No, the Mana bar in KH1 was fantastic. It was really easy to get it back by simply hitting the enemy with your keyblade and having MP restoring abilities equipped. The KH2 Magic system, however, was a ton of bullshite. Having to use your WHOLE entire MP to cure yourself? I can't tell you how angry that makes me, even now, it makes me want to throw a moogle across the room. It was bad bad bad bad baad, I can't add enough emphasis to how much I despised the KH2 magic system because of that factor. Although, at the end, being able to cast magnet + thunderga, was a nice thing to max out my level and forms in a very low amount of time. However, that doesn't really make up for the cure. I don't like to use items all that much, I depend on magic to cure myself, and I do not want to have to wait around until my magic bar is filled again (well, at the point my current playthrough is at, that's how I have to go by. I can't remember if I get any later abilities that help with that, and that's pretty much why I stopped. Because it was impractical to cure). I still have to get around to find a nice setup for the Thunderga in KH1 (I've done it in DDD, and I'm on proud mode, and it's very easy to defeat enemies this way + Sprites with thunder boost).
Actually, they were probably my favorite heartless out of the game. I loved fighting them ;n; It's been a while but iirc. I set a Blizzagara (or w/e it is. I can't remember off the top of my head. The 3rd tier Blizzard spell) and then I'd hit it with, what, Thunderga, or a fire. Worked like a charm.
Spoiler i'm gr9
my uncle dick won't go outside 'cause he just saw a bear.
i don't like this usertitle help me
Circa Survive is my favorite band, and Blue Sky Noise was awesome. It's my 3rd favorite (I didn't like Violent Waves, or at least I've hardly listened to it) My favorites being The Longest Mile, and Imaginary Enemy. jfc. It's such a wonderful album, and I love it. Ooh strange Terrain is very very good as well~
My dad rented the game for me when I was about 7. And then I just sorta fell in love with it =w=
Personally, I don't know how much better they can make the graphics of video games. (Then again, I'm sure we thought this way about everything, not just video games in the past, so it'll probably, somehow, get better.) I have no interest in the Wii U, the Wii itself was not too much fun for me. But I'm looking forward to the PS4, however it turns out, and I'll probably be buying one at Launch (yay trust fund).
Aww thanks you guys<3 I'm sure I'll like it. I missed the KH fandom very much. ;n; Hmmm. I can be your girlfriend? That seems like such an honour for a bakahead like me.
I like you.
Ok ^^; Sounds good~
Yeah Yeah I know that. Console Wars are stupid, but I'm so easily butthurt by all the good things people have to say about xbox, and I almost never hear anything good about the PS3. Plus a few of my friends want me to get xbox's and I hate it because it's so awkward for me to use. /sigh Hence why I referred to it as a Pet Peeve, rather than something that could be considered something I'd really like to change or fix. It really, in the grand scheme of things, does not matter. I understand that. Yeah, some of the same friends above think KH3 is going to be released on xbox. I'm not quite sure myself, but now that I know xbox isn't too popular in Japan, I can guess that it might be an exclusive.
I like to write/world development, play video games. What's your tumblr? c: (and skype?? idk it's okay if that's being too blunt) I code, and...
I guess. I wouldn't know either. So anyways, what do you do for fun?
Pretty sure the entire series has almost nothing to do with family, and thus, there's no real reason to give them a backstory. They're probably on Destiny Islands, as Kairi went back there. Now, whether they even remembered having him for a son, is really bothering me. (since somebody mentioned Selphie didn't remember anything before the darkness came in, what would sora's parents remember? Would it be like they suddenly woke up and their son was gone? And Kairi didn't really remember Sora either, iirc, at the start of KH2.)
I find that rather curious as to why that is. And why I won't listen to any actual person.
Ikr? LIke, if I hadn't played XIII last year, I'd probably still be horribly depressed and yeah. LOL.
Replace everything with 'Blitzball' Everything is going to be bliztball related.
I'm good at giving advice but I can never follow said advice myself. Well no, it depends on the advice I give myself. It typically has to have...
No, I think that's good. Personally, this is going to sound really stupid, but I hate how a lot of games are getting onto the xbox too. Not because it's bad, but I guess it's because some xbox fans like to use that as evidence why it's better than the PS3, (As in, Xbox has all the good exclusives and stuff) and it royally makes me mad for some reason. (Sony gurl for life holla). I know, that has nothing to do with the game, but it's just a personal pet peeve I guess. And thus, since this is going to be a PS3 exclusive, it makes me happy.