Search Results

  1. mindstorm787
    Items purchased and added to your inventory!
    Your total 1550 credits!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. mindstorm787
    I shall be buying a Dead Ringer, Ronin Boots, an EMP Launcher, and Pyrokinetic Combat

    800 + 200 + 200 + 300

    Total Credits: 1500 Credits[DOUBLEPOST=1443627353][/DOUBLEPOST]noedit post:

    Equipping Ronin Boots,
    Spending all stat points on Binary Rifle and Binary Sword.


    Items Purchased, Money Spent, Armor equipped, Weapons level up!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 30, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. mindstorm787
    UPDATE V1.0.1

    + Added a price tag for the Ronin Armor in the Stasis Room.
    + Expanded the Shop just a bit more.
    + Added EXP Bar for each player in the Stasis Room.
    + Added Packages. These goodies gives you set items. They may be pricey, but can be useful.
    + Powerlisting Update! Those who level up an ability enough will be able to get different variants of the said ability.
    + You can now Sell and Trade items! If there is an item you don’t need, you may either sell it back to the Shop, or you can trade it with another player, so as long as the recipient agrees to the terms!
    + General bug fixes and edits to all three areas.
    - Removed the lives system. If your HP goes to zero, you automatically faint. If your entire team falls, then it’s considered a Game Over.
    > By now, all of you must have already noticed a couple of Achievement Items in the Shop. Currently, I am still in the process of adding an Achievements. Expect to see it in the next update!
    > Currently creating more goodies that will be reserved for the next update!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. mindstorm787
    Ze Operator uses his Binary Rifle on the Kolossus! HASTE! 95 dmg dealt!

    Tessa Jones
    uses Golem Creation! Golem A manifests from the ground!

    Golem A guards Shane Ware!

    Alexis Ackerman uses her Long Sword on the Kolossus! 57 dmg dealt!

    Shane Ware uses Psionic Inundation on the Kolossus! 52 dmg dealt!

    Zephry Siegend uses Flame Armament - Clarent on the Kolossus! 86 dmg dealt!

    Kolossus swings it Sword Arm at Zephry Siegend! It hits itself in a frenzy! 214 dmg dealt!

    The Kolossus lets out an echoing groan as it falls backward, shattering the ice. It's lava veins begin to fade to black as it's movements become still.


    The Kolosuss
    -94/1500 HP
    Sword Arm
    TAC: 62%


    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 18%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 70 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 77%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 17%

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 13%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (PIERCE)
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 25%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 210 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    • Golem A [Guarding Shane Ware]
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 60% | Speed: 20%


    • Ze Operator | Level 7 | 0/350 EXP
      Gains +115 EXP
      Boss Stupidity: +20
      First Blood: +5
      Total: 140 EXP
      Gains 1500 Credits
    • Shane Ware | Level 7 | 0/350 EXP
      Gains +115 EXP
      Boss Stupidity: +20
      Red Zone: +20
      Juggernaut: +5
      Total: 150 EXP
      Gains 1500 Credits
    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 | 0/350 EXP
      Gains +115 EXP

    • Boss Stupidity: +20
      Total: 135 EXP
      Gains 1500 Credits
    • Tessa Jones | Level 6 | 0/300 EXP

    • Gains +115 EXP
      Boss Stupidity: +20
      Total: 135 EXP
      Gains 1500 Credits

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 | 0/400 EXP
      Gains +115 EXP
      Boss Stupidity: +20
      Total: 135 EXP
      Gains 1500 Credits

    I'm having severe problems with the Tabs system. >o<​


    As the Kolossus went down, Operator braced for the force impact as the bumbling beast fell with a crash, VR ice flying around. The ice environment flicked, like a bad television screen, then another blinding flash. The group now stood in what seemed to be a stone grey room, big enough to fit the Kolossus. The Kolossus began to fade, and in it's place was a chest. Operator sauntered over, checking it out. There was a lock on it, and right next to the chest was a small key, big enough to fit in the lock. He picked it up, and willed it to vanish into his inventory. They would look at it later. His head motioned to the sound of two creaking doors, leading inward to a stone staircase, toward the 2nd Room Stasis Floor. He looked back to his group, and jerked his head to the stairs.
    "Lets go," He called to them, his eyes motioning to Shane, who was looking worse for wear, "We need to recuperate. To the Stasis Room."
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 29, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. mindstorm787
    I am soooooooo sorry for the late post everyone. I was busy all last week, and I had thought that I had posted on hear some time, but I had originally lost the form. :(

    But here it is now! ^_^


    Ze Operator
    attacks the Kolossus with his Binary Rifle! HASTE! 80 dmg dealt!

    Alexis Ackerman
    uses Sexual Inducement on the Kolossus! The Kolossus flies off the handle!

    Shane Ware uses Telepathic Combat on the Kolossus! 48 dmg dealt!

    Zephyr Siegund attacks the Kolossus with his Blue Flame Armament - Clarent! PIERCE! 80 dmg dealt!

    Tessa Jones uses her Geokinesis on the Kolossus! 78 dmg dealt!

    Kolossus attacks Shane Ware with his Sword Arm! 230 dmg dealt!


    The Kolosuss
    405/1500 HP
    Sword Arm
    (Chaos for 3 turns)
    TAC: 56%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 15%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 70 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 77%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 10%

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 13%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (PIERCE)
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 22%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 210 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 28, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. mindstorm787
    Zephyr Siegund attacks the Kolossus with is Katana! HASTE! PIERCE! 106 dmg dealt!

    Alexis Ackerman
    attacks the Kolossus with her Dagger! HASTE! 40 dmg dealt!

    Ze Operator attacks the Kolossus with his Impact Arm Cannon! SPLASH! 63 dmg dealt!
    Dealt an extra 32 dmg!

    Tessa Jones uses her Martial Arts on the Kolossus! 51 dmg dealt!

    Kolossus attacks Alexis Ackerman with his Sword Arm! MISS!


    The Kolosuss
    691/1500 HP
    Sword Arm
    (Disabled for 2 turns)
    TAC: 14%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 15%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 4%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 6%

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 9%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (PIERCE)
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 18%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 210 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. mindstorm787
    Sorry to be rude. Just looking at the topic left me cross-eyed.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. mindstorm787
    I might have interest in something like this as long as it doesn't look too messy.
    To me, Mario's High School Days looks kinda like a mess.. @_@
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 22, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. mindstorm787
    Zephyr Siegund attacks the Kolossus with is Katana! HASTE! PIERCE! 116 dmg dealt!

    Alexis Ackerman
    attacks the Kolossus with her Long Sword! 45 dmg dealt!

    Ze Operator attacks the Kolossus with his Binary Sword! 59 Dmg dealt!

    Shane Ware uses Pushing on the Kolossus! His TAC is disabled!

    Tessa Jones uses her Martial Arts on the Kolossus! 50 dmg dealt!

    Kolossus attacks Zephry Siegund with his Sword Arm! Kamaitachi takes the damage! 210 Dmg dealt!


    The Kolosuss
    983/1500 HP
    Sword Arm
    (Disabled for 3 turns)

    TAC: 14%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 11%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 4%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 | 0 Stat Points
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 2%

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 6%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (PIERCE)
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 210 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 21, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. mindstorm787
    Alexis Ackerman uses her Power of Suggestion on the Kolossus! Nothing happens!

    Ze Operator attacks the Kolossus with his Binary Rifle! 150 Dmg dealt!

    Zephyr Siegund summons Kamaitachi! A wind barrier appears to protect Zephry!

    Shane Ware uses Psionic Inundation on the Kolossus! 97 Dmg dealt!

    Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on the Kolossus! Miss!


    The Kolosuss
    1253/1500 HP
    Sword Arm

    TAC: 14%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 6%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 4%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 | 0 Stat Points
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (PIERCE)
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 400 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. mindstorm787
    | Level 5 |

    <SilentBlade>'s warning did not go unnoticed. "Hmph." Sylar grunted, equipping his pistol again, "Lost my sword. Will need to get it back after this." He looked back at <SilentBlade> "Maybe we should give you all the loot after this since you're saving everyone's life." Sylar joked to him, who'd already summoned back Alexander the Great. In the event that either of them failed, he would provide cover fire to pick off the Orcs, since a majority of their weapons are short-ranged. He strafed over to <Seth's Angel> making sure she was within proximity, saying,
    "Since you proved that you can shoot, lets see how good you can protect <SilentBlade> if things go south."
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. mindstorm787
    Profile Post Comment

    I second that.

    I second that.
    Profile Post Comment by mindstorm787, Sep 17, 2015
  13. mindstorm787
    As Operator saw the last person enter the Tower, he took one last glance to the fog. Something had been bothering him since he'd woken up. One, it wasn't like he needed a fog to obscure a tower, much less need a tower to train scrubs. This seemed to massive. Even for him. Yet, he was able to remember them, if a bit fuzzy. He shook his head, throwing the thought away. Maybe he decided the day before that he might try something new. Either he was a little woozy from last night's rest, or his Drive Core had trouble functioning in this fog. He stepped through the entryway.


    Operator froze, quickly looking around him. That internal alarm only went off if 'he' was around. But Operator's motion tracker only showed him and his group. He relaxed, but was more perplexed. Maybe this fog really is messing with his systems. He sighed audibly, then entered the Tower of Power, closing the Tower doors.
    The 1st floor was dark for a couple of seconds. Then, a flash blinded everyone. When the light adjusted, they seemed to be in some kind of polar region. Operator breathed, seeing his breath as water vapor. This was one of the Towers base effects. It put the challengers in a VR like area once the battle commences. But the enemy was very much real.

    A large roar is heard 60 feet to the group's right. Operator looked in the direction and at the largest monster he'd ever seen. It's appearance was like that of a volcano, standing around the same height as the Eiffel Tower, and had a large Sword for one of it's arms. It's face had a symbol, shaped like an eye.

    The first enemy has appeared.



    The Kolosuss

    1500/1500 HP
    Sword Arm
    TAC: 0%


    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%

      Binary Sword - 30-130 Dmg
      Level 1

      Binary Rifle - 70-210 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      No Powers/Abilities

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 1

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 3% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Psionic Induation - 50-120 Dmg + DISABLE, 1% of DEATH
      Level 1

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      [tab=Aelin Fireheart]

      Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      Special: Parallel Universe (DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%) - Selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post.

      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%

      No Weapons
      Scarred Leather Gloves (Equipped)
      +5, Arms
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 40-260 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 35-245 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user and HASTE.
      Level 1

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. mindstorm787

    As Sylar watched <SilentBlade> gain his summon, he'd almost forgotten about his summon during all the events. He grinned back at his colleague and then turned to another pack of Orcs, coming from the far right. He fired off some more shots, emptying his clip, then reloading. Out of a pack of five, only two were killed. Sylar clicked his teeth together, quickly unequipping his pistol, and equipping an odd looking blade. He spun the blade in his finger's holding it in a back hand grip, charging in to the group of now rather pissed-off Orcs.
    One of the Orcs that had a Morning Star, barely missed the hair on Sylar's head as he dropped to the ground, sliding right between the legs. Sylar knifed the Orc right where the sun doesn't shine, causing the Orc to keel over, as Sylar stood, he felt a large blow to the back as an Orc with a Battle Shield knocked him on his side, his HP dropping rather quickly. As he groaned in pain, the Orc then stood over Sylar while he was on the ground, ready to stomp, but Sylar quickly rolled, and sliced the Orc's foot. Sylar used the momentum in his legs to get up, and sliced the throat of the Orc who's foot he originally cut off, digitizing it. He then looked and walked over to the Orc that he caught in the groin. It was actually muttering and still groaning in pain. Sylar tilted his head, as if thinking to let it live or not, then he stuck the blade in the Orc's head, it's body immediately exploding to pixels. He was about to drop his guard when an Orc's Battleaxe swung-and-miss at Sylar's arm from behind. Sylar quickly dodged and faced the Orc, it's mouth snarling with saliva, enraged from the death of his comrades. Sylar only leered right back. As the Orc charged, Sylar break-rolled, and sliced the midriff. All enemies defeated.
    Sylar stood, brushing himself off confidently, letting the digital dust off of him from the tussle as a popup screen shown him his EXP gain and that he had leveled up. Twice. He was at half his HP, and the last Restore he gave to <SilentBlade> had already drained a quarter of his total Mana. Aside from that, he was perfectly fine. He heard a woosh of an arrow behind him as he noticed that <Seth's Angel> had actually hit an Orc on the arm.

    "Bravo!" Sylar cheered, but his smile turned immediately to danger. An Orc had seen <Seth's Angel> take a shot at it's friend, and immediately was sneaking over, a large dagger in hand. Sylar flipped his sword, grabbing it by the blade, then threw it with his might. The blade barely missed <Seth's Angel>'s shoulder and hit straight for the head, dropping like a large teabag. Sylar closed his fist slowly, bringing it down in a gloat of victory.
    "I am so good." Sylar whispered fiercely to himself. When he finished, he called to the girl, "Nice aim. but you gotta watch your back there!"
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 16, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. mindstorm787
    Stasis Room Shop Inventory updated!!!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. mindstorm787
    I said a school laptop. never said it was old.

    That's not even the problem. The server blocks sites. Imgur is one.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. mindstorm787
    This is what I get for having a school laptop. Can't see it.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. mindstorm787
    Where's dat map? :3
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. mindstorm787
    "And how did you get a hold of these files?" Came Zephry's inquiry.
    "I had the files in my database." Operator returned almost cryptically. His attention turned Alexis stepping up the Tower steps, saying,
    "Perhaps entering this tower wouldn't be a good idea for you. I mean it already sounds like you are going to be sick. Don't want to have to deal with that while you are inside." She added.
    "Trust me milady, you don't know what I have been through in my past. I'm not sick. I just breath like this."
    "I don't think there was much to read for mine. Given my life I don't think there is a record of my existence since I was five... and if there was, I can't imagine what you might think of me now."
    She went on.
    Operator stared at the scars and the wrists and ankles. She had no idea what her file held, but that didn't matter; Operator was no stranger to human cruelty. How he was now was an excellent example. He removed his smiling white mask, a rare gesture. Underneath had a slightly pallid but handsome face. He had black, slightly messy hair, and a chestnut-colored right brown eye. But his left eye was completely mechanical, iris red. The male was handsome to some extent, and yet, the mechanical eye did not disrupt any of his facial features, his flesh and blood. The red eye's pupil contracted and adjusted mechanically on Alexis.

    "I my thoughts have not changed based on your background, as I treat allies as I should." He said, his voice much clearer from the mask. It still sounded a little distorted. "What I did earlier was nothing more than a protection protocol, and I'm sorry for throwing you at Ms. Jones." He looked to the fog surrounding the place. "It's like this mist is messing with my machine half or something."
    "If anything, I guess everyone is treated like products or objects from one time to another, some more than others."
    His voice pitched downward a bit, but then fixed itself. He than replaced is mask, and then gestured towards the door. "If know one has any intention of running, you may all enter."

    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. mindstorm787
    That would be great!
    Also, could you please give any names to all the locations that Summon Arc has to offer?
    Post by: mindstorm787, Sep 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home