I signed up for receiving alerts every time someone posts in the Feedback forum, this forum, and the KHV Chorus forum, but I only get alerts from KHVC and this forum. I don't receive any from the Feedback forum. How can I fix this?
Help? Spoiler It's cold. So cold that you can see every breath before you puffing out rhythmically in a thick, white cloud. The sky is dark, and the streets are nearly empty, now cleared of all of the earlier activity from the Trick-or-Treaters. Seeing them all going door-to-door in their festive costumes with their little bags and baskets made you feel nostalgic, but you were much too old for that now. That's right. You are now past the age of childish Halloween activities! Instead, this year you decided not to dress up. You and your friends spent most of your October nights watching scary movies, partying and cramming for tests in your spare time. This night, however, is different. October 31st. The night of the sleepover. You aren't usually too fond of group sleepovers, but this one is special. You and your friends (mostly your friends) decided it would be exciting to spend the night in a haunted house. Now, there is no guarantee that this house is haunted--and no one really believes that it is, but it's creepy enough and it looks the part. The Chateau Manor sits square on the edge of the city, perfectly placed right across the street from the gates of an old graveyard (owned by the previous residents of the home). The house is huge, and was once quite elegant and beautiful--or so they say. Now, though, it looks like a piece of crap. The paint is chipped and worn down. There are holes in the wood. Collapsed stairs that lead up to a...questionable porch. The grass is dead, patches of dust and dirt clearly visible. It's just a mess. But here you are, going along for the ride as always. You gaze at the noisy teens and young adults before you. Misty and Saxima walk just a bit ahead of you, followed by KrowleyandNeku_Sakuraba(with Neku talking Krowley's poor ear off). You're all lead by the ever-cynicalVivi. What a night this will be. You run over to the appointed leader of this little brigade, Vivi, well known for his blunt and to-the-point outlook on many tasks, including this adventure. You can easily scout him out among the others through his stylish leather jacket, but before you can stroll up beside him, he turns around to face you, stopping you in your dusty tracks. The crinkling of the colorfully dead leaves strewn about the ground echo in the distance from the other party members slowly catching up to you two. You are unsure if it is Vivi's presence or the tickling wind that coldly bites at the bare skin of your face and hands. || Vivi || 「What do you want, fresh meat? Can't you see I'm trying to lead us to that house before the moon fully rises? I don't need people like - like you stopping me right now.」 You're used to his snark. In fact, it's a bit charming at times. You rub the back of your head with your palm, feeling your stomach turn a bit with his words. || You || 「Yeah, yeah. But what do you mean? Before the moon rises? Why does the moon matter?」 || Vivi || 「You really don't pay any attention at all do you? The moon plays a key role in this whole bloody thing. It has to do with the legend of the haunted house. You should be able to figure it out from that.」 || You || 「...」 || Vivi || 「...Jesus. Alright. There's an old legend in this town that tries to explain the disappearance of the man who lived here, and the mysterious disappearances of everyone who's ever tried to work on or enter the house since then. Renovators, realtors... Even those just from around the neighborhood have all gone missing after attempting to either fix up the house, mess with it in any way, or even just hang out. ...This is all fake, obviously, but either way. It's said that if you enter the house on October 31st, right before the rise of the moon, you'll be granted visitation with the dead spirits. I don't think anyone's really tried though, it's just a stupid myth. Ever since it started though, the house has just been left here to rot. No one wants to touch it. Pretty stupid right?」 Vivi continues to walk forward. At least you now have a good feeling why the night of the sleepoverwas chosen in the Manor today. And yet, you feel a bit apprehensive. It is strange. You begin to wonder if the others know anything about this odd little legend. You stop your following of Vivi, who simply continues onward by himself, slowly towards the house. Turning around, you see Krowley and Neku slowly approaching your spot. It appears that Neku has not at once stopped informing poor Krowley of his life story. If anyone has information to tell, it would most likely be Neku and his dart-like vocalizations, or Krowley and his infinite wisdom. You stop them for a moment. Neku quickly rushes up to you. You swear you would never be able to picture the solemn-faced Krowley without his black overcoat, or Neku and his eternally presentheadphones. Spoiler: Neku's Conversation http://pastebin.com/fqDeqRPU You quickly rush up behind Krowley to try and avoid Neku's onslaught. To your surprise, he walks up to the chattering Neku and whispers in his ears. Neku then nods his head and runs off in the direction of Vivi. Giving a silent thanks, you turn to face Krowley. In all honesty, you were always intimidated by him a bit. Spoiler: Krowly's Conversation http://pastebin.com/km2TtnVx You walk away from him to try and reach the last two members of your little expedition, MistyandSaxima. From your point, they appear to be engaged in a conversation. As you approach them, you sense some tension between them. Misty's Doctor Who scarf is blown about her by the feisty winds, and her subtly snarky, quickly-thrown comments seem to contrast with Saxima's sweetly liquid, contemplative voice. You can tell that there is tension from the way Saxima continually fiddles with her sangria-coloured bow. Finally seeing you, they both looked visibly relieved. Spoiler: Saxima and Misty's Conversation http://pastebin.com/WbPkuDBN It is late by the time the party reaches the entrance of Chateau Manor. Vivi motions for the party to move close to the large and ornate double-knocker door as it requires the strength of six peopletoopen. The party places their hands together on the door, to open it. A shiver reaches your hands. It must have simply been the cold metal of the door, right? You slowly turn the door knob, tugging at it with great force before the old wooden door finally cracks open. A cloud of dust billows out towards you and you bring your sleeve to your mouth, reflectively shutting your eyes. A few of your friends cough while Vivi mumbles about his jacket getting dirty. You gather your thoughts and take a deep breath of cold air before opening your eyes again and gazing into the blackness before you. That's literally all there is at first. Blackness and dust. You can't see anything at all, and that's when you remember the flashlight in your pocket. Pulling it out, you flip the switch and shine the glow in front of you. You step inside of the house, hearing the rest of the group shuffle in after you. The floors wail with each step, your shoes echoing against the wooden planks. It seems you are in the main hall. There is no real furniture here; just twin staircases leading to an upper level, two marble statues at the entrance of a long hall in front of you, and a few worn out portraits, all of which are shrouded in darkness with the removal of your light. Yikes. Vivi sneers, moving you aside and holding his hand out for the light. || Vivi || 「Let me hold onto that, will you? I am the leader after all.」 || You || 「Hell no, uh-uh. This is my flashlight, mhmm.」 Vivi looks at you with astonishment. He is speechless at your sudden strange intonation, and for a moment he looks for words. After a period of silence among the party over this defiance, he raises his eyes and growls at you. || Vivi || 「Look, fresh meat. I'm the goddamn leader here. I'm the one who calls the shots. You're nothing but a tag-along, and if you're going to show attitude right here-」 Vivi is cut off by Misty, who barks at him. They argue, and Saxima is forced to break up the conflict. She convinces Vivi to let you keep the flashlight. The tension between Vivi and Misty is threatening to become worse at this point. But you do not wish to get involved right now. You look throughout the dusty, decrepit room. It appears you have a few things that the party may do. As everyone shuffles further in, you find yourself drawn to the portraits hanging off of the walls. Carefully avoiding any holes in the floor, you navigate your way closer to the nearest one out of three. It's really nothing special...just a bit creepy. It just seems to be a painting of an older gentleman. He's wearing a long, velvety overcoat and a nice off-white suit as he sits in a chair with his arms folded into his lap. Dust cakes the surface of the portrait, but you can see that the eyes seem to be scratched out. Weiiiiird. You move to the next portrait and you find similar. This time, it's a woman in an elegant red gown. She seem to be sitting in the same place and position, and her eyes are scratched out. Moving on (with the group close behind you), you shine your light onto the last picture. There's nothing in this painting except for the chair you assume the other two were sitting on. This painting looks recent somehow. There's much less dust, and the colors have yet to fade. You feel your stomach twist back into knots and step away. Spoiler: Bad End http://pastebin.com/L2CnFaFt
I've seen a couple of "Upcoming Games" threads that should be in a "General" section. Could you add one and possibly move a few threads over there?
If I made a TV show out of Kingdom Hearts, would anyone watch it? For more info, ask me in this thread or watch this (Skip to 0:44)
Are we even allowed to request music? Anyways, I had an idea to mix up The World Ends with You's Twister and Kingdom Heart's Simple and Clean for an epic song to include in my hacked Super Smash Bros. Sadly, I have NO musical talent. :/ So I want some help. I would prefer if the remix was fast paced. If you have any questions, ask ahead! And thanks! :)
You should add: Must be related to Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Disney, and/or The World Ends with You I think it's appropriate to add TWEWY since KH3D and it's from Square Enix, so...
I've seen a member that hasn't been on for five years and hasn't even posted a single post. I think he just wanted to reserve the name so nobody could get it, LOL. I would normally wait until I had 300 posts to ask this question, but I'm impatient, so yeah. Is there ANY way I can get Neku Sakuraba's name after I get 300 posts? :p Note the lack of _.
The below words are made for the purposes of the topic, not to insult anyone. Anyways, I'm thinking that this censor isn't smart. For example: bastard, bastard, etc. compared to ******* Anyway to fix this?
EDIT: If someone's a ninja, just start with the latest post you see and don't edit your post. Quote the above post and change it to your bidding, then reply to it. The post must have at least five words. My Post: Since this is the first post, I declare a Muffin War!
EDIT: Damnit, was only relevant for 5 minutes.
LOL, these materials makes me fell unloved. :C I need 11 more likes until I get to the third material out of 20-something.
I would love to see this: This could also be used for Material. *You recieved the Hypocrite's Stone! You've been on here for a 100 days... seriously, get off*
Just wanted to know what you guys like about me, LOL.
Call your Best Buy or GameStop and see what all the fuss is about! Some demo stations will have Rayman, while other will have Mario. Either way, I'll post my thoughts later today once I go to my GS and play it. I'm so excited!
MARIK: Oh-oo-wo-oh-wo-oh-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho Let’s take his leather pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Let’s take his leather pants! Ha ha Ha ha ha Mwuha Ha ha ha Da la La la la We want his leather pants! GaGa Rah rah rah Na na Fla fla fla La la Cha cha cha Take off his leather pants! I’m getting ready My legs have been waxed Cause when we get them I am wearing your slacks Right on my tush Tush tush tush Right on my tush (Tush tush tush) (Right on my tush) Hey! We want your trousers Your breeches, your chaps No, you can’t get these pants from shopping at Gap Their service sucks Sucks sucks sucks It really sucks! (Sucks sucks sucks) (It really sucks) YAMI BAKURA: You know that we want them And you know that we need them We want the pants! Your leather pants! MARIK: Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Let’s take his leather pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Give us the effing pants! Blah blah Blah blah blah Da da Pa pa pa Ya ya Mama mia! We want those leather pants! We don’t want vinyl Or chinos, or briefs I am a criminal And he is a thief Cause we’re both hot Hot hot hot We are quite sexy YAMI BAKURA: Marik, that doesn’t rhyme! MARIK: Shut up! I am Lady GaGa! MARIK: I have watched Psycho And I liked Vertigo The Birds was ok Ooo! I loved Rear Window By Alfred Hitchock Cock Cock Cock We love Hitchcock (Cock cock cock) We love Hitchcock HITCHCOCK: Good evening! YAMI BAKURA: You know that we want them And you know that we need them We want the pants! Your leather pants! MARIK: Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants Oh-oh-Whoa-ah-ho Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho We want those leather pants! No-woah-woah-woah-woah-woah-woah Let’s steal his leather pants! Tah tah Mah mah mah Bah bah Wah wah wah Zah zah Vah vah vah Take off his leather pants! Gah gah Rah rah rah Na Na Flah Flah Flah La la Cha cha cha I like these silly noises MARIK: YAMI BAKURA: Wear, wear leather baby, work it Move your tush, it‘s sexy Wear, wear leather baby, work it Move your tush, it's sexy Wear wear leather, baby work it Move your tush, it's sexy Wear wear leather, baby work it MARIK: I’m an evil *****, baby! We want your pants And we want our revenge We want your pants And we’re really just friends Je voudrais son pantalon cuir son pantalon Why am I speaking French? Why am I speaking French?! I don’t want to be French!! We want your leather pants! Take off your friggin’ pants! Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Me and Bakura We will have our revenge Him and me will take your leather pants Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh We want the freaking pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Let’s get his leather pants! Let's take his leather pants Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Take off those friggin pants! Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh Remove his effing pants! Let’s take his leather pants Ha ha Ha ha ha ha Mwuha Ha ha ha Ga ha Ha ha ha We got the leather pants!
OK, OK, I know that you've got something planned for this, but I've got a suggestion. What if we could show these badges in the User Info? But not ALL of them, just the highest one (For example, if I had every material, Orichulum + and Lost Illusion) If we have room, you could also add mini versions of pins. Also, maybe we could have User Rankings, where the people who have the most MP earns a spot on the Rankings/Leaderboards.
Can any mods list them all? If someone does, I'll copy and paste it here. Spoiler: Material for Posting Orihalcum+ Points: 4 You've posted over 4,000 messages! You can...stop now if you want. Orihalcum Points: 4 You've posted over 3,000 messages! Holy Moogle, that's a lot of posts! Lightning Crystal Points: 4 You've posted over 2,000 messages! Supercharged. Frost Crystal Points: 4 You've posted over 1,750 messages! Total ice age. Blazing Crystal Points: 4 You've posted over 1,500 messages! You're a flame. Lightning Gem Points: 3 You've posted over 1,250 messages! Sparks fly. Frost Gem Points: 3 You've posted over 1,000 messages! Major Freeze. Blazing Gem Points: 3 You've posted over 750 messages! You're pretty fiery. Lightning Stone Points: 2 You've posted over 500 messages! What a shocker. Frost Stone Points: 2 You've posted over 250 messages! How cool of you. Blazing Stone Points: 2 You've posted over 100 messages! You're on fire. Lightning Shard Points: 1 You've posted over 50 messages! How electrifying. Frost Shard Points: 1 You've posted over 25 messages! Keep it frosty. Blazing Shard Points: 1 You've posted over ten messages! Keep the blaze going.
How many did you get?