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  1. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "marluxia can you use ur sythe because i might be able to use my guns to blast us outta here." Xigbar asked excitetedly. he was ready to summon the two guns that he loved and couldnt wait to use. "Has anyone seen demyx i need to talk to him?" he asked around the cage
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 27, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    well the organization is still tryin to get out of the zoo and xigbar(me)has been yelling at alot of ppl......... sorry not great at recaps
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "We cant hide foreever and if it is a fight they want early than we give them a fight early but we need some serious training first." RennjiX stated back to Xengla. Paxn is there anyone else going to be at the meeting because if not we need to train all of s together "Even you." he shot a look at KuaXa and quieted down still waiting for either paxns response or kuaxas.
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    ]"You think that this is funny that we are trapped in this hell hole, as if its not it sucks." Xigbar growled. he went over to axel and asked "come i have some of the food that they are throwing?" as he was about to eat he wasnt hungry anymore and he didnt know why????
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 25, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "Of course you wont eat the only thing she is good for you wanna roll around in water, you wimp." Xigbar scoffed and started walking towards the food and asked anyone else if they wanted to eat and without answer went back to eating. "This is kinda good, but its got a tangy cement flavor to it." he said.
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 24, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    lexeus decided not to fight because he figured getting out would be better for all of them "Wait for me!!!!!!" he Yelped.hurrying to the portal he looked back at kingdom hearts and said softly "Goodbye you kindom heart forsaken place" then he jumped through the portal like there was sea salt ice cream at the other side when he came out of the portal of darkness
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Xigbar saw zexion laying down and he didnt look so good he went over to him and asked him "Are you ok you dont look so good you hungry cuz i can barf you up some food if you want?" he walked off laughing like the joker and back to see if the girl was bringing any food he asked the black bear " When does she bring the food?" the black bear yelled back " If your lucky 3 times a day" "I cant wait that long!" Xigbar howled
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    RenjiX let out a big sigh and said to Paxn "ok, if you dont think the organization isnt going to attack early than i beleive you." RenjiX sat quietly as did Paxn and waited for the others then RenjiX looked at Xengla and scoffed at her," no there are more people."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 23, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "Sorry, Paxn im just waiting for them and im anxious to give them a peice of my sword but i can wait." RenjiX said as he was calming down then he yelled "HEY EVERYONE SHUT UP!" As RenjiX saw Amix walk in and said 'hey" which was weird because he didnt talk to anyone except our leader and Amix." Paxn what do we do while waiting except train because i no we need (some more than others) he said under his breathe. "How are we sure that they wont attack us as a surprise?" RenjiX asked Paxn. "hey Xengla ,do you know a great way to train and get ready in case of a surprise attack?"
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "Well well look who actually decided to speak up, now tell me Xaldin why are you gonna kiss up to the witch. huh? are you tyrin to get her in here and then kill her in here and then escaping..... as if she wouldnt come in here without some weird spell to keep us from biting her."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Profile Post

    k i wont do that thxx

    k i wont do that thxx
    Profile Post by Weedo DarkWolfLord for HellKitten, Aug 22, 2009
  12. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  13. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    yea thats it i like it thxx fayt your the best and can i get the code to it
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Art Shop
  14. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "Amix is right we have to think of a plan of attack before they attack us." RenjiX looked at the other members and thought to himself" if we get attacked there is only a few of us that could defend this organization and that is still not enough people."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    Xigbar howled" Who knows how to get out of here." Then he heard a voice from another pen and the animal said "there is no escape from this place she turns you and then your trap until you die and that wont stop her from keeping you."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 22, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    ooc: come in after hellkittens last post at the meet and akua wont be back till later hes with his family
    RenjiX entered the small but useful meeting room from a portal much like Paxn and took his seat and asked Paxn"What are we waiting for." then he remembered "Oh yeah........ everyone else to show up." while waiting for everyone else he asked Paxn "How was your book and what was it about if you dont mind me asking?"
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "hey there Amix" RenjiX said, "obviously you know who i am and then KuaXa and Paxn he is our leader. you should already know why your here in the meeting right." he said softly. RenjiX looked upon Amix for a long time and loved her hair even though he didnt show it."we are planning to destroy the organization III which you already know,but now we gotta think of how to do it."
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "ok Axel what do you suggest even though the girl probably has some sorta spell that prevents her fromgetting turned because she thought we would do something like that." Xigbar said calmly
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Weedo DarkWolfLord
  20. Weedo DarkWolfLord
    "well then mr.smarty how bout we take turns like a shift to make sure noone gets hrt or anything by the witch, would that make you feel safer." Xigbar growled back
    Post by: Weedo DarkWolfLord, Aug 20, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home