some of my favorites are: If you have a dream, don't wait - ACT. - Axel You make a good other. - Roxas No. It's the road to dawn. - Riku See my signature for another Riku quote. I'll come back to you - I promise! I know you will..! - Sora and Kairi These are only a few
Mhm. "no one would miss me"
My half-brother bought it and couldn't finish it. Perhaps it was too difficult for him. Well he's an adult so doesn't live with the family so he gave it to me and my siblings. We hoped it would be tricky and strategical like tloz, and although it wasn't what we expected, we all loved it, me especially. From then on, I used my own money to buy more games and the manga and got re com for my birthday. Wow. I wonder what it would be like if he had never given us kingdom hearts ..?
I'd like to know how it happened as well. How the upgrade happened.
Kurt Zisa was the toughest for me. It was very difficult and takes a lot of strategy. Phantom is easier, and ice Titan was easier than phantom.
Well from KH2 it's probably roxas's theme. Beautiful, sad, heartfelt. Tells a story on its own.
Welcome to KHV!(: please feel free to make a contribution and browse the info, media, and forums. Have fun and hope to see you around!
Black Clouds by Fallstar
Omg. Yes dude yes!:D chocolate coffee beans are like heaven in your mouth
I don't have a wii at all D:
You Can't Spell 'Crap' Without 'C' by The Devil Wears Prada
Hmm well I don't really see why not
Mhmm(: I'm glad we could come to an understanding
Haha it's all gooodd(: not the end of the world
Welcome to KhV!(: feel free to browse the media and forums and contribute to them as well. Hope to see you around!(:
Thank you all, very much((: It truly means a lot to me. I've decided that it's time to move on. These are my last few years before things get more serious in life, and I'm not gonna waste them tolerating bullcrap and feeling so alone. I hope to make new friends, as suggested above. Thank you again, everyone. (((:
Ventus, Axel. The three of us should just stop posting. They obviously worked hard to get here. I didnt realize they were close to the end of the game. I just returned to KhV yesterday and you guys are apparently pretty new to the thread as well. One of the senior members of the thread deserves to win. IMO.
Epiphany from the Sweeney Todd soundtrack
Ohh..sorry >< well I think they weren't meaning to be harmful...either way, I think they should apologize if they haven't already. Even though the result was not their intention. Then it'll be over.
I have never seen that 0: