Yea, he has that sort of I'm-gonna-die-of-starvation-in-the-woods kind of look to him. SO, it makes it really obvious straight from the beginning.
Yeah, pretty much there's no point... sorrrrrry. (:
Yeah, it was just an amazing movie (I think). He would have died anyways!!
Whats good??
Then build yourself a beautiful ****ing raft and go to Africa. I hope the lions tear you limb from limb. =D Yeah, the part where he starved to death was really scary... i wouldn't want to starve to death I love food too much!! :) And yeah, I think he realized the things he did wrong a little bit towards the end. I mean he still was against society and his parents... But he really was just a kid. He made bad decisions.
Yeah, he wasn;t the brightest sometimes. My friend said that he's even worse in the book. But i haven't read it, so I woudn't know
Sooo nothings stopping you from swimming across the ocean and going there... You ned to learnt o look outside the box, man. I love that movie. I mean yeah he was kind of arrogant and annoying, but at the same time he had a point... There is so much more to life that all this crap!! I loved it. My friend is really obssessed with the movie. =D
You're an individual and you can do whatever you want!! I mean look at that guy from Into the Wild!!
Thattttssss so sweeet!!! =D Don't worry, once some girl on my bus that I never talk to and everyone treats like crap started crying and I felt so bad I started crying tooo. xD
'eyyy man.
In other words... It's just a great ****in' day.
It's national pot smoking day!!
It is!! :b Ahahahaah But somehow we manage to deal with it. Right!!?? I wanna be able to talk to someone and be like remember back in high...
Good. So, this was a great conversation. It actually helped me relieve some stress. :]
Wow, this ended up being a more intense conversation then I expected it to be. ahah I think you're gettig the impression that I'm trying to say that everyone that does drugs is a horrible person and will one day have horrible lives or die and go to hell... Thats not what I"m saying. Just trying to get a different perspective on things. Plus, I love having little debates/conversations like this. I always feel like I walk away with SOMETHING useful in the end. As for gaming addiction... there is NOTHING wrong with that!! I plan on having a future with that!! ><
Well, yes, of course. But doing drugs, and getting into that scene you befriend certain people. Introducing different drugs... alcohol... If you don' know when to stop it ould be life altering. It's just something to think about :D Yes, I am a girl... you couldn't tell from my bossy I-think-i-know-everything attitude? (When really the only place I belong is the kitchen...) ;)
I guess i should have expected the sour attitude. ): But I won't hold it against you, because I understand where you're coming from. I've heard your side of the story many times. I just dont understand why anyone would take the risk. Who is to say that weed won't lead to something else. You never know what you might do when put into a situation, and once in that situation if you make the wrong choice it might be too late to turn back. I'm not sayig what you're doing will destory your life. I could die tomorrow and you could live to be 90... but the choices yyou make change your life. You have to be careful. I seen drugs and all that crap destroy peoples lives. It's not something anyone would be proud of. I may just be a stupid 16 year old girl, but I'm just saying this because I care. Just make sure you think about what your doing before you do it.
People here actually remember who I am!! I'm so impresed!! =D
Yeah, when I used to actually go on here a lot more. i saw you around as well... So 'ey. :) Aww, I'd ask you what went wrong... but that might not be a good idea. ahah Yeah, she's in college about an hour and a half away. Which really isn't that far, but she means a lot to me... so it IS far to me xD My goal is to stay in touch with as many of them as possible. We'll see how that works out. xD As much as I'll miss them at firstI think i"ll really kind of get over it, and move on... maybe. He IS a dickface!! He always tells me that I'm fat and ugly... for some reason he just never liked me!! And then he questions why I don't talk to him.. idk. But the guy I fell for is Dickface's best friend.. Shocker. xD Only he's actually really nice. :b I mean they're both potheads but whatever. what can you do. Ahahaha I've beent there for her AND my other friend who was sort of kind of with the girl who dickface left my friend for... It's all giant mess!! Yay high school. ahaha I was just kidding... you're not THAT ol. ahaha But i"m glad you are feeling better. Sunny days always seem to help! This IS about the age where they start gettign annoying :b Sooo, good luck with that!! I don't remember any of my birthdays really. They've never really been somethignthat my family makes a big deal about. What was your 9th birthday like?
Well, I've never smoked before, and I don't intend on smoking ever. I just think it's kind of sad that people nowadays need help to feel good... I've gotten into many "arguments" about this with people I'm close with. So, i have an idea of what you might say back to this. I don't think less of you or anyone else as a person for smoking, because people like you are just going along with everyone else. And as long as something lie that is accessible then people are gonna utilize it. I think if they actually just stopped and they just thought about what they were doing and why, then they would maybe be able to understand how incredibly stupid it is. But I'm sure you are an awesome,smart, amazing person anyways. Just sort of venting I guess. (: