somehow I don't believe that you don't talk to anyone... you have a girlfriend... I'm sure you have friends, of course I could be wrong. xD...
I LOVE SCHOOL!! Mostly for the social aspect... and just going to Masque and Mime (eventhough everyone there is either gay, a ****, or wayyyyy...
No, thankfuly I DO NOT know someon THAT old who plays kh... :b Buttttttt, yess, yes it is. :D I quoted Sailor Moon in one of my Enlgish essay...
Sadly, I CAN imagine some weird 50 year old man play kh. xD Anddddd, it IS quite creepy.
Well, whether it is or not doesn't really matter to me anyways! ><
Ahhhhh, then I love your friends! :D Andd I don't even know them... that has to be considered some form of stalker-ness.
Ahhhh... this is very true. For all I know you could be some super creepy 50 year old man. ;D
I generally don't really know where my teachers live... because that's a little creepy. xD
Oooooo pranking the teachers... bad ass! ;D
Awww!! Your friends telll random unnecessary sex jokes, yell penis down crowded hallways, and get made fun of by almost everyone in your school...
"alot in coming" Lol... WUT?
Uh... on't even get me started xD Typical celebrations are boring!! I love doing crazy stupid things like that... they're just more fun.
AH! I love you. There are people who are always like, "He's so ugly!! He has a weird nose!" :[ I don't care what they say... Aahahahahaha. Your...
Seriously?? >< UHhh! None of my friends read manga.. b/c they suck! ahaha But we all talk about books nonstop!! xD
I don't blame you for choosing Twlight at all. It probably would be a good book if crazy fans didn't ruin it... I mostly only like the movies b/c...
I've never read any of the Kingom Hearts manga... but they seem good anddd I love Bleach and FMA! :D I've never read Twlight, but it probably...
Oooo.. What books and manga do you read?? I wish i could draw but I suck at it. :b As for the last two... What???
Ah. Well, other than your girlfriend and videogames what else does you life revlove around?
Oh. I have a lot of books too! xD Between me and my sister we just have sooo many books. I love it. I have Vampire Acadamy... but i'v never read...
Sooooooooo, you love HEr to death.. but you love your DS even MOREEE then that?? O.O That is a wholeee lot of love.