I feel the same. =_= If you wanna dress that way...fine. But seriously you need to think of how bad your life really could be, most of them don't even half it HALF bad. This also goes for all the alcoholics and druggies who claim to drink and smoke because their lives suck. More then half the population of my school is like this, and I can't stand it. They all just need to smile more... or something.
Uhhhh. English is my worse class!!!! Well, actually Globl is, but that's just because my teacher HATES me. :b I'm more of a math geek. What...
Not much.... you? By the way your backround is like... woah... flashinglights. xD I can't even see what I"m typing!!! o.o
Wowww, sounds like what I've been doing for the past week. 10th grade is hell ;D ahahah.
Nothin' much just chillen' and eatting chex mix!!! :]
Hey... What's good? Dudeee.
Nah, mine isn't all spiky. It's soft... like a... blanket. ^_^
Because cacti are AWESOME... and I"m just that good?
I'm gooooooood. Doing homework, chattin' with people, being hyper... playing with a cactus. :D
Death is just something that happens, you can't control it and you shouldn't try. If something or someone was meant to die you just need to learn to accept that. I know this sounds harsh, but it's just the way things go. I've lost many people through my life time, my mom, all my grandparents, cousins, close family friends aunts and uncles. And my mom was the first funneral I ever went to and I didn't cry, I never cry at funnerals... because there's no point in it.
Probably? o.o
To a child life is nothing more than an opportunity to have fun every minute of the day. That is exactly what I did, until that one day, when the sky seemed to start falling around me. Everyday of my life, up until that moment, I smiled at least five million times a day. There was constantly a shining light as bright as the sun shining in my eyes. Me, my loving parents, and my kind sister, Brianne, were all as happy as we could ever be. My mother was one of the most beautiful people to ever grace the Earth. She had long brown hair and the darkest brown eyes, but pale skin. She wasn’t short but she wasn’t tall either. My mother was constantly putting the needs of other before her own. Her heart was as large as your imagination could lead you to believe. Sadly, this is all that I can remember about her, the rest is a blur, a crash between what I dream to be real and what actually was. On the other hand my father was mostly the opposite. He also had very dark hair and pale skin, but he had blue eyes. The kind of light blue eyes that if you stared at too long it almost made you sad. I never got to see my dad a lot when I was younger. He was always to busy at work to see my sister, and me but in my eyes I was always a daddy’s girl, and I constantly tried to get his attention. All this time I was naïve and I had no idea how quickly my life was going to change. When you’re that young you don’t realized that one second could change many years to come in such a drastic way. Life is a learning process, and I was soon going to learn this harsh, cold lesson, whether I wanted to or not. It was a bright and sunny day, and light seemed to be shining in every direction. There wasn’t a patch of land that wasn’t being touched by the light. The air seemed to be so light and it smelled warm and inviting, and as usual my sister and me were rushing off to school. I was in the third grade at this time and I truly considered myself to be an adult. I was growing up and school was becoming harder every year, but I had no trouble keeping up with my times tables. As long as there was a wide smile on my face and a song in my heart nothing could hold me back. I wouldn’t dare let it try. It was on that bright and beautiful afternoon, while the white puffy clouds were high in the sky that I got a painful reality check. I had gone home on the bus with my sister, and by home, I meant my grandmother’s house. My mom and dad were always working past three, when my sister and me would come home, so we went to my grandma’s house. My bus driver was nice enough. His name was Don, and he was always kind to me. This was most likely due to the fact that I was always a good kid. Our bus was pretty normal, and not too loud, and as usual it smelled like sweat and freedom. If I had only known what was waiting for me off of that bus, I wouldn’t have called it freedom. There were many views of mine that would soon change, even the way that I viewed the bright light of the sun or the cream colored puffy clouds, like ice cream in the sky. By the time we got to my grandma’s house I was already itching to see my mom and tell her all about my day, but I knew I had to wait. Everything seems more exciting when you’re younger, when you’re young you appreciate the way the sun feels on your skin and the way the air smells sour after a rain shower, and you always feel the need to tell the way you feel to everyone. This is how I felt and I want to jump into my mother’s strong and loving arms the first second I saw her. An hour passed by and at that time my mom should have been there, but she wasn’t. I was quick to jump to conclusions of where my mom could have been. I mostly assumed that she had to stay late for work, but my young mind seemed to wander further and further from reality. Like a rubber band, my mind quickly snapped back when my cousins started to yell at me, it was my turn, we were playing Scrabble, which I was really bad at because I only knew few word at that time. My cousins were always yelling at me, but it wasn’t only them, I got yelled at a lot. People always said I had my head in the clouds or if I didn’t have my head attached to me I’d forget it. I never let talk like this bother me. In my mind I had endless amounts of time to start being serious and have my life in order, but for now I just wanted to have fun. To me there was a never-ending supply of time. Almost like I could find the end of a rainbow and jump into a pot of gold, only instead of gold it was just endless time that I could stuff in my pockets. Finally, at six o’clock I heard the gravel outside being disturbed, a car had pulled into the driveway! I rushed to the front door to hug my mother. There were stairs in front of the door, but I jumped down all of them at one time. My mom wasn’t there. Instead I saw my dad and I quickly started pounding him with questions, none of which got answered. My dad walked like a ghost right past me and into the house. I sat around for another half an hour, and I was getting quite fidgety. The air smelled stiff and cold it was getting late. Thankfully, my dad and grandma came upstairs, but there was something wrong. Both of them had eyes like deep pools of water. They were both crying. My dad and grandma walked up to my sister, my two cousins, and me, this was obviously a serious moment. My father started talking, and I was capable of hearing every word that he spoke, very clearly, but I couldn’t believe one word out of his mouth was true. I refused to believe any of it! He was a liar! Slowly, his words turned into just sounds, sounds that made no sense to me. According to him my mom was gone, and she was never going to come back. She had died. All those years that I had spent with her seemed pointless, because that moment, those five seconds, outweighed it all. Everyone around me was crying, and all I wanted to do was walk away. Their cries were loud and they pierced my heart. My body started to go numb, and I didn’t dare to move. It was if a ferocious lion were breathing down my back. At last I had realized why the sun was so bright today, and why the clouds were so soft and beautiful looking. I knew now why the air smelled so sweet. It was because nature was mocking me and laughing at my despair. I didn’t care, because there was nothing to worry about, because I wouldn’t let anyone see my weaknesses. The few weeks after that were just a blur of nothing. I didn’t want anyone near me, and I made myself an outcast. I pushed away all of my friends, because they could never understand me anymore. Never again would I be able to be a normal kid, my past would forever haunt me. I wanted one thing when I was younger, at that time, to be left alone. Over the years I’ve changed and I look back on that moment and I smile. It has been nearly seven years since it ruined my life, but did it really? When I think about it, that moment made me stronger. It made me a mature person, and I realized now, that everything was important and to never waste any of it. I also became closer with my dad, who I love dearly. Through the years I’ve made new friends and I love every single one of them. They are the people that make me smile everyday. They make me forget all of my sadness, and I can never be unhappy in their presence. Constantly, they fill my life with the same light that my mom once did, and even still does. I just need to start thinking of everything that I do have. I have my dad, my sister and all of my friends and all of that means the world to me. These are the few things that I have learned and that day has changed me forever. I cherish everything and everybody that I have, like at any moment it could all be taken away from me. IF THERE ARE ANY TYPOS OR ANYTHIGN LETS ME KNOW! :D
That's messed up... like **** is such a bad word. But ****ens is quite boring. ahahahah. And now I'm doing a project on Oliver Twist. Our first...
Yeah, it's drama. >.< I live there.... ahahaha. The only think that kind of sucks is that I had to read Oliver Twist over the summer for my...
I watched it, and kinda zoned out through most of it, but I still think he was kinda funny... frantically writing **** on walls. >< Even when he's isn't trying he makes me laugh with his stupidity. It was "eh..."
I love that book!! ^^ AHHHH! :D
Ahaha. It's fine, I understand that you have things to do, but it's good to talk to you. Schhol is good, but I have SO much work to do, and I...
Wow... I love you. ^^