AlphaAlpha growled with immense pain as she was thrown to the wall. On of her shoulders popped right out of place. She looked back angrily at Sans, who glared at the group, left eyehole glowing with a ghostly blue orb of a pupil. She felt her sins crawling on her back. ----------------- Sans used Blue Bone Attack on Alexis Ackerman! Nothing happens! Sans used Orange Bone Attack on Remy Beuregard! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt! Sans used a Bone Attack on Poke! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt! Poke activates his Ice Orb! He gains 4 Ice-based attacks! Samuel Leighyard used Planning! He gains 25% more damage! Ze Operator guards Alexis Ackerman! Kara Jereign used Aquakinetic Combat on Sans!Sans used Spacial Stop on Kara Jereign! CLOCK! Kara freezes mid-attack, stopped in time! Her attack cannot continue. Zephry Siegund used Pyrokinetic Combat on Sans! MISS! Sans The Skeleton ???/??? HP Gaster Blasters, Bone Fragments (Normal) Infinite Space Environment TAC: 5% <MUSIC> ----------------- Sans: what? you think i'm just going to sit here and take it? ----------------- Mindstorm787 Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 (Drain for 4 turns) Ze Operator | Level 7 [Guarding Alexis Ackerman] HP: 348 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Dual Wield Modifier - Allows player to use the last two weapons they have previously used at the same time. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Berserk Mode - 230-400 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes. (Drain for 4 turns, Stunned for 1 turn) Alpha | Level 8 HP: 398 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 2% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Ackramacus Blade - 50-150 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Twelveshooter - 56 Dmg + SPRAY, 75% Accuracy Level 1 Dragon’s Breath Shotgun - 67-135 Dmg + BURN, 45% Accuracy Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools NoTools Spoiler: Items (2x) Dual Cleaver - 85 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again. Level 1 Spoiler: Powers/Abilities No Powers/Abilities Spoiler: Specials Berserk Mode - 245-405 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes. (Drain for 4 turns, Stunned for 1 turn) Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 323 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 2 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL Level 2 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Parallel Universe - The user gains DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post. (Drain for 4 turns) Samuel Leighyard | Level 6 HP: 331 | Attack: 25% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 5% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Throwing Star - 75 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again. Level 1 (2x) Smoke Grenade - 100% BLIND against opponents. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Planning - Skips a turn to deal 25% more damage next turn. Level 1 Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Precognition - Predicts the next battle cycle. Results are not always accurate. (Drain for 4 turns) Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 274 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+40) | Speed: 20% (-40) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 6% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms Iron Chestplate - +20 Defense,+10 Attack, -20 Speed; Body (Equipped) Iron Bracers - +5 Defense, +5 Attack, -5 Speed; Arms(Equipped) Iron Boots - +15 Defense, -15 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER Level 2 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Granulation - Selects a target; Target gains INVINCIBLE. Target cannot move. User cannot attack or move. (Drain for 7 turns) Remy Beuregard | Level 8 HP: 307 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 25% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 6% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Bo Staff - 47-122 Dmg + 15% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (4x) Spades Card - Enemies deals 25% less damage for 3 turns. (4x) Hearts Card - Party gains +25 HP for 3 turns. (4x) Diamonds Card - Party gains 25% more critical chance for 3 turns. (4x) Clubs Card - Enemies loses 25% accuracy for 3 turns. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Explosion Inducement - 56-170 Dmg + SPLASH, 25% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Full House - 135-565 Dmg. User explodes a nearby object, then throws 4 cards at random, each exploding, dealing additional damage. Normal effects still apply. (Drain for 5 turns, Clocked for 2 Turns) Kara Jereign | Level 5 HP: 243 | Attack: 26% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 30% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Black Whip - 24-78 Dmg + HASTE. Deals 10% more damage to opponents who don’t GUARD. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Aquakinetic Combat - 37-89 Dmg + BLOODLUST Level 1 Rain Creation - Affects the field. Fire attack damage halves, while Lightning attack damage doubles. Level 1 Water Walking - Allows user to walk in Oceanic environments Level 1 Healing Water - 25 HP, Can be used on anyone. Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Eyes of the Ocean - 340-540 Dmg + STUN, BLOODLUST. Affects the field. (Drain for 5 turns) Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 398 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 2 Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Specials Fanged Cyclone - User selects a weapon. The weapon gains 15% more max damage for the rest of the battle and gains PIERCE until the end of use. (Drain for 7 turns) Poke | Level 8 HP: 369 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 4% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Blizzard - 20% FREEZE Leveling Blocked Cryokinetic Combat - 67-230 Dmg + 40% FREEZE Leveling Blocked Deep Freeze - Affects the field. Fire, Water and Lightning attack damage halves, while Earth and Wind attack damage doubles. Leveling Blocked Triple Blizzaga - 3x 56 Dmg + 25% FREEZE Leveling Blocked Spoiler: Specials Wrath of the Elements - User gains ATK + 20% and DEF -Zeros- and takes control of 5 random orbs. They are able to control the orbs for as long as they have TAC remaining. Stuns user after this effect resolves.
Character Name: Arachea Elderweb Age: 673 (human years). Gender: Female Race: Fairy Appearance: ~Clicky~ Backstory: Arachea serves as one of the main advisors to the Seelie Court, and has done service for more than a couple generations. She is rather notorious for a number of reasons, a few of them of how young she is, and for that reason alone, she isn't as respected. Another reason, stemming from the first is that she is a sort of gambler. On more than one occassion she has bet on more than a few odds, depending on the current situation of the Court. But for those main reasons alone, she has gained a different kind of respect; the ability to directly advise her opinions to influence the heads of the court's decisions. She is also respected for being an Elderweb, the old bloodline of seers and pragmatic advisors to the Seelie court. Arachea can come off somewhat cold, pragmatic, and cynical. She likes playing against odds, and sometimes can manipulate odds into her favor that would originally out of her reach. She is more than likely to sieze an opportunity the moment it presents itself, and likes to meddle in affairs so as long as there is a benefit that comes out of the situation, and even though that may have gotten her into some trouble in the past, she was rewarded more than scolded for actions and meddling. She owes a great debt Morrigan Moonsong, whom have saved her life at one point and that she (begrudingly) repaid by promising to watch over Morrigan in Arachea's own way possible; meddling. Weapons: Carries a cobalt double-sided lance. Magic: Telekinesis ~ Arachea can manipulate objects without touching them. Certain objects, depending on their weight and size, can hinder this power. Puppeteering ~ Arachea can, to a certain degree, control the actions of any individual for an instant. She can't keep a constant control, and her power is limited to the susceptibility of the individual. Catalyst Event ~ Arachea can predict when an individual will be faced with a choice that could affect a situation, but cannot tell when that individual will make a said choice. Blood Venom ~ By sacrificing some of her blood to her lance, Arachea's weapon will deal poisonous damage to anyone on the recieving end. Shadowjump ~ Arachea can move through and in between shadows. Excessive use exhausts her greatly. Other: Arachea is a royal advisor to the Seelie Court, friends with Morrigan. Is obligated to her job, and likes to meddle with things, especially those not within her control.
AlphaAlpha was moved in last, walking silently to the opening light. She didn't know what to expect. She'd hope it be fairly easy... but hey... this was Alpha we're talking about. everything is easy for her. As she set both feet through the doorway, the door closed shut, and locked behind her. They were locked in. She turned back from the door, and the light faded, and darkened slightly. Revealing a large hall, with large glass paned-windows, and sunlight flooding in, giving the room an impression that it was sundown. Alpha somehow shivered. She felt like she was in church. Ze OperatorOperator was very calm as he looked around the vast hall. Various shadows cast dark spots along the far ends of the large space. Huge pillars towered above the group, overshadowing the party, like somber accusers. Operator tensed as he sensed movement around one of the pillars, freezing. Nothing came out. He relaxed, but only for a second, sensing more movement from the pillar much farther away. He growled in utter annoyance. "Show yourself." He said. But nobody came. He took a couple of steps forward from the group. He blink. He thought he saw to white pinpricks for eyes, in the darkest shadow in front of him. Operator blinked again, straightening. As he opened his eyes again, he looked upon what seemed to be a short skeleton, about 3 feet tall, eyes closed(?) wearing a good-natured, if not eerie smile. He wore a bluish sweater and some sandals, and it had it's hands in it's pocket. Honestly, the skeleton looked a little-bit like a pushover to be a boss, to say the least. Operator even thought he heard Alpha trying very hard not to laugh. But their was something vaguely familiar about this skeleton, as if Operator may have been acquainted...? The skeleton opened it's eyes, revealing the same two white pinpricks Operator saw in the dark earlier. Then, it spoke. "yo." It said, his eyes looking dead at Operator. "you've been busy, huh?" "By whatever do you mean?" Operator asked slowly, trying to wrack his brain as to who this person was. The skeleton shifted his weight a bit, tilting his head to one side. "what, you think i wouldn't follow up on what you do, op?" He asked. "considering how you attacked me and my brother once." Operator's eyes widened. Sans the Skeleton. How could he forget. "Great to see you again, Sans." Operator sighed, smiling underneath his mask. "Pleasure to see you aga-" "lemme ask you a question." Operator was startled by San's interruption, but he obliged anyway. "Go ahead." The skeleton closed it's eyes. "do you think anyone can change?" He asked. "even if they seem to not have a shred of of good in them?" Operator considered it. It's the question he'd been asking himself this entire time. He said, "I think every man deserves a chance at something, for all intents and purposes. But you know me Sans. I spared you and your brother, albeit a complete misunderstanding..." Sans suddenly laughed hard, as if Operator said a really great joke, causing the latter to recoil a bit. Did he say something out of turn? As Sans stopped laughing, he replied, "yeah. i'll bet." He sighed, and then, "well let me ask you a better question." He opened his eyes, and Operator shuddered slightly as the pinpricks were gone, and empty eye sockets stared back as Sans asked, "do you want to have a bad time? cuz if you step over that line, you are really not going to like what's going to happen next." Operator considered his options. An old ally of his was threatening to fight him if he passed over a small line on the floor. But they needed to get moving through the tower. He stepped over the line." Sans sighed, closing his eyes again. "welp, sorry old lady. this is why i never keep my promises. especially if it involves a dirty brother killer." The light from the large hall faded to black, but everyone could still see, as if there was enough light. Everyone's color faded to white and black. Even Sans himself looked more eerie. Then, everyone thought they heard...chirping...of birds from the outside. "it's a beautiful day outside." Sans said. "birds are singing. flowers are blooming. on days like these, people like you..." He opened his eyes again, and this time, his left eye glowed an iridescent blue. "SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL." ----------------- Sans used Telepathic Pull on the Party! Ze Operator takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Alpha takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! STUN! Alexis Ackerman takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! STUN! Samuel Leighyard takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Tessa Jones takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Remy Beauregard takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Kara Jereign takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Zephyr Siegend takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Poke takes 1 Dmg! DRAIN! Sans used a Gaster Blaster on Tessa Jones! DRAIN! PIERCE! 4 Dmg dealt! Sans used a Gaster Blaster on Samuel Leighyard! DRAIN! PIERCE! 6 Dmg dealt! Sans used a Gaster Blaster on Poke! DRAIN! PIERCE! 3 Dmg dealt! Sans The Skeleton ???/??? HP Gaster Blasters, Bone Fragments (Normal) Infinite Space Environment TAC: 3% <MUSIC> ----------------- Mindstorm787 Aelin Fireheart Magick Takeru Tenkuji jackdaniel0 (Drain for 5 turns) Ze Operator | Level 7 HP: 349 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg Level 2 Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE Level 2 Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH Level 1 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts Level 1 Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown Level 1 Dual Wield Modifier - Allows player to use the last two weapons they have previously used at the same time. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Berserk Mode - 230-400 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes. (Drain for 5 turns, Stunned for 2 turns) Alpha | Level 8 HP: 399 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 2% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Ackramacus Blade - 50-150 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Twelveshooter - 56 Dmg + SPRAY, 75% Accuracy Level 1 Dragon’s Breath Shotgun - 67-135 Dmg + BURN, 45% Accuracy Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools NoTools Spoiler: Items (2x) Dual Cleaver - 85 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again. Level 1 Spoiler: Powers/Abilities No Powers/Abilities Spoiler: Specials Berserk Mode - 245-405 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes. (Drain for 5 turns, Stunned for 2 turns) Alexis Ackerman | Level 7 HP: 324 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg Level 1 Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 2 EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks. Level 1 Spoiler: Items (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE Level 1 Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL Level 2 Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE Level 1 Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Parallel Universe - The user gains DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post. (Drain for 5 turns) Samuel Leighyard | Level 6 HP: 332 | Attack: 25% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 40% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 5% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Throwing Star - 75 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again. Level 1 (2x) Smoke Grenade - 100% BLIND against opponents. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Planning - Skips a turn to deal 25% more damage next turn. Level 1 Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Precognition - Predicts the next battle cycle. Results are not always accurate. (Drain for 5 turns) Tessa Jones | Level 6 HP: 275 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+40) | Speed: 20% (-40) Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 6% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms Iron Chestplate - +20 Defense,+10 Attack, -20 Speed; Body (Equipped) Iron Bracers - +5 Defense, +5 Attack, -5 Speed; Arms(Equipped) Iron Boots - +15 Defense, -15 Speed; Legs (Equipped) Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER Level 2 Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK Level 1 Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill. Level 1 Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Granulation - Selects a target; Target gains INVINCIBLE. Target cannot move. User cannot attack or move. (Drain for 5 turns) Remy Beuregard | Level 8 HP: 309 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 25% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Bo Staff - 47-122 Dmg + 15% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (4x) Spades Card - Enemies deals 25% less damage for 3 turns. (4x) Hearts Card - Party gains +25 HP for 3 turns. (4x) Diamonds Card - Party gains 25% more critical chance for 3 turns. (4x) Clubs Card - Enemies loses 25% accuracy for 3 turns. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER Level 1 Explosion Inducement - 56-170 Dmg + SPLASH, 25% STUN Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Full House - 135-565 Dmg. User explodes a nearby object, then throws 4 cards at random, each exploding, dealing additional damage. Normal effects still apply. (Drain for 5 turns) Kara Jereign | Level 5 HP: 244 | Attack: 26% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 30% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Black Whip - 24-78 Dmg + HASTE. Deals 10% more damage to opponents who don’t GUARD. Level 1 Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Aquakinetic Combat - 37-89 Dmg + BLOODLUST Level 1 Rain Creation - Affects the field. Fire attack damage halves, while Lightning attack damage doubles. Level 1 Water Walking - Allows user to walk in Oceanic environments Level 1 Healing Water - 25 HP, Can be used on anyone. Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Eyes of the Ocean - 340-540 Dmg + STUN, BLOODLUST. Affects the field. (Drain for 5 turns) Zephyr Siegund | Level 8 HP: 399 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 3% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE Level 1 Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Armor Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP. (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States. (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP. (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar. Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE. Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 2 Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Spoiler: Specials Fanged Cyclone - User selects a weapon. The weapon gains 15% more max damage for the rest of the battle and gains PIERCE until the end of use. (Drain for 5 turns) Poke | Level 8 HP: 371 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45% Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A TAC: 2% Inventory Spoiler: Weapons No Weapons Spoiler: Armor No Armor Spoiler: Tools No Tools Spoiler: Items No Items Spoiler: Powers/Abilities Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Ice Orb - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb. Level 1 Spoiler: Specials Wrath of the Elements - User gains ATK + 20% and DEF -Zeros- and takes control of 5 random orbs. They are able to control the orbs for as long as they have TAC remaining. Stuns user after this effect resolves. ----------------- Sans looked around to see that most of the party was still standing. "huh. always wondered why monsters never use their best attacks first." His eyes refocused to Ze Operator. "anyway, let's begin."
Glen, it's been a pleasure RPing with you. Though I've only known you for a short time on KHV, since my time myself has been rather choppy, but I think I've come to known you as reliable. Your characters never cease to amaze, and I've throughly enjoyed reading your posts and hanging out with you on Skype. I unfortunatley had a feeling that you would have to leave at some point, and if it was something as stressful as this, I am glad you are taking priority, but I am still deeply saddened to see you go. Cheers, friend. Come back soon! -Mindstorm787
Glen's character info has been updated. In regards to the 3rd floor, everyone must be up there by Wednesday of this week, if possible. Thank you.
AlphaAlpha yawned, and stretched her arms. Boy, what a great nap. She made a mental note to try and do it more often. She has a little too much stress in her life. Speaking of which, it seemed like everyone was already going up a floor. Alpha thought about how Omega 'made' this Tower. It shouldn't be possible. Every Drive Core that she and Omega, as well as the rest of the team had, were designated with different functions. Overwriting, or even magnifying those functions could kill anyone. Unless... She pushed the thought to the back of her mind and stood, cracking her neck, knuckles, and shoulder joints. To an ordinary man, Alpha would've seemed like a very-good looking girl. But Alpha was no ordinary woman. Not only she was the Leader of Black Axe SIE-1, she was able to take on an entire fortress on the frontlines. She sighed, letting out a croning note, summoning her Ackramacus Blade in a flurry of red, it's slight weight familiar as she spun the blade in a cavalier fashion, before it vanished back in the blood red cloud. Just how she liked it. She smiled as she walked up the steps. She didn't really know what she was getting into. But knowing Omega..... She had a feeling that he would make this all fun for her. Ze OperatorOperator listened to Poke's story, and closed his eyes, thinking. Poke was right. He needed to move on. But those sins he committed would be carried for the rest of his life, until he returned to the dust. Luckily, he wasn't the only one who'd have committed sins. His right hand patted Poke's shoulder as he stood. "To answer you question about being better off born human," He replied "No, it wouldn't be better. We are a selfish race, compelled by greed, consumed by negativity, and we hate change. We are bound to repeat mistakes over and over, throughout it's bloody history, some more than others. Naturally, most of us in this Tower has experienced something along those lines." "But you're right, some of us have to move on. That's probably why I made this Tower in the first place..." He turned toward the door. "And now, I must reap what I sow." He heard walking coming up the steps from the Stasis Room, but he didn't face the newcomers. He knew that there were some new visitors, including the Leighyard Brothers, the thief who was talking to Alexis earlier, a mysterious figure with an aura of black, and the glaring girl from the earlier eavesdropping. Zephry and Tessa also followed up, waiting for the door. Alpha also came up, that familiar glint of fighting intent in her eyes. Though there was some here whom entered that may have not known what they were doing here, Operator immediately spoke to them, turning slowly. "So far, you all may have entered this Tower from one reason to another, so I'll cut to the chase." His voice sounded distorted, as it usually was, but slightly stronger, with authority and power running through. "You all have decided to partake in this crucible, the Tower of Power. Just beyond that door, there will be an adversary that you all will face, for the next 27 Floors. By entering here," He flicked his hand, causing everyone to blink, and everyone saw Operator's Tower Tarot card. "You will partake in this crucible, about the truth. You will either accept it, or accept the quick death before you. Death isn't kind, and neither is this Tower. Luckily, you aren't the only one risking his or her life." He looked around to the others. "These people are your allies. For the rest of these Floors, they will be your partners. After the last Floor, you may go your separate ways." He willed the card to vanish. As if on cue, the door let out a loud but deep 'click' meaning it was unlocked. Operator faced back to it and diligently opened it, walking into white... MISSION START!!! ENTER THE 3RD FLOOR.
Cannot spend stat points on armor; they have no levels. Level Up! Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER Level 2 Bought Iron Chestplate, Bracers and Boots; 200 credits remaining Equipping all 3 items. Buying small red potion, 0 credits remaining.
Ze Operator Operator looked up at the sound of Poke's voice. Apparently, the boy had followed him. He took a breath, and he relaxed his body and looked at his right hand. He pulled his suit's sleeve, and felt the hard metallic shell under the synthetic skin. He narrowed his eyes at his arm, and asked quietly, "Have you ever...had to kill anyone?" He suddenly let out a short chuckle, that evolved into a string of small, silent chuckles. He breathed again, "It's said to be against every moral concept ever made by man. And yet, most men are capable of murdering each other every day, just like how there is a new child to be born, every day." He shifted his head a little to Poke. "Killing rips the soul apart." He said gravely, sickened. "Think about it; Every time you take out a knife, and plunge it into another person, and take their life. And the more you do, the easier it is." He looked to the wall, then down to his hands. "I was with a girl, while at my so-called company. Her name was Rook. I didn't realize it at first, but she was the love of my life. And that was before either of us were forced into this so-called company, and had our minds wiped clean. Like a washboard. But when I regained my memories..I was enraged. I began to hate who I was then, hateful of ripping my soul up for the appeal of my superiors, just so they can continue suppressing the memories I had. And she never got to know the truth." He looked back, and Poke could see his face partially flex up, in a large sad smile. "It's a funny thing, isn't it? The more you hate someone, the easier it is to make them stop living." Operator's voice pitched downward at the word stop, making his voice deeper, much more sinister. "But no matter how much you love someone, you can't bring them back from being dead." His voice slowly normalized as he finished with, "Rook, is gone. Because of my rage. Because I killed her."
Ze Operator Operator panted shallowly as he uncloaked in the corridor, still having tremor after tremor. What the hell? Why did that image come? Why then, above all times, why then?? Why did he have to be reminded of her... Operator leaned against the wall, and slid down to his bottom, suddenly tired, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration and embarrassment. He had pushed Alexis down for no apparent reason, only out of the fear of what he saw. For the first time, in a long time, someone tried to put his mind at ease, even though she was using her powers to seduce him, but she might've just been stressed. If anything, what he said about his lifestyle was true; he usually threw himself headlong into danger more times than he can count. But was he really used to it? Operator started. He realized that his mask was still slightly lifted. Gently, he slid it back down slightly until it once again covered his face. He wore that mask for one reason. Shortly after working for Black Axe, he realized he had a severe dislike with bloodshed. Hated it with a passion. The hate was so bad, he personally ordered a custom made mask, in a blank smile. The result was much more satisfying. No more questions about psyche, field performance improved. He wore that smile, to hide his shame and his disgust. All his anger, All his sadness, Even his frustration, Vanished under a thick, white, emotionless smiling mask. And yet, he was wondering how well that mask worked out when he fled from a girl. Ugh.
Ze Operator Operator was a bit mortified by Alexis sudden behavior. Alexis was carefully wanting to give him a kiss, and he felt like he wanted to return it. This time, Alexis' Sexual Inducement might actually work. He began to lift his smiling mask revealing his lips. She was kind of cute, and wondered as to why he never really noticed her in the first place... <R00k> Operator stopped. A thought bothered him. He decided to let Alexis kiss him instead of going to meet her lips. <R00k w0u1dn't 11ke th4t, n0w w0uld sh3? >:3> Operator immediately stopped the thought and met Alexis' lips. Soft. His left hand met her waist, wanting to let it all go. But an image suddenly flashed in his head. It was her. The woman he killed. The woman he loved. Operator immediately pushed Alexis back. He was shaking visibly, as if he'd just experienced a nightmare within the second. He looked to her, face slightly visible beneath his mask, as he made the one face anyone would last expect that he would make: fear. He tried to stop shaking, but it only continued, if minimally. "I-..I-.." He shook, his distortion even sounding strained, "I'm....sorry." <Cloaking Activated> As Operator vanished from view, his last being his left glowing eye, fading from view, one who'd be very attentive could see a shimmer move, bumping clumsily into Remy, back toward the corridor leading towards the 3rd Floor, as Operator retreated, in fear.
Ze Operator Operator listened quietly. He was perplexed as to how Alexis kept on selling herself short. After all, she had just gone through 2 battles, and she managed to hold her own. Sure, she was no god, but she could certainly hold her own. "The reason I am telling you this is because you are one of the only people I can relate to in terms of past experience." He said. "I would tell Alpha, but....." He took a side-along glance to the girl in red, sleeping soundly against the wall, before turning back. "She would blow it out of proportion. She isn't as level-headed, not even when we worked together. She hasn't changed a bit." He shifted his weight. "The threat of death is pretty normal to me, actually. I just don't fear it, or it'll stop me from doing the things I do." "I just want to ask you," His left eye lit up red, but was slightly faint. "What do you want out of all this? If you think that you will still be in a hole, why come at all? It's an easy question." There was no hostility, but Operator was confused as to how Alexis would be like this. She's done well so far. @Aelin FireHeart
Ze Operator Operator was glad Alexis obliged easily, and walked over to the Stasis Room seller machine. He leaned against the wall, and waited for Alexis to be within close distance. Operator did a curt look around, and immediately started talking. "I have come to a conclusion that we are not alone in this place." He said quietly. "I had just caught a couple of stowaways up in the 3rd Floor, which was deactivated. They were saying something about stringing us along?" Operator sighed, gathering his thoughts. "I don't know what that was about," He said, "But somethings been off about the place ever since we entered. For me, especially. I have a pretty good memory for things, but everything just seems fuzzy, and it's not my machine. It's like someone's affected my memory, and it's definitely not Shane, either. I have a strange feeling that there is some kind of conspiracy, and we're all the targets." @Aelin FireHeart
Ze Operator Operator quietly closed the gap between him, Remy and Alexis. He looked over to Remy, face unreadable if he wasn't wearing a mask. The man looked rather shady, but dependable for some time. He looked back to Alexis. "I understand that you may be talking with this fellow here." He said. "But, as the opportunity would have it, I would like to speak with you alone, without prying ears." He emphasized alone clearly to Remy without hosility, hopeful he would get the message. Though at some point it would've been strange to see himself idly chatting with the very woman who was capable of asking you to pull your pants down, and you would relent, it was no time for dirty thoughts or otherwise. The situation just got serious.
Ze Operator Operator waved off Zephyr's qeustion of filling in information for two reasons, one being that this was none of his buisness, and he would sort it out. Another being that Ze Operator was the custodian of this tower, and everything he does is his own responsiblity. He turned back to the door, and listened. -------- "so, is there any gurantee that this guy we're helping can bring back my brother?" "He's able to control time. He'd more than likely cause a time paradox to get your....sibling back." "What I don't get is how this guy can 8e that strong. Someone stronger than me? Please, that's impossi8le." "If you want to make this a battle, Serket, you are more than welcome to challenge him, but you do not question his power. You would be wise to not to." "I would think that the she is implying she was stumped that she only scratched the surface of her power, and even respects him for it." "Yeah, that." "In any event, we digress; X7147 is willing to do any means neccessary for our timelines and realities to fulfill our wishes. That includes bringing back your brother." "is it really wise to mess with the timeline? i have a friend who's 'determination' kinda messes with that kind of stuff. i don't think thats a good idea." "Do you want him back or not?" "..." "Then, we're in agreement. We kill the outliers from floors 25 to 29, one 8y one. Got it?" "Affirmitive." "Agreed." "Yes." "...Yeah..." "Then we may disperse. We might need to be careful next time. I have a feeling that someone might have been listened to." <!!!AUDIO OVERLOAD!!!>-------- Operator's right ear suddenly gave off feedback, like a flasbang going off nearby and disorienting him, causing him to shudder in pain. He massaged his ear as his body tried to regulate the audio. He checked the door. Locked. It seems that the Tower has taken control again, and the people in the room were gone. He sighed, and turned back to the group, saying, "They're gone. The feedback I heard was the room reactivating. We should get ready." He then proceeded back down to the 2nd Floor Stasis room. As he exited the steps and slipped back through the door, he ran his thoughts over what he'd heard back. Apparently, there was someone else in the tower that wanted his group dead, but wanted him alive. Flattering as it may be, it was slightly unnerving that these people knew who he was. And from what he gathered, this person could control Time? A strong sense of deja vu filled Opeartor, and he didn't realize that he was walking towards Alexis, whom was talking to one of the newer people. He needed to talk to someone, clear his head of the stuff that could happen. Operator knew that everyone in his group should know. But that could cause some to make rash decisions, and something like this needed to be approached cautiously, and to someone he could trust. Someone he could relate to. At the particular time, Alexis seems like the logical option.
Level Up! Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies Level 2 Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE. Level 2 Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN Level 2 Points spent, down to zero. ------------------------------------- On a side note, make sure you guys prep on items. The next fight is going to be tough. I assure you.
Ze Operator Operator turned slowly to the upcoming group, and grunted in frustration. So much for being incognito. Next time, he made a mental note to atcivate his Cloaking Device if he plans to sneak off somewhere. He hated when others got involved in his recons, as there would be more heads he would have to account for. "What's going on?" Poke whispered, who was joined by a girl, whom Operator immediately identified a Kara Jereign. She must've come in along with the second group that the tower just 'let' in. "Not your concern!" Hissed Operator, livid. "Not yet! I was spying on these people. But you need to go back down NOW. You stay here, and you have a chance to blow my cover!" "I don't think they want us to win." Kara whispered to Zephyr. Operator's patience was already running out, retorting to her, "Yeah, no sheet, Sherlock. Now go back! You too, Zephyr," He growled, turning to him, "Don't think I didn't notice you coming up!" "hey, did anyone here something from the stairs?" Operator froze so badly it was almost comical, if the situation permitted. He stood stock still, not even letting out a peep, But those who were with him already saw that his left eye begin to glow red. "....Gr8. Now the 8onehead's hearing things. 8ecause all that I'm hearing is crap coming from you." "I didn't hear anything." "Nor I." "Doesn't seem like anyone is listening in. And even then, these rooms should be soundproof." Operator sighed a silent breath of relief. "Although, it would be advisable just to check, to be sure. Do you mind?" As there were heavy footfalls leading to the door, Operator's eye never glowed brighter. Quickly, he grabbed Kara's arm, dragging her close to his chest. He then put a hand on Poke's arm and Zephry's shoulder. "Do not break contact." He muttered. "Drive. Activate Cloaking." <Cloaking Online> The door opened as soon as he said the words, looking at a tall mountain of a man blocking the doorway, clothed in white armor, and a bald helmet with a large visor, covering his face. He looked muscular, too muscular to be an average man, with his fists easily larger than a small dodgeball. His armor was hi-tech, Operator heard a deep, animalistic growl as the man looked around the corridor. "It's alright. Come back, we still have much to discuss." The hulk of a man obliged, closing the doors. Operator uncloaks, and heads toward the now-closed door. Yes, the rooms were soundproof, but only to the normal human ear. <Audio Receptors adjusting> Hopefully after that scare, maybe the other three would understand Operator's current situation.
Level Up! Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE Level 2 Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL Level 2 On a side note, Stasis Room has been significantly updated for the next Floor to the Tower, including new armor, items, tools, powers, and even a new package! Edit: Selling Dual Variant Magnums for 250 Credits, Unequpping and Selling Ronin Boots for 200 Credits. And finally, buying the Dual Wield Modifier for 1200, leaving me at......250 credits. Check.
Ze Operator Operator didn't notice Zephry immediately, as he was trying his hardest to get any information to use against these guys. but so far, nothing of interest. Or at least, nothing useful. "so uh, remind me again who are we dealin with here?" asked the calm, relaxed voice. A collective groan was heard from two voices. "Seriously?" Asked cold-but-calculating, "You agree to help us with this 8ut you don't even know who you're gonna 8e fighting? just how dum8 can you 8e-" There was a sudden 'wuph!' and another crashing on stone. Whoever were these guys, they seemed to have some serious issues with one another. "let me rephrase myself." Replied calm-and-collective, "i want to know if we're dealing with exactly who i think we're dealing with. so in short, i know who i'm going to fight, but i want to make sure. calling me dumb wasn't just rude, it was uneccessary." A spiteful girly laugh was heard. "You're going to regret doing that, 8onehead. If we weren't on the same side, I would 8low you away right here and now. You'd lose all your luck in flash. Why? Cuz I have all the luck in the world!" "wow." Came the reply, "your ego is even worse than a certain weed I know." "Enough, you two." Came a completely new voice. This one sounded slightly...emotionless? "Or I will personally ask my associate to do away with the both of you." There was a large series of deep knuckle cracks, followed by tense silence. Finally, "You may continue." A hefty 'ahem' followed, before a large paragraph of explanation. "Currently, our targets are still on the 3rd floor. We need to keep toying with them until floors 25-29. Everyone but this 'Ze Operator' character must be killed by then. "8ut why do we need to keep the creepy mask guy around? Couldn't we keep the telepath, of the Zephry human? Or even the strange Poke alien? They're all kinda cute." "As far as we are concerned, that is beyond our jurisdiction." "so what, we just blindly follow a sentient robot on a whim to keep the creepy dude? i'm going to need to go with spider eyes on this one. minus the cuteness thing." "If we complete our objective, no harm and no foul. We go back to our respective ways just as he promised us, and I am more than capable of delivering something this simple. Question is, are any of you?"
Ze Operator Operator looked on as people began to aquaint themselves with each other a little more. He sighed and walked to one of the corners of the room, and slid down to a sitting position...sulking? He crossed his legs and stared at the group, thinking over some next strategies to the fight. Honestly, he was happy for the lot of those who were socializing, but it wouldn't last. It never did. In the end, we return to the dust from whence we came. And only two people would bypass that reality, unless the machine's that powered their bodies were ripped from them. He stole a glance at Alpha, whom was surprisingly asleep thanks to a certain telpath's help (*cough**cough*). He was suddenly struck by one of her statements. "You couldn't have built this **** without removing the Safeguards, which could kill you!" She had said. In truth, Operator did hesitate to this statement, and even bluffed his way out just to shut her up. He had begun to doubt ever since he began the journey. It was true, his Core was designated to disnegrate anything to fuel it's own power. And with the Core's vast power, it could easily kill the user. SO who created the Tower, if it wasn't him? And how would he even has memory of building it, even though he couldn't have? His thoughts suddenly went back to his system warning when the original 4 entered the Tower. PX-7147 was here. Is he? Operator threw that thought away and stood. He wanted answers. Then he could drop all doubts and suspicions. He wanted something out of this when his eyes motioned toward the door leading Floor 3. It was slightly open, but nobody seemed to notice. Intrigued, Operator sauntered quietly over towards it and slightly pushed, leading to a dark corridor up. Great, more questions, he thought. He looked back at the group, and weighed his options. He could either tell everyone, or investigate himself. He shrugged. He worked better alone. Quietly, he slipped through the gap of the door and walked up the steps. The more he climbed, the more he picked up dialogue, not from the floor below, but from the 3rd floor, and increased in volume as he got to the door, also slightly ajar. "...I still think we should follow our task at hand. Higher-up has said that we're supposed to string them along." A snooty-sounding voice was heard. String them along? Operator forced his mouth shut to prevent a snarky retort. "I don't care for the higher ups." Another voice, male, but furious, was heard. "I've grown weary of waiting!" Something smashes, probably stone. "You very well know what happens when we diso8ey orders." A slightly smooth, but calculating voice intoned. "I'm just as impatient as you cuz of the Tintop's failure. 8ut just because I want to 8low up cuz one iron doesn't cut the heat, does it mean I should go 8allistic for the other irons? Sheesh, you're such an idiot." "claw-and-sting horns is right, ya know." A more relaxed voice put in. "technically, i could afford not to care about this entire predicament. buuut, we all sort of have some kind of similar agenda involved with these guys, amiright?" Agenda? Joyous, another conspiracy plot. Just what Operator needed to make his day.
Ze OperatorOperator tensed at Tessa touch and whirled, inspecting her. Both of his eyes were glowing red, his mask partially blackened. He tilted his head at her and her arm, like an animal inspecting prey, a low rumbling heard beneath the mask, like the hum of an engine. But he heard her. She was right; it wouldn't be worth to fight here. Although she could never understand what he had went through, activating his Drive would only give everyone the wrong idea. He was no pawn of Black Axe, and wouldn't take Alpha's bait. "Now now you both seem a little tense. It isn't good for you. I have a way that can make you less tense though, if you let me." Alexis put in, moving her hand from his chest to his belt, her Power of Suggestion lingering. But Operator was too angry to be phased by it, even though his body said otherwise. But he also detected Alexis' revulsion. Before Alexis could reach any further, Operator quickly but gently grabbed her arm. "Your senses betray you." He replied, his voice quiet but still coarse with emotion. "You do not need to do anything you do not wish to do." "That's right, Omega, listen to your **** and your girlfriend, like the good dog you are, and come quietly." A familiar voice drawled. Operator tensed again, but didn't look at Alpha. She could slander him all she'd like. But insulting his two allies? His right arm suddenly reloaded itself. Before anyone could even blink, Operator fired in the opposite direction, blowing past Remy and Alexis with a bang, launching himself straight to Alpha. Alpha Alpha knew that he would preform a direct launch at her. So predictable. She quickly motioned her hands to her cleavers She felt a slight resistance to all of this, and felt more tired all of a sudden. Wait what?? No.... Her eyes motion to Shane Ware, who'd just entered, in surprise. A telepath?! A dull "Ka-Chunk" motioned her eyes back to Omega's left fist connecting her jaw hard. The force was enough to launch her to the wall, shocking her back, and dropping to the floor. She lifted her head to see Operator's Prosthetic Arm pointed at her face. Omega's eyes weren't glowing, but Alpha could tell he was serious. "First and foremost Alpha." Omega inquired, "I am a gentleman. I respect every man and woman in equal caliber. I'm no good at encore, but I am a 'read-the-audience' kind of male, and can read faces decently, and know who I can truly trust. But your face?" He giggled in a strange digitized laugh that made her shiver slightly. "I care not to grace it with a sentence." "Second off," He went on, "I am the example, as this is my Tower. You're in my territory, and therefore, my prisoner and responsibility." Alpha laughed guwaffed and laughed at this, coughing slightly. The wind was knocked out of her. "Your Tower?!" She sneered, "That's a new one yer ripping! Who the hell are ya, Bob the ****ing Builder? Screwy Tower, if you asked me!" She immediately dropped the facade, growling, "Really Omega, increasing mass in objects is my job. You couldn't have built this **** without removing the Safeguards, which could kill you!" She thought she saw hesitation in the blackness of those eyes, but that thought vanished when Omega asked her simply, "Then why am I alive?" She stuttered, knowing that he was referring to the time she 'killed' him. In Layman's terms, Alpha had precisely stabbed Omega through his heart and Disorder Drive. She couldn't explain why. It was impossible to cheat death that way. Not giving her a chance to respond, Omega lowered his cannon and said, "I figured. Now here's the deal; you are under my orders for now. Standard protocol. The usual. We clear the tower, get out. Everyone else gets the spoils." "And me?" Alpha hissed defiantly. Omega's eye glowed fiercely. "You and I leave with our life." "Oh, so you are coming with me?" "Wrong guess, contestant number two." "You stinkin-!" Alpha shrieked, trying to get up, but she felt tired, and gave up trying. "I'm not joking, Alpha. I'm never going back to Black Axe. I'm not one of their pawns." He replied, "And you shouldn't return either." "Well maybe if you'd come quietly, the Director maybe more inclined to pardon you than to kill you." Alpha stated, exasperated. Omega simply shrugged, turning on his heel, walking back to the middle of the room, leaving Alpha, defeated, stating, "Like I care what the Director thinks? Tell him to die slowly." You chose to calm Ze Operator. Alpha will remember that.