-Holds- Oh...
"Berserk Mode." Alenx replied. He changed back.
-Kisses again- PM? Wud she say?
Alenx closed his eyes. "...Moon... shine down!" There was an aura that enveloped Alenx for a second. His hair was spiked straight up and he had sharp teeth.
It's true. -Kisses-
Alenx took a few steps back and drew his blade.
-Holds- I want you... in my bed... ^///^
"I see..." Alenx said. "Would you really like to know what I was doing?"
-Kisses head, pets- :glomp:
"Mmmhmm...." Alenx looked him over. "You too..."
-Pets- A little. Will you be MY battery?
Alenx studied his hand. He shook it. "Alenx..."
-Strokes your hair- Hehe... xD
Alenx's yellow eyes intensified with anger. "None of your business."
-Kisses your head- Saix.
Alenx glared after he heard yelling. He warped to Raffello. "Do you mind? I'm trying to concentrate..."
-Holds- And Alenx is just like his daddy. xD
Normally, Alenx wouldn't care what this person was doing, but he was getting curious.
Alenx looked over. He saw a person on the other side of the cliff.
-Kisses- Problem there. O-o