Who was Croma going to go with again?
"Wait until she wakes up, I guess." Alenx replied.
Oh... very similar.
"Yeah..." Alenx picked Croma up ad held her.
Croma's wounds were healed. The stones stopped glowing.
Never seen the movie.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." Croma's wounds started to heal.
-Snuggles back- Hey.
Alenx didn't respond. Every stone in the field glew green.
Alenx drew his claymore and cut his wrist, letting the blood drip on the table.
Alenx reached the field of stones and layed Croma on a stone table.
Roxas and Saix please? Roxas - Loyal to Marluxia Saix - Loyal to Xemnas Name: Alenx type: Nobody loyal to: Marluxia Personality: Cold, never opens up to anyone. Weapon/power: Katana appearance/discreption: http://www.freewebs.com/woods-of-night/anime_guy-1.jpg Name: Neal type: Somebody loyal to: Neither Personality: Kind and loving Weapon/power: Broadsword appearance/discreption: http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/B/BL/BLU/BluePhoenix2110/1154556364_s6goth_guy.JPG
Don't remember me? xD
Okay .
"There is a field of stones up ahead with healing powers."
Alenx walked further. "I know where we can get her wounds healed."
He picked her up and gave her a light kiss on the lips. He walked away.
Alenx drew his claymore and walked over to Croma, stabbing beside her head. "I win, now let's get you fixed up."
Alenx growled as light radiated from his body. "RAAAA!!!!!!" A powerful light ripped every bit of the shadows apart.
"I'll show you." Alenx withdrew his claymore.