Thank you for being honest. i hate you alex
So, I had this RP with my friend Jamie back in the day - So all the worlds were sorta KH style, except they were actually worlds/planets, unlike KH, which is known for it's worlds to be a single town or location. Such worlds were variations of Earth (Persona 3/4 Earth, regular earth, Harry Potter Earth, Code Geass Earth were the 4 ones.) And fandom worlds such as Cocoon/Grand Pulse (Final Fantasy XIII), and whatever world Sonic take place on. It's similar to KH as in it's really hard to travel between them because of 'walls'. So one day, all the worlds disappeared and collided into one. With various locations from each fandoms for the world (Oerba, The Monastery from FFT, The Forest Temple from LoZ, Sulyya Springs, The Salikawood, etc). And so, basically, everybody's confused. (Where did this world ocme from? Why are we here?) and on this world, there is no government anymore, and so bad guys are trying to take it over, take advantage of it. Jamie introduced Chaos Crystals as a source of power on this world (similar to nethicite), and everybody was fighting for them. Long story short, he dropped it. I became enthralled with ti, and have been spending a lot of the past year working on my version of it. (there's several different versions with certain characters removed, ships, etc). Now, if I started my slate over*, how many of you would be willing to do something similar? Basically take a blank map, put some characters on there, (good and evil), and map a world from that? (By map, I mean create/develop society, culture, and actually decide what sort of land features this contains). *Being the Dungeon Master, so to speak, there's a few different things I'd like to keep in there, but it can easily be adapted to whatever you guys and everybody else does. It will not interfere with our development. It's been my dream to start a tumblr RP on this but i dunno man. I was told I should start a thread here, wondering if anybody is interested? So yeah, thanks for reading this.
and together we can turn this round, round, around.
Sorta trying out a different sort of character than I normally would. Let's see how this goes. Username: Serenacake Name: Amal Age: 19 Appearance: 6'0" He wears boots, jeans, along with a white t-shirt with a darker green vest over it. His hair is short, and is often messy. It's a darker brown, with a (unnatural , as in he dyed it) blonde streak in it. Personality: He's very egotistical, and likes being the center of attention. He's a bit immature. He'll go all out on things, and complete them to their finish though, (which is a good side of him), so people will like and respect/look up to him. Homeworld: (Cannot be from Kingdom Hearts, Disney or Final Fantasy): Shinran. Basically a desert world, with a big city, right in the middle. What's most important to you?: His ego, I don't quite think he's realized what's truly important yet. What do you want outta life? "To adventure, kick some a$$, and save the ladys." What are you afraid of?: Being unaccepted, and criticized by others, or being hated. Failing or embarassing himself. Keyblade: Kingdom Key. (This is a Mandatory starting keyblade. After different worlds are completed, new keyblades can be purchased through the moogle shop.) Choose: Power of the Warrior Give up: Power of the Guardian KHSOS: Awakening
hay gurl. Welcome~! I've never seen Madoka, but I want to (I'm a lazy butt). You should come talk to me sometime c:
Honestly, I don't know. If it was on the PS4, that would mean they'd skip an entire gaming generation, and I don't know how I feel about that. I guess it personally doens't matter to me as i'll have having both a PS3/PS4 (I'll be nabbibng one as soon as it comes out, granted as long as its out after October 1st this year, which it probably will be). It, more than likely, will have a port to the 360 in the US/Europe tho, as that's what they did to XIII/XIII-2. I highly highly doubt it'll appear on any nintendo console, but I could be wrong.
If we're going fom Final Fantasy, Caius Ballad all the way. He would be so badass. LIghting would be cool but I doubt she'd fight Sora, and I dont' quite see how they could make that work.
Drammatica - I don't have that album anymore (I'll have to get it again once I get my computer back =w=). yes, I agree that's how I'm hoping it'll sound - redone, for use on the PS3. (I'm assuming the DS has less sound capabilities than the PS3.) And, to me, there is no justified excuse for the crap that is the OoT remake. All they basically did was update the graphics, and the menu/item system. Everything else. is pretty much. the same. I'm still disappointed with it.
Ah I'm not against remixing the KH music- I just feel its modern enough to pass by. The first oot was for the n64, the release was for the 3ds. A lot more capable hardware. It could've at least been an option - like in persona 2 innocent sin - to use the old or new soundtrack >w<
Well uh yeah I normally don't grind excessively idk. I never stick with excessive grinding - ever - except now and its going to be the death of me
Its not that bad?? I keep getting bored, and I had to put xiii down all together i was so sick of it and giant turtles - for 9 months omfg. its B. a D
Yeah, speaking of ports/remakes, I honestly. wasn't too thrilled with the ocarina of time remake- I expected a remixed soundtrack, but no. However, I don't think Kh needs any music re-doing. In a 2.5 remix I'd like too see FM content and trophy support. Pretty much the same thing they're doing with 1.5 would be cool with me.
i'm trying to get the plat trophy in ffxiii - specifically the treasure hunter trophy and this is s t u p i d *throws the ps3 out the window*
thanks for spoiling me. i was working on the answer. thanks.
No, I've played p3p several times.
Yeah, I definitely would. Even though, I think KH has taken a turn for the worst, I don't think I'd pass up playing any new game that comes out.
I'm really confused.
This is pretty much what I wanted to h ear, what I couldn't piece together myself. So thank you so much Misty. Ilu bby<3
it says its forbidden