Ze Operator "No, this isn't part of the Tower." Operator responded. "I don't know what this is. It's only able to run battle simulations. This....." His voice trailed off in time to overhear the instructor also say that class was over. Interesting. She even seemed like she was out of place. She explained that we had keys for some apartment? He went back to check his desk, and sure enough, there were a pair of keys in his desk, just as everyone had taken pairs of their own. "Are you gonna go to the apartments too?" Tessa had asked. "Not like I got much of a choice." He returned, and he motioned toward the door. "Let's walk together." As he headed toward the door, he said to her. "Whatever is currently going on, this is beyond me." Darcy Tullepio Darcy held his room key in his hands, 0204, inspecting it. He stood from his desk, his back slightly bent as he walked past a tall figure from the desk in front of him when he had awoken, and began to navigate the hall, and entered out into the yard. The afternoon sun was bright on his face as he looked to the sky. Was this some kind of Sleeper mission? Had the Ut Mali finally caught him despite Elaine's warning's to stay vigilant? He sighed quietly, and looked over to the 3 people who were conversing. Oh well, Darcy figured that since he had no information, nor any knowing how long he'd be here, he would need to get familiar with the locals. But, he would only need to talk to only one at the moment. He leaned to a nearby wall, and watched.
Ze Operator "...I should let you know, it may take some time for me to trust any of you. Is there anything I should know about these people?" Poke asked to Operator, whom he gave a side-along glance, giving more attention o than the double doors leading to the next floor. "If you want me to be straight with you, they all have similar motives." He responded. "Some of them look for answers. Others are just looking for a second chance at life. So yeah, you can trust them." He looked back to the group behind him..... .....Who had just somehow decided to have a little fun with themselves. A slight distorted growling was heard as Operator's left eye glowed red once again. He lifted his right arm at a 90-degree angle. Suddenly, the arm made a dull 'Ca-chunk' sound, similar to that of a shotgun, his arm shortening and lengthening in time with the sound. He then held his palm out to the group, who had begun to get a little more intimate. Suddenly, the double doors behind Operator began to open with a dull creak, causing Operator to freeze. Finally. Operator changed his aim from the screw party to the ceiling, about 40 feet above him, and fired. The cannon echoed loud enough to wake any beast as the shell sailed straight up, hitting the ceiling with such force, that one could think it would break. But the ceiling stood firm; leaving only a large burnt mark, small debris falling down harmlessly to the floor as Operator reloaded his Cannon Arm again. "I hope you all had your fun." He sneered, "But wake up you three; we're still stuck in this Tower 'till we traverse all the rest of the 29 Floors. So get your **** together and let's get going." He then turned on his heel, heading straight up the steps until the next door leading into the Boss Room. --------------------------------------------------- MISSION START! MEET OPERATOR ON THE SECOND FLOOR!!
Whew. Finally. Let the games begin. Darcy Tullepio Darcy started, jumping up in his desk at the sound of the bell, looking around wildly. His brain had been foggy for the last minute that he had been listening to the strange voice. His left cheek felt wet. He touched it, and it was slightly warm. He then remembered; he had fallen asleep during one of Dr. Callistar's lessons, and must've dozed off to the point where he began to drool.... "Wait, where am I?" Darcy thought. It didn't make sense that one minute he was in Dr. Callistar's class, learning about the Alyx-314 and the next minute being warped in an unfamiliar classroom. Instinctively, he reached for the large metal ball he always carried, trying to morph it to a weapon. Nothing happened. Darcy strained, but still, the ball didn't reform. "What the hell." Darcy said aloud, then jumped halfway out of his seat when the entire class exploded in shouting, ranting and alike reactions as to where they were. As he looked on, he knew that something was very wrong. Ze Operator run_drive.program; get.parent[status.check=X7217DisoDrive]; return_protocol; returncChild[status.returnCheck=X7217Parent]; parent.status_stream=true; -Error! Memory null; System has not been backed up- Time: Unknown, Reset. Location: Unknown Systems: Offline. Protocols: Offline. -!Unauthorized Shutdown Detected!- excu_conc.iso; Sending punch packets..... excu_motor......Loaded.; excu_visu.......Loaded.; excu_audi.......Loaded.; ----------------------------------------- Operator quietly raised his head. He blinked. he felt like he'd been sleeping for weeks. But he couldn't recall why he was asleep. His ears popped, and immediately was sound-blasted with noise, cringing slightly. His body was a little sensitive whenever he booted back up. His eyes widened at the sight; a class filled with mismatched students. His eyes lowered to half-lids after a couple of seconds. But there was something wrong. Operator noticed it almost immediately. Usually, most people's basic information would show up when he looked at their faces, but nothing was showing up. Come to think of it, he wasn't even looking through a red filter anymore either. He felt his face and was even more shocked to realize that his mask was....gone. He looked down, and he was in a school uniform. He was about to panic. He tried concentrating, but nothing seemed to work. Then is training kicked in. He breathed in, and open his eyes, a refreshed, hardened look on his face. "10 seconds of observation can save your life." He thought. So far he knew that he was in an unfamiliar classroom, dressed in school clothing, filled with unfamiliar students, who'd so far noticed the very same predicament (Although some seemed enthusiastic about it). He couldn't remember anything nor could he access his Disorder Drive, and he couldn't even access his powers. Fortunately, most of his knowledge of his past and present were mostly intact. He remembered that he was in the Tower of Power, Floor 15. Then he was..... That's right. Knocked out. He suddenly saw a flash of red hair and green eyes, a couple of desks ahead of him, that surprised him even more to the point that he got up from is desk and walked up to her. He knew that woman. He'd thrown another member at her at the Tower, and had come to known her 'rocky' fighting style. "Tessa? Is that you?" Clockwork Axel was the last to raise his head and blink. He had been in his bunk the night before, another successful mission complete. He stretched, feeling his back pop in a fresh euphoria. After he stopped, he blinked twice, looking around, and jumped out of his desk in surprise as he realized he was in a classroom. This didn't seem like one of the training classrooms back at home base. Not to mention he didn't have any of his tools with him. Quietly he sat back down, biting his nail. He needed to think.
Ze Operator Operator barked a short laugh.This guy sounded directly off a medieval, Knight-in-shining-armor kind of novel. But then again, everybody had their motivations. Him? He rarely had any. Back then, he used to be nothing more than a soldier, simply taking orders and getting the job done, regardless of the task and regardless of how gruesome it was. He was the 'perfect soldier', so to speak. Operator began to mull over the though a little more. Maybe he did have a bit of motivation, but it was rather idiotic....... Spoiler: Flashback Omega was walking down the many white hallways of EJ-27. He had just come from a mission, and apparently, Dr. Henry Nine was about to send them to another one. It was new, sending a team out for a second mission without having to resupply first. Omega still felt grungy, dried blood still on his suit. To his right, Avert and Pulse trudged slowly a couple steps behind, both exhausted, covered in dust and dirt and a couple of scratches, faces slightly blackened by dirt. Tyrant loomed directly behind Omega, silent as usual, his fists caked with dried blood that he hadn't bothered to wash off, sporting a nasty gunshot wound to his left shoulder. Rook, on Omega's left, looked decently better than the rest, her black clothing still generally clean albeit the slight cuts on her body, looking as stoic as ever. Alpha was ordered to a different mission, and therefor wouldn't be participating in this one. Omega glowered at the thought. She always seemed to get special treatment from the Director even though she had no relations between them, but what else wasn't to be left in surprise? Not just recently Omega had learned that Black Axe have been using mind wipe machines to clear out any ulterior thoughts from any mission, making assets as programmable as machines. Omega had been calm about the entire thought, but Alpha threw a fit. In the end, The Director promised to halt the mind wipes to them only, fearing that disclosing the entire thing would undermine the entire facility. In Omega's mind however, the entire place was undermined already. The oppressive nature of the soldiers that protected them while they slept, scientist's fear of new ideas being abused, and even some of the Staff being edgy was enough to make Omega wonder whether he should stay or he should vanish without trace. He had the training. He could leave right now, right here, if he wanted to. But how could he? Omega had a feeling that his mind had been wiped from the moment he started working for Black Axe, and this was the only place he'd ever known ever since he woke up in a white cell, wondering who exactly who it was. And until he figured out what he left behind, he wasn't gonna leave. He would find out exactly who he had been, and face it head-on. Operator grunted. He looked back at everyone. So far, he had figured that he'd either freaked them out, or he had made them hate him, so he he decided the only way that they would understand him is if he'd be more open. He decided to talk to the newcomer, Poke, responding to his earliers statement. "I guess everyone has something to live for. Everyone here does, at least.."
Seriously, though, what the heck did you do to your profile pic? It's creepy... And I love it!
I've been wondering about if anyone has interest in a simple RP that is completely discussion-based and no RPG antics of any kind. It will be centered around the Tron universe, and if any of you have been following after the series, this RP will take after the events of Tron: Uprising, but before Tron: Legacy. Basic plot is Abraxas, (Who was infected with Clu's sinister subroutine) has long passed, but his virus still spreads like a plague around the grid. However, a sudden mass infection hits Argon City right out of the blue. Tesler, who is still in charge of the district, tries to solve the problem and derezzing any of the infectees, while Tron and Beck try to figure out the problem on their side. Characters including Tron, Beck, Zed and Mara will also be participating, but controlled by yours truly to move the story along, and there will be story arcs separated as episodes. Players will be able to create their own characters and their own relationships, whilst surviving in a plagued city. Simple, Right?
My god, what the hell did you do to Sora? Did you throw him the garbage disposal for a week?
Edited my earlier stuff..Here goes. Username: mindstorm787 Name: Ze Operator Age: 20 Appearance: Here Species: Cyborg Special Powers: Dimensional Displacement and replacement; can will any object to vanish in a small pocket dimension, and will the objects to reappear. Among having simple hand-to-hand combat, his right arm is a mechanical impact launcher. Personality: Can switch from a delusional sarcastic mind of a reckless adult to a coldly factual killing machine. Though his human nor machine side conflict one another, Operator's train of thought and attitude is slightly unstable. Thankfully, his thoughts and sense of right and wrong is legitimate. Original Roleplay: Ze Operator's Tower of Power Link to Original Form: Here Username: mindstorm787 Name: Axel DaSilva, AKA, Clockwork Age: 16 Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, very slim. Average height for his age. Wears a black trenchcoat, with a white shirt, khakis, and a red headband. Has Two corresponding clock gear tattoos over his left upper shoulder blade. Species: Metahuman Special Powers: Flash-Forward, Temporal Rewind, and Portal Creation. Is able to make a weapons of out of scrap or junk, so as long as he has the tools necessary. Personality: Selective mute. He is able to understand others very well, but acts like a lone wolf. Original Roleplay: Heroic Sanction Link to Original Form: Here
Floor Boss 2 Options are as follows! Spoiler: Agent Texas A UNSC super soldier with a bad attitude. Counter most attacks easily, and can cloak at a moments notice. Spoiler: Omnidroid 9000 A learning robot with the ability to learn and adapt to opponent's strategies every minute. Is immune to CHAOS, CONTROL, and STUN. Spoiler: XII Razortime A Jack-of-all-stats boss with life draining and time-based attacks. Fights with this boss can be fatal. Spoiler: Lingering Will Another balanced boss that utilizes light and earth based attacks. Just say which boss you wish to vote for. I will be the Vote breaker. You will have 2 days before this poll closes and the boss is selected.
Ze Operator Operator interrupted Poke mid-speech when he politely asked for the Orb, replying almost immediately, "Of course you can!" He tossed the Orb to Poke, which it began to power up, and Operator willed his Pistol to vanish in a flurry of black, turning back to the other set of double doors leading to the 2nd Floor boss room, suddenly adopting a childish and brash voice noticeable within his distorted way of speaking, "I don't understand as to why you guys keep looking at me like I'm gonna murder all of you. As long as you answer what I ask, I won't harm." All of Operator's current gist was a front, however. He was greatly perturbed by Poke's explanation as to how the tower just 'welcomed' him in, not to mention how he was just drawn to to from another dimension. It seemed too coincidental. He decided to think on it later, since Shane could be poking around his thoughts. He explained to Poke, not facing him, "You are in the Tower of Power, a randomly generated structure built based on the desires of this group, made as teamwork excercise, but acts as the pinnacle of crucibles. On each of the Tower's 30 floors, we face an enemy of great power. The only way to leave this place is to go through each floor in one piece. By entering this place, you're willfully signing your own death warrant, as the Tower renders most godly powers useless. This includes mass control over elemental types, or invincibility or being able to come back from the dead." He slightly turned his head before continuing, "As I understand it, by either entering this Tower you either truly want to save your dimension, or you really want to end your own existence a little too quickly."
Ze Operator The moment that the human twitched a muscle was nearly the moment that Operator's right index finger twitched, but as four orbs of different colors appeared in the air, Operator stopped. So that clear, bluish-white orb was his. Though he wasn't entirely convinced, Operator changed his tactics. He relaxed slightly, throwing the orb into the air, him catching it without breaking his gaze to the newcomer, saying, "I'm wondering the exact same thing. Since you just confirmed that this...thing is actually yours, I may just give it to you." But then he quickly added, left hand gently tightening around the orb, "But there's a catch. Judging by how you got through those doors, and how I have absolutely no data on you, I want you to tell me your name and how you got here." He tilted his head to the other side, "Unless of course, you want to get dropped." Though Operator knew that threatening this person wasn't going to get anywhere, not knowing who this person was (or what this person was, for that matter), mixed with how this orb was linked to his other, multi-colored orbs was somehow mildly unsettling to him, thus not knowing what exactly this stranger was capable of doing, and the stranger's near-advance on Tessa was further emphasis. Though Operator had been trained to kill stronger, tougher enemies then himself, one thing that he learned from day one was to never underestimate an individual, regardless of who or what they are.
Ze Operator The sudden appearance of Poke caused Operator to pull a pistol out, pointing it straight at Poke, point-blank to the head, finger to the trigger, his breathing heightened. The Tower was not supposed to open up to anyone else after there is a group now occupying it, and yet, here was a new person, in which the Tower somehow managed to teleport the individual up. Question was, what importance did this individual has? Operator's thoughts turned to the cold, clear orb now in his possession. Operator knew for a fact that it wasn't a gift to him, but to someone else perhaps? Carefully, with his gun still pointed to the stranger, he willed the orb to reappear in his other hand, it's cold aura chilling his hand. It was a risk, by giving this entity the orb, he could be dooming everyone to another skirmish, especially since no data was showing up about this entity in his vision center, meaning he had no tabs on this person. Operator then cocked his head, holding the orb out to Poke, carefully asking, "Is this your possession?" Depending on the stranger's answer depended on whether Operator placed a bullet in the stranger's skull.
Eeeeeehhhhhh, why the hell not? As long as I can play multiple characters. Username: mindstorm787 Name: Darcy Tullepio Age: 15 Appearance: Here Species: Metahuman/Enhancermorph Special Powers: Can reform any kind of metal into any weapon so as long as it retains its correct mass. Personality: Optimistic and arrogant in some aspects. Is smart by human standards, but is prone to rush his head in midst of things. Can be a klutz. Original Roleplay: Enhancermorphs Link to Original Form: Here (This next one may be a bit OP.) Username: mindstorm787 Name: Ze Operator Age: 20 Appearance: Here Species: Cyborg Special Powers: Dimensional Displacement and replacement; can will any object to vanish in a small pocket dimension, and will the objects to reappear. Of these objects, he uses a Binary Sword (Shown in the appearance image), a Binary Rifle, Two Variant Magnums. Among having simple hand-to-hand combat, his right arm is a mechanical impact launcher. Personality: Can switch from a delusional sarcastic mind of a reckless adult to a coldly factual killing machine. Though his human nor machine side conflict one another, Operator's train of thought and attitude is slightly unstable. Thankfully, his thoughts and sense of right and wrong is legitimate. Original Roleplay: Ze Operator's Tower of Power Link to Original Form: Here I edited the name for this next one because it would create conflict with the former. Username: mindstorm787 Name: Axel DaSilva, AKA, Clockwork Age: 16 Appearance: Black hair, brown eyes, Species: Metahuman Special Powers: Flash-Forward, Temporal Rewind, and Portal Creation. Is able to make a weapons of out of scrap or junk, so as long as he has the tools necessary. Personality: Selective mute. He is able to understand others very well, but acts like a lone wolf. Original Roleplay: Heroic Sanction Link to Original Form: Here I hope I did this right...
<H̦̦̩ͬa̖̜̦͔͖̙̍̂ḑ̠e̺̘͂̔̃͂ś̮̰̮̫̎̊> | Level 5 | Sylar smiled, seeing how <Seth's Angel> was greatly improving. But she still missed a few vital points. Looks like he'll need to finish off those who were still alive. Sylar took off from <Angel>'s side, joining Alexander the great on the field. "My, what a lovely day!" Sylar said as he sprinted around the field. He pointed his pistol, as he fired off a couple of shots to his left and right, just as he passed by a couple of Orcs. They didn't die, but they were certainly angry. They lumbered off after him, joined by 3 other Orcs. Solar smirked, knowing what he was doing. Drawing a crowd, so that they could be easily picked off as a group, in case <Seth's Angel> needed target practice. After running for some time, he spun, turning to the mob of raging orcs, and began to unload on them, hitting shoulders and chests. Some of the Orcs vanished in a cloud of pixels, but a majority weren't dead. Sylar's feet slid in the grass, and instead of halting and standing ground, he changed direction. As he was about to enter the throng of Orcs, Sylar reloaded, throwing his empty mag in the air and loading a new one in the chamber of his gun. He got close to the Orc that was leading, firing point-blank in the face, side-dodging a slice of a sword. One of the Orcs that were smarter than the average norm clothes-lined Sylar in the chest, backflipping him. He cringed as his HP went down slightly more, going orange. He needed to be more careful. He managed to right himself in the air and land on his feet, and break-roll in the grass, facing the orcs again. He fired a couple more shots, dissipating more Orcs in the process, leaving only one. Sylar stood tall, facing the groveling Orc. It had a scar over it's eye, a fake battle scar probably generated by SAO's database. It let out a guttural roar, as if trying to scare Sylar. But after the fear of being trapped in a death game, Sylar could only be bored at the Orc's attempt to make Sylar retreat. "Shut up." He responded boredly, quickly and accurately firing a last bullet in the head of the monster, leaving a large red hole. Solar watch unsatisfied as the beast exploded into another throng of pixels. A digital interface appeared in front of him, showing him how much more experience he needed before leveling up, then looked back to both <Seth's Angel> and <SilentBlade>.
Ze Operator Alexis' response was understandable, but a lie. It confirmed Operator's thoughts that everyone was a little afraid of the black dressed lunatic in a white mask. He turned his thoughts back to the chest. As he opened the lid, he saw an item that was made for everyone. "Looks like everyone did well last battle." He stated aloud, over certain conversations. "The boss dropped this chest, and it has something for everyone." "Shane." He tossed a red, circular cylinder to the boy. It had red lines pulsing on both ends, and hummed an eerie hum. Operator went on, "Jammer Grenade. Creates a telepathic field that'll disorient the boss for some time if used. Alexis!" He tossed to her a black long whip with two ends, wrapped in a tight bundle. "Double Bullwhip. Moderate damage rate, very quick. Useful to someone of your stature. Tessa!" To her, Operator tossed what seemed to be a collapsible spear, fused with bits of rock and earth. "Earthen Lance. Every single inch is fused with rock. Can be used along with your Geokinesis. Zephry!" To him he tossed a greyish katana. It looked similar to Zephry's original, but had a matte color to the blade. "Ignis Katana. Deals more damage if the enemy if it's burning and more damage than a standard one." Operator looked back into the chest and saw something else. It was a circular orb, and it pulsed a certain coldness to it. Operator knew this gift wasn't for him, because for all intents and purposes, he couldn't really identify it. He sighed in thought, and willed the glacial orb to disappear in his inventory. The chest then vanished with a whoosh along with it's key. He walked over to the wall and punched it hard with his right arm, a panel indenting from the main wall. Operator stepped back as the wall slid away to reveal a machine, with the name "Shop" over the top. He tapped a couple of keys into the interface, and deposited a couple of credits into the machine. The machine sputtered a bit, and a drawer popped out, holding a couple of items; a par of tin-colored boots, a gold pocket watch, a small cannon that looked like it fired baseballs, and a small flask with red liquid. He picked them all up, and stored both the watch and mini cannon away. he drank from the flask, which gave him a burning sensation in his throat, and the flask shattered. Finally, he put on the boots. He felt slower in them, but felt much more protected. He then walked towards the door to the 2nd Floor Boss Room, glaring at the doors. They would open when the boss was ready. -------------------------------------------------------- Items gained! Ze Operator Shane Ware Alexis Ackerman Tessa Jones Zephry Siegend Ice Orb - ??? Level 1 (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1
Accepted. Inserting info into Stasis Room.
Ze Operator Operator quietly walked up the stairs when only Alexis came forward, walking up the stone steps. He and Alexis made it to the top of the steps, she opened the doors leading to the room. Before them was yet another room-like arena, similar to the stone grey 1st floor, but with minor differences. There were a couple of cracks in the floor that seemed to glow a cool, bluish light. Operator stepped in, and immediately felt his joints feel significantly better, as if the room healed the inhabitants. He sighed pleasantly and stretched. His thoughts then turned to the Kolossus. The monster may have fallen, but it seemed easy. Too easy. It didn't make any fatal strikes other than a close call with Shane, and even then, after Alexis had seductively commanded the beast, it literally klonked itself over the face with it's own sword. He shook his head. Maybe it was just a mindless beast. His thoughts suddenly turned to Alexis, whom had just sit down in a corner of the room. Operator had know doubt that he unerved a couple of his colleagues, revealing that he knew about them. But he was used to it. His machine was the reason for it. Even so, he would need to explain still because he didn't want to be untrustworthy. Nobody needed to know everyone's secrets. Not facing Alexis, he said to her, "I believe you may have something that concerns you?" He materialized the chest that he'd taken earlier and the key that came with it, unlocking the chest with a dull click.
Abilities have been leveled, Stat points spent. I will send you the link to the Tutorial File, which is a google doc. Thanks for the help.
Armor purchased, and equipped. Abilities bought, added to inventory. As for stat points, they can be used to automatically level up any weapon, ability, or item in your inventory. This will not only raise the damage range of the weapon, but also has a chance of applying an effect. If any of you had noticed, both my Binary Rifle and Binary Sword are now at Level 2. Even though there is a good chance that the weapon/tool/ability will automatically level up in a battle (if you use it enough times), the stat points can be useful if you get stuck on a particular boss. Be mindful as there are usually a limited amount of times the weapon can level up, the cap usually be 10, up to where the weapon would "Max Level". I'd also like to let you guys know that I'm in the process of creating a Game Guide for this RP, and if anyone is interested, please let me know. Assistance is much appreciated!
1050 Credits spent, added to inventory! 1450 Credits remaining.