Yes, thats what I thought. A guideline pretty much. But what about the keyblade? We say that it's likely that Chasers made them, but what if Chaser is just a name for a being (I'm saying being cause there's lions and stuff) who has been chosen to become the keyblade itself...yeah no evidence but it seems plausible to me
Hmm...what are the chances of the keyblades being alive...? Perhaps they were a living being at one time....
Great, now everyone (and when I say everyone I mean khfreak87 and Budds) is great at that editing stuff and they have so good of movies that nobody will ever win... Well good luck everyone (except you two cause you don't need luck, you're too good) oh, and uh...good job
Haha, I love sarcasm too, Roxma...
ok, now that I see all this stuff I really want to get one, but whats it called? I think action replay is a name but I don't know
Technically we are discussing if Terra could be the voice.
Meh, the world may never know [/quotelollipops]
If you don't mind, I'd like to kinda change the subject. The rumor going around (or maybe it was a rumor) that the voice you hear in the Awakening is Terra's. I really dont know what to say about this
Yeah, thanks for backing me up Kanji And Shingo, Ive thought bout that too...not sure though
I wonder why the keyblade was passed down from Riku to Sora, cause a keyblade is a keyblade. 1. Strong heart=keyblade 2. Strong heart + corrupted heart=keyblade Proof of this - Sora had the black keyblade in his hand before he stabbed himself and it didn't dissapear. Do you think it would really matter if it was reversed? Riku (dark) with kingdom key (light). It doesn't matter, so why did it end up with Sora? It doesn't matter that Riku went to the darkness he could still use one, right? So why did Sora get it (uh-oh, I'm repeating myself). But is there a chance that Terra sent the keyblade to Destiny Islands thinking it would wind up with Riku? But instead Sora got it on accident because Riku dissapeared just before he would have received it. That make sense?
When I heard that line I thought Roxas was talking about Xemnas because by ruining Sora's life via destroy heartless that Roxas was effected too. Then saying 'oh, thats why' because Roxas realizes that Sora is (unfortunetly) the best keyblade master and is also easily controlled to help others. Got it memorized? But yes, you've made me remember that line. And plus since I finally know at least something that Terra said (cause I have no idea what he says in that battle) I see what you are talking about. Light has been shown on our faces! We may actually have something!...Until Nomura tells us wrong which he'll probably do... Just thought of that voice that you hear when youre training at the beginning, you know, the Awakening thing. Could Terra have left a 'guideline' or something, thus reasoning out why Terra thinks they've met before.
Thank you! See, I'm atheist too (we'll technically I was baptized but I don't believe in God). I believe that back then, all the rich people wanted to live forever and thought they had souls to live on in, then they created heaven or limbo (whichever comes first) to live on in. Then the poor people started to like this idea but they hated the rich people and said 'You're going to hell unless you give stuff to us!' And hell was created. Awesome things to read in a novel, I admit (I even write about them) but c'mon. Sorry all you guys out there. Yeah, the world will end, but NOT NOW! I don't get why everyone wants to die for religion. They just don't want to admit being lower on the society scale. Don't get me wrong, I believe every person deserves a chance to be great, it's just incredibly harder for most (which I hate). We should all live happy and fruitful lives until the day we die. We shouldn't be killing each other for saying something exists that we can't prove. Beautiful Dude. With you all the way on that one
I don't really care, I'm just wondering what you guys think
First, sorry for bad spelling in the title Second, the end of the world. The mayans (or maybe it was the aztecs) predicted that the end of the world would come at (insert day here cause I forgot but I'm fairly positive that they said in December...) So, stupid myth...or coming reality?
Heartless Nobody Souldier Came up with that awhile ago And willi, many people have noticed this. Sorry to ruin the discovery
I realize that Xman, but I thought that the world would still exist even if nobody's there... Heartless paradise, no keyblade to kill them... I just thought that it could be the final battle spot maybe...ok, maybe not something like that but it can still be special
Traverse town was not a world in KH2 (as you all know). So what are the chances of it appearing in later games? I'm just curious
Please Name: Thir13en¤t=Twilightchange_0004.flv whole thing 100 x 100 please sorry I cant make it smaller. Thanks in advance
with the work done by ROBOTS!? We thought obesedy couldn't get worse. I'm not saying anything, it's just that then people will just do nothing. Lives become worthless because nobody does anything. If a natural disaster strikes and the humans have to work to survive, do you expect them to know anything? HELL NO! There's a big bright line and it's pretty close to where were standing, we shouldn't cross it
Yeah, I hear all you people but how can come you never mentioned 'longing'? C'mon! It's his best song! Yeah, I know, nearly impossible to find a download of it but you people seem to already have em all Here's the link to download longing for anyone out there. Just hit where it says MP3 down there and do save target as. or for a mac user like me just do apple click and save as May take awhile for download