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  1. Thir13en


    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 8, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Thir13en
    0% chance, in other
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Thir13en
    first off darkriku2008, we know the knights names, we know everything.

    second, I imagine Kanji to come in here and start talking about the various time settings the game can have

    third, we have no freakin evidence that this ending is in the past of future, we only have hints that it is in the past and with that minuscule piece of an actual concrete answer do people believe its in the past

    fourth, welcome to the crew darkriku (pardon my rudeness)

    fifth, Kingdom_fan98, its of course one of those, you said past and future so there really isn't a wrong answer.

    sixth, calif, I don't think that that was the realm of darkness. Weve already seen it (when Riku gives you the pic and ice cream) but it is still possible because it could have morphed due to the creation of heartless
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Thir13en
    ......Im gone for 1 day and this happens.....what 11 pages? Im not reading those....
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Thir13en
    ok, for the past 2 pages all Ive been reading is l;akdjfl;aeiurlknsdf;ldsht;lej;f;lkdhsfo;iehlkarhel;ghs;oihtlekhf dutch website or something l;adfl;kdhjf;lahglhsdlgijaelfhkdls;ghlesihfli;

    What the heck are you talking about.............? God I hate being the new guy to this.....
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Thir13en
    OK for those who have requested codes for Sora to drive without party members,

    Here are some jokers

    R3+(listed d-pad direction) to activate code

    Valor Form (Up)

    Wisdom Form (Left)

    Master Form (Right)

    Final Form (Down)
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Thir13en
    It is not stupid at all that the game could be in the past. Their is the entire story of what the keyblades are and who were the previous weilders. I do believe that the main part of the story will surround the Terra trio but that doesn't mean that it only takes place in one timeframe. We could have another sleeping problem where Terra goes into a coma to wake in front of Sora and battle him and Ven and Aqua are 'dead'. Thus having the story also go into the future.
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Thir13en
    I got a do you make a joker?? And also, can you post the code for all party members to appear in the Sephiroth battle so I can try to kill em, jlhack7? Thanks man
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Thir13en
    I really want to fight him. COME TO THE USA!! bad it wont, Im done with optomism. Its not coming
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Thir13en
    I admit it wasnt all that challenging the first time around but once you get VERY HARD it becomes a LOT more interesting.

    I have it and it is one of my favorite games (but I don't have that many.....)

    I also agree it doesn't seem people liked it because Cloud only had like 4 lines, but I like it a lot. If you have enough to buy it with extra cash on hand, Id do it. Pllus its only like 30 bucks I think now, its worth it
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  11. Thir13en
    lucky, I'm not allowed to buy things over the internet unless my parents approve and sadly they think its a waste of money...
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Thir13en
    Touche. But sadly I don't think we have a code. Plus I don't have Final Mix
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 3, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Thir13en
    He got seriously lucky (yes I said luck, have you tried it!?!?!?) Plus he's in a huge space where its easier to run away from.

    Download this.

    and this.

    and if that download wont work when its done.

    Get the converter (download 2) and open it. It'll say game ID at the middle, enter 0911. In the first download there is a list. Open the list and you'll see 'Universal Character' and Donald and Goofy 4 lines down. Take the 12 numbers and letters at their names and copy them into the converter. Then choose the character you want them to become and itll have 4 numbers or letters next to the name. Enter those letters at the back of the 12 you already have. Go to the output and select ARMAX and then hit convert. Wala!
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Thir13en
    No, only the two Sephiroth codes. Only that and the no-freezing code (which you have yet to tell me, please).

    Just imagine two heartless angel attacks at the same no?
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Thir13en
    But at the same time the sandstorm could be masking it.
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Thir13en
    Not necessarily. Ive faced 2 Sephiroths in Memory's Skyscraper (which is FREAKING HARD on proud mode) and my game didn't freeze. Usually it freezes if theres 1 Sephiroth.

    And the 2 Sephiroths, if you beat them both without cheating I will praise you as the ultimate KH2 player.

    Freaking Simultaneous Posts!
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. Thir13en
    Ive been lazy and havent put the Roxas code in since Sora doesn't have those commands so I gotta do that first
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. Thir13en
    new map means just going into different areas, like Memory's skyscraper ends and that save area after begins. thats a new area

    I hate simultaneous posts, sorry jlhack

    WAIT! Do you have the codes I asked for? Or are they on the universal list?
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. Thir13en
    *cough* uh, does anyone agree that the shadow in the desert looks likes he's/its limping?
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Thir13en
    can I have the Deadly code jlhack7? I can't find it anywhere. And also that non-freezing code. I don't like resetting my PS2 :D
    Post by: Thir13en, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Code Vault