I just realized how annoying AR can be... But I set up to fight Sephiroth and Xaldin at Memory's Skyscraper but when I got to TWTNW, Sephiroth was replaced by Riku...
Thanks again for helping me out, I got the converter thing so I'm okay now
ok, I will and thanks for helping a poor soul, you guys got your karma for the day :D
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, ok..........how do I do that?
Thanks but is that a different code thing? Cause I have AR. Or is it a different way to enter a code?
Thanks man, now I can finally do DW Roxas :D But is there a code that will put you anywhere in the game? Like I want to fight 3 Xigbars but Im nowhere close to that battle, is there a code for that? Actually can I also have the Xigbar code to replace Goofy? Sorry for asking question that have already been said.
ok, i just bought my AR Max today and I've been reading some posts so I just need definitions Whats a joker? I keep seeing that...and man theres a lot of confusing stuff. I don't want to be annoying but can someone help me out? I have no idea if this was answered (cause it probably was) but is there a code for Sora to use the organization weapons like Demyx's sitar/Axels chakrams/etc? Sorry for the time waste
I believe it was an Organization member too. Just because you see him walking (limping after watching it again maybe) to the knights doesn't mean he wont stop and keep walking What stinks about this scene is that its totally new to us. We've seen a keyblade stolen but never broken so we don't know. It could be possible that it can only be destroyed by a wielder (Baldy) but again we don't know cause nobody we know in KH1 & 2 has gotten to the point of breakage.
You have all your names right and to make a video just download clips from this site and get a program like Vegas or Windows Movie Maker and start editing
Yeah, Kanji I think your right again. So what do you guys think of the name for that desert. The Gathering Place. But I wonder what secret ending comes first...Sunset Horizons or Birth by Sleep. I'm kinda open to the idea that the battle came first, I mean there WAS a sandstorm blowing which could hide the cliffs Baldy made, or maybe they happened right after the other....I don't know...
it couldve ment something...but yeah, it was wishful thinking
well...its an idea...
Crap....curse your rightness....is that a word?
Then how about DS puts you in as honorable mention cause you always take up the first place spot. That should go to Budds too.
Ok, sorry for taking up a late subject but I have 'proof' that Xemnas could be Ven. X's Avenger, you're gonna like this. Well to start with I was beating KH2 again and when I battled him in final mode I realized that his laser things are set out of his LEFT arm and then fired. And also when you kill him he puts his LEFT arm forward. If you were dying wouldn't you put your strong arm out? Yes, you would have.
Ok, I'm shooting in the dark but...could the Corridor of Darkness be the location in birth by sleep? Yes yes, I know, how can it be if you go there? But I am convinced (to a point) that Baldy released a huge ammount of dark force and tainted that world. But could he taint the ENTIRE world. I might have mistaken this but I believe I saw stormclouds out there where you fight Terra, I don't know, but could that be the CoD? I doubt it but I'm trying to brainstorm right now
I also believe that theory Xehanort's Revenger so take that all you. We got 2 people! But please no 'Xehanort is Terra' crap. Yes, looks I know I know, I saw the cutscene too you know. You fight Terra after the battle with Xemnas. Xemnas was the last known being of Xehanort, yes Chasers have been introduced but none of the pieces perfectly line up. (And a heads up, don't say that Terra was released from some prison of Xemnas' when he dies. Just don't) Terra seems to give off a quality of fight now think later. Terra's personality can not just change off the bat and now he's a thinker. Darkness doesnt do that. Ven seems to have the most qualities of Xehanort to me (don't call me crazy yet). Ven chose Way to the Dawn, correct? Or was it the dark keyblade? I think it was Way to the dawn but anyway... Ven has a connection with the darkness because he took a half dark blade, making him more prone to darkness than a light wielder. When Baldy released that energy of darkness, Ven must have flipped (not literally, he was frozen) That much dark energy must have done something, it made Terra (light) have the evil eyes and we really don't know what happened to the other two. For all we know, the armor makes a Chaser and the dark force was too much for Aqua so she was seperated from her second power source. Thus only armor.
Well I don't speak or understand Japanese so I have no clue what they are talking about in that room. You mean Ven?
Mickey could be out there for countless reasons. 1. To signify that this only happened at a different time, not a different universe 2. To show that the events happened recently or will happen soon (judging by about 20 years or so) 3. To also give the hint that this happens in the future (If I'm correct, Mickey didn't wield a keyblade until after he left the note for Donald and Goofy [Mickey wouldn't send D and G unless Mickey knew he could take hold of one]) And the Xehanort name to Ven thing. The top half of the X looks like a V, his next letter is E, but where N came in, I don't know
You mean something like the evil guy sounds good to trick Sora? I kinda doubt it but it's a thought. The voice, as Kanji said, sounded sincere, not like it had a hidden agenda. Though I guess it would be easy enough to lie carcrazy, it doesn't matter if they come up with it first. You could have more evidence