see, this is another idiotic one-day-in-courtroom case and the media and the church want an extra time up at the plate (sorry for the baseball metaphor) the world can just never agree on anything...okay, maybe one this. Paris Hilton in jail:D
I really wish there was something there was something like true love, i really do. But I think what I said before is true. It's just the way I've seen it. My sister being dumped at the beginning of the summer before college because her boyfriend didn't want to think that much of my sister when he dated other girls. That was just low to me and pretty much everyone. Lucky you. No really, you're lucky
yeah, 19 bucks......I can't get it...
ok, sweet! My turn then! thanks man, my props to you!
Call me shallow but there really is now true love anywhere. Lust, money, and power are the cause of this
Is everyone theoried out here...?
Like I said in a comment. You mind sharing trade secrets like overlays...
2 words...HELL NO!
Yes, I have noticed this, it can't be pure coincidence And I always had this idea in the back of my head, I'm not stealing your idea, just that its been thought upon by many people...I think. BLEACH RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's gotta be Terra. He seems to be the character with the strongest background (his eyes and all) but with the similarity Ven has to Roxas, Ven will be a close second
The bible (yes I'm christian by baptism without my consent but...) does not mean up and down, cause the only way people would understand back then would be like social class, up (good/heaven) and down (bad/hell) I can burn in hell for all I care but I don't believe in God, thats my cents. But I believe in the big bang, but I also wonder if the explosion is still occuring today and is ripping new worlds into existence...
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats what I mean!!!!!!!
Amen to that!!!
What I was pointing to was that the light people used it as almost a safety measure for people who are more prone to darkness (like Riku) to not have that power, and Mickey got it as kinda a bonus
Maybe the fact that the people who almost never use darkness but have the dark keyblades (yes I'm talking about Aqua and Mickey but new people may come) is because they will not become obsessed by it and may use it to full potential. Or maybe its to keep the guys who are more prone to darkness away from it
Exactly what I said