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  1. mindstorm787
    Rex Valin | Location: Unknown | Time: Unknown

    Rex smiled as the blonde girl dangled a key that looked like the door. "Sweet." He stated to her as she twisted into the lock. A click was heard, but the reverbance was loud, implying that this may have not been just any small cell. He quickly took the handle quietly from her, placing a finger to his own lips, to the others. They were technically breaking out, so it had to be quiet. He pulled the door open as gently as he could, only to hear loud creaking, causing him to wince. This seemed way too cliche for his liking. He opened the door fully into a hallway, with rows upon rows of doors with similar-like cells, all iron doors. They were in what seemed to be a prison complex.

    Current Music Track: Death Note OST - Himitsu

    Rex looked around towards the front and back ends of the hallway. The complex was silent, aside from a low humming which he could only assume was a generator of sorts. But it was completely silent.
    "Hmm." He muttered, his voice normal. "Seems like no one's home." He looked around to check for cameras, but found none. All he found was strange eye-like graffiti on part of the wall, kind of hard to tell what exactly. He simply shook his head, and motioned for his cellmates to come on out.

    As he did, he checked his pockets. He too, found a slip of paper, and a book of sorts. He opened the paper.
    "Apparently, my name is Rex. Sounds about right." Rex stated, almost inquisitively. He then looked at the book. It was bound by a leather binding, black, and had a blue crystal on the cover. He unbound the book, and flipped through it. He then recoiled in slight confusion. "Huh? This is all blank." He scoffed. He sighed, binding the book and shoving it in his back pocket, and turned back to his group. "Check your pockets, guys. We may need to take inventory." He stated. He then looked back to both ends of the hall. What to do, what to do...

    - Objectives -
    • Check the cells. Who knows, you may even find loot inside, or even allies. But there's no way to get past them without keys, yours is unique to your own only anyway.
    • Find a way out. This place is creepy, to say the least, and the eye clip art is giving you goosebumps...
    • Check out if there is any more information as to whom you are, and why you are here.
    • Some parts of the world of Paragon are interactable, be they people, places, or objects. They will typically be highlighted in a specific color to signify their use. Otherwise, objects highlighted in light yellow or light grey signify objects that can be interacted, and objects that need one or more conditions to be met, respectively. If they are in a different color, they may require you to learn a certain magic to get past certain areas.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. mindstorm787

    You will be with Cstar in her character's cell.

    Also, you or @cstar can begin posting now.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 28, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. mindstorm787
    The Spellbook Section has been set up for your use.

    There will be a short tutorial that will begin soon once everyone has gathered, and information will be uploaded accordingly.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 27, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. mindstorm787
    .: Paradigm Shift :.

    Welcome to Paragon, a new VR experience that initiates players in a full-body experience into the world of Paragon, a land of magic users and practitioners. However, a dark force plagues the land, who is the new king, or Paragon of the land, by the name of Malfore. In this world, you can live a life of honing your magic, or joining in the fight against Malfore.

    At least, that's how initially was going to play out. But then again, nothing in life goes according to plan.

    In here, you will mantain your spellbooks and abilities and sets. Be sure to check here before a battle or moving on, as changes happen frequently if not annually.​

    • .: PART 1 :.
      • Between the 4 Territories is a grassy stretch of land known as neutral ground. Surrounding the area are the towns of Vashti, Asia, and Moira. Some ways beyond Moira, there is a natural patch of ground configured like that of a miniature battlefield, dubbed the Paragon's Ring, where casters from all around have went there to prove their worth.

        People of all diversities live in the Great Expanse, and societal life is a melting pot of culture and magic learning. People speak as one voice in the middle region.
        • To the North: The Lux Territorry.
        • To the South: The Gaian Territory.
        • To the East: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the West: Tempus Graveyard.
      • Dominating the Northern part of the land lies the desert region of the Lux Territory. Only one major town, Sobek, sits at the foot of a large pyramid, known as the Tomb of Enlightenment.

        People whom live in the Lux Territory are known Earthen or Light magic users, but racial hate for the more darker aspects of magic has been flaring up ever since Malfore had become Paragon. Beware of those whom despise dark arts when traversing the unforgiving sands.

        • To the North: The Ocean.
        • To the South: The Great Expanse.
        • To the East: The Pyrus Territory.
        • To the West: The Darklands.
      • Covering the Southern part of the land is the lush forests of the Gaian Territory. The Gaia Tree, nearly half the size of a certain Mt. Everest, stands tall in the middle of the forest, with a bustling town of Avas running up and down the trunks.

        People in the Gaian Territory are known to be naturally friendly to the more creative aspects of magic, and shun the more destructive types, fire magic included. But they otherwise have a deep-seated bond with the tree that provides for their every need, and invites those to share that bond.

        • To the North: The Great Expanse.
        • To the South: The Ocean.
        • To the East: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the West: The Aquos Territory.
      • The trading capital of Paragon, the Pyrus Territory is well-known for it's passionate people, it's stone-and-beach sights, and the hard bargains of trades. The two towns of Ignis and Cauz make up the trade routes around the other territories, leaving the Pyrus Territory wealthy.

        People in the Pyrus Territory are more known for fighting first, and asking questions later, and write off being a genius as being a detriment. They've been in a sort of cold war with the Aquos Territory opposite to them, due to politics. However, there is some conspiracy lurking around the territory, especially considering that the land borders Malfore's Peak.

        • To the North: The Ocean.
        • To the South: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the East: The Ocean.
        • To the West: The Lux Territorry.
      • The wellspring territory of knowledge, the Aquos Territory is a land of learning and experimentation. While the area is always raining due to the climate, the area is known for procurring the greatest minds to exist in Paragon, and is the centerpiece of politics and records alike.

        People in the Aquos Territory are more pragmatics than fighters, and snub those that lack intelligence. They've been in a sort of cold war with the Pyrus Territory opposite to them, due to politics. However, there is some conspiracy lurking around the territory, especially since the population keeps vanishing. Reports of the disappearances near the Tempus Graveyard.
        • To the North: Tempus Graveyard.
        • To the South: The Ocean.
        • To the East: The Gaian Territory.
        • To the West: The Ocean.
      • The Outer Slabs, or outer territories, are uncharted spots of land that have more of a negative reputation, depending on whom you talk to.

        To the West of the Great Expanse and the North of the Aquos Territory is the Tempus Graveyard. This patch of territory is a land of ruins, with broken clocks and hourglasses of varying sizes to buildings to children's toys. The land is uninhabitable, as a curse prevents the soil from growing and sort of sustenance. While many believe that the first Time caster created the respective element here, many are too afraid to get lost in this dreary spot of Paragon.

        North of the Tempus Graveyard is the Darklands. It is uncharted territory, and not much else is known about it other than those whom practice the darker aspects seek asylum from the racism of the Lux Territory.

        To the South of the Pyrus Territory is Malfore's Peak, where the current Paragon of the land resides. Said to have been shaped by the man himself, his castle can be seen even from the Great Expanse, a looming symbol of dread, as those whom challenge Malfore are never seen again.

        • Interaction: Some parts of the world of Paragon are interactable, be they people, places, or objects. They will typically be highlighted in a specific color to signify their use. Otherwise, objects highlighted in light yellow or light grey signify objects that can be interacted, and objects that need one or more conditions to be met, respectively. If they are in a different color, they may require you to learn a certain magic to get past certain areas.

        • Grist: The currency of the world of Paragon and the means of creativity, Grist can be gained by doing missions or fighting in battle after battle. They have much more value than gold or any valuable metal, as they can be used in the Occuli Space to learn new spells for your aspects, or even fuse ones you've already learned for stronger magics. While there are the more common Shard Grist that remains a staple of the economy, there are Fire Grist, Water Grist, and the like. Their are 7 Grist types in total.

        < - - - - - - | - - - - - ->
        < - - - - - - - - - I - - ->
        < - - - - | - - - - - - - ->
        • Karma: There will be times in the story where you will be faced with a choice, one that can either make or break your reputation with NPCs and even your teammates. While making good choices will earn you Positive Karma, making a risky or poor decision will gain you Negative Karma. Having a lot of Negative Karma will affect your interactions with other NPCs, and they will be less likely to help you in more dire situations, and not making a choice at all may slash your Karma Meter. It is also much harder to gain Positive Karma, as 10 Positive Karma = 1 Negative Karma on the scale. A rule of thumb is to always try to make the right decision. You'll never know when you might be seeing that person again.
        • Spellbook: Your spellbook is your main source of inventory gathering, be they choosing what spells you have, how much Grist you possess, or your current objective. You Spellbook will automatically update here when you learn a new magic or a gain a new task. BE CAREFUL NOT TO LOSE IT.

      • John Doe | Level #
        HP: 1000 | Mana: 1000 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5
        Attack: 50% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 50% | Magic: 50% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 50%
        • General: There will be times when you will be forced to fight. In the event that will occur, your battle statistics will show as follows. The combat functions on a Turn-Basis, meaning you will have time to attack or dodge or defend yourself.
          • You are allowed to A.) Perform 1 Attack and 1 Ability, or B.) 2 Attacks of different Types.
          • The Speed stat typically dictates who attacks first regardless of post. However, there are some limitations to this rule
            • If everyone is of equal speed, the quickest Attack or Ability Type goes first, then it relies on whom posted what first.
            • The order of Attack Type is as follows: Transport > Body > Ultimate > Grab / Shield > Blast / Multi > Healing.
            • The order of Ability Type also has a following order: Dodging > Striking > Blocking.
        • Magic/Attacks: The lifeblood of Paragon and they main means of combat, Magic is separated into 9 Types, each with a different function, and dictates battle order. They are dictated by the Mana stat, and use varying amounts accordingly.
          • Contact - Type that deal damage at a close range.
          • Multi-Projectile - Type that fire multiple projectiles at once. Can be devastating if each one hit.
          • Blast - Type that usually fires one large attack.
          • Body - Type that serves to enhance you physical form by providing a buff to yourself or a debuff towards enemies.
          • Area of Effect (AOE) - Type that can usually effect 2 or more targets at once, and useful against groups. It is also unaffected by the turn order, and is dictated soley by the Speed stat alone.
          • Shield - Type that serves to protect you or allies.
          • Transport - Type that assists to get from point A to B. Can also serve as a means of attack or defense.
          • Healing - Type that replenishes your strength.
          • Ultimate - A special type used typically as last resorts. They usually deal a lot of damage at once and are exhausting to use. They also take the longest to cool down.
        • Traits: Traits are more passive abilities that can be used to help you or your party, conditions depending. While you may only carry up to 3 Traits at a time in a battle, they can be exchanged like Attacks when you're out of a fight, and help with prioritization in going into the next fight. Personal Traits, which only affect the equipped user, while the all more uncommon Party Traits, which affect you and your allies, are much harder to come by.
        • Abilities: Abilities are alternate methods of combat in the event where magic use isn't an option. You may either Strike, Dodge, or Defend.
          • Striking is dictated by both the Attack stat and the Stamina stat. Use this to get an extra hit in if need be to either finish an opponent off or to buy time.
          • Dodging is used with the Stamina stat to prevent getting hit by fatal blows. However, needless dodging will eat away at your energy, and will be left defenseless. Only dodge if you need to!
          • Defending is used only by the Defense stat. By guarding, it mitigates an attack by a set percentage. Raising your Defense stat will increase the defense necessary to prevent blows from becoming fatal.
        • HP: The HP stat tells how much strength you have left, and you lose the battle if the counter hits 0. HP can be raised by leveling up the Health stat so you may start a fight with more health, and to give you an edge. You automatically regain 100 HP per post if you do not get hurt during a turn, but will not gain any HP if your counter hit 0.
        • Mana: The Mana stat tells you how much reserve power you have for magic and is dictated by the Magic stat. It is used exclusively for Magic Attacks. If the counter reaches 0, you will not be able to use any magic until some is replenished. You automatically regain 100 Mana per post if you do not use magic during a turn.
        • Stamina: The Stamina stat is ruled by both it's own leveling stat and the Speed stat. It is used for Dodging and Striking. Without any, you cannot Strike or Dodge until you rest. You automatically regain 10 Stamina per post by doing so.
        • Accuracy: The Accuracy stat helps with attacking and hitting targets. the more accuracy you have, the easier it is to land hits or dish out criticals. While it normally doesn't raise or lower by regular means, there are certain attacks that could lower one's accuracy. You automatically regain 10 Accuracy per post over time.

      • Rex Valin - A middle-class male with a sharp tongue and even shaper instincts. He entered Paragon out of boredom and a means to escape reality. He may come off as rude during any initial conversation, but underneath the blunt facade is a young man who cares for the people he cherishes, and willing to go the extra mile to help others out.

      • Raelyn Hayes - A troublemaker who enjoys being the center of attention. While being well-endowed, she never truly fit and was moved from foster home to foster home. She entered Paragon to become the hero of her own story. She's flirtatious, and while she has a knack for sometimes attracting the wrong attention at the wrong time, Raelyn isn't a bad girl and if she decides she likes you, isn't hard to be friends with.

      • Evie Callaway - Daughter of a powerful and upcoming politician. Sensitive, focused, patient, and likes to be around others. She came to Paragon out of eagerness. While a little reserved at times, she always puts the needs of others before herself.

      • Gale Hawkens - An amiable male and gets along quite well with peers. He came to Paragon for confidence. While he is typically self-conscious of what others think of him, he has a kind heart and is honest to a fault.

      • Jasmine Fader - A social women with a knack for the arts and a bloodline of gaming. Though shy, she's charismatic and cheerful, and she's overall a caring individual. She came to Paragon as a means of reinvigoration to her love of gaming. She enjoys losing herself in her own personas of the characters she plays and the characters she makes for the various games she plays.

      • Inna - A flamboyant male with a large need for self-expression. He came to Paragon as a means of release. While flirtatious enough to get a reaction out of others, he's aware of the boundaries that are made by others, and underneath his charm lies a man conscious of himself and others.

      • Uncle Dot - One of the 3 AIs that monitor Paragon. Dot is in charge with managing players. Calculating, posh, but tender, Dot is nothing short of a turquoise marshmallow. However, he abhors violence and tends to remain as a neutral party, despite his willingness to help players, be they good or evil.

      • Paragon - A caster of great skill. Sometimes called Champion, a Paragon is nominated to rule over the 4 Territories as part of a monarchy. This title is given only to those worthy of the mantle.
      • 4 Territories - Refers to the Lux, Gaian, Pyrus, and Aquos territories that make up most of the land of Paragon.
      • Outer Slabs - Slang referring to the outer territories not connected to the 4 main ones, including the Tempus Graveyard, Darklands, and Malfore's peak.
      • Purecast - Slang for a caster who only uses one magic type specifically. Can be taken as an insult.
      • Mudcast - Slang for a caster who varies their magic use between more than one element. Can be taken as an insult.
      • Element - The energys of the world of Paragon. Each element controls an aspect of the world, such as Fire or Water, but there are more obscure elements, such as Darkness or Time.
      • Magic - Another word for element.
      • Aspect - Another word for element.

    .: Spellbooks :.

      • Level 3 | 0 Stat Points Remaining
        270 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1030 | Mana: 1000 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5
        Attack: 53% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 53%
        Health: 53% | Magic: 50% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 50%​

        < - - - - - - - | - - - - ->
        Karma: +10

        Shard Grist: 415
        Fire Grist: 45
        Earth Grist: 20
        - Fire Bullets (Fire Multi) - User fires a barrage of flames the burn enemies for 2 turns. [12-25 Damage, 120 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        - Great Fire Blast (Fire Blast) - User fires a huge ball of fire at enemies that burns for 2 turns. Can be ridden on if the user's Accuracy is > 6 to gain an extra move. [230-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Blaze Column (Fire AOE) - User creates an eruption below an enemy or group of enemies that burns them for 3 posts. Will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is > 9. [140-230 Damage, 250 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        • None!

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.


        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!


      • Level 3 | 9 Stat Points Remaining
        285 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1000 | Mana: 1000 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5
        Attack: 50% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 50% | Magic: 50% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 50%​

        < - - - - - | - - - - - - ->
        Karma: -10

        Shard Grist: 425
        Water Grist: 55
        Earth Grist: 30
        - Aqua Stream (Water Multi) - User fires a barrage of water bullets at enemies. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        - Water Beam (Water Blast) - User fires a small beam of water that is effective at long range that stuns targets for 1 turn. Will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [250-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Water Tornado (Water AOE) - User stomps the ground to generate a liquid tornado that sucks in enemies, dealing damage 5 times. [15-20 Damage, 300 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        • None!

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.


        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!

        • Cell Key 54 - Story Item

      • Level 3 | 0 Stat Points Remaining
        270 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1020 | Mana: 1000 | Stamina: 52 | Accuracy: 5.1
        Attack: 54% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 52% | Magic: 50% | Stamina: 52% | Accuracy: 51%​

        < - - - - - - - | - - - - ->
        Karma: +10

        Shard Grist: 115
        Water Grist: 0
        Earth Grist: 20
        - Poison Needles (Plant Multi) - User fires flurry of low damaging needles that causes targets to be stunned for 1 turn. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        - Water Beam (Water Blast) - User fires a small beam of water that is effective at long range that stuns targets for 1 turn. Will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [250-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Vine Grab (Plant Transport) - User throws out a vine that grabs enemies and heals the user. Can be used to grab allies out of the way, and will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [15-20 Damage, +130-160 HP, 400 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown]

        • - Spore Bombs (Plant Blast) - User fires 3 small bombs that deal moderate damage and heals the user for each on that hits. [30-45 Damage, +8-12 HP, 230 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]
        • - Aqua Stream (Water Multi) - User fires a barrage of water bullets at enemies. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.


        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!


      • Level 3 | 0 Stat Points Remaining
        290 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1020 | Mana: 1010 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5.2
        Attack: 54% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 52% | Magic: 51% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 52%​

        < - - - - - - - | - - - - ->
        Karma: +10

        Shard Grist: 130
        Fire Grist: 60
        Earth Grist: 35
        - Wind Tornadoes (Wind Multi) - User fires a barrage of tornadoes that flinches foes and negates oncoming Fire attacks. [120-150 Damage, 320 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Great Fire Blast (Fire Blast) - User fires a huge ball of fire at enemies that burns for 2 turns. Can be ridden on if the user's Accuracy is > 6 to gain an extra move. [230-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Blaze Column (Fire AOE) - User creates an eruption below an enemy or group of enemies that burns them for 3 posts. Will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is > 9. [140-230 Damage, 250 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        • - Fire Bullets (Fire Multi) - User fires a barrage of flames the burn enemies for 2 turns. [12-25 Damage, 120 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]
        • None!

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.


        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!


      • Level 3 | 0 Stat Points Remaining
        270 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1000 | Mana: 1010 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5.1
        Attack: 53% | Defense: 54% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 50% | Magic: 51% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 51%​

        < - - - - - | - - - - - - ->
        Karma: -15

        Shard Grist: 135
        Water Grist: 5
        Earth Grist: 20
        - Poison Needles (Plant Multi) - User fires flurry of low damaging needles that causes targets to be stunned for 1 turn. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        - Spore Bombs (Plant Blast) - User fires 3 small bombs that deal moderate damage and heals the user for each on that hits. [30-45 Damage, +8-12 HP, 230 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Vine Grab (Plant Transport) - User throws out a vine that grabs enemies and heals the user. Can be used to grab allies out of the way, and will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [15-20 Damage, +130-160 HP, 400 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown]

        - Poisonous Bombs (Plant Ultimate) - User jumps into the air and throws 3 poisonous bombs at enemies, stunning them for 3 turns, dealing poison damage. [150-200 Damage, 1000 Mana, 6 Post Cooldown]

        • None!

        • Stand Firm - Grants 5 Defense against an enemy with higher stats than your party.
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.

        • Critical Overload - Raises Attack by 25 when HP is below 25%, but halves current HP until otherwise.
        • Jammer - Prevents everyone from seeing your Stats.
        • Bribery - One per instance, gain 1 extra Stat point during a level up.
        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.

        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!

        • Cell Key 57 - Story Item

      • Level 3 | 0 Stat Points Remaining
        285 / 360 EXP
        HP: 1000 | Mana: 1050 | Stamina: 50 | Accuracy: 5.4
        Attack: 50% | Defense: 50% | Speed: 50%
        Health: 50% | Magic: 55% | Stamina: 50% | Accuracy: 54%​

        < - - - - - - - | - - - - ->
        Karma: +10

        Shard Grist: 225
        Water Grist: 55
        Earth Grist: 30
        - Aqua Stream (Water Multi) - User fires a barrage of water bullets at enemies. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown]

        - Water Beam (Water Blast) - User fires a small beam of water that is effective at long range that stuns targets for 1 turn. Will always hit it's target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [250-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        - Water Tornado (Water AOE) - User stomps the ground to generate a liquid tornado that sucks in enemies, dealing damage 5 times. [15-20 Damage, 300 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown]

        • None!

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats.
        • Sleight of Magic - Lower magic cooldown of all attacks by 1, including Ultimates.
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions.

        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%.

        Clothing - None!
        Accessory - None!


        • Fire - 150 Shard Grist
          • Fire Bullets (Fire Multi) - User fires a barrage of flames the burn enemies for 2 turns. [12-25 Damage, 120 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown] - 50 Shard Grist, 20 Fire Grist
          • Great Fire Blast (Fire Blast) - User fires a huge ball of fire at enemies that burns for 2 turns. Can be ridden on if the user's Accuracy is > 6 to gain an extra move. [230-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 100 Shard Grist, 25 Fire Grist
          • Blaze Column (Fire AOE) - User creates an eruption below an enemy or group of enemies that burns them for 3 posts. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is > 9. [140-230 Damage, 250 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 150 Shard Grist, 30 Fire Grist
          • Flame Body (Fire Body) - User becomes immune to Fire, Lava or Prominence-based attacks, and their Attack and Speed increases temporarily based on how much damage is dealt or received (Max 5 Attack and 5 Speed.) [400 Mana, 4 Post Cooldown] - 200 Shard Grist, 35 Fire Grist
          • Hell's Core (Fire Ultimate) - User takes one turn to charge up energy, randomly creating Blaze Columns that can hit enemies. On the next turn, they unleash a huge blasts that spares no one. Deals burn damage for 4 turns. [230-430 Damage, 1000 Mana, 7 Post Cooldown] - 250 Shard Grist, 40 Fire Grist

        • Water - 150 Shard Grist
          • Aqua Stream (Water Multi) - User fires a barrage of water bullets at enemies. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown] - 50 Shard Grist, 20 Water Grist
          • Water Beam (Water Blast) - User fires a small beam of water that is effective at long range that stuns targets for 1 turn. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [250-300 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 100 Shard Grist, 25 Water Grist
          • Water Tornado (Water AOE) - User stomps the ground to generate a liquid tornado that sucks in enemies, dealing damage 5 times. [15-20 Damage, 300 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 150 Shard Grist, 30 Water Grist
          • Wave Slide (Water Transport) - User becomes a tidal wave, rushing at an enemy. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is => 9, and becomes the first attack if the user's Speed is > 60. [150-200 Damage, 250 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown] - 200 Shard Grist, 35 Water Grist
          • Water Dragon (Water Ultimate) - User summons a large dragon made of water that grabs one opponent. After a turn, it circles back to deal the foe massive damage. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is = 10. [300-530 Damage, 1000 Mana, 5 Post Cooldown] - 250 Shard Grist, 40 Water Grist

        • Plant - 150 Shard Grist
          • Poison Needles (Plant Multi) - User fires flurry of low damaging needles that causes targets to be stunned for 1 turn. [15-25 Damage, 200 Mana, 1 Post Cooldown] - 50 Shard Grist, 20 Water Grist
          • Spore Bombs (Plant Blast) - User fires 3 small bombs that deal moderate damage and heals the user for each on that hits. [30-45 Damage, +8-12 HP, 230 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 100 Shard Grist, 25 Water Grist
          • Vine Grab (Plant Transport) - User throws out a vine that grabs enemies, dealing damage 6 times and heals the user. Can be used to grab allies out of the way, and will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [15-20 Damage, +130-160 HP, 400 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown] - 150 Shard Grist, 30 Water Grist
          • Spore Gust (Plant AOE) - User summons a large breeze, hurling it at a group of foes and stunning them for 1 turn. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is => 6. [140-240 Damage, 320 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 200 Shard Grist, 35 Water Grist
          • Poisonous Bombs (Plant Ultimate) - User jumps into the air and throws 3 poisonous bombs at enemies, stunning them for 3 turns, dealing poison damage. [150-200 Damage, 1000 Mana, 6 Post Cooldown] - 250 Shard Grist, 40 Water Grist

        • Earth - 300 Shard Grist
          • Earthen Spike (Earth Blast) - User raises an arm, causing a formation of spikes to upheave. Stuns foes for 1 turn. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is => 7. [140-230 Damage, 300 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - Learn Earth Element
          • Rock Avalanche (Earth Multi) - User summons a copious amount of rocks, pitching it at foes. Causes flinching. [20-40 Damage, 230 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 200 Shard Grist, 35 Earth Grist
          • Gaian Slam (Earth Transport) - User slams the ground, launching them at a foe with a hardened fist. Causes flinching. [150 Damage, 300 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 250 Shard Grist, 40 Earth Grist
          • Harden (Earth Body) - User's body becomes like stone, raising their Defense stat by 5 and lowering their Speed stat by 5, and they take damage as if they would normally be guarding. [300 Mana, 4 Post Cooldown] - 300 Shard Grist, 45 Earth Grist
          • Meteor Crash (Earth Ultimate) - User raises a hand in the air, willing rocks to fall on enemies from space for the next 3 turns at the cost of not being able to attack. Inflicts stun for 1 turn. [130-200 Damage, 1000 Mana, 8 Post Cooldown] - 350 Shard Grist, 50 Earth Grist

        • Wind - 300 Shard Grist
          • Wind Tornadoes (Wind Multi) - User fires a tri-barrage of tornadoes that flinches multiple foes and negates oncoming Fire attacks. [120-150 Damage, 320 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - Learn Wind Element
          • Wind Ascend (Wind AOE) - User wraps wind around themselves and pushes away foes, flinching them and launching themselves in the air, becoming untouchable for 1 turn. [125 Damage, 200 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown] - 200 Shard Grist, 35 Wind Grist
          • Gust Cannon (Wind Blast) - User fires a huge blast of wind that stuns foes for 2 turns and negates oncoming Fire attacks. Will always hit its target if the user's Accuracy is > 8. [125-200 Damage, 200 Mana, 2 Post Cooldown] - 250 Shard Grist, 40 Wind Grist
          • Spiral Spin (Wind Transport) - User cloaks themselves in winds and travels at the target, slamming them with moderate damage if the player's Accuracy is > 5. [125-250 Damage, 400 Mana, 3 Post Cooldown] - 300 Shard Grist, 45 Wind Grist
          • Grand Cyclone (Wind Ultimate) - User takes one turn to charge up their energy, and unleashes a huge blast of wind that negates all Fire attacks, flinching foes and deals revolving damage 8 times. [50-60 Damage, 1000 Mana, 5 Post Cooldown] - 350 Shard Grist, 50 Wind Grist

        • Scan - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats. - Free
        • Defender - Raises Defense by 10 when HP is below 25%. - Free
        • Fixer - Gain 5% more Grist from doing Missions. - Free
        • Slapshot - Flinch an enemy if a Blast attack deals <= 140 Damage. - 235 Shard Grist
        • HP Haste - Gain +50 more HP per post when healing. - 300 Shard Grist
        • Fire Screen - Protects against 5% of damage from Fire attacks. - Learned Fire Element, 30 Fire Grist
        • Water Screen - Protects against 5% of damage from Water attacks. - Learned Water Element, 25 Water Grist
        • Plant Screen - Protects against 5% of damage from Plant attacks. - Learned Plant Element, 25 Water Grist
        • Sleight of Magic - Lower magic cooldown of all attacks by 1, including Ultimates. - 340 Shard Grist
        • Stampede Trigger - Use 1 extra move (Ability or Attack) at the cost of 50 HP (Max 5 moves). Only can be used on your turn. - 400 Dark Grist
        • MP Rage - Gain mana equal to half the damage you take. - 220 Shard Grist

      • Fuse two Elements, Attacks or Traits you currently possess to make a new ability that cannot be purchased by regular means. While you won't lose the items traded in, you must instead have at least 50 or more of a Grist type as a compensation fee for creating it. You may also try to combine Elements, Traits or Attacks not shown here.

        As of 7/31/18, some recipes will require you to pay a higher or specific fee to be added to your inventory. Make sure you know what you wish to alchemize and not gamble with your currency!

        • Known Recipes
          • HP Haste && Fire Screen = Fire Haste - Lower magic cooldown of all Fire attacks by 1.
          • Defender && Slapshot = Recoil - Deal damage to the enemy if you lose > 200 damage on a turn.
          • Scan && Defender = Critical Overload - Raises Attack by 25 when HP is below 25%, but halves current HP until otherwise.
          • Jammer && Critical Overload = Diffusion Wave - Upon death, create a shockwave that resets all players magics to their cooldowns. (Larger payment required - 60 Shard Grist, 40 Dark Grist)
          • Fixer && Defender = Stand Firm - Grants 5 Defense against an enemy with higher stats than your party.
          • Scan || Fixer = Jammer - Prevents everyone from seeing your Stats.
          • Fixer && Jammer = Jammer Pro - Prevents everyone from seeing their own Stats. (Larger payment required - 400 Shard Grist)
          • Defender || Fixer - Bribery - One per instance, gain 1 extra Stat point during a level up.
          • Fixer && Sleight of Magic = Sleight of Magic Pro - Lower magic cooldown of all attacks by 2, including Ultimates. (Larger payment required - 700 Shard Grist)
          • Fixer || Sleight of Magic = Group Sleight of Magic - Lower magic cooldown of all ally attacks by 1, including Ultimates. (Larger payment required - 450 Shard Grist)
          • Fixer || Jammer = Scan Pro - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats, regardless if Jammer is equipped. (Larger payment required - 350 Shard Grist)
          • Scan && Fixer = Scan Pro - Detect a target's HP and basic Stats, regardless if Jammer is equipped. (Larger payment required - 350 Shard Grist)
          • Fire && Earth = Lava Element
          • Water && Wind = Ice Element
          • Fire || Wind = [null]

      • References Galore: For any reference found, tell me what you think it is. References can be people, locale, mechanics or otherwise. First to PM me (Either on Discord or KH-Vids) what they found will gain a bonus for each individual reference found at a time. References found will be listed under this point; Event lasts until 7/31/18. (+50 Shard Grist, Max 1000 Shard Grist)
      • Who Needs Instructions?: Beat the tutorial section with at least 75% of your HP intact. (+235 Shard Grist)
        • Won by mindstorm787, CrownMoksha, Monica, Cstar, Aelin, and LadyAzura.
      • Deviant Engage I: Reach <= -30 Karma by the end of Chapter 1. (-5 Karma, +20 Grist of all types currently known by player)
      • Middleman's Advocate I: Manage to have 0 Karma by the end of Chapter 1. (+150 Grist of all types currently known by player)
      • Average Samaritan I: Reach >= +20 Karma by the end of Chapter 1. (+5 Karma, +20 Grist of all types currently known by player)
      • Heating Up: Master Fire or Lava elements by the end of Chapter 1. (+75 Fire Grist, +75 Earth Grist)
      • Cooling Off: Master Water or Ice elements by the end of Chapter 1. (+75 Water Grist, +75 Wind Grist)
      • Leaves in Breeze: Master Plant or Wind elements by the end of Chapter 1. (+75 Water Grist, +75 Wind Grist)
      • Rocks Und Crotch: Master Earth element by the end of Chapter 1. (+75 Earth Grist)
      • Identity Confirmed: Regain your memories during any Chapter in Part 1. ([null] Artifact, 1 random Personal Trait)
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Jun 27, 2018, 23 replies, in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. mindstorm787
    Rex Valin | Location: Unknown | Time: Unknown

    Rex recoiled as the blonde swatted his hand away.... and hit him with some water?
    He fell on his back in confusion, face wet and he blinked. He didn't think that was supposed to happen, but he guessed that was one way to wake someone up. He surprisingly needed that. He stood up again, and cleaned the water off his face. "I know as little as you do, but at least I am dry." The girl replied as she walked over to the grate.
    "Har har." Rex tartly spoke. That was... interesting to say the least. He needed to remind himself to go more in-depth with what just happened.

    He turned to see the ginger also wake up, but the girl with the pixie appearance remained knocked out. He went over to gently wake her this time. Hopefully she would. He wouldn't want a repeat with the blond.
    "So..." Came a voice from the ginger, who was lifting the water girl on his shoulders. "Were you guys kidnapped as well?" He asked.
    "Doubtful." Rex replied. "I can't remember the last few hours before this could happen, much less my own name or my previous life. If this is a kidnapping job, then it's kind of shoddy." Rex looks over to the two, whom reaches the grate based on height. "I would think our kidnappers would want us to remember if they wanted us for something. For what is the question."

    As the two reached the grate and lifted it open, they couldn't see out, but there was a black iron key that could fit in the door.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. mindstorm787
  7. mindstorm787
    Accepted. Welcome into the game!

    Also, on a lighter note the Trash Void is now available for use. Don't hesistate to @ me for a chat, or if you're confused of something.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  8. mindstorm787
    CHAPTER I - Day of Reckoning

    Rex Valin | Location: Unknown | Time: Unknown
    Rex let out a low groan of pain.

    His body felt like it had been smashed into the ground hundreds of times, and he had pins and needles all over. He opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a baleful white light that made him flinch. He'd need to wait for his eyes to adjust. His eyes popped open, however, when he realized that he couldn't remember the last couple of hours of his life. Or any of it for that matter. He sat up quickly, whirling around. He was inside a moderately-sized cell with a black iron door. The walls and floor were in the colors of light and grey, making the light a little bit more annoying than it should. As if the light buzzing coming from the light was any better. There was a black iron grate in a weird place in the ceiling, but it was too high to reach it. Not that Rex could. Simply moving his arm kind of hurt. He hoped he didn't break anything while he was knocked out.

    His mind began to race. He couldn't remember anything about where he was or how he got here, least of all himself. Either he was hit with a powerful drug, or something was really wrong. He guessed the latter, as he would never willingly take drugs. He then began to notice 3 other people with him in the room. There was a girl with blonde hair whom seemed very well-endowed, a short-haired brunette girl who almost looked like a pixie, and a ginger dude with a baseball sweater. Good, maybe one of them would probably know something. Mustering all the strength he could, he stood, and walked over to the blonde, and shook her a gently. "Hey, wake up." Rex stated, gently slapping the blonde's cheeks. "I'm stuck in a cell with you 3. You know what's going on? Or do I need to give you some Advil to numb the more pain I give you?" He asked, half-hearted.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. mindstorm787
    All 3 of you guys have been accepted! Thank you!

    The main thread is open for your use. I will start posting, and will let you know of any upcoming changes.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 26, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  10. mindstorm787
    .: Paradigm Shift :.

    Welcome to Paragon, a new VR experience that initiates players in a full-body experience into the world of Paragon, a land of magic users and practitioners. However, a dark force plagues the land, who is the new king, or Paragon of the land, by the name of Malfore. In this world, you can live a life of honing your magic, or joining in the fight against Malfore.

    At least, that's how initially was going to play out. But then again, nothing in life goes according to plan.
    • .: PART 1 :.
      • Chapter I - Day of Reckoning (Page 1 -

      • This roleplay follows the rules of KH-Vids in its entirety. Treat them as an extension of the rules currently listed.
      • This roleplay is rated above PG-13. Thus, swearing is allowed to be slipped here, and any sexual and violent themes that pass PG-13 rules should be put in spoilers. If things get too hardcore, it doesn't belong, and I won't allow it.
      • If you're confused on something, contact me either by a DM here on KH-Vids, or send me a buzz on Discord. There is nothing worse than to make a mistake when it could be clarified so it can be avoided.
      • 1 character per person.
      • Wish to kill off a character? Ask me AND who controls the character first before you start throwing dangerous magicks around.
      • No Godmodding or metagaming allowed in any capacity. I get angrier for every 'missed' attacks or 'movements that don't count'.
      • Mary or Gary Stues are not allowed. Every character has a fatal flaw, and an all-perfect character is a boring one. Give your character some depth.
      • Posts should generally be 1-3 paragraphs at minimum, but I won't penalize you for putting in the extra effort. Just make sure to put breaks in between paragraphs.
      • Each player is given a week per post. I understand that some of you have obligations, but if you're going to be too busy to participate at some point, let me know, and I'll move on.
      • Give respect to earn respect. We're all fellow RPers here, and the best stories are made when people work well together.
      • I, or any administration I see fit to appoint reserve the right to change or modify rules as needed.

    Thread by: mindstorm787, Jun 26, 2018, 123 replies, in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. mindstorm787
    Glad to be back. It's nice to know that you two still hang around this place.
    Feels like home. ^.^
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 25, 2018 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. mindstorm787
    .: Paradigm Shift :.

    Welcome to Paragon, a new VR experience that initiates players in a full-body experience into the world of Paragon, a land of magic users and practitioners. However, a dark force plagues the land, who is the new king, or Paragon of the land, by the name of Malfore. In this world, you can live a life of honing your magic, or joining in the fight against Malfore.

    At least, that's how initially was going to play out. But then again, nothing in life goes according to plan.

    • You have just purchased a copy of Paragon. You, and along with a few others begin playing on the launch date, excited to play the newest VR game for the Occuli System.
      Something goes wrong.
      You wake up with no memory of who you are and in a cell along with others whom are just as clueless as you are. You as you search your pockets, you find a slip with what seems to be your name, and what looks to be a book with a blue crystal on the cover. The cell is locked, and there seems to be no one else but you.

      You need to find a way out.​

      • This roleplay follows the rules of KH-Vids in its entirety. Treat them as an extension of the rules currently listed.
      • This roleplay is rated above PG-13. Thus, swearing is allowed to be slipped here, and any sexual and violent themes that pass PG-13 rules should be put in spoilers. If things get too hardcore, it doesn't belong, and I won't allow it.
      • If you're confused on something, contact me either by a DM here on KH-Vids, or send me a buzz on Discord. There is nothing worse than to make a mistake when it could be clarified so it can be avoided.
      • 1 character per person.
      • Wish to kill off a character? Ask me AND who controls the character first before you start throwing dangerous magicks around.
      • No Godmodding or metagaming allowed in any capacity. I get angrier for every 'missed' attacks or 'movements that don't count'.
      • Mary or Gary Stues are not allowed. Every character has a fatal flaw, and an all-perfect character is a boring one. Give your character some depth.
      • Posts should generally be 1-3 paragraphs at minimum, but I won't penalize you for putting in the extra effort. Just make sure to put breaks in between paragraphs.
      • Each player is given a week per post. I understand that some of you have obligations, but if you're going to be too busy to participate at some point, let me know, and I'll move on.
      • Give respect to earn respect. We're all fellow RPers here, and the best stories are made when people work well together.
      • I, or any administration I see fit to appoint reserve the right to change or modify rules as needed.
    • To sign up for this game, follow the format below.
      » Username:
      » Character Name:
      » Gender:
      » Sexuality:
      » Age: (Must be between 17 and 27)
      » Appearance:
      » Personality:
      » Starting Element: (Choose between Fire, Water, or Plant)
      » Short Backstory:
      » Main Theme: (Song that plays when your character is around and about)
      » Battle Theme: (Song the plays when your character is in a fight)

      • Between the 4 Territories is a grassy stretch of land known as neutral ground. Surrounding the area are the towns of Vashti, Asia, and Moira. Some ways beyond Moira, there is a natural patch of ground configured like that of a miniature battlefield, dubbed the Paragon's Ring, where casters from all around have went there to prove their worth.

        People of all diversities live in the Great Expanse, and societal life is a melting pot of culture and magic learning. People speak as one voice in the middle region.
        • To the North: The Lux Territorry.
        • To the South: The Gaian Territory.
        • To the East: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the West: Tempus Graveyard.
      • Dominating the Northern part of the land lies the desert region of the Lux Territory. Only one major town, Sobek, sits at the foot of a large pyramid, known as the Tomb of Enlightenment.

        People whom live in the Lux Territory are known Earthen or Light magic users, but racial hate for the more darker aspects of magic has been flaring up ever since Malfore had become Paragon. Beware of those whom despise dark arts when traversing the unforgiving sands.

        • To the North: The Ocean.
        • To the South: The Great Expanse.
        • To the East: The Pyrus Territory.
        • To the West: The Darklands.
      • Covering the Southern part of the land is the lush forests of the Gaian Territory. The Gaia Tree, nearly half the size of a certain Mt. Everest, stands tall in the middle of the forest, with a bustling town of Avas running up and down the trunks.

        People in the Gaian Territory are known to be naturally friendly to the more creative aspects of magic, and shun the more destructive types, fire magic included. But they otherwise have a deep-seated bond with the tree that provides for their every need, and invites those to share that bond.

        • To the North: The Great Expanse.
        • To the South: The Ocean.
        • To the East: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the West: The Aquos Territory.
      • The trading capital of Paragon, the Pyrus Territory is well-known for it's passionate people, it's stone-and-beach sights, and the hard bargains of trades. The two towns of Ignis and Cauz make up the trade routes around the other territories, leaving the Pyrus Territory wealthy.

        People in the Pyrus Territory are more known for fighting first, and asking questions later, and write off being a genius as being a detriment. They've been in a sort of cold war with the Aquos Territory opposite to them, due to politics. However, there is some conspiracy lurking around the territory, especially considering that the land borders Malfore's Peak.

        • To the North: The Ocean.
        • To the South: Malfore's Peak.
        • To the East: The Ocean.
        • To the West: The Lux Territorry.
      • The wellspring territory of knowledge, the Aquos Territory is a land of learning and experimentation. While the area is always raining due to the climate, the area is known for procurring the greatest minds to exist in Paragon, and is the centerpiece of politics and records alike.

        People in the Aquos Territory are more pragmatics than fighters, and snub those that lack intelligence. They've been in a sort of cold war with the Pyrus Territory opposite to them, due to politics. However, there is some conspiracy lurking around the territory, especially since the population keeps vanishing. Reports of the disappearances near the Tempus Graveyard.
        • To the North: Tempus Graveyard.
        • To the South: The Ocean.
        • To the East: The Gaian Territory.
        • To the West: The Ocean.
      • The Outer Slabs, or outer territories, are uncharted spots of land that have more of a negative reputation, depending on whom you talk to.

        To the West of the Great Expanse and the North of the Aquos Territory is the Tempus Graveyard. This patch of territory is a land of ruins, with broken clocks and hourglasses of varying sizes to buildings to children's toys. The land is uninhabitable, as a curse prevents the soil from growing and sort of sustenance. While many believe that the first Time caster created the respective element here, many are too afraid to get lost in this dreary spot of Paragon.

        North of the Tempus Graveyard is the Darklands. It is uncharted territory, and not much else is known about it other than those whom practice the darker aspects seek asylum from the racism of the Lux Territory.

        To the South of the Pyrus Territory is Malfore's Peak, where the current Paragon of the land resides. Said to have been shaped by the man himself, his castle can be seen even from the Great Expanse, a looming symbol of dread, as those whom challenge Malfore are never seen again.

    .: Accepted Characters :.

    • » Username: Aelin
      » Character Name: Raelyn Hayes
      » Gender: Female
      » Sexuality: Bi
      » Age:24
      » Appearance: Bloop
      » Personality: Outgoing, a bit of a trouble maker, Raelyn likes to just get out there and draw attention to herself in whatever way might work. Whether that is flirting, or causing trouble. Over all though Raelyn isn't a bad girl and if she decides she likes you, isn't hard to be friends with.
      » Starting Element: Water
      » Short Backstory: Jumping from foster family, to foster family, Raelyn never really had a family to call her own. The first few foster families didn't pay much attention to her, so Raelyn found herself getting in trouble to draw attention to herself, which ultimately got her kicked out and sent to the next home. As she grew older though she discovered that causing trouble wasn't the only way to get people to pay attention to her. She was a rather attractive young woman, and that also turned out in her favour for drawing attention. It could keep her out of trouble if she was with the right person, or just get her into more trouble. It wasn't until she was 16 that she found a good family that she lived with until she was 20 when she found her own place. In this time growing up however, Raelyn found herself drawn to video games whenever she was locked in the house for the trouble she caused. It gave her an escape, a new life where she was the hero of her own story, important to everyone, so when a new game came out that allowed her to actually be in the game, and not just act on behalf of some ripped guy or the chosen, gifted girl, Raelyn was too drawn to it to pass it up. She found herself in line for the midnight release, waiting to get her copy of the game.
      » Main Theme: This one
      » Battle Theme: Right Here
    • » Username: LadyAzura
      » Character Name: Evie Callaway
      » Gender: Female
      » Sexuality: Straight
      » Age: 18
      » Appearance: Poof!

      » Personality: Places the needs of others before herself, a little sensitive, extremely focused, excellent people skills, cheerful, a little reserved at times, patient, avoids being alone as well as cramped spaces
      » Starting Element: Plant
      » Short Backstory:
      Evie was the daughter of an upcoming politician. She had to go to several dinners with her father for business. She wanted to please her father and help him succeed in the world of Politics. From the way she dresses, to the schools she went to, down to what she ate, Evie obeyed her father's every wish. Sometimes whenever she had some free time and her father was out on business, she would spend most of that time either drawing or playing video games. One day, she was walking by her father's study when she had overheard her father and what appeared to be another politician, discussing various topics. One of the topics, however, was to have an arranged marriage between the politician's son and Evie. Her father had immediately agreed and she was shocked. After a few days, Evie was still a little shocked but she tried to keep her mind off it with the fact a new game would be coming out. She was so eager to play that she counted down the time until the game launched.
      » Main Theme: Poof Poof!

      » Battle Theme: Poof Poof Poof!
    • » Username: CrownMoksha
      » Character Name: Gale Hawkens
      » Gender: Male
      » Sexuality: Straight
      » Age: 19
      » Appearance: Oro
      » Personality: Straightforward and honest. Gale has no problems when it comes down to talking to people, but can get a little self conscious about his tendency to pick up on a game easier than others and withdraw himself from a conversation. Otherwise that same tendency is a source of confidence when he's gaming.
      » Starting Element: Fire
      » Short Backstory: Whether it be an escape or a way to cope, video games have always been there for Gale which in turn allowed him to be quite skilled at them. The flip side of this however is that it brought about a stigma with him that haunted him throughout his middle school years. During that period Gale had avoided picking up any new games in an effort to lessen the scornful glares that he had gotten from some of his peers. It served to be a decent temporary solution, but the lingering flame remained a lit and could only be quelled by games. Now in his highschool years, the game that everyone was talking about was Paragon, which greatly held his interest. Although he was hesitant at first, he decided to pick it up once he'd saved up the money for it.
      » Main Theme: They see me rollin
      » Battle Theme: They hatin
    • » Username: mindstorm787
      » Character Name: Rex Valin
      » Gender: Male
      » Sexuality: Straight
      » Age: 21
      » Appearance: Yeet
      » Personality: Cold, blunt, antisocial and calculating, Rex is pragmatic to the point where jokes aren't really his forte, and comes off a little rude at times. But underneath it, he means really well, as his pragmatism acts as a coping mechanism. Underneath that sharp exterior is a heart of gold. He's also very observant of others and things, which has helped him in more times when it came to technology issues.
      » Starting Element: Fire
      » Short Backstory: Born into a middle-class family, Rex was a problem child from the start. While he was more than capable of receiving top marks in his studies, he found little reason to do so, and ended up only scraping through his years of grade school. Now, with his parents in his hair about finding a job, and the need for a college education, Rex wanted more than anything to escape his own reality, as he felt it had no other meaning to continue. He was depressed, antisocial, and found no joy in his life other than his videogame exploits and his personal projects. When Paragon came around however, Rex had ways to get around. He had a friend who had an extra copy from the game and managed to convince him out of the copy. Rex is about to get more than what he had originally bargained...
      » Main Theme: Underhell Chapter 1 - Main Theme
      » Battle Theme: Underhell Chapter 1 - The Aces
    • » Username: cstar
      » Character Name: Jasmine (Jaz) Fader
      » Gender: Female
      » Sexuality: Asexual
      » Age: 22
      » Appearance: Meep
      » Personality: Charismatic and cheerful, she loves to make people feel welcome and safe and try to help them out whenever she can. She's a bit shy when talking more about herself, not because she has anything to hide but because she doesn't find herself very interesting.
      » Starting Element: Plant
      » Short Backstory: Jaz grew up in a family that played video games a lot, and as a result it became her regular hobby outside of school and theatre. Though whil her family was more drawn in by shooter-type games and strategy types, Jaz found herself more drawn in by RPG's and joined a lot of roleplay guilds in other MMOs. She loved getting lost in the characters and putting on new personas for each new character. This didn't really result in problems for her in school since she still did Theatre, so she never felt like a social outcast for gaming, though she never really talked about it. When she was in college, she distanced herself from gaming for a bit of a "time off" to get her act together and focus on schoolwork. She bought Paragon with the full intent of it being her escape from her newest job and her reentry into gaming after so long.
      » Main Theme: Pace yourself, now
      » Battle Theme: Now Attack

    • » Username: Monica
      » Character Name: Inna
      » Gender: Agendered (He/Him/His predominately)
      » Sexuality: Pansexual
      » Age: 24
      » Appearance: (For pants he wears a pair of black skinny pants with red leather boots to match his jacket)
      » Personality: Jovial at times, but can still be serious. He teases many just to rile them up and see how they react. He knows his boundaries.
      » Starting Element: Water
      » Short Backstory: For most of Inna's life, he was scared. Scared of what others would think if they found out he had been secretly attracted to both boys and girls and everything. He didn't discriminate, he just felt attracted to them for their looks, brain, personality, or skills. To him, it didn't matter what they called themselves. He himself was not truly a man, but he was not truly a woman either. More of an inbetween, dressing in either's garb and keeping his hair long. Of course, he could never reveal this true side to his parents. They were devout Christians and would never allow this. So, for the first 18 years of his life, Inna did as he was told around them, but he secretly used his crummy desktop to post messages online and reached out to several people whom he could call best friends. After he was sent off to college, Inna was able to flourish and is now into his sixth year studying medicine. On chance, he found about a new VR game that his friends were all excited for, so he decided to pick it up. He hadn't had much time to play games ever since the school year started, but he sure wasn't going to pass up this opportunity. All he was going to do was play a couple of hours anyway.
      » Main Theme: SOTW #15 Spin Jam Game
      » Battle Theme: Enfin Apparu
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Jun 25, 2018, 9 replies, in forum: OOC Lounge
  13. mindstorm787
    Name: Valanis, Val for short.
    Proof of Existence: The Endless Left Eye
    Age: 22
    Race: Somebody
    Birthplace: Artesh Savloc
    Catchphrase: "Let's see what the damage is this time, shall we?"
    Personality: Valanis is a wild card in the most basest sense of the word. He reveals little about who he is, where he's from, and why he ever does anything, but one thing that remains constant is his love for entertainment and his cheeky nature. He enjoys listening and telling jokes, and most things in his life are little more than a game to him. However, he's a good listener, and observant, easily able to pick up on things that most would not easily known, partly due to his less opaque behavior, as well as the element he controls.
    Main theme: Kingsman: The Secret Service - Valentine

    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Yellow
    Skin Color: Caucasian
    Height: 5'9
    Distinguishing features: Eye tattoos cover the back of his hands.

    Weapon: Scythe
    • Strength: 7
    • Intelligence: 8
    • Magic: 2
    • Speed: 8
    • Defense: 2
    • Critical: 7
    • Limit Break: 6

    Element/Power: Space
    • Oblivion: Val slams his scythe into the ground, causing a dark hole to engulf enemies. Then, he warps them to a location within line of sight that he desires. Can be used with friends or foes.
    • Ars Umbra: A combination of Ars Solum and Sonic Blade. Val charges his scythe up, and attacks foes in a string of blows or lunges.
    • Random Raid: By throwing his scythe, Val hits multiple targets from random directions. Blinds some foes.
    Fighting Style: Strategic
    Limit Break: Void Rending: Val stomps the ground to summon a dark ball of void energy into the sky, enemies whom are too close getting warped in. Val then teleports around the orb, slashing and hacking, before landing and dispelling the orb, causing it to blow. He deals more damage the more enemies are caught in the attack.
    Battle theme: Glitchtale - Bete Noire
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jun 25, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  14. mindstorm787

    It's been a while, KHVids. I haven't seen most of you guys ever since I left the Discord.
    I honestly don't remember why I left in the first place. Maybe because I've run out of roleplaying ideas? Because my hype for Kingdom Hearts had died down? Hell if I know.

    But, I have returned. I have walked through every one of my past endeavors, both failed and successful I've seen familiar faces here and there, and I have decided to make a proper return this time around.

    On a lighter note, another reason I made a comeback because the other forum I frequent is based around a children's building game and has a very unsavory community. So I'n making a secondary excuse to return. |=]

    SO! How goes it, guys? Any more singing competitions? New and exciting stories or roleplays to be had?
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Jun 25, 2018, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  15. mindstorm787
    Since the end 2015, I've been posting consecutive remixes of various video game tracks or movie soundtracks. Some are of trending tracks, other tracks off the top of my head.

    Constructive criticism is appreciated.

    Remix of the main theme from in the movie 28 Days Later, and the first track I released in consecutive order. It's long, techy, and has a slow buildup to it. Not one of my best, but it was a start nonetheless.
    Remix of Toby Fox's 'Megalo Strike Back'. It was also one of the tracks where I learned the expression "Less is more."
    Probably one of my best tracks to date. I decided to retackle my original remix of Heartbeat, and this was the end result. This particular track was made in conjunction with a "mock trailer" I made within two weeks. Tall, dark, and electrically violent, if i must say.
    A remix of Homestuck's 'Even In Death'. Has a rather nice build-up to it, and settles back down just as nicely.
    One of my more recent tracks, I decided to tackle Homestuck's Beatdown (Strider Style) and Beatdown Round 2. Techy, simple and sweet one the ears. I've already forgotten how many times I've hit the playback button on this one.
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Aug 2, 2016, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. mindstorm787
    Heya. Looks like this site's been busy since I once again vanished from the face of the earth.
    I myself have been occupied with quite a lot. But with KH3 finally (And I emphasize finally) coming out, I decided to return to the forum in which I grew my posting and RPing roots.

    So. What's up?
    Thread by: mindstorm787, Aug 2, 2016, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. mindstorm787
    Due to technical difficulties, the color system is under repair.

    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Alexis Ackerman! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!

    Sans used a Bone Attack on Samuel Leighyard! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!
    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Remy Beuregard! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!

    Poke uses Triple Blizzaga on Sans! Attacks 3X times! MISS! MISS! MISS!

    Alexis Ackerman used Power of Suggestion on Sans! DISABLE!
    His Blue Bone Attack was disabled!

    Samuel Leighyardused Martial Arts on Sans! MISS!

    Ze Operator used his Binary Sword on Sans! MISS!

    Alpha used her Twelveshooter on Sans! SPRAY! MISS!

    Kara Jereign uses Aquakinetic Combat on Sans! MISS!

    Zephry Siegund uses his Blue Flame Armament - Clarent on Sans! MISS!

    Remy Beuregard uses Martial Arts on Sans! MISS!

    Tessa Jones uses Geokinesis on Sans! MISS!

    Sans The Skeleton

    325/400 HP
    Gaster Blasters, Bone Fragments
    (Disabled for 3 turns)
    Infinite Space Environment
    TAC: 13%




    Sans: look. from where i come from, i gave up a long time ago. getting to the surface doesn't really appeal to me anymore. cause even if i did...i'd just end up right back here, without any memory of it, right? to be makes it kinda hard to give it my all.
    ...or is it just a poor excuse of being lazy...? hell if i know.


    • (Drain for 3 turns)
      Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 345 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1

      Dual Wield Modifier - Allows player to use the last two weapons they have previously used at the same time.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Berserk Mode - 230-400 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.
      (Drain for 4 turns)
      Alpha | Level 8
      HP: 394 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 2%

      Ackramacus Blade - 50-150 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Twelveshooter - 56 Dmg + SPRAY, 75% Accuracy
      Level 1

      Dragon’s Breath Shotgun - 67-135 Dmg + BURN, 45% Accuracy
      Level 1
      No Armor
      (2x) Dual Cleaver - 85 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      No Powers/Abilities
      Berserk Mode - 245-405 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.

    • (Drain for 5 turns)
      Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 243 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 20%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 2

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL
      Level 2

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Parallel Universe - The user gains DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post.

      (Drain for 7 turns)
      Samuel Leighyard | Level 6
      HP: 326 | Attack: 25% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 9%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (1x) Throwing Star - 75 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      (2x) Smoke Grenade - 100% BLIND against opponents.
      Planning - Skips a turn to deal 25% more damage next turn.
      Level 1

      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1
      Precognition - Predicts the next battle cycle. Results are not always accurate.

    • (Drain for 2 turns)
      Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 272 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+40) | Speed: 20% (-40)
      N/A | Body: Iron Chestplate | Arms: Iron Bracers | Legs: Iron Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms
      Iron Chestplate - +20 Defense,+10 Attack, -20 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Iron Bracers - +5 Defense, +5 Attack, -5 Speed; Arms(Equipped)
      Iron Boots - +15 Defense, -15 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 2

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1
      Granulation - Selects a target; Target gains INVINCIBLE. Target cannot move. User cannot attack or move.

      (Drain for 7 turns)
      Remy Beuregard | Level 8
      HP: 303 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 25%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 8%

      Bo Staff - 47-122 Dmg + 15% STUN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (4x) Spades Card - Enemies deals 25% less damage for 3 turns.
      (4x) Hearts Card - Party gains +25 HP for 3 turns.
      (4x) Diamonds Card - Party gains 25% more critical chance for 3 turns.
      (4x) Clubs Card - Enemies loses 25% accuracy for 3 turns.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Explosion Inducement - 56-170 Dmg + SPLASH, 25% STUN
      Level 1
      Full House - 135-565 Dmg. User explodes a nearby object, then throws 4 cards at random, each exploding, dealing additional damage. Normal effects still apply.

      (Drain for 2 turns)
      Kara Jereign | Level 5
      HP: 239 | Attack: 26% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 30%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%

      Black Whip - 24-78 Dmg + HASTE. Deals 10% more damage to opponents who don’t GUARD.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Aquakinetic Combat - 37-89 Dmg + BLOODLUST
      Level 1

      Rain Creation - Affects the field. Fire attack damage halves, while Lightning attack damage doubles.
      Level 1

      Water Walking - Allows user to walk in Oceanic environments
      Level 1

      Healing Water - 25 HP, Can be used on anyone.
      Level 1
      Eyes of the Ocean - 340-540 Dmg + STUN, BLOODLUST. Affects the field.

    • (Drain for 4 turns)
      Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 395 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN

      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Fanged Cyclone - User selects a weapon. The weapon gains 15% more max damage for the rest of the battle and gains PIERCE until the end of use.

    • (Drain for 4 turns)
      Poke | Level 8
      HP: 366 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 4%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Blizzard - 20% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Cryokinetic Combat - 67-230 Dmg + 40% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Deep Freeze - Affects the field. Fire, Water and Lightning attack damage halves, while Earth and Wind attack damage doubles.
      Leveling Blocked

      Triple Blizzaga - 3x 56 Dmg + 25% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked
      Wrath of the Elements - User gains ATK + 20% and DEF -Zeros- and takes control of 5 random orbs. They are able to control the orbs for as long as they have TAC remaining. Stuns user after this effect resolves.

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE, Drain for 5 turns) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 398 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Feb 20, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. mindstorm787
    Zephry Siegund summons Kamaitachi!

    Kara Jereign is no longer Clocked! Time resumes!

    Ze Operator used his Binary Rifle on Sans! HASTE! MISS!

    Samuel Leighyard used a Throwing Star on Sans! HASTE! 75 Damage dealt!

    Alexis Ackerman used her Double Bullwhip on Sans! HASTE! DOUBLE STRIKE! MISS! MISS!

    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Poke! Nothing happened!
    Sans used a Bone Attack on Alpha! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!
    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Zephry Siegund! Kamaitachi takes the hit! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!

    Alpha used her Twelveshooter on Sans! SPRAY! MISS!

    Remy Beuregard used Explosion Inducement on Sans! SPLASH! MISS!
    He hits Alexis Ackerman in cross-fire! 76 Dmg dealt!

    Tessa Jones used Martial Arts on Sans! MISS!

    Sans The Skeleton

    325/400 HP
    Gaster Blasters, Bone Fragments
    Infinite Space Environment
    TAC: 10%




    Sans: ow. *Picks out the star from his shoulder* anyway, i doubt you guys can understand how it feels. knowing that one day, without any's all going to be RESET.


    • (Drain for 4 turns)
      Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 346 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1

      Dual Wield Modifier - Allows player to use the last two weapons they have previously used at the same time.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Berserk Mode - 230-400 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.
      (Drain for 5 turns)
      Alpha | Level 8
      HP: 395 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 2%

      Ackramacus Blade - 50-150 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Twelveshooter - 56 Dmg + SPRAY, 75% Accuracy
      Level 1

      Dragon’s Breath Shotgun - 67-135 Dmg + BURN, 45% Accuracy
      Level 1
      No Armor
      (2x) Dual Cleaver - 85 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      No Powers/Abilities
      Berserk Mode - 245-405 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.

    • (Drain for 2 turns)
      Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 245 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 14%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 2

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL
      Level 2

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Parallel Universe - The user gains DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post.

      (Drain for 5 turns)
      Samuel Leighyard | Level 6
      HP: 328 | Attack: 25% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (1x) Throwing Star - 75 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      (2x) Smoke Grenade - 100% BLIND against opponents.
      Planning - Skips a turn to deal 25% more damage next turn.
      Level 1

      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1
      Precognition - Predicts the next battle cycle. Results are not always accurate.

    • (Drain for 2 turns)
      Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 272 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+40) | Speed: 20% (-40)
      N/A | Body: Iron Chestplate | Arms: Iron Bracers | Legs: Iron Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms
      Iron Chestplate - +20 Defense,+10 Attack, -20 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Iron Bracers - +5 Defense, +5 Attack, -5 Speed; Arms(Equipped)
      Iron Boots - +15 Defense, -15 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 2

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1
      Granulation - Selects a target; Target gains INVINCIBLE. Target cannot move. User cannot attack or move.

      (Drain for 5 turns)
      Remy Beuregard | Level 8
      HP: 305 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 25%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 6%

      Bo Staff - 47-122 Dmg + 15% STUN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (4x) Spades Card - Enemies deals 25% less damage for 3 turns.
      (4x) Hearts Card - Party gains +25 HP for 3 turns.
      (4x) Diamonds Card - Party gains 25% more critical chance for 3 turns.
      (4x) Clubs Card - Enemies loses 25% accuracy for 3 turns.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Explosion Inducement - 56-170 Dmg + SPLASH, 25% STUN
      Level 1
      Full House - 135-565 Dmg. User explodes a nearby object, then throws 4 cards at random, each exploding, dealing additional damage. Normal effects still apply.

      (Drain for 3 turns)
      Kara Jereign | Level 5
      HP: 240 | Attack: 26% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 30%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%

      Black Whip - 24-78 Dmg + HASTE. Deals 10% more damage to opponents who don’t GUARD.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Aquakinetic Combat - 37-89 Dmg + BLOODLUST
      Level 1

      Rain Creation - Affects the field. Fire attack damage halves, while Lightning attack damage doubles.
      Level 1

      Water Walking - Allows user to walk in Oceanic environments
      Level 1

      Healing Water - 25 HP, Can be used on anyone.
      Level 1
      Eyes of the Ocean - 340-540 Dmg + STUN, BLOODLUST. Affects the field.

    • (Drain for 5 turns)
      Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 396 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN

      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Fanged Cyclone - User selects a weapon. The weapon gains 15% more max damage for the rest of the battle and gains PIERCE until the end of use.

    • (Drain for 5 turns)
      Poke | Level 8
      HP: 367 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 4%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Blizzard - 20% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Cryokinetic Combat - 67-230 Dmg + 40% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Deep Freeze - Affects the field. Fire, Water and Lightning attack damage halves, while Earth and Wind attack damage doubles.
      Leveling Blocked

      Triple Blizzaga - 3x 56 Dmg + 25% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked
      Wrath of the Elements - User gains ATK + 20% and DEF -Zeros- and takes control of 5 random orbs. They are able to control the orbs for as long as they have TAC remaining. Stuns user after this effect resolves.

    • Kamaitachi (PIERCE, Drain for 5 turns) [Guarding Zephry Siegund]
      HP: 399 | Attack: 0% | Defense: 100% | Speed: 0%

    Post by: mindstorm787, Feb 7, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. mindstorm787
    Arachea Elderweb

    Arachea shimmered in from a darkened alley, adjusting her dark dress. She had done this once in a while, just to explore areas, humans and otherwise. Though there was always something interesting in the Downworlder life, mundanes weren't to bad from interest. They were slightly predictable, from what she had seen. What if one did this? What reaction. She smirked at the thoughts.
    As she stepped out of the alley, a couple of male mundanes wolf-whistles to her, smirking and giving perverted looks her way. She acknowledged them laughingly, giving them a wink, and walking off down the street. A mundane's life was so short. Compared to her, a fey, humans seemed so insignificant, but Arachea couldn't care any less. She enjoyed a good gamble as to getting a good laugh out of them. She once offered a drink to one particular mundie the other evening a few days back, and not more than an hour later, he was sprinting down the street, clothes inside out, screaming and blubbering like a mad man.

    But in all seriousness, tonight was not a night for playing games. She had a vision. Her Catalyst Event ability. As advisor to the Seelie Court, she was responsible for looking for the court's best interest. And so far, her vision only activated if it directly to those she knew might be affected in anyway, shape or form. Her most recent vision was a warlock, shrouded in red, causing chaos in an area full of mundies.
    Her Catalyst Event functioned as a visual crossroads for individuals, only showing what choices that said individual might make, but will never directly tell which choice will be made. But she needed more information. And the only way she knew how to get more information, was to talk to an informant. And she knew exactly who. She rounded a block and, as if on cue, bumped right into who she was looking for.

    Morrigan Moonsong.
    "My my, Morrigan. Just the person I was looking for. We have got to stop meeting like this." Arachea said, realizing it, smiling a bit, revealing small canines.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. mindstorm787
    Alexis Ackerman is no longer stunned!

    Alpha is no longer stunned!

    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Samuel Leighyard! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!
    Sans used a Bone Attack on Zephry Siegund! DRAIN! 1 Dmg dealt!
    Sans used a Blue Bone Attack on Alexis Ackerman! Ze Operator takes the damage! DRAIN! He absorbs the attack!

    Poke used Cryokinetic Combat on Sans! MISS!

    Samuel Leighyard used Martial Arts on Sans! MISS!

    Zephry Siegund used Pyrokinetic Combat on Sans! MISS!

    Remy Beuregard used his Bo Staff on Sans! MISS!

    Tessa Jones used Martial Arts on Sans! MISS!

    Sans The Skeleton

    ???/??? HP
    Gaster Blasters, Bone Fragments
    Infinite Space Environment
    TAC: 7%




    Sans: we've been receiving numerous reports from the time-space continuum. timelines jumping left and right, stopping and starting. until suddenly, it all ends. heh.
    that was your friend in black, isn't it?


    • (Drain for 6 turns)
      Ze Operator | Level 7
      HP: 347 | Attack: 45% | Defense: 15% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: Ronin Boots | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 4%


      Binary Sword - 40-140 Dmg
      Level 2

      Binary Rifle - 80-220 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 2

      Impact Arm Cannon - 95-150 Dmg + SPLASH
      Level 1

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloaking Device - CLOAK for 5 posts
      Level 1

      Dead Ringer - Feign Death, CLOAK for 3 posts, 2 Post Cooldown
      Level 1

      Dual Wield Modifier - Allows player to use the last two weapons they have previously used at the same time.
      Level 1
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Berserk Mode - 230-400 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.
      (Drain for 3 turns)
      Alpha | Level 8
      HP: 397 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 2%

      Ackramacus Blade - 50-150 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Twelveshooter - 56 Dmg + SPRAY, 75% Accuracy
      Level 1

      Dragon’s Breath Shotgun - 67-135 Dmg + BURN, 45% Accuracy
      Level 1
      No Armor
      (2x) Dual Cleaver - 85 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      No Powers/Abilities
      Berserk Mode - 245-405 Dmg, User gains BLOODLUST, CHAOS for 3 posts, DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and STUNS user after TAC bar depletes.

    • (Drain for 3 turns)
      Alexis Ackerman | Level 7
      HP: 322 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 30% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 3%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Long Sword - 45-160 Dmg
      Level 1

      Double Bullwhip - 63-193 Dmg + HASTE, DOUBLE STRIKE
      Level 2

      EMP Launcher - 50% STUN, Disables Exo Abilities for 2 turns, 2 Post Cooldown.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      Cloak & Dagger - CLOAK for unlimited posts, but only 2 posts if player attacks.
      Level 1
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      (1x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      Power of Suggestion - 10% of CONTROL, 5% of DEATH, 5% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Sexual Inducement - 14% of CHAOS, 17% of CONTROL
      Level 2

      Siren Song - 20% of DISABLE
      Level 1

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 56-89 Dmg + BURN
      Level 1
      Parallel Universe - The user gains DEF +10%, SPE +10%, ATK+10%, and selects one target. The target gains BANISH for the next 2 posts. Gains STUN after the 2nd post.

      (Drain for 6 turns)
      Samuel Leighyard | Level 6
      HP: 329 | Attack: 25% | Defense: 25% | Speed: 40%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Dagger - 20-100 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (2x) Throwing Star - 75 Dmg + HASTE. Can be retrieved and used again.
      Level 1
      (2x) Smoke Grenade - 100% BLIND against opponents.
      Planning - Skips a turn to deal 25% more damage next turn.
      Level 1

      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1
      Precognition - Predicts the next battle cycle. Results are not always accurate.

    • (Drain for 3 turns)
      Tessa Jones | Level 6
      HP: 273 | Attack: 35% (+15) | Defense: 55% (+40) | Speed: 20% (-40)
      N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: Scarred Leather Gloves | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 7%


      Earthen Lance - 30-140 Dmg + 10% STUN
      Level 1
      Scarred Leather Gloves - +5 Defense; Arms
      Iron Chestplate - +20 Defense,+10 Attack, -20 Speed; Body (Equipped)
      Iron Bracers - +5 Defense, +5 Attack, -5 Speed; Arms(Equipped)
      Iron Boots - +15 Defense, -15 Speed; Legs (Equipped)
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (3x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Martial Arts - 55-135 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 2

      Geokinesis - 60-180 Dmg, 15% BLOCK BREAK
      Level 1

      Golem Creation - SUMMON a Golem. Golems are limited to there elemental and level of skill.
      Level 1

      Psammokinesis - 50-100 Dmg, 15% BLIND
      Level 1
      Granulation - Selects a target; Target gains INVINCIBLE. Target cannot move. User cannot attack or move.

      (Drain for 6 turns)
      Remy Beuregard | Level 8
      HP: 306 | Attack: 40% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 25%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 6%

      Bo Staff - 47-122 Dmg + 15% STUN
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      (4x) Spades Card - Enemies deals 25% less damage for 3 turns.
      (4x) Hearts Card - Party gains +25 HP for 3 turns.
      (4x) Diamonds Card - Party gains 25% more critical chance for 3 turns.
      (4x) Clubs Card - Enemies loses 25% accuracy for 3 turns.
      Martial Arts - 50-130 Dmg + COUNTER
      Level 1

      Explosion Inducement - 56-170 Dmg + SPLASH, 25% STUN
      Level 1
      Full House - 135-565 Dmg. User explodes a nearby object, then throws 4 cards at random, each exploding, dealing additional damage. Normal effects still apply.

      (Drain for 5 turns, Clocked for 1 Turns)
      Kara Jereign | Level 5
      HP: 243 | Attack: 26% | Defense: 40% | Speed: 30%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%

      Black Whip - 24-78 Dmg + HASTE. Deals 10% more damage to opponents who don’t GUARD.
      Level 1
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Aquakinetic Combat - 37-89 Dmg + BLOODLUST
      Level 1

      Rain Creation - Affects the field. Fire attack damage halves, while Lightning attack damage doubles.
      Level 1

      Water Walking - Allows user to walk in Oceanic environments
      Level 1

      Healing Water - 25 HP, Can be used on anyone.
      Level 1
      Eyes of the Ocean - 340-540 Dmg + STUN, BLOODLUST. Affects the field.

    • (Drain for 7 turns)
      Zephyr Siegund | Level 8
      HP: 397 | Attack: 35% | Defense: 35% | Speed: 35%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 5%
      Katana - 35-165 Dmg + HASTE
      Level 1

      Ignis Katana - 45-175 Dmg + HASTE, 8% more damage on BURNING enemies
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Clarent - 45-265 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2

      Blue Flame Armament Balmung- 40-250 Dmg + BURN

      Level 2
      Ronin Helmet - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Head

      Ronin Chestplate - +10 Defense, -10 Speed; Body

      Ronin Boots - +5 Defense, -5 Speed; Legs
      No Tools
      (2x) Small Red Potion - Heals 100 HP.
      (2x) Green Shard - Eliminates all Exo States.
      (2x) Phoenix Vial - Revives fainted teammates with half of their HP.
      (2x) Enhancer Shot - Fills 50% of you or another player's TAC bar.
      Byakko Summon - SUMMONs Byakko. Byakko gains LIFELINK to the user. Also gains HASTE and PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Kamaitachi Summon - SUMMONs Kamaitachi. User cannot be targeted for attacks. And Kamaitachi and User gains PIERCE.
      Level 2

      Pyrokinetic Combat- 60-97 Dmg + BURN
      Level 2
      Fanged Cyclone - User selects a weapon. The weapon gains 15% more max damage for the rest of the battle and gains PIERCE until the end of use.

    • (Drain for 6 turns)
      Poke | Level 8
      HP: 368 | Attack: 50% | Defense: 10% | Speed: 45%
      Head: N/A | Body: N/A | Arms: N/A | Legs: N/A | Acces.: N/A
      TAC: 4%


      No Weapons
      No Armor
      No Tools
      No Items
      Normal Orb -Grants four random miscellaneous abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Fire Orb - Grants four random fire abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Zap Orb - Grants four random electrical abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Earth Orb - Grants four random earth abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Ice Orb (ACTIVATED) - Grants four random ice abilities. Cannot be used with another Orb.
      Level 1

      Blizzard - 20% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Cryokinetic Combat - 67-230 Dmg + 40% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked

      Deep Freeze - Affects the field. Fire, Water and Lightning attack damage halves, while Earth and Wind attack damage doubles.
      Leveling Blocked

      Triple Blizzaga - 3x 56 Dmg + 25% FREEZE
      Leveling Blocked
      Wrath of the Elements - User gains ATK + 20% and DEF -Zeros- and takes control of 5 random orbs. They are able to control the orbs for as long as they have TAC remaining. Stuns user after this effect resolves.
    Post by: mindstorm787, Jan 30, 2016 in forum: Retirement Home