Hey there~! Welcome here, post lots, make friends and have lots of fun around here.
Ember. ... Or maybe apples. *goes to refrigerator to get apples to chew*
A chocolate bar. *-* I'm hungry...
Well, I've heard of her. In my country, she does show up in the show Hannah Montana, but I don't watch th TV often. ^^'
Oh yeah! If you need friends, be free to PM me, but I might not be online sometimes. ^^
=D You're back!!! *squishy hugs for ya* See ya around~ <3
Hey there~! Welcome here, post lots, make friends and have lots of fun around here. By the way, nice avvy. :3
Hey there~! Welcome here, post lots, make friends and have lots of fun around here. Well, rep is just to show your famous or not. Don't say yourself like your an idiotic person. Everyone has their own talent. If you haven't find one, you'll find it one day. ^^