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  1. Serenacake
    So, do I have to wait to sign up for this, I'm assuming?
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Serenacake
    The End of the World was simply beautiful. There's this one place in the world where it's this hall, and you can literally see pieces of a world smashed onto the walls. I don't normally get chills, but when I noticed that, I knew this world was legit.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Serenacake
    I feel like I'm so out of the loop. I didn't like any of those worlds. at all. The first two were, uh, yeah I just don't like any of the DDD worlds, and it just didn't work for me.

    I'm still legitly surprised more people don't like 'End of the World'.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Serenacake
    Let me make this clear, I do not want to see Noel in KH. Nope. No thank you.

    But to cameo's I'd like to see:

    Voting for Academia (I'd pick Sulyya Springs or the Sunleth Waterscape, but that's not really inhabited by humans so).
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Serenacake
    nagareboshi - round table featuring nino
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 29, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Serenacake
    Maybe I'll fully reply later. We'll see. It's late =w=. It's also late and I'm sorry if I'm a terrible debater. orz.

    Well, I didn't make a claim per-say, so much as an opinion. I never claimed to be an expert on anything. it's just how I feel about it, and just because I'm not well versed as you in the matter, doesn't mean I shouuln't be allowed to talk.

    And guns aren't my hobby. I've never owned, or handled a gun in my life. In fact, the last time I actually physically saw a gun that wasn't on a cop, I was probably around 9 years old. (because I live in a hole, basically)

    I'm sorry but the point about guns being "fun", I just am going to say, you obviously don't live here. So many kids in my class love to talk about guns, and do gun stuff. Sure, they may be idiots, but they're definitely not stupid enough to go around shooting people with it. The boys I know love to talk about really weird crap, and do weird crap like that. (You should definitely listen in on a few classes of ours. It's hilarious.) Guns, and stuff, are just a way of life here. As I said, almost everybody has guns. How many people get shot or injured here? none. I literally do not know else to reply to you, since you obviously don't' live here, and know what the people around here are like with guns, and that stuff.

    As I said, I've never handled a gun in my life, so i couldn't honestly tell you one gun from another.

    Well, I meant the economy, and the war, and certain people still don't' have rights. I'm saying I feel that our attention would be better going to more pressing matters. The Shooting was sad , and tragic, but what exactly are we supposed to do about it? edit: I didn't see that meth comment until now, but I am done debating with you. I have lost any respect I had for you. Sorry.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  7. Serenacake
    Mr. Jack - System of a Down
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. Serenacake
    Here we go - Super Junior
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Serenacake
    banned dance dance bakalution
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. Serenacake
    Well, keeping away the darkness is a common theme. It would definitely be a CO-CO-CO-COMBO BREAKER. But would be interesting, although I don't quite think I like the idea of that.

    ... I actually came up with a whole thing on light versus darkness, the other day, and I'd say it, but I want to use it in a story, and then you'd all know my plans =w=
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Serenacake
  12. Serenacake
  13. Serenacake
    I was just thinking about this - and explosives. Guns basically fire objects at very high speeds, and explosive blow crap up. That, in itself, is a very very interesting thing for some, if not most people, (well a high majority of boys I know anyways). Now, that I don't think it's bad. if you're in a safe environment, and nobody is going to get harmed, or anything, go ahead, blow crap up, fire them for fun. Thinking about it, I really want to do that now, but that's neither here nor there.

    My point is, guns are a major source of recreation , and because some idiots do bad things, doesn't mean the people who use that sort of stuff for entertainment and clean fun should be getting their fun taken away. I should add now I'm from a rural Minnesota, and boys here, do that sort of stuff. (A lot of people here have guns, and there are collectors, and such, and I hardly hear about guns. There's only been one murder in this town - ever, and that was with a knife. I'm sorta anti-social, so I would not say violent or misuse of things never happen because they probably do (people are stupid. but people are not nearly as stupid as people make people out to be), but they at most, minor.

    In that, I think any gun control should be more aimed at urban and not rural areas. Just going to put that out there. I think we handle our guns and things better than Urban Areas (Since there you always hear of people being shot in the cities, but never around here. I can't give specific statistics or information because I'm not that informed about violence in urban areas).

    But even with the recent shooting, asides from more through background checks, I don't see what else we can do. And even with background checks, it might prevent me, (With Bipolar and Aspergers) from getting a gun, and I certainly, when I'm upset, do not become violent and I most certainly would not go after somebody with a gun because I don't roll like that. So it would have to be much more selective and deep for it to keep it from those who would abuse it, but to let people who would be able to handle it have it.

    Personally, i feel like other things should be tackled before we tackle gun laws. That's just me though.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Discussion
  14. Serenacake
  15. Serenacake
    Wow. End of the World would've been my top pick, along with Traverse Town and Hollow Bastion (Which luckily, was a top pick) I'm sorta surprised not many liked End of the World, but i guess with my all time favorite world being number 1, I can't really complain.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Serenacake
    As much as I'd like to see KHIII and Versus, whining about them not making it isn't going to help. I don't understand why people are getting worked up over versus not coming out. Unlike KH which has a story to finish, its' a new story/plot, separate from anything else. If we don't' get it period, there's really no loss, or no gap that needs to be filled. I'm not attached to it, so why cry about it I tell myself. Getting it would be nice, but I'm not going to be angry without it.

    KHIII, however, is a different manner. I'm pretty sure we need a game that ties the whole series together, and ends it on a good note. This is why I believe crying over KHIII is more justified than crying over Versus.

    Obviously not many, if any at all, think the same way as me, it's just my viewpoint on the situation.

    As for arguing about game companies, I play whatever tickles my fancy. It honestly doesn't matter what game company does what, so long as it's done. I don't think Square's that terrible, after all, it is a company or corporation. They probably are not at the top of the list of nasty corporations that are losing their credibility (Which that's getting into economics, politics, etc, so I digress). I think Square made some wonderful games (FFXIII, XIII-2, XII, KH, FFTA/TA2, etc), and personally I feel that's all that matters. They made a good game? Yeah enjoy that, and don't whine, they already made a game you enjoy.

    ... I realize now I have very strange viewpoints on things. Eh.

    edit: well ****. I didn't realize this was in the spam zone. What a wasted post.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Serenacake
    I am so excited. Seriously. One of the things I've always wanted to play is KH1 FM (I'd like KH2 FM for the extra bosses or w/e but KH1 has a special place in my heart so). And I'm so excited i'm finally going to get to play it~! Does anybody know if they'll be releasing a collectors edition of sorts? (Seeing as I've never bought a KH game within a year of it's release myself. The two that were bought within the year were gifts to me),
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Serenacake
    3 hour movie? Hmm not sure how I feel about this, but I am certainly excited for this. I can't wait for a release date so I can preorder it ;n;
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Serenacake
    Banned because I was using alliterations a few pages back.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  20. Serenacake
    banned because beyonce's beautiful blue bird butt.
    Post by: Serenacake, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground