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  1. Sumi
    Insanity is alot like Love,
    You're never finished after you're done.
    Insanity is alot like Hate,
    You cannot remove the rebellious streak.
    Insanity is alot like Sadness,
    You never can quench the incurable madness.
    Insanity is alot like Bliss,
    What would you like to drink, Miss?​
    Thread by: Sumi, May 5, 2009, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Sumi
    Girl from the World of Her Own
    She’s the girl,
    Everybody knows,
    Lives in a world
    All of her own.
    He puts his hands around her waist
    He rests them on her chest
    He runs them through her hair
    And she just doesn’t care,
    ‘Cause everybody knows,
    That’s the way things go
    With the girl
    From the world
    Of her own.

    She lives all alone,
    In this world of her own,
    She’s got no friends,
    No family,
    No home.
    And everybody knows,
    And nobody cares,
    For the girl
    In the world
    Of her own.

    Then he came,
    He was the boy
    All alone in the world
    From the world
    Inside his head
    He didn’t give a da*n if they cared.
    ‘Cause he just didn’t need them
    In the way that she did,
    And then catastrophe struck.

    He was alone,
    As he laid in bed
    Living in the world
    Inside his head.
    And then the ghost came to him,
    Told him what to say,
    The earth spun around him on that day,
    ‘Cause everybody knew,
    But no one seemed to care,
    As he ran his fingers
    Through her brown hair.

    And now

    She’s the girl
    That everybody knows
    He’s the boy
    Her sanctuary
    Her home.
    He’s who she goes to
    When she’s all alone.

    They live together now,
    In a world all their own,
    And they’re happy.
    Shouldn’t we all be?
    Thread by: Sumi, May 4, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Sumi
    CnC pwease?​
    Thread by: Sumi, May 2, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Sumi
    10:00-got in bed and watched Deathnote, Code Geass, Ninja Warrior, etc. on Demand and am almost asleep till
    3:30-my 1st little brother comes downstairs beacause of a bad dream and we watch Cowboy Bebop together when I
    3:45-fall asleep when suddenly
    4:00- brother wakes me up and I tell him to go away because I don't know whether or not Big O is aproppriate for an 8 year old.
    4:11- wakes up due to nosebleed and has been watchin animal planet.
    current time is 5:30ish​
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 19, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Sumi
    Living and Loving
    sadly only a dream is truly
    without hate

    all beings despise something
    be it rain or shine
    darkness or light

    be it the smell of toothpaste
    or the beloved being the rejector
    we cannot we one-sided and live only to love

    all beings are in love with something
    be it rain or shine
    darkness or light

    be it the taste of warm chocolate chip cookies
    or the person who could love in return as they walk past
    we cannot be onesided and live only to hate
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 17, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Sumi
    Yup. Title says it. My grades dropped from a 3.6 gpa to a 3.125 this last term and if I don't end school at 4.0 my mom will literally send me away to science explorers international in hopes my brain grows (is that even a real place??). So I guess I'll see yall at the end of school if I haven't committed suicide by then. Alright, love ya! ~Sumi
    *huge hugs for Lulu, Mari, Xeni, Enty, Jazzy, KK, JJ, Renegade, Sanae, Sugoii-chan, lil woj and Shiningdreams*​
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 7, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  7. Sumi
    Don't be offensive and make op silly things like "poopface" or something like that. Please? Now...
    Begin 8)​
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 5, 2009, 247 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sumi
    or at least, soon to be.
    with border. It's so much nicer with that I won't bother posting without.
    CnC pwease?​
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 4, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Sumi

    Holy ****

    PPG Z????!?!
    Thread by: Sumi, Apr 2, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Sumi
  11. Sumi
    yup. apparantly "Conficker" is not planning on practicing abstinince.
    your thoughts?​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 31, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Sumi

    Oh GAWD

    I was eating a pop tart, happily munching on my 420 calorie snack, when I realized- I WAS EATING JAYN D:​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 31, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Sumi
    played with:
    original is attatched

    Sorry it's so damn big :0​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 30, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Sumi
    turns out, my friend has been cutting herself. I'm so mad at her, I'm worried fro her, I want to scream beacause its making my head hurt. She's been like a sister to me for, what, 7-8 YEARS? She's called me a lot lately, saying things about her mom finding her "Johnny the Homocidal Maniac" gear under her bed. She's been wearing different clothes, copying the now popular goth/punk stylle. she scares me. She's called me at least three times, crying and upset, to tell me about her dad being mad at her....
    But she loves him and he loves her, she always said he wasn't mad later and go back to her normal life. She's been picked on for years, and sadly I only helped that until I realized how wrong it was last year to tell her personal secrets and spread rumors. She loves me, and I her, we are as close as it comes to sisters. But she... I don't know. She has been messed up lately, and don't think I haven't noticed. And now this....I want to cry beacause I couldn't stop her. And now heer life at school will only be worse, she'll only be picked on more than ever and resort to this again. What should I do?!?!?! She'll be calling in an hour or so probably...I asked her to when I saw her today In the TEACHERS ROOM, WITH SCARS RUNNING ALL THE WAY AROUND HER ARMS.​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 25, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  15. Sumi


    ok, my computer is making funny noises.... and when I got on aminute ago all my stuff was... gone. I rebooted and all my stuff is here and it's not teling me that everything is blocked....but it's making noises and it's freakng me out.​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 24, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  16. Sumi


    CnC pwease? ​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 22, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Sumi
    Cnc? I looked at some tuts, and downloaded some brushes. I think I'm getting better at GIMP!
    Man, It's been a while since I've made a TWEWY sig...​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 22, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. Sumi
    Help please <:C​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 14, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. Sumi
    My dad's said he's going to download Photoshop on my comp, but he hasn't yet and I'm just getting worse as I don't get on my dad's comp anymore. Is GIMP any good on a laptop? And should I get it or should I wait for my dad to download photoshop.​
    Thread by: Sumi, Mar 13, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  20. Sumi


    I just got askedd out for the first time!!!!!! omgomgomgomgomg​
    Thread by: Sumi, Feb 28, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone