Going to get this game! SO EXCITED! :D Wish I could've gotten the bracelet. Question: Are the puzzles difficult?
When I can't tell if Nate_River is really Misty or not.
It's a thread.
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Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for her I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur ExcaliBUR! ... Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for her I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur ExcaliBUR! ... Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for her I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur ExcaliBUR! ... Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for him I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur From the United King I'm looking for her I'm going to California Excalibur Excalibur ExcaliBUR! ... 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I'm on the Wii U browser, it's the best browser on a game system, even better than Internet Explorer! Fast, too. Touch screen helps as well.
Worldwide Time: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20121205T1700&p1=136&msg=Nintendo Direct 2012.12.5 (NOE) (5 PM GMT, 9 AM PST) European Link: http://www.nintendo.co.uk/Misc-/Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct/Nintendo-Direct-638747.html American Link: http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/;jsessionid=415BD349B79EE807639789CFE8BAD5CF It will focus on upcoming Wii U and 3DS game in 2012 and early 2013. Probably will reveal a Pikmin release date or trailer.
Though no one cares, this is the Spam Zone, so I DO WAT I WANT.
I LOVE THIS CONCERT SO MUCH! >.< http://www.livestream.com/rablazone...3920&utm_source=lslibrary&utm_medium=ui-thumb
When I went into Target, there was BARELY anyone there. I thought I would have to fight a crowd to get a Deluxe Wii U, lol. And now I have the second to last one! Anyone else has this good luck of mine?
You're walking home late one night after being fired from work. Extremely depressed, you walk out of the building and into the dark blue night with no money. You forgot to pay your rent last month and now you owe the government more money than you can count. As you walk with your chin down low, you notice something black laying in a bush from the corner of your eyes. Curious, you lean close to the green plant, puzzled. Inside, you reach out and realize it's a wallet. To you astonishment, you find $10,0000 inside. What do you do? [x] Take the wallet to the police department [x] Take the money to pay your rent and buy a new car
I like this song. Las 4 de la tarde, la guagua que no llega La gente que no para de hablar y que se desespera Gotas de sudor que caen por mis ojeras Te cuento de otro día normal Las 6:45 me subo apretado Revuelto por el mal olor que trae el tipo de al lado La gente que te empuja todo el tiempo Gente sin pena, otros que taladran fuerte en las orejas. Somos una masa de grasa y acero Somos como vacas que se apuran hasta el matadero Somos las hormigas que van al agujero Somos una braza de fuego Y todavía me encuentro con gente que vive Para ponérmela más mala Gente que no habla, solo que te ladra Gente que escupe las palabras Si yo no te hago daño, no es pa' que te despeches Si yo no te hago daño ¿Cuál es tu mala leche? Ay! Pero dime qué te hice para que me toques las narices Relájate y coopera la grasa en el cerebro no se opera Oye no es para tanto, tus gritos ya me vienen estresando Ay! Pero dime, dime, dime ¿Cuál es tu mala leche? 7 de la mañana desayuno despacio Como si estuviera en un palacio El barrio con su bulla La luz que no ha venido Hoy va a ser, sin duda, un día entretenido Paso 15 minutos espiando a mi vecina Yo que me enveneno y la muy zorra no me mira La cuenta de la electricidad me está acabando Pero qué voy a hacer si es que vivir me está matando Ahora que tengo mi cerebro en coma Ahora que el carro de mi vida está sin gomas Ahora que estaba tan tranquilo con mis vicios Ahora que todo sale cuando me encapricho No traigo soluciones, no regalo sorpresas Qué culpa tengo yo de tus dolores de cabeza Si estamos en lo mismo, no te ofendas no te reprendas Dale un chance a tu cerebro pa' que se distienda Venimos de una estirpe única en el mundo Si somos el calor que quema desde lo más profundo Dime por qué no nos tratamos como hermanos Me late el corazón cuando me dicen cubano.
Who's your favorite main character in Kingdom Hearts?
Thankfully, I've got Soul Eater by my side to diminish the boredom.
What is your least favorite Kingdom Hearts game? Oops, I made a mistake. The Kingdom Hearts II option represents both the original and Final Mix versions.
What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game?
Whoever gets the right answer wins a million dollars or a like. No fake words allowed, and don't answer orange. If you fail, I'll make the whole forum watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua FOR ETERNITY.
I want to see how the Spam Zone reacts to specific actions.
Source: http://www.gamenguide.com/articles/4194/20121119/next-call-duty-development-sledgehammer-hiring.htm
1. Go here 2. Put fist in front of the logo after an annoying ad, so you don't see the logo 3. Go to Fullscreen 4. Enjoy