Hey there~! Welcome here, post lots, make friends and have lots of fun around here.
Can I wake you up by putting an ice bag on your back? :3 Can I make you sausages instead?
Oh okay. I'm sorry if I bother you. Just ignore mine. ^^
OMG!! It was stole on my birthday! D8 Anyway, I wonder where he could hide the statue from the police. It's so huge!
I do. I'm usually curious after seeing one and I'll click on them. :3
D: I'm so gonna miss him... ;~; Last time he's like a big brother to me. Rest in peace, Soku...
Which of these are you more afraid of? Snakes or frogs?
Username: Fruity~ Render: http://planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-16242 Font: The font you used in the nineth signature What size : Default Theme Color: Light blue Text: The healer, Mia Text Placement: Anywhere Other: Mix any light colours and blends with the signature if you like (example: light purple)
Mine was Dragon Ball or maybe Pokemon... I'm not so sure. My TV shows Dragon Ball and Pokemon episodes, so I watched them. Sometimes I missed some episodes, so I don't really get what's going on. <:3
Depends who's it. If it's a person I like, I'll stare and nosebleed. j/k
When they make stupid Disney series. Not one of them could make me laugh. And also Hannah Montana and High School Musical...
Spectacles and eye products. 8D
Here's mine: Cool, eh? :D