I'm currently reading Huck Finn and it's torture. I can't handle it. I've ended up not even reading it and just reading through the sparknotes for it. That, and the Pearl back in, what, 8th grade. Granted, I hated my teacher back then, but still. The grammar, it bothers me, the plot doesn't engage me at all. I'd rather smack my head again a brick wall.
Banned because I like you~
Banned because it is not unjust. My property has been stolen, and it needs to be addressed.
Banned because I hate Fang and SHE STOLE MY TV AND SHE NEEDS TO BE PUNISHED.
Banned because Fang took my TV. And she's running through gran pulse AND I HAVE NO TV THIS IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE.
banned for being a crystal bug.
banned because my ps3 controller is dead.
banned because you have no sense of humour.
banned because you sent me an invitation to super weenie hut juniors.
Banned because there is somebody else and the Goddess has other matters to attend to, and she cannot bother with you, so she'll just ban you to relieve herself of duty.
Banned because it's very rude to do so, and while I am a kind and tolerate goddess, and will tolerate differing viewpoints, YOUR OPINION IS FREAKIN' WRONG.
Banned for questioning my Goddess Status.
Banned because I said you were in a fish, and you are a fish, and banned for arguing a fact of life.
I am the goddess and I do not need to show you pics. You are banned because I said so, and that is that. Now bring out the dancing Lobsters.
The goddess says you a re a fish, and therefore, you are a fish. Therefore, you are banned for being a fish and arguing with me.
Banned for being a fish.
Banned for being selfish.
Banned because you do not have anymore cheese dip for me.
Well I do. Because Donald and Goofy never listen to me anyways.
banned because you're not me (◡‿◡✿)