Save you some time jlhack7
Is there a way to prevent the game from freezing? I didn't see that in the universal thing. Same thing with Deadly mode...does this even exist?
my game froze
never mind then
oh...well its says 'jlhack7=god of hacks'
yeah, I saw this when you were discussing it. Sounds like a good idea, I can't help sorry. But I'll be happy to play when its finished :D
I said I learned everything from you....look at my sig
could be a faulty code. But what I like to do is save an Altar of Naught so theres almost 100% chance of it not freezing cause you don't get party members there. Then pick where you wanna go. It works for me but I only fight guys at memory's skyscraper so I don't fall off the map.
10 bucks its survives to add to the storyline
Ive tried many for Michael but only one sounds right for me Mixlaech- Mix-lay-tch
I'm guilty of that...sorry
I believed that there are certain Nobodies who didn't have a soul at all (Saix). He was cold and had no sense of right and wrong (it seems) yet he still wanted a heart. This made me feel that there could be a second seperation
what...? I win? I WIN!!!!!!!!...what do I get....?
Life - emotions = no life But really we need emotions. As youve said, no emotions, no inspiration. Kingdom Hearts would never have been made. Heck, the internet wouldn't exist. We'd almost still be in the stone age.
your welcome
That is sweet. But I say that about everything soooo... Definantly awesome on my scale...what does CnC mean?
No idea... I wonder if you can at least face 2 final xemnas's at the end....probably can if your game doesn't freeze before you get there
Same here with Final Xemnas and Tower (thats what I call him when he flies up) Xemnas. I don't know
Thanks a ton...though you spelled my name wrong and kill is spelt kil . It's good nonetheless...the hell am I saying, its SWEEEEEEET