Thankssss Mannn. But minus 10 respect points for you... for not caring about my personal life. ;)
Welll, i dont care what you or anyone else thinks about you... you seem like a pretty fly kid. ;)
I had a great day!! Me and my dad went up to my sisters college to see her. =D And I always love seeing her. sO, that was awesome. As for presnts I never really saw the point in it. So, I don't bother my dad with that crap. As for the rest of my famiy... I don't talk to them. ahaha Great day though!! Yeah, as much as I AM a theatre kid I've never gotten too involved in drama.. until this year. aha Of course I"m still involved in drama... I'm the assistant stage manager!! :D And It's still amazing. butttt AALLLL of my friends in drama are laving for college this year. :[ BUMMER! I generally don't care abou relationship crap, but it was mostly just the situation itself that was crappy. :b As for my friend the guys a creep and he already moved on to the next girl. So, hopefully she can just get over him... i don't know why she liked him in the first place. :/ I always forget that your old and you actually have to work ;) aahahah Y'know, the "real world" sounds like it's just as bad as high school... Adults have been lying to me all my life! What happened yesterday that was so AMAZING?? :] ahahaha Awwww that is so cutee!!1 :D I love little kids. You must feel old!! Mwahahaha.
Why do people not normally thin you're nice?
I will never understand WHY people get high... Especially in school. It just doesn't make sense to me :b
So, to save myself the time I'm just gonna send you the email that I JUST spent time typing :] ahaha So, noweveryone can read it. I LOVE YOU!! <3 And I hope that you will forgive me for taking so long to get back to you, but a lot of things have been going on. :b Both stupid pointless things and very very important thing! :D But i"m finally gonna get back to you NOW! ahaha Alright, so to start off with.. HOW ARE YOU?? I mean geez it's been awhile!! I hope everythign is good. VERY VERY good. I've been alright, just like I said, busy. Umm, yesterday was my birthday. i'M FINALLY 16!! YESSSSSS!!! ALso, I've been dealing with a lot of drama in school. Pretty much to sum it up in a few words... my best frends a whore, I'm romatically challenged, and fml!! xD ahaha Other than that things are really good. Oh, and I'm a horrible procrastinator!! But who isn't? So, ummm I love you... and yeah. ALL THAT JAZZ!! ;)
Awwwww. YOu seem so nice!! :D Although, I could be wrong, but for now... you seem really nice. It's an honor to be on your friends list as well . ;)
Well, that could be good or bad. Depends on why you remember me.. O.o
Why yes... yes it is!! :D I'VE MISSED YOU TOO! :DDDD No HOMO!!! ahahah I'm gettign back to your emil right now!!! But I guess thats kind of pointless now... because I"m talking to you right now... sooo. :b
'Ey Man. (:
KHV... A place where you can start a pointless conversation, and hours later it will still be going strong. I haven't had a really ood pointless conversation in a long time. I welcome anyone or anything. =D
Yes they do! Any word can go together well, if you force them to.. with super glue!
... Maybe I AM an idiot! That means I lied to you, sorry.
What? I never said you were an idiot.
Hi there. I'd like to inform you that I'm not a complete idiot. I promise :]
Ahahahahaah I know I know!! But I'm being an idiot.. because it's funner than being smart sometimes. But I really DO love Harry Potterr. ALOt
No it's not! Ghosts don't exist... but unicorns doo!! We should make a movie unicornbusters III. a Sphinx is a mythical creature... from harry potter 4!! Mwwahahahahaah I love harry potter hitler was bed. Stars blow up when they get too old... ahhhhh... YES YOU DO!!! They're in yourmind and if you think really hard they fall out o your brain and you say them outlound!! I know because i thought once... and that happened.
I'm bored! Would anyone like to have an "intellectual debat" about... something with an idiot (me)? :D
When I was little I thought the superbowl was a giant bowl of cereal... now that I know what the superbowl actually is I think it's stupid.
Clouds... Pretty... Chemistry.... Puppies... Smile... Bible... Love... Cat... Doorbell... Hello... Moster... Tree... =D... D=... 17... Woah!... Nouns... are... necessary... sometimes... Example: Nouns (which is a noun) are not necessary ---> Not necessary, but it still makes sense if you take out the noun... and you are slightly, a lot ******ed. ;) For anyone who is really bored I hope you enjoy this. Eventhough nothing I just wrote makes any sense (especially the part about nouns... wtf?) LOVE, ME!