shit I hope my mom doesn't find out that I cut my finger with knife cause I wanted to see if I really could!! Fucking dumb moments now my finger sting.
a peice from my portfolio. I'm applying to go to a specialized arts school blah blah blah. Just to let you guys see my style :3[btw photobucket's resize messed it up a good bit Dx] cnc plz
Okay so I'm applying to go to a specialized arts school next year and I was wondering if I could draw some of you guys and put the pictures in my portfolio >> Things in my portfolio so far [all pen sketches]: one ****ing awesome pic of Sora a pic of BB
I have converse that need doodles put on them. name some **** to put on them plz. list of things so far: BB some japanese writing skulls some quotes about insanity transformers Nikita Khrushchev
[watch through the whole thing please] Deltron 3030-Mastermind
My third little brother was born tuesday the 15th. He's absoloutely adorable. I was there for the whole thing. I was fine with all the blood, screaming and such... Until they gave my mom a shot before stitching her back up... Needles....they....get to me >>
4 versions of it. All of them suck. Whatever. CnCplease.
At my old school, I had a pretty bad rep. Everyone called me emo, made fun of me, etc. Apparenlty, some rumors have been going around. *I have dyed my hair black **If the above is true, my hair is also permanantly straight ***If the above is true, I have cherry red streaks in my hair *I cut my wrists *I wear only black *(oh I love this one) I wear white face paint *(lofl@this) I murdered someone *I'm a bully *Everyone hates me *I wear black lipstick *I have the whole 'racoon eye' thing goin on *I gained a whhhooooole buncha weight (opposite, dropped 5 jean sizes...) I could go on. Anyways, tonight they're having a reunion party fair type thing that they have every year. I am totally dressing as emo/goth as possible. Outfit: eyeliner, mascara, grey skinny jeans[wore my black ones yesterday], black shirt that says 'got gaming?' on the front, chunkiest shoes I can find[my vans/my xihlaration or whatever], might borrow my friend's combat boots instead, my cheshire cat bracelet, mahjong tile bracelet, chain link bracelet, black bow to tie on one of my misa-pigtail-type-things, fingerless skull print gloves. Anything I else I need?
Who has never sat through any song by Michael Jackson, The Beatles, or anyone who is seemilngly adored?
I don't want a third little brother T-T meeehhhhhhh >< On a happier note, Capoeira class was great.
Manga Colours: Roxasssss Bekkuuuuu Okay, the Bekku one isn't nearly as good as the Roxas one. I really love Ann Cassndra though so I had to make something. I'm thinking of doing more to the Roxas one, like shading 'n all that. Banners: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Yeah... most of them suck xDD CnC<3
I'm going through the member list and stealing cool avvies from non-active members >>
[rewatching Clannad] Fuuko's arc.... I swear it kills me TTT_TTT
So I'm just playin' Rufuz like I do every day, nothin special, and I get a blister. I'm like: "Ah, no big deal. I just started so DUH I'm gonna get a blister now and then." So I keep playing and I'm working on L's theme and Don't Say Lazy and then- WAHBAMALAM -my finger splits open. It hurts :-: Should I get a bandaid, keep playing, or wait and go to target to get more school supplies and possibly a new pair of shoes if any are on sale[which I doubt]?
Damnit. So this weekend was supposed to be my first con and all, right? Well, this morning the location was flooded and the con was cancelled. I AM SO ****ING PISSED OFF I SWEAR I'M GONNA RIP SOMETHING'S HEAD OFF AND EAT IT'S FLESHHHHHH GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR TTTTTTTTTT_TTTTTTTTTT
T_T All my friends got on a different team at school. I'm all alone. Again.......
Just a collection of Trickster Online avvies. More to be added to this collection at a later date. Tiny: Normal: Large: Too big for the site: Brownies for those who give CnC. :3 EDIT: I forgot to say, they are free for usage on this site ;3 More added on 8-3-09
In the credit's of the movie 'Push'... there's a guy named... Eggtart Chow.
Any tips, pointers, suggestions? Name: Susan James [ i love the name susan] Age: 22 [haha, i'm 9 years younger] Weight: 134 [i weigh less] Height: 5 4 [my height] Sex: F [of course] Addres: 579 Emmet St. Petoskey, MI.