Really???? Me? >.< Aw, you make me feel all special, and stuff. :] Like i said I'm just so happy that you decided to return, and as I can see so...
Hey! I guess at some point today you were back, but too bad I missed you. Hopefully you'll be back on again. If not, then you know how to reach...
Dude, this is cheap.. I got the same one as you... Lieutenant-Colonel Mistress of Death , but it totally rocks! ;]
I love Full Metal Alchemist! ;D
God dammit! I hate Twi****!! They're taking over the world, and my sister is one of them! :ranting:
Ha.You think I haven't already. But I'd rather ot buy a used game for $50. :/
:[ I wish. But they are soo old. I'm having trouble finding them. I tried to steal 7 from my friend... haha.
I haven't played many of them :/ But I wish I had. The one I've always wanted to paly most is Fianl Fantasy 7.
You make it veryyyy obviouse. >.< But it's my favorite Final Fantasy. :] It was also the first one I ever played. I was playing it just a...
... Well, Twilight isn't a very good book. So, I guess it doesn't matter. :]
You like Final Fantasy X a lotttt ... Don't you?
Yeahhhh... this book sucks more ass then twilight.
Then we all got really ****in' confused because we already died a few sentences ago, when the world blew up. :/
...then they threw bananas at her, and told her to shut the **** up.
Then cockroaches ruled the world.
... Don't people always go off-topic on this site? Especially in The Spam Zone.
Ha... I agree with you. :/ Just because the situations are similar doesn't mean that it will end the same way. It all depends on the condition, like the people invloved and their attitudes.
Thank you! This is at least one more good person on kh-v. :] You're totally right.
Yeah, I doubt it, but maybe you're right...