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  1. flowergothic
    Hi. I joined a year after you... so I guess I don't remember you, but welcome back! =D
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. flowergothic
    “Calmness is the cradle of power." - J.G. Holland
    Wearing - Mood: Neutral - Music - OOC
    When Anthea and Sienna sat down at the bar, the first thing the bartender asked was "Wh' you like?"

    "I'll have a glass of Khortytsa," Sienna replied.

    Anthea, who didn't drink very often, said "I'll just have a jui-"

    "Anthea," her "sister" stopped her, "you know how Fairwyn natives feel about non-alcoholic beverages."

    "They don't lash out on you that much for just ordering juice, and I'm not a real alcoholic anyway."

    "Just get a wine cooler, just in case."

    "Alright," she sighed and told the bartender, "I'll have a strawberry wine cooler."

    The bartender, though a bit uncertain at Anthea's choice, made the drinks anyway.

    The Wine Cooler wasn't too bad, and Anthea enjoyed it (much to her surprise).

    "'s the wine cooler?" Sienna (who was on her third or something glass of Khortytsa) asked.

    "It's good... Sienna." She replied.




    "Sienna..." Anthea started, "you're drunk, aren't you?"

    "Maybe I am.... Maybe I'm not."

    "You sound like you are."

    "Screw that! I feel.... great!" Sienna grinned, and then got up and said, "I'm going to...use... the restroom."

    "Ok... don't trip or throw up..." she watched as her "sister" headed to the restroom.

    Sienna tripped and fell down,
    Typical.... Anthea thought.

    Then, she noticed something. Sienna was trying to interact with another Valen. Rosaline, it seemed.
    "Hi there.... sorry for trippin'.... can you... help me up?" Sienna asked Rosaline.

    Anthea sighed,
    "Yep, she's definitely drunk."
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 18, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. flowergothic
    Wearing - Mood: Neutral - Music - OOC
    "Anthea.." Sienna started as they started heading into Fairwyn, "this place sure does live up to how I expected it..."
    Anthea gave her a weird look and said, "you don't say?", as they entered a bar that the other valens were going to.

    ♡ ♢ ♣ ♤

    The appearance of the bar was decent enough, much to Sienna's shock. However, the overly-sexualized women and strength-pumped men took the glory of a bar out of her head. Oh well, she thought, I might forget about this ridiculous place after a few drinks.

    So, she sat down in one of the stools and ordered a glass of Khortytsa*, hoping she could forget the sight of all those ridiculous Fairwyn natives in the bar.
    Ahhhhhh..... that hits the spot.....
    That feeling was diminished after she heard, "NO! DOORS ARE FOR PUSSIES", then something she couldn't quite make out, and then she noticed a valen, Magnus, she assumed, tossing people out of the bar.

    "What...the...****....." Sienna stuttered as she watched.

    Then, she overheard,
    "Look at you all -- fighting, and over what? Nothing really. Would it not be more fun to dance or enjoy one's company?", to which she couldn't really reply on, since the only fighting she really saw was Magnus throwing people out of the bar.

    *Khortytsa is a wheat-based vodka from Ukraine
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 17, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. flowergothic
    “There’s a fine line between support and stalking
    and let’s all stay on the right side of that.”- Joss Whedon
    Wearing - Mood: Slightly agitated - Music - OOC

    When Anthea and Sienna reached the bottom of the castle, the first thing they saw were some valens leaving.

    "Well," Sienna started, "Do your clairvoyance!"

    "Sienna," she replied tensely, "First off, I am not within four feet of any of those Valens, which I need to be in order to use my power; and second, we're still on the castle grounds, which severely limits my powers."

    "Then, we'll follow them, and then you can do your clairvoyance when you're far enough."

    "Fine," Anthea said, and followed the Valens.

    Damn, she thought, Sienna is annoying at times, but she's never like this. What's up with her? It's like...

    "Anthea!" She was interrupted by Sienna, "You can do your clairvoyance now! =)"

    Anthea sighed, and focused on a valen (she didn't know it's name, though), then closed her eyes and concentrated.

    She couldn't gain much information, but she did get

    "Anthea, are you okay?" Sienna asked.

    Anthea shook her head,
    "I'm fine, Sienna."

    "So, what did you hear?"

    "I think they're going to Fairwyn."

    "Fairwyn?" Sienna was a bit shocked and disgusted, at least to Anthea, "You mean the region with those over-sexualized women and the stupidly large buildings, and the stockpiles of alcohol and weaponry?"

    "I guess so, Sienna. Though I don't know why instead of anywhere else, they want to go to Fairwyn."

    "Let's follow them anyway, we could get some good information about what the hell's going on over there, and I might forget how much I hate that region after a few drinks."

    Anthea was a bit confused at her "sister's" answer, but she went along with it,
    "Alright then."
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. flowergothic
    Wearing - Mood: Neutral - Music - OOC
    After Anthea described to her what was going on, Sienna decided to go to the same window to see for herself. Indeed, there were at least 20 valens shuffling their way inside the castle, But for what? she thought, then she noticed a figure falling down and said, "Is that.... Crestatia?"

    Anthea looked a little closer and replied,
    "I suppose that is her."

    The two watched her until she vanished,
    she may be gone for good, Sienna smiled a bit, that's great.

    After she vanished, she turned to her "sister" and said, "we should leave, Anthea."

    Anthea gave her an odd look,
    "But where would we go?"

    "Maybe you could look into the minds of the other Valens and see what they're doing."

    "Sienna, my power is telepathy, not mind-reading."

    "But what about your Clairvoyance?"

    Anthea sighed,
    "I have to be near a Valen in order to do that."

    "Can you at least try to use it?" You can find a Valen and do it."

    "Fine, but we have to leave the Foyer."

    "Whatever you must do," and Sienna followed Anthea out of the room.
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 14, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. flowergothic
    "Character is the result of two things: mental attitude
    and the way we spend our time." - Elbert Hubbard
    Wearing - Mood: Nervous - Music - OOC

    "We might as well get down from here, but how?", Sienna turned to Anthea and asked this.

    She sighed, "I would suggest using our powers," she started, "but since they're reduced in this castle..."

    "Well, it looks like the path we took isn't blocked, let's go that way."

    "Alright then, Sienna," Anthea then followed her back into the castle.

    After some time, dust and debris fell from the ceiling again, and Anthea and Sienna found themselves in the main foyer again.

    " I hear something... besides that strange shifting," Sienna said.

    Anthea looked outside, and there was some mob of at least twenty Valens, but why?

    "It's some mob, Sienna," Anthea started, "At least 20 Valens are in it. "

    "Why, though?"

    Anthea was as confused as her "sister", she had no idea why that mob was there,
    "I don't know."
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. flowergothic
    Psst, Yes. Private message me to get it.
    Profile Post Comment by flowergothic, Jan 13, 2014
  8. flowergothic
    Wearing - Mood: Excited - Music - OOC: Surprise!!!!! I'm back a day early!!!!! XD
    When Crestatia arrived at the foyer, Sienna felt like she was stabbed by a spear. That damn Crestatia! She thought. Sienna always had a grudge against her for reasons, one of them being that she lost some of her land during the last game, which Crestatia was the coordinator of.

    As she sat down, she heard the somewhat-an-introduction Marina did:
    "Thank you for that introduction Crestatia. For Redemption, I need everyone to be so kind as to draw one card for each of the pawns you intend to start with. If you add more pawns later, they will just be thrown into the fray."
    ienna reached for the center of the table and drew one, it was a Spade. Then, she glanced at Anthea's card, a heart. She didn't know what that meant yet, could their pawns be on separate teams, or maybe there were different limits for the pawns? She sighed, Hopefully Anthea won't be too mad about my pawn....

    Then, Sienna thought a bit about the Gameboard. It was impressive, especially for someone's first game.....

    She heard something, a bell ringing, perhaps?
    What's going on?, she thought, are we starting? Or....

    Then, the castle started to shake, violently, Alright, what's going on? This doesn't usually happen at all!

    Sienna overheard something, they had to stop the bell. But how? Even if her powers weren't reduced here, they couldn't stop something. Her temporal duplication could bring past and future versions of an object into the present, but how could that stop a bell (key word: Duplication); then there was her Animation ability, which let her bring inanimate objects to life, but she couldn't make them inanimate again, so that was pointless in this situation. Finally, there was her thunder manipulation, which could work, but she wasn't sure if it could.

    After a few Valens tried to help, the bell quiets down. The castle was still shaking though. Sienna noticed that some were walking towards a hallway, and she decided to follow them (taking Anthea with her). After a bit of time, they all ended up in a garden where a few others were. There, she found the source of the ringing, a huge bell with the words "TIME IS UP" on it.

    Time is up. Time is up.
    Time is up. Sienna had only been a Valen for about 24 human years, and now time is up. By now, she should have been 40, but she was able to sustain her 17-year-old appearance by becoming a Valen, and now time is up. She should be Marigold "Mary" Lenin, but she was able to change her name to Sienna, and now time is up. Darn, Sienna thought, the 1000 years we had is now over.
    Then, she turned to Anthea, "We might as well get down from here, but how?"
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 12, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. flowergothic
    "Each generation wants new symbols, new people, new names. They
    want to divorce themselves from their predecessors." - Jim Morrison

    Wearing - Mood: Curious - Music - OOC
    Anthea watched as Sienna walked up on one side of Marina and say, "Hello there, one-called-Marina. I am Sienna, and I am delighted to meet you."

    There were many Valens already there, yet she chose to ignore that fact. Oh well, Anthea sighed, Sienna is always impatient like that.

    As she walked a little closer to the new coordinator, she was able to hear her response, "It is a pleasure Sienna," pause, "If you do not mind, I have more players to greet."

    Well, that wasn't what she expected. Usually, when Sienna sort-of-snuck-up on new Coordinators, they were either scared or very confused. That was different.

    Hmmmmmm.... Anthea thought, ...I wonder what her game will be, and how she will coordinate this game.
    Will she succeed in her very first game, or will she fail? I'm curious. I may not have paid much attention to her during 100 Days, but she seems intresting. Of course, I didn't pay much attention to her. Two of my pawns did little in the game, and the third one was killed during that flood....

    Letting curiosity get the better of her, she walked up to Marina and said,
    "Hi there.... Marina, I am Anthea, and it is a total pleasure to meet you."
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 9, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. flowergothic
    "Silence is a true friend who never betrays." - Confucious
    Wearing - Mood: Nervous - Music - OOC
    "Thank you to those of you that have already arrived. It is much appreciated. I do believe we should be starting soon, so just hold tight." Anthea looked over and saw the new Coordinator say that.

    "Alright then," she thought, "that's fine."

    While waiting for Sienna, Anthea strolled around the foyer, looking through some of her old game notes. She didn't interact with any of the Valens, since she distanced herself from most of them. Many people were greeting Marina, the new coordinator, but she wanted to wait until Sienna arrived to join the crowd. She didn't usually want to greet new coordinators (but she had to anyway, since Sienna dragged her to them), but she had an interest in this one. She didn't observe her much during 100 Days, but there was something about her....

    A few minutes later, she heard a familiar voice:
    "Hey Anthea. Good thing I'm not late like last time, right?"

    Anthea turned around to see Sienna, wearing a frilly black dress with a matching headband, "Hello there, Sienna," she started, "I've been waiting for you. Shall we greet the new Coordinator?"
    Wearing - Mood: Excited - Music - OOC
    "Hello there, Sienna. I've been waiting for you. Shall we greet the new Coordinator?"

    That wasn't what Sienna was expecting to come out of Anthea's mouth. Greet the new coordinator? Usually, it would be her dragging Anthea to a new coordinator if there was one. They were always so exciting. It usually made Anthea nervous to greet someone new.

    Sienna sighed,
    "That wasn't what I was expecting for you to say...." she started, "...but alright then." She then walked over to Marina, noticing that there were other Valens there too. One of them, Rosaline, already beat her to it.

    That didn't stop Sienna, though, from walking to the other side of the new coordinator and saying,
    "Hello there, one-called-Marina. I am Sienna, and I am delighted to meet you."
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 8, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. flowergothic
    Wearing - Mood: Excited - Music - OOC
    Before leaving her region, Sienna looked through her library to find her 100 Days notebook, since that could help her with this new game, with this new coordinator.
    "Lets see...." She started, "Outsiders, Fun & Games, Silver Lights... ah, here it is!" She pulled out a blue notebook with "100 DAYS" written on the cover and placed in in her trusty bag. Then, she picked up a blank yellow notebook on her desk and a pen to also put in the bag. As she walked out of the room, she thought a little about the previous game, and her pawns for it.
    "Thank you, my pawns, for doing well. You both may have lost, but you both did good." She thought as she left.

    Sienna considered her region to be unique. Besides having a few little towns, she was able to make a small resort in the middle of it, complete with some water slides, a kiddie roller coaster, a popular (at least in her region) restaurant, and a spa. She was proud of the little resort, and considered it the "Most fun place someone could be" in her region.She lived in one of the suites in the hotel, so she was able to walk around a bit and enjoy her little creation before heading over to the Hall of Games, passing the rollercoaster and the Adults-only pool. She smiled,
    "I hope I won't have to give any of this up."

    Sienna was excited for the new game to begin (especially if the coordinator was new), as she always was when a new game started. So she did a jogging-walking-skipping routine while on her way to the Hall. When she got to the main foyer, she saw that there were some Valens already there, including the new Coordinator, Marina. "Good," she thought, "I'm not late like last time."
    Then, she noticed Anthea and walked up to her, "Hey Anthea," she started, "good thing I'm not late like last time, right?"
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. flowergothic
    "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." - Corrie Ten Boom
    Wearing - Mood: Nervous - Music - OOC
    As she left the flower-covered Rosabella, Anthea got nervous about what was to come. She knew that she shouldn't be, since she played in many games before this one. Yet, every time a new game starts, she grew very anxious no matter who the coordinator was, even if it was Sienna or even herself. However, she was a bit curious about this new valen, Marina. She wondered how well she would be at her first game.

    Anthea didn't bring much to the Hall of Games: Only a notebook where she kept all of her notes from previous games and a pen if she needed to take any notes about the current game. Her only possession from her time as a pawn, a photo in a lavish magenta frame, could stay in Rosabella, as it wasn't of much worth at the hall, and how would bringing an old relic from her past change anything?

    When Anthea approached the game hall, she entered and walked to the Main Foyer. She saw that only a few people were there so far: Kuru, Ursa, Asterion, Prism, Sangria, Daphne, Rosaline, and the newest Valen herself, Marina.

    Sienna wasn't there yet. Anthea sighed,
    "Hopefully Sienna won't be late like last time," She mumbled.
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 7, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. flowergothic
    Looks good. Thanks! =D
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 5, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  14. flowergothic
    Will this work?
    If not, try this.
    Post by: flowergothic, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: Art Shop
  15. flowergothic
    Roleplay banner
    Horizontal or Vertical: Horizontal
    Character Name: Sienna
    Font Types: Kozuka Gothic Pro
    Colors: #610B0B and #F5F6CE
    Quote: The Playful Jester
    Specific images to work with: click here
    Border: Yes
    Certain Theme: If possible, can the banner be a steampunk and/or victorian theme? =)
    Subtle Watermark or Credit in First Post: Subtle Watermark
    Anything Else: Can't think of anything else. =)
    Post by: flowergothic, Dec 31, 2013 in forum: Art Shop
  16. flowergothic
    Alright, I'll make it so it only affects objects. (And I'll fix the second CS) ( I'm still wondering how the site redirected you to that)
    Post by: flowergothic, Dec 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. flowergothic
    Title: The Cogitative Enchanter, Anthea
    Defining Trait: Cleverness
    Valen Appearance: Click here
    Weaknesses/Fears: Failure, losing control, losing what she has, her nightmares.
    Personality: Wise and cold, that is Anthea's personality summed up in two words. She frequently gets nightmares, and they make make her distant from the other Valens, and the only one she really interacts with is her sister, Sienna. She is also clever, and can easily think of new ideas.
    Magic / Powers:
    Telepathy-The ability to mentally communicate with others.
    Physical Manipulation- Ability to “mold” a body/object into anything imaginable.
    Clairvoyance- Ability to directly receive information about a person/object in any way other than touch.
    Favorite Color: #FF00BF
    Goal: To gain power over Aether and “reform” it into a better place.
    Availability: 4/7
    Other: She is Sienna's "sister".

    Title: The Playful Jester, Sienna
    Defining Trait: Friskiness
    Valen Appearance: Click here
    Weaknesses/Fears: Boredom, failure, anything “useless”, stuff she can't have fun with.
    Personality: Just like her title, Sienna is a playful jester. She is almost always dying for fun, and is pretty childish because of that. The only times when she is serious are if she is alone with her sister (Anthea) or at an important event that doesn't look like “fun”.
    Magic / Powers:
    Temporal Duplication- The ability of bringing past and future versions of an object into the present.
    Thunder Manipulation- The ability to control thunder/lightning.
    Animation- Ability to turn inanimate objects to life.
    Favorite Color: #610B0B
    Goal: Sienna is just joining for the heck of it (for the fun).
    Availability: 4/7
    Other: Sienna's real name (before becoming a Valen) is Mary, but she gets irritated if others call her that. She is Anthea's "sister", and bet on Elizabeth for 100 Days (she lost).
    Post by: flowergothic, Dec 29, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. flowergothic
    Ha.=) Same here.
    Post by: flowergothic, Dec 29, 2013 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. flowergothic
    I haven't thought much about it yet, but I do have a few:

    -Study hard and get accepted to the school I plan on going to
    -Exercise more often (like about 3-5 times a week)
    -Fix my PS3 (the visuals/sound don't work)
    -Start practicing viola more often

    I might have some more later, but that's what I have so far.
    Post by: flowergothic, Dec 29, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  20. flowergothic
    I think I haven't been on since my mysterious disappearance about 5 or 6 months ago, but today I was browsing around and decided to log back in here. So I guess I'm back! (yaaaaaaaaaaay)=)
    Thread by: flowergothic, Dec 29, 2013, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures