Because there's always a little immature teen inside all of us. If you know what I mean. Spoiler I did your mom Spoiler a favor, by making you Spoiler a sandwich. I looked inside your mother's Spoiler fridge, and ate her... Spoiler pudding.
Are they siblings? Their avatars are similar and their sigs are the same. O_O
I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE that these won't be a problem like it was for the [you] hack.: Lets you set your mood: Be Anonymous (Enable only for serious sections, not for Fun and Games): And I want one for "Who posted in this thread", but I couldn't find one. :(
Should be easy to find. Whoever finds it first is awesome sauce.[DOUBLEPOST=1350135240][/DOUBLEPOST]Hint: BOLD
You have 48 hours (Due by 10/14) to complete a Mad Libs form. Whoever makes the craziest Mad Lib (IMHO) wins bragging rights. (I wish I could make a pin...) Ready? GO! Form: Code: Length of time: Adjective: Adjective: Proper Noun: Game: Adjective: Food (plural): Adjective: Type of Person: Verb (plural): Adjective: Object (plural): Place: Person: Song: Building: Have fun!
Length of time: Adjective: Adjective: Proper Noun: Game: Adjective: Food (plural): Adjective: Type of Person: Verb (plural): Adjective: Object (plural): Place: Person: Song: Building:
Who's interested in the Wii U? I know I am! Wii U E3 2011 (The controller now has analog sticks, BTW) Games Coming Out for Wii U:
I like IP Board a lot, so I'm kind of used to just getting a window to pop up when I click the replies to see who posted in a thread. Any similar feature here? PS: Sorry about the two help threads. :P
I want to follow the KHV Chorus forum, but only to be informed when a new thread comes up, not when a post is made there. Anyone know how to do this?
What will you do if you were god/an all-powerful entity?
Do you like it? I think it's a very good movie. I especially liked Legacy. I hope they make a third one! EDIT: DAMNIT I MEANT TRON NOT PRON. D:
So glad I didn't skip through the commercials. Spoiler EDIT: I found a video from the commerical:
UPDATE 3: Should I add Moogle? Post your answer, and if the majority says yes, I'll add him to Round 2! UPDATE 2: This post has been reformatted. The intro has been fixed and I added "The Graveyard", where dead characters go. UPDATE 1: You can actually hurt AND heal in one day PER bracket. Sorry if that wasn't clear. It's the ultimate competition! Square Enix characters from Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, The World Ends with You, and Dragon Quest compete in a Hurt and Heal tourney! If you like a character, heal 1 HP. If you don't like a character, hurt 2 HP. You can hurt AND heal in one day PER bracket. This tourney will consist of 50 characters, 10 in each bracket. The remaining three of each bracket goes on to the next round, with two brackets with 7 or 8 characters each with 15 HP at the start. Finally, the remaining three of each bracket (6 characters in total) will compete in the finals with 20 HP at the start. If you have any questions, please ask. Key 1st place in a bracket Last place in a bracket Going to The Finals (You can't hurt or heal these) Bracket 1 Neku Sakuraba: 17 HP x Yuna: 1 HP Riku: 9 HP Terra (Kingdom Hearts): 8 HP Xehanort: 17 HP x Shiki Misaki: 8 HP Cloud Strife: 17 HP x Vanitus: 10 HP Bracket 2 Squall Leonhart: 16 HP x Axel/Lea: 17 HP x Aqua: 11 HP Joshua: 11 HP Roxas: 10 HP Sephiroth: 14 HP x Spoiler: The Graveyard Bracket 1, Round 1 Namine Onion Knight Slime Vayne Solidor Seymour Ultimecia Bartz Klauser Bracket 2, Round 1 Vaan Zidane Tribal Kairi Galenth Dysley Cecil Harvey Bracket 3, Round 1 Barthandelus Tidus Lightning Terra Branford (Final Fantasy) Ansem, Seeker of Darkness Kuja Xion Bracket 4, Round 1 Garland Golbez Beat Firion Xande Ansem the Wise Laguna Loire Bracket 5, Round 1 Exdeath Aerith Zeromus Emperor Mateus Kefka Sin Bracket 1, Round 2 Bracket 2, Round 2 Rhyme
Please sing while posting. 99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer Take one down, pass it around. 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
I don't get why people like it. And even if I understood that, Spoiler WHY THE F**K WOULD FANS FROM THAT SHOW DRAW HENTAI OF THEM?! Sorry, I had to put that in a spoiler. It's too horrific for the little kids.
We should make a petition to bring it back, LOL.
I swear I'm not using any tags.
I love this hack. Remove the spaces and [ you ] turns into [you]! Try it out!
Since I can't find a general KH section, I'll just put this here. Doesn't matter if you've played them as a future HD remaster *wink wink*, if you played the Final Mix/Re:, or if you played the original.
I know that green = Reporter and pink = Premium users, but what else? Is blue admin?