Alpha Alpha laughed scornfully as the Ninja Kid and Card Lover began to argue already, and became even worse as Remy was about to start another altercation with a women and her friend (What is she wearing?) that had just entered. Some people just don't have the patience to just relax. To actually think that Remy would get this worked up amused Alpha most immensely. When she recomposed herself, she said, "You boys are too predictable. Do you honestly think that most people care about earthly possessions, like a card? I don't think that you just walked into a death trap, and you.." Alpha regarded Remy with disgust. "You're worried about a card? God, that is rich as ****. And your hotheadedness nearly killed somebody. Shameful. At least Ninja Numbnuts over here has some decency to actually do something useful. But damn, I just had to enter with you idiots-" Alpha froze out of nothing, as her viewfinder registered the following message. -ALERT! DISORDER DRIVE USER WITHIN VICINITY!- -DISORDER DRIVE CORE ID X-7217 WITHIN RANGE!- -!TARGET AQUIRED!- Alpha's smile became sinister as she turned towards Alexis and Tessa, chirping "Well, well, well. Looks like he showed up sooner than I expected." Operator walked through the door, just as Alpha finished her sentence. Ze Operator Operator dropped Poke's body to the floor of the Stasis Room. As Poke's body began to heal, Operator took two steps back at the sight of her. No. What was she doing here? The Tower let her in? She would kill everyone here! She tossed back part of her dark raven hair, smirking spitefully as she usual did, asking him, "What? No hug?" Operator's eye immediately flared red, and a distorted snarl of a response was heard. He arched his back, the air around him changing slightly. Alpha sighed in response to this, looking on in slight disapointment. "We aren't going to have an intelligent conversation, are we?" Operator's response came out coarse, as if he was trying not to scream, which made his voice sound even more mechanical. "Considering you tried to kill me?" Silence from this. Then, "You remember, huh?" "Anyone with Disorder Drive Cores have Black Box features for if they are fatally wounded or killed. Ten seconds of our life would be reserved to watching us getting killed, again, and again, and again. You would definitely get the picture if our roles were reversed, and you had my sword through your chest." The air grew staler. "And I thought I was one to hold a grudge." Alpha said, almost boredly. "We're much more alike after all." "Don't you DARE make this one of your stupid likeness talks, you psychopathic *****." Operator's voice pitched downward, making him sound like he was fatter. "I killed because I had no other motivation. It was either that they killed me or I killed for them. You killed for sport." "Says the smiling egghead in the stupid mask who went on a homicidal rampage after gaining more functions to his Disorder Drive, and endangering all the lives of EJ-27." Alpha retorted, her mocking attitude dropping to an angry scowl. "Says the incompetent partner that turned a blind eye to what Black Axe was really doing in terms of memory wiping, black operations, and assassinations, and also turning a blind eye to your asinine sense of right and wrong." Operator snarled, his voice regulating itself. "Five ****ing long years in a coma, and I want nothing to do with that damn excuse for a 'medical company'. If you came here to collect me and my drive, I can't be held responsible for what happens next." By now, dark black smoke had somehow decided to rise off his suit, his suit shifting between a white and black color. Nobody had no idea what would happen if they couldn't quell Alpha or Operator's anger. MISSION START! CALM OPERATOR OR ALPHA DOWN BEFORE THINGS GET UGLY!
Ze Operator Ze Operator shrugged at the three whom declined the blade, and looked at it himself. The blade was okay, but by human standards, it would be to heavy for him. Sure, it would be a nice trinket, not to mention the abilities it has, but he prefered his Binary Blade better. He looked to Glen, who stood idly, and shrugged. "Ok, Glen. To the victor, the spoils. I would take it, but eh, I like my current blade better. Besides, you need something to defend yourself, as you can never know if those psyhcic abilities are gonna fail you one day." He said, walking over, and handing the blade to Glen. He then turned and headed straight to the door to the next floor. He suddenly dropped to a knee, feeling slightly weak. He had taken a nasty hit from that large ball of light, and his core was functioning at 23%. That enemy was a worthy opponent, no less. Maybe he should have kept the strange keysword. He looked to Poke, whom had collapsed at the very end of the battle. Someone would need to carry him. Operator shuffled over to the newer comrade and lugged one of the younger male's arms over his shoulder. He began to hobble toward the door leading back to the Stasis Room. While carrying Poke, he thought about how the Tower just 'let' Poke in in the first place. From what Operator could tell, it shouldn't do that...Should it? Even after Operator was knocked senseless and revived, his memory was still foggy, which was rather odd, as he was able to remember things easliy. He knows that he made this Tower, so it should be something he could control. It didn't bother him until now that it should not allow more than orginally assigned. If so, who's controlling it currently? Who's really in charge of the simulations? Once again, Omega threw those thoughts away, and focused more on getting to safety. Spoiler: Addendum-112-X2; Disorder Drive So far, the power that the Disorder Drive contains is enormous. Without it's safeguards, the device has the power to rip reality from it's seams. It's much stronger than Astrid had first anticipated. However, there is a large downside, one that is even fatal to the user. Currently, our tester, Omega, is using the current Disorder Drive prototype, which grants him the ability to control time at will. Reversion of movements, flash forward of movements, stopping, restarting, etc. Though that could be considered the extent of Omega's power, but as built by our engineers, Omega is only using a fraction of the full extent of the Core's power. So what exactly is the downside? Whenever Omega tries to use any of the powers granted by the Disorder Drive that are "out of bounds" of the assigned/programed ability, it puts too much stress on the core, causing it to underclock. In every scenario, Omega's core overloads to the point where it harms the user, immediately either shutting down it's entire system to prevent a total destruction of the Core, or worse, the Core detects the underclocking as harm or hazard to the user, and automatically activate Berserk Mode, safely overriding and locking the safeguard, all while overclocking the drive to stablize Core temperature but putting the Drive in control of the user's body, initiated to kill. As such, this is why the Power Safeguards are placed in the programing of every core created. ---- The engineer's have recieved word from the board to create 3 more Disorder drives based on my report. Each Core will compliment the other, together the power to manipulate reality. The Core serials are numbered as follows. PX7147 -- Installed to Omega Prototype, first Core created. Was built to test the drive on bipedal bots, seeing if they would be able to withstand the sheer amount of programing. So far, the current user is able to withstand the Core's mass power intake and output. Can control time. X6126 -- To be installed in Alpha. Creates or maximizes objects from other objects, and can morph them. Further analysis unknown. X7217 -- Unknown X8328 -- Unknown End of log.
Update V1.0.3. - Minor Edits Certain Battle information - Like TAC Charge for example, can be carried on to the next battle. Exo States will not remain, HP will be reset. Again, I am trying to give you benefits as opposed to hardships. Floor Reservations are now OPEN! They will be listed under the Resources Heading in the Stasis Room Page. Stasis Room is being updated. Please let me know from time to time if I have made a mistake, as I am only one man.
Alpha Alpha watched quietly as the two boys waited patiently by doing what they did best, her face set in a disatisfied smirk. Why'd she enter a rather large, random tower with those idiots again? Oh right. She had received an anonymous tip that 'he' was going to be here. Omega. X7217. Her partner, and her victim. The moment that she stepped to the door of the tower and her vision sphere indicated that Omega was here in this very tower confirmed that he was yet again alive and kicking. Just what she needed. The card-flipping gambler must've got on the grey-haired teen's nerves, because the teen had suddenly pulled out a throwing star and let it rip, hitting an ace of spades out of the air in record timing. Impressive. For a regular Metahuman. In all seriousness, she was also getting a little annoyed with the card-throwers antics. He held some kind of boisterous air to him that made Alpha want to pull out one of her Cleavers and rip 'im a new one. But she couldn't, for the sole reason that this entire Tower was a death trap, from top to bottom. And even if the card-thrower or the Ninja Teen were considered expendable to her cause, her Disorder Drive wouldn't be able to work too well in this place. Another thing that bothered her was the Tower itself. Walls were too smooth, density was too strong, merged technology with magic, and literally blanketed itself to where only Alpha herself could track the Tower's exact location. This entire tower, was Disorder Drive technology, her technology. Omega wouldn't be able to do something like this, as his Drive is made to destroy things instead of creating them. So shouldn't she be able to control it, or rather, destroy it, to make her job easier? She tried, and failed. So if you can't go over problems, gotta go through them, one bloody door at a time. The moment that she saw Omega, and killed him, she would figure out who would use this tech. And make sure that they'd never see the light of day again. She sighed quietly, mulling it over. Well, until then, it doesn't hurt to play around with these numbskulls, rather than sitting around all day ripping head after head in black op missions.
Byakko uses Rolling Lightning the Lingering Will! HASTE! PIERCE! 88 dmg dealt! Poke uses Flare Blitz on the Lingering Will! 130 Dmg dealt! Poke takes 1/3 of the damage! Poke falls, his own powers extinguishing from his own attack, and blacks out... Alexis Ackerman uses Pyrokinetic Combat on the Lingering Will! 57 Dmg dealt! Ze Operator uses his Impact Arm Cannon on the Lingering Will! SPLASH! 98 Dmg dealt! An extra 25 Dmg dealt! Shane Ware used Psionic Induation on the Lingering Will! CRITICAL! 110 Dmg dealt! Zephry Siegund uses his Flame Armament - Balmung on the Lingering Will! 78 Dmg dealt! The Lingering Will was BURNED! Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on the Lingering Will! 62 Dmg dealt! The Lingering Will falls to one knee, defeated, having dealt too much damage, his armor cracked and bruised... Lingering Will -82/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (Dead, defeated by Zephry Siegund) TAC: 93% Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: 35 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 90% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 HP: 255 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 41% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 183 | Attack: 35% (+10) | Defense: 30% (+10) | Speed: 40% (+10) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 82% (IN USE!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 138 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 311 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 54% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 HP: -3 | Attack: 50% (+5) | Defense: 10% (+5)(+10) | Speed: 45% (+5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 56% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb - Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE) HP: 275 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 62% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked --------------------------------------- BATTLE REPORT Ze Operator Shane Ware Alexis Ackerman Tessa Jones Zephry Siegund Poke Ze Operator | Level 7 | 315/350 EXP Gains +349 EXP Fainted: -1/2 EXP Total: 175 EXP Gains 950 Credits Shane Ware | Level 7 | 150/350 EXP Gains +476 EXP Inflicter: +15 Total: 491 EXP !LEVEL UP! Gains 1005 Credits Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 | 135/350 EXP Gains +252 EXP Inflicter: +15 First Blood: +50 Total: 317 EXP !LEVEL UP! Gains 956 Credits Tessa Jones | Level 6 | 135/300 EXP Gains +367 EXP Total: 367 EXP !LEVEL UP! Gains 1000 Credits Zephry Siegund | Level 8 | 135/400 EXP Gains +367 EXP Pyromaniac: +20 Total: 387 EXP !LEVEL UP! Gains 1200 Credits Poke | Level 8 | 0/400 EXP Gains +540 EXP Heavy Hitter: +5 Fainted: -1/2 EXP Total: 273 EXP Gains 900 Credits --------------------------------------- The Armored figure looked up at the group before it, leaning on it's key-sword. Every one of them except for Shane and Zephry had sustained significant damage, and one had fallen, but they were all more than a match to what the creature can handle. Slowly, the Lingering Will stood at full height, looking as if it haven't been damaged at all. Operator, who was also looking worse for wear, tensed again, sensing that the enemy's sudden fatigue was a fluke. But the creature didn't attack, instead, it turned around and raised it's keyblade to an area in the desert. The tip of the blade sparkled, and a beam of light shot out, hitting a spot within the air. Immediately, the simulation vanished in a flash, revealing the same old arena-based area, doors appearing where the beam of light had hit. The figure then stuck it's keyblade in the ground in front of the party, kneeling in front of it. Then it lay still. Suddenly, it's armor collapsed, it's helmet, torso, chest, hands, everything, revealing nothing but air. The keyblade itself began to morph and shrink into a more compact version as the armor pieces vanished. Operator relaxed in relief as he fell on his knees, exhausted. After he took a moment, he stood back up, trudging slowly to the keyblade, lifting it from the ground. He turned to the others, asking "Who's taking this?"
I'll join too. Finally got into the Undertale hype train. So why not?
SPECIAL FLOOR Floor Boss 3 Options are as follows! Spoiler: Sans The easiest boss. Utilizes time and spacial abilities. Spoiler: Triple Threat - General Tesler, Commander Pavel, and Commander Paige A group of CLU's top generals. They all have a high SPD stat, but low defense. Spoiler: Painwheel A boss who's TAC bar fills up faster than usual, but is prone to excessive but unplanned attacks. Spoiler: Kankrelat Wave Instead of a boss, you face five waves of Kankrelats. Just say which boss you wish to vote for. As always, I will be the Vote breaker. You will have 2 weeks before this poll closes and the boss is selected.
Byakko uses Rolling Lightning the Lingering Will! HASTE! PIERCE! BLOODLUST! 104 dmg dealt! Ze Operator uses his Binary Rifle on the Lingering Will! HASTE! 66 Dmg dealt! Breath of the Mighty wears off. Poke uses Ancient Power on the Lingering Will! 79 Dmg dealt! His stats increase! Alexis Ackerman activates her special: Parallel Universe! Her power magnifies significantly, with the power of temporal manipulation at her fingertips. Shane Ware used Psionic Induation on the Lingering Will! 41 Dmg dealt! Zephry Siegund uses his Flame Armament - Clarent on the Lingering Will! 80 Dmg dealt! Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on the Lingering Will! 57 Dmg dealt! Lingering Will 566/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (Stunned for 1 turn, Disabled for 2 turns) TAC: 56% Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: 35 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 87% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 HP: 255 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 39% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 183 | Attack: 35% (+10) | Defense: 30% (+10) | Speed: 40% (+10) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (IN USE!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 138 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 311 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 51% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 HP: 36 | Attack: 50% (+5)(+20) | Defense: 10% (+5)(+10)(-zeros-) | Speed: 45% (+5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 75% (IN USE!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb (ACTIVATED)- Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Flare Blitz - 60-240 Dmg + 10% BURN, user will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the target. Leveling Blocked Ancient Power - 60-130 Dmg, 25% that all stats go up by 5 if the attack is successful Leveling Blocked Lightning Web - 25-150 Dmg + Lowers enemy's speed by 10%, can effect a group. Leveling Blocked Harden - Raises HP and DEF by 5. (Max. 100%) Leveling Blocked Blizzard - 95-110 Dmg + 10% FREEZE Leveling Blocked Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE) HP: 275 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 62% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked
Update V1.0.2. Specials are now revamped! You can now have multiple Specials at a time, but can only activate one at a time whenever your TAC is fully charged in battle. You may also purchase new ones at the shop. As for new players, they only gain one special at the start. We will be starting to reserve floors for certain characters. I will keep an open Google Doc in the Stasis Room (I will let you know when that is up) for those interested. Just remember you can only reserve 1 floor for each character you have, but at least one character will be reserved a floor each. I still need responses from the survey in the Stasis Room guys. Please take some time on it, and I will take the time make these updates more meaningful! :) There will be more dialogue! Upon request by some, I will take some more time in planning the bosses, which will leave more room for your characters to converse with one another! Environments! Depending on the simulation, in the boss room, you will be able to manipulate certain objects in the environment, but you won’t know what they are unless you try! ACHIEVEMENTS! You may now gain an achievement based on performing a certain action, and will even get a reward for it! Achievement rewards will only pertain to one character that performs the requirements, not the actor. Deleted the Shield Basher Modifier, and replaced it with the Dual Wield Modifier. Will replace Shield Basher if I actually find use for it.
I have released a short survey form to all of you for you to record responses. As some of you may know, this is simply to figure out ways to further improve this roleplay. Thank you for your responses.
Byakko uses Rolling Lightning the Lingering Will! HASTE! PIERCE! BLOODLUST! 96 dmg dealt! Poke used Harden! His HP and DEF go up by 5! Poke activated his special ability: Wrath of the Elements! His attack raises, and 4 more orbs appear, ready to incur rampage. The Lingering Will guards! Alexis Ackerman used Siren Song on the Lingering Will! The Lingering Will's Ultima Cannon is DISABLED! Ze Operator activates his Dead Ringer! He prepares for a fatal blow! Ze Operator uses his EMP Launcher on the Lingering Will! The Lingering Will is STUNNED! Shane Ware used Psionic Induation on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! 32 Dmg dealt! Zephry Siegund uses his Flame Armament - Clarent on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! 46 Dmg dealt! Tessa Jones used a Small Red Potion on herself! 100 Dmg healed! Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! 34 Dmg dealt! Lingering Will 993/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (Stunned for 2 turns, Disabled for 3 turns) TAC: 31% Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: 35 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 82% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 (BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 255 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 35% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 (BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 183 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 (BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 138 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 311 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 47% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 (BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 36 | Attack: 50% (+15)(+20) | Defense: 10% (+10)(-zeros-)| Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (IN USE!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb (ACTIVATED)- Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Flare Blitz - 60-240 Dmg + 10% BURN, user will receive recoil damage equal to 1/3 of the damage done to the target. Leveling Blocked Ancient Power - 60-130 Dmg, 25% that all stats go up by 5 if the attack is successful Leveling Blocked Lightning Web - 25-150 Dmg + Lowers enemy's speed by 10%, can effect a group. Leveling Blocked Harden - Raises HP and DEF by 5. (Max. 100%) Leveling Blocked Blizzard - 95-110 Dmg + 10% FREEZE Leveling Blocked Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE, BLOODLUST for 1 turn) HP: 275 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 56% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked
Overview: Blockland is a non-linear, sandbox style multiplayer game, stylized with LEGO-esque minifigures, created in February 2007 by Eric Hartman, AKA Badspot. The game itself gives the user the ability to create their own environments and games to their own discretion, boasting a larger user base and a variety of systems. It was Greenlit on Steam for about a year before it was officially released to the Steam store, further expanding it's user base. Features: Essentially a physics game, Blockland depicts the ability to utilize laws of physics, such as a character's avatar dying from a high enough fall, and replicating bricks collapsing from explosions. It also uses an interesting Event System, where users can create interactive bricks through a simple cause-and-effect interface. Finally, Blockland is heavily Add-On based, thus allowing users to create their own content from the game's engine itself, and gives infinitely more possibilities for server hosts to make intricate games. ----- Now, before I let you discuss, a little word to the wise; the community is very cutthroat. The game itself is decent by my standards and I could play for hours, but a lot of the players don't act really mature. If any of you are considering buying this game, play it at your own risk.
Oh joy. Hopefully, they might decide to add Sora or any of the KH characters as a means of hype for KH III or KH 2.8. Just a theory.
Alexis Ackerman uses her Double Bullwhip on the Lingering Will! HASTE! DOUBLE STRIKE! 55 dmg dealt! 57 dmg dealt! Byakko uses Breath of the Mighty on the party! HASTE! Everyone gains 15 extra ATK and BLOODLUST! Poke used Double Slap on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! Hits 3 times! 92 dmg dealt! 81 dmg dealt! 30 dmg dealt! The Lingering Will activated his special: Meteor Shower! The armor begins to glow with bright light, aiming it's weapon at the party, firing a seemingly endless barrage at everyone! 120 dmg dealt to Ze Operator! 75 dmg dealt to Shane Ware! 71 dmg dealt to Alexis Ackerman! (GUARD) Golem A takes the dmg! 158 dmg dealt to Tessa Jones! 89 dmg dealt to Zephry Siegund! 132 dmg dealt to Poke! 125 dmg dealt to Byakko! The armor begins to dull from the light and reverts to it's original state. Shane Ware used Pushing on the Lingering Will! Nothing Happened! Zephry Siegund uses his Flame Armament - Clarent on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! 137 Dmg dealt! Tessa Jones uses a Phoenix Vial on Ze Operator! He is revived successfully! Tessa Jones recalls Golem A! Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on the Lingering Will! BLOODLUST! 75 Dmg dealt! Lingering Will 1201/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (Normal) TAC: 21% Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: 35 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 82% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 (BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 255 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 32% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 (BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 183 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 98% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 (BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 38 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 (BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 311 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 45% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 (BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 31 | Attack: 50% (+15) | Defense: 10% (+5) | Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb (ACTIVATED)- Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Tackle - 50-175 Dmg + 10% STUN Leveling Blocked Scratch - 60-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Double Slap - 25-150 Dmg + DOUBLE STRIKE Leveling Blocked Harden - Raises HP and DEF by 5. (Max. 100%) Leveling Blocked Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE,BLOODLUST for 2 turns) HP: 275 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 45% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked
Note to some of you. Yes I understand there are some errors, I will be fixing them after the fight is over in a new update. Thank you. Poke used Harden! His HP and Defense increase by 5! The Lingering Will is no longer burned! Alexis Ackerman uses a Small Red Potion on herself! 100 HP healed! Shane Ware used Psionic Inundation on the Lingering Will! 55 Dmg dealt! Zephry Siegund uses Pyrokinetic Combat on the Lingering Will! 56 Dmg dealt! Byakko uses Rolling Lightning on the Lingering Will! 81 Dmg dealt! Lingering Will 1728/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (Normal) TAC: 100% (CHARGED!) Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Golem A Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: -20 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 82% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 12% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 183 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 98% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 196 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 76% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 11% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 HP: 163 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% (+5) | Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 94% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb (ACTIVATED)- Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Tackle - 50-175 Dmg + 10% STUN Leveling Blocked Scratch - 60-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Double Slap - 25-150 Dmg + DOUBLE STRIKE Leveling Blocked Harden - Raises HP and DEF by 5. (Max. 100%) Leveling Blocked Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE) HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 11% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked Golem A [Guarding Alexis Ackerman] HP: 392 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 60% | Speed: 20% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Leveling Blocked Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Leveling Blocked Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Leveling Blocked
The Lingering Will takes BURN damage! 51 Dmg dealt! Poke used Fire Spin on the Lingering Will! 75 dmg dealt! Poke changes to his Normal Orb! The Lingering Will is no longer stunned! The Lingering Will is no longer disabled! Shane Ware used a small on the Tessa Jones! 100 Dmg healed! Zephry Siegund SUMMONS Byakko! Tessa Jones SUMMONS Golem A! Golem A guards Alexis Ackerman! Lingering Will 1920/3400 HP Ends of The Earth Keyblade (BURNED for 2 Turns, DISABLED for 1 Turns, STUNNED for 1 Turn) TAC: 83% Mindstorm787 Glen Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 Byakko Golem A Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: -20 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% (+5) | Speed: 40% (-5) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 82% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Dual Variant Magnums - 45-95 Dmg Level 1 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Shane Ware | Level 7 HP: 300 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 5% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Riot Shotgun - 50-130 Dmg + SPRAY Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head (Equipped) Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body (Equipped) Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (1x) Jammer Grenade - STUNs a group of enemies for 3 turns. DISABLEs a group of enemies for 5 turns. (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Mind Reading - SCAN Level 2 Telepathic Speaking - 5% of CONTROL Level 1 Pushing - CHAOS, DISABLE, 7% of DEATH Level 2 Psionic Induation - 55-125 Dmg + DISABLE, 4% of DEATH Level 2 Telepathic Combat - 45-135 Dmg + 5% of STUN Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Cryokinetic Combat - 45-67 Dmg + FREEZE Level 1 Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 83 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 98%Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 52-178 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 10% of CHAOS, 15% of CONTROL Level 1 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 196 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 55% (+5) | Speed: 20% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 76%Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (3x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 8%Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 40-170 Dmg + HASTE, 5% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 1 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Poke | Level 8 HP: 158 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 94% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb (ACTIVATED)- Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Tackle - 50-175 Dmg + 10% STUN Leveling Blocked Scratch - 60-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Double Slap - 25-150 Dmg + DOUBLE STRIKE Leveling Blocked Harden - Raises HP and DEF by 5% (Max. 100%) Leveling Blocked Byakko (PIERCE, HASTE) HP: 400 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% TAC: 8% Inventory Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Rolling Lightning - 56-230 Dmg Leveling Blocked Breath of the Mighty - Grants 15% ATK and BLOODLUST to the entire party. Lasts two turns. Leveling Blocked Golem A [Guarding Alexis Ackerman] HP: 392 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 60% | Speed: 20% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Leveling Blocked Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Leveling Blocked Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Leveling Blocked
You have got to be shitting me. That's it. I'm done. *Logs Off* On-Topic: If Scott wanted to bring the series back, shouldn't he have done in it's original glory? Like, per say, Five Nights at Freddy's 5 or something? He did leave cliffhangers at the end of FNAF 3 and 4, with Springtrap in the photo of the endgame newspaper, and the locked chest in the boys bedroom.
Eeeeehhhh...Why the hell not, I'll sign up! What are the qualifications?
Username: mindstorm787 Guardian Nickname: The Sarcastic Smiler A silly picture/GIF: Spoiler
KHV Username: Mindstorm787 Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time Steam Steam ID: axel5678 Games you play: Left 4 Dead 2, Team Fortress 2, Blockland, Killing Floor, Skullgirls, Portal 2, Garry's Mod, Plague INC. Evolved... and a bunch of other games I'm unaware of -_-'. My signature says it all.