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  1. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "No that wouldnt work because she might take care of the 'sick' one in here and then none of us will ever get outta here." Xigbar snarled at demyx. "I am so frustrated that we dont know what to do and i am also thinking up ways to get outta here." Xigbar calmed down and said,"Why dont we sleep on it then in the morning we talk about it?"
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    RenjiX was in castle oblivion wondering around when he heard and very soft voice reading. he figured it would be KuaXa but he had heard KuaXas voice before and that was not his voice. RenjiX thought to himself maybe it is Paxn reading a book he found somewhere in the castle. he decided to check it out and he was walking down the hall for a long time (even thogh hall was very short) he usued the time he was using walking down the hall thinking "What would Paxn be reading right now at a time like this."he was at the door of Paxn study and heard him reading and so RenjiX knocked and said "Hello is this a bad time because i can come back if you want me to."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  4. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    do you think this one will work
    if not ill try to find another one
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "I heard that and i dont care who started it because while all of us are trying to get outta here you two are clowning around!" Xigbar repiled back aloud so he made sure the two of them heard it. then went walking to the corner where demyx was and asked demyx "What are we gonna do about the witch that is keeping us here?" he asked in a manner like he was looking for an answer
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  7. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    its okay well than can you make me one like akua waterdragonking except mine could be xigbar
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  8. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  9. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  10. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "Would you two quit playing around, but demyx is right we do need to find a way outta here so lets get everyone together at some point and figure this plan thing out." Xigbar gave the two of them and murderous glance and snarled at the both of them."So quit fooling around already." Xigbar decided to see if any food was left but there wasnt and he screamed so only the organization could hear. "WHO ATE THE REST OF THE FOOD!"
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Profile Post

    o.......... okay

    o.......... okay
    Profile Post by Weedo DarkWolfLord for water mage, Aug 20, 2009
  12. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    RenjiX looked at him and asked him "who the hell are you, and what are you doing here ,noone wants you hear and frankley i dont think anyone really cares." RenjiX shot at him as if he knew who demyx was or anything and RenjiX shot a murderous glance at him like he wanted to kill him. Then suddenly looked away as if giving him the cold shoulder.

    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  14. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  15. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  16. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    xigbar heard the comment raven proclaimed to xemnas and roared back to her in a deep and powerful voice " Hey you witch dont you dare talk to our leader like that he may be a little out there sometimes (going back to the hitting water thing) but he is our leader and we are there for him even when we dont wanna be."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Size:Whatever works
    Text: I can and will kill you
    Font:Whatever goes best with the text
    Effects: You can pick
    Other:Whatever you wanna add
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  18. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    RenjiX appears from the darkness and looked at KuaXa and then to all the other members there and was thinking aloud "What are we gonna do about the organization XIII." Renjix looked down at the others and heard them screaming but he could not hear them from that far up then looked back at KuaXa and though "We could take take them over easily but the nameless organization would never go for that because they werent the get up and fight type they wanted to strategize,their plan of attack or something like that."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Username:weedo darkwolflord
    Name: RenjiX
    Original Name: Jerin (til i think of something else)
    Title: The Lethal Swordsman
    Strength/power: I have the power of the sword
    Personality: The quiet type but when it comes down to buisness he gets real serious and never quits until the job is done
    History(optional): nothing special
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 19, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home