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  1. mindstorm787

    I'm really excited for something like this.
    On a side note; The hype is real.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 26, 2015 in forum: Gaming
  2. mindstorm787
    The Lingering Will takes BURN damage! 65 Dmg dealt!

    Poke used Fire Spin on the Lingering Will! 105 dmg dealt!

    The Lingering Will uses Ultima Cannon! SPLASH!
    201 Dmg dealt to Poke!
    190 Dmg dealt to Alexis Ackerman!
    245 Dmg dealt to Ze Operator! Dealt an extra 32 dmg!
    Ze Operator falls with a groan, his energy spent from the damage sustained.
    102 Dmg dealt to Tessa Jones!

    Alexis Ackerman uses her EMP Launcher on the Lingering Will!
    The Lingering Will is STUNNED!

    Shane Ware used Psionic Inundation on the Lingering Will! 55 Dmg dealt!

    Zephry Siegund uses his Blue Flame Armament - Clarent on the Lingering Will! 45 Dmg dealt!

    Tessa Jones uses Psammokinesis on the Lingering Will! 50 Dmg dealt!

    Lingering Will

    2064/3400 HP
    Ends of The Earth Keyblade
    (BURNED for 2 Turns, DISABLED for 1 Turns,
    STUNNED for 1 Turn)
    TAC: 75%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: -20 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5)
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 82%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 5%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped)
      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns.
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 2

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE

      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 83 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 98%
      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 96 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 76%
      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 8%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.

      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Poke | Level 8
      HP: 158 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 91%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Flare Blitz - 60-240 Dmg + 10% BURN, user will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the target.
      Leveling Blocked

      Fire Spin - 35-210 Dmg, Lasts two to five turns. The target cannot move while surrounded by flames.

      Leveling Blocked

      Ember - 25-150 Dmg + 10% BURN
      Leveling Blocked

      Blast Burn - 50-300 Dmg, 1/2 Accuracy, 2 Post cooldown
      Leveling Blocked
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. mindstorm787

    | Level 6 |

    As Sylar killed one final orc, gaining to Level 6, he sheathed his gun in it's holster, and nodded to <SilentBlade> while browsing the drops the orcs gave, replying, "Yeah, we should probably get moving. We should even check if the Floor 1 boss out, if we can." He turned his head to <Seth's Angel> before going on, "Unless of course, the Lady isn't up for it? We could always stick around here a little more in case you need more practice. After all, it's not like we got something to wait for."
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 26, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. mindstorm787
    The Lingering Will uses Rising Sun! Hits 3 times! HASTE!
    82 Dmg dealt to Tessa Jones!
    52 Dmg dealt to Alexis Ackerman!
    93 Dmg dealt to Ze Operator!
    The Lingering Will takes BURN damage! 71 Dmg dealt!

    Alexis Ackerman uses Pyrokinetic Combat on the Lingering Will! CRITICAL! 102 Dmg dealt!
    The Lingering Will is BURNED!

    Ze Operator uses his Binary Sword on the Lingering Will! 65 Dmg dealt!

    Poke used Ember on the Lingering Will! 59 dmg dealt!

    Zephry Siegund uses his Blue Flame Armament - Clarent on the Lingering Will! MISS!

    Shane Ware used Mind Reading on the Lingering Will!

    Lingering Will
    HP: 2384 | Attack: 86% | Defense: 51% | Speed: 45%
    Head: Keyblade Armor (Helmet) | Body: Keyblade Armor (Chestplate) | Arms: Keyblade Armor (Arms) | Legs: Keyblade Armor (Boots) | Acces.: Keyblade Armor (Cape)
    TAC: 69%

    Ends of The Earth Keyblade - 80-400 Dmg + 45% BLOCK BREAK
    <Data Blocked>
    Ultima Cannon - 70-340 Dmg + Splash
    Level 5

    Rising Sun - 5 52-160 Dmg + HASTE
    Level 3

    Keyblade Glider - 3x 63-130 Dmg + HASTE, FLINCH, ¼ Accuracy
    Level 2

    Light Shooter Summon - SUMMONs up to 3 Light Shooters. Light Shooter stats randomized.
    Level 1

    Tessa Jones uses Martial Arts on the Lingering Will! MISS!

    Lingering Will

    2384/3400 HP
    Ends of The Earth Keyblade
    (BURNED for 3 Turns, DISABLED for 2 Turns)
    TAC: 69%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 257 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5)
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 22%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 5%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped)
      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns.
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 2

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE

      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 273 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 32%
      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 198 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 38%
      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 8%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.

      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Poke | Level 8
      HP: 359 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 10%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Flare Blitz - 60-240 Dmg + 10% BURN, user will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the target.
      Leveling Blocked

      Fire Spin - 35-210 Dmg, Lasts two to five turns. The target cannot move while surrounded by flames.

      Leveling Blocked

      Ember - 25-150 Dmg + 10% BURN
      Leveling Blocked

      Blast Burn - 50-300 Dmg, 1/2 Accuracy, 2 Post cooldown
      Leveling Blocked
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 24, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. mindstorm787
    Ze Operator

    As Operator found nothing on the bottom floor, he had given up on finding who screamed, and began to tread up the floors of the apartment. Since Tessa had managed to find her room already and would meet up with him later, he decided he would search for his own room. His room was 204, which meant that his room was on the second floor. Some of the people who were stuck in the same predicament seemed to have roommates as Operator passed, and he hoped he didn't have one to bunk with. He soon reached 204, which, unlike some of the rooms, was not approached by anyone else. Operator fit the key in the lock and turned, the door opening with a slight click. He pushed the door open, a dark room awaiting. He fumbled around for a light, flicking it on, and he sighed in content to know that there was nobody else.
    He entered and closed the door behind him, he turned back to his bed, and his eyes widened. On his bed, neatly folded, was his black suit and mask, as if room service had cleaned up a bit. He smiled genuinely, taking off his school clothing and putting the suit on. After that, he picked up the mask, giving it a look-over. The empty eyeholes stared right back, the mask's off-putting grin smiled eagerly, as if greeting it's owner as Operator put the mask on, hearing the familiar huffing through it. Come to think of it, Operator realized his voice had also been normalized, not having any tick of distortion whatsoever, as if there had never been any machine that literally tied his life to a single kill code. He sat on the bed, deep in thought. Just what
    was happening? Who would manage to be able to do something like this? an old enemy? How would they be able to remove the Disorder Drive without killing him, it was even removed at all? What purpose would this unknown instigator achieve? He sighed, laying down gently down on the bed, his eyes staring at the ceiling. His eyes fluttered.
    "Whoever is behind this.." He thought, "...Whatever is going on....I suppose I'm enjoying the lull..."
    Before he even realized, his eyes shut, and he lost consciousness, drifting off to sleep.

    Axel DaSilva

    Axel, slightly disappointed, closed the door and he too sat on his bed. It felt slightly uncomfortable, and as Axel lifted to see what made it uncomfortable, he found that he was sitting on his signature trenchcoat, which had been absent the entire time. He moved it from under him, getting himself more comfortable. Suddenly, a thought came to mind. He looked around, and found a paper on a nearby drawer. He picked it up, along with a pen, and scribbled a bit on the paper, and then he turned to Shane, who seemed to be in deep in thought. Axel cleared his throat loudly, holding the paper up for him to see. On the paper, in neat handwriting, read,
    "My name is Axel. Like you, I have been thrown into this situation, and I also don't know where I am. I have special abilities, but they don't seem to work in this world. Do you have any idea what's going on?"


    Darcy Tullepio

    Darcy too, had begun to go to his assigned room, walking up to the second floor, and searching for room 209. He finds it, he proceeds to enter, and is slightly surprised when he realizes there was another boy already. He sighed, closing the door. This must be his roommate.
    "Hi there." He said amiably. "My name's Darcy. You my new roommate?"

    @Takeru Tenkuji
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 23, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. mindstorm787
    Part 2 has been released!

    I am now able to work on Part 3 more fully!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: Written Works
  7. mindstorm787
    Alexis Ackerman uses her Double Bullwhip on the Lingering Will! HASTE! DOUBLE STRIKE!
    52 Dmg dealt! 55 Dmg dealt!

    Ze Operator uses his Binary Rifle on the Lingering Will! HASTE! 95 Dmg dealt!

    Poke used Flare Blitz on the Lingering Will! 53 dmg dealt!
    The Lingering Will is BURNED! Poke takes 1/3 of the damage!

    Zephry Siegund uses his Blue Flame Armament - Balmung on the Lingering Will! 65 Dmg dealt!

    Shane Ware used Psionic Inundation on the Lingering Will! 83 Dmg dealt!
    The Lingering Will's Keyblade Glider is DISABLED!

    Tessa Jones uses Martial Arts on the Lingering Will! 60 Dmg dealt!

    The Lingering Will uses Ultima Cannon!
    Tessa Jones COUNTERS the attack, redirecting it! SPLASH! 177 Dmg dealt! 89 Dmg dealt!

    Lingering Will

    2681/3400 HP
    Ends of The Earth Keyblade
    (BURNED for 2 Turns, DISABLED for 3 Turns)
    TAC: 54%

    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5)
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 8%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 5%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped)
      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns.
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 2

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE

      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 13%
      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 21%
      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 8%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.

      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Poke | Level 8
      HP: 359 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 6%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Flare Blitz - 60-240 Dmg + 10% BURN, user will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the target.
      Leveling Blocked

      Fire Spin - 35-210 Dmg, Lasts two to five turns. The target cannot move while surrounded by flames.

      Leveling Blocked

      Ember - 25-150 Dmg + 10% BURN
      Leveling Blocked

      Blast Burn - 50-300 Dmg, 1/2 Accuracy, 2 Post cooldown
      Leveling Blocked

    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 20, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. mindstorm787

    Ze Operator
    As Zephyr came up the stairs, Ze Operator quietly peeked in the 2nd Floor Boss room, suddenly opening it completely, revealing not a room, but an expansive plateau. A sun hung in a cloudless sky, a slight wind blowing as Operator stepped in to (or out of) the room. Operator looked around, seeing the place deserted. But not for long, it seemed, as Operator suddenly eyed a composing dust devil, forming in the middle of the plateau. Though most would now summon their weapon in a panic, Operator stood tall, waiting.
    The dust devil began to settle as quickly as it began, a suit of armor kneeled in the center, leaning over a rather large sword staked in the ground. The silence of the area returned, eerily almost.
    Operator concentrated, focusing his viewfinder, but the suit didn't seem to be register in his vision center. Like Poke, Operator had no data whatsoever on the challenger. Another walking question mark.

    Operator looked around wildly, drawing his sword in response to the...thing... What was that just now?
    "...I will set this right..."
    The figure rose slowly, staring straight at Operator and his group. The armor then grabbed the hilt of the blade, pulling it out of the ground. The entire sword looked like that of a large key.
    The second challenge has begun.



    Lingering Will

    3400/3400 HP
    Ends of The Earth Keyblade
    TAC: 0%


    • Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5)
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg
      Level 1

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Shane Ware | Level 7
      HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%

      Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY
      Level 1
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped)

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped)

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns.
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Mind Reading - SCAN
      Level 2

      Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH
      Level 2

      Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

      Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE

      Level 1

    • Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      Max HP: 325 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%
      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL
      Level 1

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Tessa Jones | Level 6
      Max HP: 280 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%
      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1

    • Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A

      TAC: 0%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 1

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1

    • Poke | Level 8
      Max HP: 375 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%

      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 0%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 19, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. mindstorm787

    All shall be accepted during the third floor.

    Character Name: Alpha
    Age: Appears 18, Age unknown.
    Level: 8
    Appearance: --

    • Ackramacus Blade - Large, unusually light blade with a rusted appearance. Alpha's own sword, used mostly to hit weak spots.
    • 2x Dual Head Cleavers - Mostly for picking off outliers. They can cause bleeding.
    • 12 Shot Revolver - Fires 3 rounds at a time. Has a high shot count.
    • Dragon's Breath Shotgun - Fires incendiary ammo in a wide choke. Made for crowd control.
    Special Ability: Overdrive Mode
    Short History: Is considered one of the top notorious killer in the world by CIA, FBI, as well as having a bounty of more than 25,000,000 over her head over 4 different countries. She, like Ze Operator, is a cyborg, conditioned and designed in the very same facility.
    Alpha was made to be an offensive Active to balance Operator's all-rounder build, but they never got along with each other well.
    Other: Had stabbed Operator with his own sword, leaving him in a death-like coma for 5 years, after he went homicidal.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 18, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. mindstorm787
    Like Chris Graf's post, these will only be accepted on the next floor.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. mindstorm787
    Srry for the late acceptance, But you will only be able to enter on the next floor.
    Until then, I'd advise you to up your Forum Message count so you won't need to be reviewed by a moderator.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 17, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. mindstorm787
    Profile Post Comment

    Yes. Dah Hype is real.

    Yes. Dah Hype is real.
    Profile Post Comment by mindstorm787, Oct 16, 2015
  13. mindstorm787


    Dark Matter Monolith

    3000/3000 HP
    Missle Stormer, Gauss Lasers
    TAC: 0%


    • [​IMG]
      Painwheel | Level 7 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/350 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Hatred Install (BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%) - Attacks target relentlessly.
      Buer Drive - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      No Powers/Abilities

    • [​IMG]
      Odd Della Robbia | Level 6 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/300 EXP
      Max HP: 375 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Laser Arrow Storm - Fires 3 barrages of Laser Arrows. Has a high chance of STUN.
      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Laser Arrow - 30-100 Dmg
      Level 1

      Viral Laser Arrow - 45-100 Dmg, 20% of POISON
      Level 1

      Laser Shield - Deflects any attacks back at opponents.
      Level 1

    • [​IMG]
      CMDr Paige | Level 6 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/300 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 50%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Indefinite Deresolution - User's next attack gains BALLISTIC for as long as there is TAC remaining.
      Identity Disk - 56-160 Dmg, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      No Powers/Abilities

    • [​IMG]
      Sora | Level 7 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/350 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Trinity Limit - Charges up a powerful finishing blow for 3 turns. Other teammates can invest power to cause more damage.​
      Kingdom Key - 30-120 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Sliding Dash - 50-167 Dmg
      Level 1

      Strike Raid - 20-168 + 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 16, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  14. mindstorm787
    Trying again from 1.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  15. mindstorm787
    Ze Operator

    Operator acknowledged the yell completely, turning in the direction of the sound. Oh well, looks like room hunting would have to wait.

    "Did you hear that?" Tessa asked him.
    "Who wouldn't?" Was his response as he cracked his neck. He was going to instinctively reload his right arm, but he suddenly remembered that in this world, he had no power, so he instead cracked his left knuckles.
    "I hope there's not trouble already."
    "Don't we both?" He replied, as he took off after the sound.

    Axel DaSilva

    Axel also heard the cry, just as Shane had. Shane simply asked if he was the new roommate, in which only Axel could nod. He turned and looked out the door, trying to pinpoint where the sound came from, before turning to Shane and jerking his head towards the door, indicating that they should investigate the sound.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. mindstorm787
    Dos, trios, quarte.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  17. mindstorm787
    -Ze Operator's Tower of Power: Endless Mode-
    Main Thread | Stasis Room

    Welcome to Endless Mode of the Tower of Power. Unlike the original, there aren't 30, but infinite Floors in the tower. Rewards awaits those who triumph! As always, there will be a bottom level and a top level to every Floor, A Boss Room at the bottom, and a Stasis Room at the top. With every boss comes a momentary reprieve.
    So shall you prevail every fight? Or die, only to return to the bottom floor?

    Game Rules
    • This thread follows the Playground Section rules as well as the main rules of
    • THIS THREAD IS NON-CANON TO THE ORIGINAL THREAD IN ANY WAY! Any stats from the original game do not carry onto here. There will be a set of predefined characters to use instead.
    • You do not need to play the original thread to know how to play.
    • If you want to submit a character, please PM me!
    • No need for sign ups, everyone controls the characters, from their battle movements to the items that they buy in the shop! But as the GM, I have the ability to limit what extent of that control..
    • People can change up to 4 characters while in the Stasis Room.
    • If your team dies, you restart on Floor 1.
    • I reserve the right to change or add rules.
    • Have fun with this please! It's supposed to give a simple taste of what the original thread is all about!

    • [​IMG]
      Painwheel | Level 7 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/350 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Hatred Install (BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%) - Attacks target relentlessly.

      Buer Drive - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      No Powers/Abilities

    • [​IMG]
      Odd Della Robbia | Level 6 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/300 EXP
      Max HP: 375 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Laser Arrow Storm - Fires 3 barrages of Laser Arrows. Has a high chance of STUN.
      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Laser Arrow - 30-100 Dmg
      Level 1

      Viral Laser Arrow - 45-100 Dmg, 20% of POISON
      Level 1

      Laser Shield - Deflects any attacks back at opponents.
      Level 1

    • [​IMG]
      CMDr Paige | Level 6 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/300 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 50%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Indefinite Deresolution - User's next attack gains BALLISTIC for as long as there is TAC remaining.
      Identity Disk - 56-160 Dmg, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      No Powers/Abilities

    • [​IMG]
      Sora | Level 7 | 1000 Credits | 0 Stat Points | 0/350 EXP
      Max HP: 350 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      Special: Trinity Limit - Charges up a powerful finishing blow for 3 turns. Other teammates can invest power to cause more damage.
      Kingdom Key - 30-120 Dmg
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Sliding Dash - 50-167 Dmg
      Level 1

      Strike Raid - 20-168 + 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1


      • N/A

      • Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (200 Credits)
      • Medium Red Potion - Heals 350 HP (600 Credits)
      • Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (500 Credits)
      • Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (750 Credits)
      • Dragon Vial - Revives fainted teammates with all of their HP (1500 Credits)
      • Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. (600 Credits)
      • Overdrive Shot - Fills up all of you or another player's TAC bar (1200 Credits)
      • DICE - Gives you a random Exo Ability, State or Effect to you or a small group. (450 Credits)

      • Skis - Grants HASTE, raises Speed. (350 Credits)
      • Invisibility Watch - Cloaks user for 5 posts. User cannot attack while cloaked. (400 Credits)

      • Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (200 Credits)
      • Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (350 Credits)
      • Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (200 Credits)

      • Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN (Locked)
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Oct 14, 2015, 1 replies, in forum: The Playground
  18. mindstorm787
    Srry for the delay...Was busy as usual.....

    Stat points spent on all three; they are now on Level 2!

    Ronin Armor set bought, Pyrokinetic Combat bought. 1250 Credits Remaining!

    Updated OP.

    Voting now closed!
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 14, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. mindstorm787

    Ze Operator
    As Shane, Tessa, Alexis, and Poke finally coming up, Operator felt more at ease of opening the door, but there was still one missing...
    "I've introduced myself to you," Poke said to him in particular,"isn't it fair you do the same for me? And what are the others capable of doing, in terms of fighting?"
    Operator turned back to boy, facing him fully, his red eye shut off as instantly as it appeared.
    "Oh where are my manners?" He said sarcastically. "My name is Operator. Ze Operator. These are Tessa, Shane, and Alexis, in the order they arrived. The one left in the room is Zephry (Who's literally bench-warming). As for their combat statistics, Alexis tends to be our rusher and seducer, Tessa is our Geokinetic defender, Shane is our jack-of-all-stats, not literally, and finally, Zephry is our summoner." Operator tilted his head, "At least, according to the data dictated from our battle on Floor 1."

    "As for me, I am a--"
    He suddenly froze as his internal motion tracker went off again, this time coming from inside the 2nd Floor boss room. He detected movement. He focused intently for moment, nut the motion tracker had fallen silent. Whatever it was, Operator did not like it. Not one bit.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 13, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. mindstorm787
    Ze Operator

    Seeing Tessa flush at her own response caused Operator to also tense up as he slightly picked up his pace, heading out to the courtyard, where a couple of other students were already there. He checked his own key, responding, "There should be a room number on your key, milady." as he made it past it. He decided to change the subject, despite Tessa's odd quip.
    "I'm guessing, by now, that you might've already tried to use your Geokinesis, right?" He asked, "But it's not just you either. I can't use my dimension abilities, nor can I access my core. It's a wonder I could even wake up at all. I should still be in a coma if my drive is deactivated. Anyway, whatever is going on, all we could do is observe, and act as necessary.
    He saw a nearby hotel, entering it, figuring that this was the hotel that gave the particular key in Operator's hand, if not everyone's. He took a stairs to the first floor, looking around, and even saw a couple of people from the school enter them. He turned to Tessa, asking, "Any of these rooms yours?"

    Axel Da Silva

    No one seemed to notice as Axel finally left the classroom, key to room 109 in his hand. He made his way through the courtyard, past small group of students, chatting idly, walking towards the apartment building. He entered, following by another boy and girl, trudging up the steps in a business-like way, coming up on the first floor, walking past 105, 106, 107, 108....
    Apparently, room service must've forgotten to shut the door. He quietly walked and saw the inside of the apartment was occupied by someone else, a male with straight brunette hair.
    Axel opened the door more fully, causing a creak, entering to meet the boy.

    Post by: mindstorm787, Oct 10, 2015 in forum: Retirement Home