Ash Takahashi - Day 1What she is wearing todayLatest Tumblr Post (OOC: I'll maybe do 1 more before the time switch, maybe not, Depends when I go to bed) Choir pretty much passed on with ease. Ash almost "survived" her "Day 1" of her 100 Days. Since the school she went to had 8 periods that were split into two days (A and B days), the only period before her freedom was History. "Bleghhhh, History," Ash thought, "Can't we just learn history from what's left of the past instead of some textbook?" (Since the textbook wasn't always that accurate). As she walked in the classroom, she thought a bit more about the poem she wrote (which apparently was for her sister Esme's 9th Birthday as she remembered). That you never saw the feelings in my soulNow you’ve pierced my heart with a holeBut my heart has healed Now I have friends that are real "I have to make this into a song.", she thought, "This could be a pretty darn good song. I just need to find a good rhythm to go with this..."
Ash Takahashi - Day 1 What she is wearing todayLatest Tumblr Post When Ash got into the choir room, Mrs. Frost (the teacher) was already back from her break, and a few students were already there as well. "Well good afternoon Ash," Mrs. Frost said as Ash walked in, "You're not usually this early to class." "Yeah," Ash replied, "Just decided to leave lunch early today" "mmm...hmmm." the teacher looked back down at the stack of papers she was holding. As Ash sat in one of the chairs, she looked back at that sheet of paper: Did you actually love me? Did you really see the feelings I see?The truth, the love, the loyal tearsThe betrayal, hate, and the fear Ash never knew why she wrote that. She never had a boyfriend, nor did her sisters. Then she remembered exactly why she wrote that poem.
Ash Takahashi - Day 1 What she is wearing today Latest Tumblr Post After lunch was choir for Ash (she was more of a guitar person, but she also needed vocals to "tender" her voice). As she was going to her locker to get her music binder and the stuff she needed for the other few periods for the day, she found a torn sheet of paper in her locker. It read: Spoiler What does forever mean to you?When you couldn't even keep it true You said were you'd forever be there But were those just words pulled from thin air? Did you actually love me? Did you really see the feelings I see? The truth, the love, the loyal tears The betrayal, hate, and the fear I thought you felt the same That you would cover me in the rain I thought forever and always was forever But now there's not an us…never You said you'd always be there for me But now I truly see That you never saw the feelings in my soul Now you've pierced my heart with a hole But my heart has healed Now I have friends that are real And you're gone out of my life Unable to pierce me with the heartbreaking knives I thought forever was forever not just a word But I guess that's not what I heard… It was one of Ash's "fail" song ideas. But after rereading it, she thought for a moment, the told herself: "This is a good poem. It will make a great song." The first time Ash "took back" one of her "fail" ideas.
Ash Takahashi - Day 1 As Ash sat down with her friends in her usual place, she took out a notebook with a poem written in it: Spoiler We must part now, but don't worryI'll be safe in your memory Never forgotten, never lost No matter what the personal cost -0-I'll find my way back to you Until then, I will dream of you And in a world without you, I'll find my way So we can be back together one other day -0-I know that I will see you soon So do not cry, sweet little face like June And when I come back, let us meet With our usual words on the usual street Ash was trying to turn it into a song, which was going fine so far, but it may not last as good material for long, or until she got a new idea for a good tune. And it seems like C-whatever's email was helping her with one.
Day 1- Ash Takahashi "Whether or not you create or possess the gameboard has little to do with your ability to control it." That was one of the few things Ash didn't understand about that strange email that ended up in her inbox yesterday (the other being some rule she couldn't make out) As she walked into her first period class, she could only think of that email and what it meant to her. Did she really have 100 days left to live? Did she really have to YOLO (even though she hated the phrase "YOLO")? Either way, she knew she was being watched. Being watched by someone desperate.
No one has mentioned #6, 26, or 11. So I guess I'll take those along with 20 and 23....
I have middle-of-year benchmarks coming up, but I'll see what I can do with the screenplay (don't worry, I have expirience with writing screenplays)
Yah, guess it got edited out when I misspelled something. I'll fix it!
Full Name Ashina (Ash) Mai Takahashi Appearance: Click here Age: 15 Likes: Music, Playing Guitar, Being in her band "Black Angels", anything with chocolate (besides dark chocolate), internet, headphones, iTunes Dislikes: Her little sister Aiko, dark chocolate, rival bands Weaknesses/Fears: Ash has a fear of drowning because she nearly drowned when she first tried to swim at a family get-together when she was 5 Strengths/Talents: Playing in her band, guitar, songwriting, never giving up Personality: Ash is a carefree musician who would like to continue her band through college, and eventually make playing in it full-time. She also appreciates her family's support for her dream - espicially from her mother, and besides her sister Aiko-. She and her fellow friends/band members are like the "cool kids" at the school and like to sometimes play their music before and after school in the park. Ash also uses the phrases "Drinking the Cool-Aid" for when a new trend goes around, "Whatevs" for "I don't care.", and "Meep" for "No comment" Sexuality: Heterosexual Contact Information: Tumblr (under construction) Favorite Color: Maroon