you were spending the night with Kimberly though." "Ok." Kimberly was one of Alyssa's only friends. "So, you wanna practice piano and cello together?" Alyssa smiled, "Sure Lisa!" "Ok then." And the two headed to where the piano was and played together (♪).
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC : Music As Alyssa stood in the Women's locker room, she couldn't help but think about ways Crestatia could have killed those two girls. So far, she could only think of her cutting them or bit the two deeply (Alyssa didn't see any bite marks, so her second assumption was unlikely). Then she decided that she has seen enough, and went to her bedroom to pack up and change. After that, she checked out and walked to the bus stop without looking back once.
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC : Music "Everything is going to be OK Alyssa, just calm down." Alyssa told herself. She looked again at Madeline and Temperence's bodies. The horror of the two lying motionless in the water kept her speechless. Then she looked around the room. Some people she knew were there: Tyler, Matt, Zoey, and Anthony. "What happened? What did Crestatia do to kill these two innocent teenagers?!" She thought.
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC- 0.o : Music "Help!! Somebody help!!!" That was the first thing Alyssa heard after she exited the elevator to the lobby, and decided to run towards the sound (even when she was still in her pajamas). As she was running, she found something odd. The sound was coming from a boy, yet she was running closer to the Women's locker room. "Maybe Some guy heard a shriek and went to the Women's springs to see what was going on." Alyssa thought as she ran past the lockers and towels in the locker room. But when she got there, the first thing she did was widen her eyes in total shock. The water was a chilling blood red, and there were two bodies slumped in it. When Alyssa got a closer look, she recognized the two girls: "Oh my god," she shrieked, "Not Madeline and Temperence too!"
Wearing !!! : Tumblr : OOC : Music The springs soothed Alyssa, helping her ease some stress in her mind about her stepsister. It was just what she needed to relax. As she walked down the 3rd floor hallway looking for her room (#335), she thought for a second about the future, about the fate Crestatia put on her, and her stepsister's best friend Ashina, and some other people she knew. But before Alyssa could get her mind on something else, she found herself standing in front of room #335, the room she was staying in. She unlocked the door and walked in, cleaning up and putting on her pjs. Then she noticed her phone was vibrating, she got a text from her stepsister: Spoiler Hey Alyssa- Spoiler Hope you're having fun at the springs! I just finished practice today with the rest of the Black Angels. So yes, the Youth Music Contest is still a go! It is also still on the 15th in Sealand Park (remember the flood?)! So yeah, stay safe and have fun at the Hot Springs! Love, Lisa Alyssa managed a half-smile after reading the text. Lisa was handling things so well, but she still was broken on the inside. She decided to reply to the text: Spoiler Hi Lisa! Glad to see you managing things in the Black Angels on your own! I did have fun at the springs- well, fun isn't really the word, it's more like relaxing. I hope the rest of the band is doing well too! Good luck preparing for the contest! =) - Alyssa Pleased with what she said, Alyssa tucked herself in and lulled herself to sleep.
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC : Music When Alyssa got off the bus to the Hot Springs, the first thought she had was: "Wow." The resort looked astonishing, with it's beautiful exterior and lobby, she couldn't resist standing with her mouth open in shock (the good kind). Alyssa went ahead and got a room to put her stuff down. She was glad to finally be able to stretch, as she spent the past hour or so doing nothing but texting with Lisa and some of her friends and playing constant Temple Run. "What should I do now?" She asked herself. Then Alyssa remembered the main purpose of this resort, and got out her swimsuit to relax in the springs.
Wearing : Tumblr : OOC : Music The News: Spoiler Alyssa loved walking home with her stepsister, Lisa. The two of them trusted each other with everything: from boy trouble to school drama. And since she had autism, Alyssa could feel that Lisa was one of the only people she could consider as a friend. One day, while walking home together, Alyssa asked, "Hey Lisa, when does the Black Angels practice next?" "Tomorrow," Lisa replied, "Since Ash had to cancel today and yesterday's practices due to 'personal reasons'. She wasn't at school today due to Stomach Flu anyway." "Ok. But did the cancellation of those two practices have to do with that?" "No, Ash didn't give details about why she cancelled them." "I see." And the two walked on without saying anything else to each other. That evening, while the stepsisters and the rest of their family was eating dinner, the phone rang. "I'll get it." Alyssa's stepbrother said, and walked out of the room. A few seconds later he walked back in and handed the phone to Lisa, "It's for you, Ash's mother is calling." "Thanks Jack," Lisa replied, and started talking with Mrs. Takahashi. During the call, Lisa's facial expression changed a lot. From shock, to maturity, to surprise, then back to shock when she hung up. "I need to be excused from the table." Lisa walked off and (from the sound of it) went upstairs. After dinner, Alyssa headed up to her stepsister's bedroom, only to see her crying. "What happened Lisa?" She asked. "Ash.... she died.... Explosion at Lacey's." Lisa stuttered between sobs. "Oh my god! I feel so sorry for you Lis!" Alyssa ran over to her stepsister to comfort her. "It's okay... I just need some time alone." Lisa managed a wry smile. That conversation Alyssa had with Lisa was still haunting her mind. Of course, Alyssa knew the reason behind this. " First Thomas, then Xavier, and now Ashina after just 5 days?" She asked herself, "Geez, Crestatia's making us drop like flies." Lisa told her that the Youth Music Contest was still a go for the Black Angels, but since Lisa spent the past few days mourning, Alyssa didn't know if her stepsister could handle the pressure anymore. But Alyssa decided to handle that later instead of making Lisa mad at her, and decided to go to this "Hot Springs" thing she got a text about some time ago.
I've been meaning to post this for awhile. This problem I have has been on my mind a lot lately, and oh well... here goes nothing. I've been having mixed feelings for a few boys I know: #1: My current boyfriend, whom I'll call "H". I met H over the summer, and we started dating a few weeks later. He lives in a nearby state (not the one I live in), and I still have contact with him. But lately it seems that he is growing distant from me, and he has not replied to my latest text to him (which was about a week and a half ago). #2: The guy I thought I liked, I'll call him "R". I met R about the same time as H, but I didn't start to get feelings for R until about a week after H and I started dating. I think R knows I like him from they way I acted around him, but I'm not so sure. Now, I'm not sure if I actually still like him or not. #3: The guy I think I'm starting to like, Let's call him "C". I've known C for about a year, but I didn't know him that well until a few months ago. I think I've been starting to grow feelings for him, but I'm not sure if these feelings are true or not. I don't even know if he likes me. So yeah, I've been getting mixed feelings for these three boys (H, R, and C). Should I trust my feelings or...? I'm just very confused with my own situation. =(
Ummm, no. My name's Julia. Why?
- What type: Roleplay banner - Bad Guy or Good Guy?: Neutral - Character Name?: Alyssa Hunter - Font types: Cursive - Colors: Green and blue - Quote: Every day is an obstacle I must overcome - Specific images to work with: click here - Border: No thanks - Certain theme?: Flow-like - Subtle watermark or small credit in sig?: Subtle Watermark -Anything else?: Nope